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Update: Emergency Donations to Support Hero Wedi Ali’s Family – So far £10,402.96; $7307.00 US; $3250.00 (Canadian), $3170.00 (Australian) €1170.00, 3300.00 Swedish Krona has been donated.

Some donors from the US told us that it was difficult for them to directly pay into the bank account provided.

For the time being you can you assenna paypal facilities. BUT don’t forget to leave a note regarding the purpose of the donation (for Wedi Ali’s Family) and send us copy of the note to this email account:

Donor Name Extra Description  Amount
1 Anonymous 000022 £20.00
2. Frewengel  Africa £65.00
3. Mussie Fessehaye Norway £50.00
4. Group of Eritreans in Stockholm  Sweden $650.00
5. Anonymous  Germany € 100.00
6. Jacob Gebretnsae £100.00
7. Simret Haile Australia £100.00
8. Tesfamariam Weldegiorgis  Norway £50.00
9.  Almaz Frezghi  Australia £70.00
10. “Komidere” USA £50.00
11. Anonymous UK – DA00C21 £20.00
12. Anonymous Germany €50.00
13. Michael Gebremedhin USA £50.00
14. Michael Araya USA £20.00
15. EPLF Ex-Fighters Get-together London, UK £257.50
16. Zaid Amanuel Bein Ottawa, Canada £100.00
17. Negasi Habtemaryam USA £40.00
18. Mussie Habte London, UK £30.00
19. Almaz Welday Frankfurt, Germany £250.00
20. Anonymous UK £16.25
21. Anonymous UK £20.00
22. Tsighe Teweldebrhan Berhane T/M family  €200 (22&23) Justice seekers from Milano , Italy €100.00
23. Berhane Tesfamariam Milano, Italy €100.00
24. Eritrean Justice Seekers in new year get-together  Cologne, Germany €410.00
25.  Habte Ghirenet  Calgary, Canada £100.00
26.  Tomas Asfaha  Norway £100.00
27.  Mohammed Romdan  Saudi Arabia £10.00
28.  Tesfayohannes Berhe  Germany £100.00
29.  Anonymous  USA £30.00
30.  Yohannes Haile – ‘Selam Fithat’ Semerr Room Germany £100.00
31.  Zayed & Rahel  Frankfurt, Germany  £250.00
32.  Mussie Hailu  UK  £30.00
33.  Anonymous  ‘Wedi Ali’  £20.00
34.  Dawit Kiflu  UK  £20.00
35.  Teklehiamanot Haile  Italy  £150.00
36.  Alula  Dubai  £200.00
37.  Las Vegas – Opposition Camp  Las Vegas, USA  $1000.00
38.  Mahmud  Saleh Ahmed  USA  £150.00
39.  Abraham Tecle  Frankfurt, Germany  £50.00
40.  Kidane Mehari Nashih Norway  £50.00
41.  Abraha Teweldemedhin  £40.42
42.  Fikadu Abraha  London, UK  £100.00
43.  Isaias Gebreamlak  London, UK  £40.00
44.  Mihretab Tekle  Coventry, UK  £30.00
45.  Temesghen Kubrom  €50.00
46.  Mikael Yohannes  Germany  €50.00
47.  Tewelde G/hiwet  Germany  €50.00
48.  Berhan Gedem  USA  $200.00
49.  Justice seekers from Leeds(Collectively )  Leeds, UK  £1070.00
50. Eritrean Justice Seekers  in Toronto, Lidet get-together Toronto, Canada  $1170.00
 51.  Aklilu Mehari  £40.57
 52.  Abraham Afewerki  £81.59
 53.  Abrha Z Merhawi Abrha  £50.00
 54. Wedi Mendefera  £59.67
 55.  Tewelde Stephanos San Jose, USA  $150.00
 56. Teklay Brhane  Vancouver, Canada £200.00
 57. Eritrean Justice Seekers in London Ontario, Canada London, Ontario $500.00
 58.  Kindishih Gebrezgi Germany €30.00
 59.  Tsige MengeSha  Germany  €30.00
 60.  Samuel & KIbret  US  £60.00
 61. Tesfay Tekle Germany  £40.69
 62.  TZ UK  £20.00
 63.  Biniam Beyene  UK  £20.00
 64.  Ghebrezgabhier Haile  £40.74
 65.  Dawit Gebrebrhan  £20.00
 66.  Tesfalidet Kifle G  £408.27
 67.  Few Individual Justice Seekers from Örebro Sweden  Kr 3300.00
 68.  May Dege Te.Ha.E  €200.00
 69  Eritreans Justice Seekers from Abu Zabi  Emirates  $300.00
 70.  Habtom Medhanie  £20.00
 71.  Andebrhan Egbu  USA  £20.00
 72.  Yonas F  USA  £100.00
 73. Mahmud Nor  Melbourne, Aus  $100.00
 74.  Haj Said  Melbourne, Aus  $100.00
 75.  Munir Kerar  Melbourne, Aus  $100.00
 76.  Ridwan Kerar (11 yrs Old)  Melbourne, Aus  $70.00
 77.  EYSNS, Brisbane  Australia  $525.00
 78.  Getachew Tesfamariam  Canada  £25.00
 79.  Yonas Goitom  Tucker, GA, US  £100.00
 80.  Bereket Tecle  Greeley, CO, US  £300.00
 81.  Afewowerki Ghebreiyesus TUKWILA, WA  £100.00
 82. Abdusamed Siraj    Alexandria, VA, US  £50.00
83. Tesfa Teklehaimanot  STONE MOUNTAIN, GA £50.00
84. Justice Seekers, Melbourne, Donated by Seminar Participants Fundraising effort is ongoing $1695.00
85. Munir Hassen London £70.00
86. Tesfu Mebrahtu  Dublin, Ireland £10.00
87.  Mengesha Tsige £48.43
88.  Bahta £20.00
89. Tecle Tewelde £302.75
90.  Anonymous  ‘Cash’ £100.00
91.  Justice seekers Eritreans, Coventry  UK £150.00
92.  Justice seekers meeting, Perth,  Australia $430.00
93. Teare Haile Sydney $50.00
94.  Michael Beyene Sydney $50.00
95.  Habtemariam Nesereab Sydney $50.00
96.  Kibrom Yimesgen Sydney $50.00
97. Jaafar Saeedai Canberra $50.00
98. Cincinnati Movement for Democratic and Justice in Cincinnati, Ohio (EMJDC)  USA $725.00
99. Anonymous  Geneva/ Swiss $100.00
100. Mohamed Hussein London, UK £100.00
101. Sara Habte Selassie  Sweden £50.00
102. Yosief gebregziabher  London, UK £50.00
103. SanFransisico Taxi Drivers, justice seekers(Group of 6) USA $600.00
104. Tesfa Haile Edmonton, Canada £100.00
105. Abraham Fisiha London, UK £40.00
106. Justice Seekers London, Wedi Ali Family’s Support Evening London, UK £800.00
107. TEKLAY G/MARIAM  Norway £100.00
108.  Zemichal Ghebrewet Netherlands £50.00
109. Justice Seekers in Greater Manchester Greater Manchester, UK  £660.00
110. Anonymous  Ref: 402114 £20.00
111. Justice Seekers in Belgium Belgium £620.00
112.  Zerehannes So Senay £20.00
113.  Justice seekers in New Port, Wales New Port, Wales (UK) £100.00
114.  Anonymous £80.00
115.  Ottawa Justice Seekers  Canada $2080.00
116. Eritrean Justice Seekers in Houston USA $2222.00
117. Eritrean Justice Seekers in Oregon USA $760.00
118. Justice Seekers in Ireland Ireland £325.00
119.  SHEABAN A MOHAMMED £441.08


Please keep givingሓበሬታ ኣሰና ንኹሉኹም ኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ – ብዛዕባ ህጹጽ ደገፍ ንስድራቤት ስዉእ ወዲ ዓሊ

ከም’ቲ ብዜና ዝሰማዕኩሞ፣ ብዓልቲ ቤቱ ነቲ ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ሕምብርቲ ኣስመራ ፎርቶ መኪቱ በጃ ህዝብን ሃገርን ዝተሰውኤ ጅግና ኮለኔል ስዒድ ዓሊ ሕጃይ (ወዲ ዓሊ) ወ/ሮ በኺታ እድሪስ ዑመር ምስ ክልተ ደቃ፣ ሪሃም ስዒድ ዓሊ ከምኡ ‘ውን ሪም ስዒድ ዓሊ ካብቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኣምሊጠን ኣዲስ ኣበባ ኣትየን ኣለዋ።

ከምቲ ድሮ ዝኣመትናዮ ስድራቤቱ ክሳብ ናብ ውሑስ ቦታ ከይደን ዝጣየሳ ህጹጽ ሓገዝ ከምዘድልየን ርዱእ እዩ። ስለዚ፣ ከምቲ ስዉእ ወዲ ዓሊ ጅግና ዝኾነልና፣ ጀጋኑ ምዃን ‘ኳ እንተኣገመና ፣ ንስድራቤቱ “ኣጆኽን፣ ኣብ ክንዲ ጅግና ኣቦኽን ኣለናክን” ኢልና በብዓቕምና ገንዘባዊ ኣበርክቶ ብምግባር፣ ብግብሪ ሞራላዊ ደገፍ ክንህበን ሓላፍነትናን ግቡእናን እዩ።

ነዚ ህጹጽ ሓገዝ ንምብርካት ኮነ ናብ ውሑስ ቦታ ናይ ምስግጋርን ምጥያሰንን ዕማም ሓላፍነት ወሲዳ እተወሃሃድ ኮሜተ ክትመርሖ ኣገዳሲ ‘ኳ እንተኾነ፣ ከምኡ ዝዓይነታ ኣሳላጢት ኮሚተ ብወግዒ ክሳብ ትቐውም ብሎሚ ጽባሕ ንስድራቤት ወዲ ዓሊ ሓገዝ መታን ከይንፈገን ግን፣ ኣሰና ፋውንዴሽን፣ ኣብ ሕሳብ ባንኩ UNITY ተባሂሉ ዝፍለጥ ንኡስ ሕሳብ (SUB ACCOUNT) ኣዳልዩ ንግዚኡ ወፈያታት ተቐቢሉ ከተሓላልፈለን ተበግሶ ወሲዱ ከምዘሎ የዘኻኽረኩም። እቶም ኣብዚ ናይ ህጹጽ ደገፍ (Emergency Fund) ወፈያ ብምግባር ክትሕግዙ እትደልዩ ግዱሳት ደለይቲ ፍትሒ፣ ነዚ ግዝያዊ ፍሉይ ሕሳብ ‘ዚ ተጠቒምኩም ደገፍኩም ከተበርክቱ ትኽእሉ።

እቲ ዝግበር ደገፍ ኣብ ዘዝበጽሓሉ እዋን ንህዝቢ ብራድዮ ኣሰና ብወግዒ ክግለጽ ምዃኑ፣ እታ ንኹነታት ስድራቤት ስዉእ ወዲ ዓሊ እትከታተል ሽማግለ ኣብ ዝቖመትሉ ግዜ እቲ ድሮ ዝተወፈየ ገንዘብ ኮነ እቲ ወፈያ ናይ ምቕባልን ናይ ምምሕዳርን ዕማም ብቐጥታ ናብታ ሽማግለ ክመሓላለፍ ምዃኑ ከኣ ነዘኻኽረኩም።

እዚ ወለንታዊ ወፈያ ምዃኑ፣ እቶም ወግዓዊት ሽማግለ ምስ ቆመት ከተበርክቱ እትደልዩ ክትጽበዩ ዕድል ከምዘለኩም ደጊምና ነዘኻኽር።

እዚ ንኡስ ሕሳብ ‘ዚ (UNITY Account) ካብቲ ንራድዮ ኣሰና ንምድጋፍ ዝግበር ወፈያ እንጥቀመሉ ሕሳብ ዝተፈልየ እዩ። ስለዚ ወፈያ ክትገብሩ ከለኹም ኣበየናይ ቁጽሪ ሕሳብ ተወፍዩ ከምዘለኹም ኣሃዛትን ዝርዝራትን ደጋጊምኩም ከተረጋግጹ ነዘኻኽረኩም። ንስድራ ወዲ ዓሊ ገንዘብ ኣብ እተወፍዩሉ ግዜ፣ በዚ ኢመይል  ከተፍልጡና ድማ ኣጥቢቕና ንምሕጸን።

ኣሰና ፋንውንዴሽን

29 December 2013

Bank Details

Assenna Foundation Ltd/ Unity Account


Brach Sort Code: 40 -05-31

Account Number: 41573098

Swift: MIDLGB22

IBAN: GB96MIDL40053141573098

Review overview
  • Tumuzgh Ghebreyohannes January 14, 2014

    can we also Donate via credit card if so can you please send us the details ….thanks

  • Tumuzghi Ghebreyohannes January 14, 2014

    Got it not to worry about the credit card payment

    • Million January 14, 2014

      Hi tuumzghi
      Can you please tell how I can do with a credit card. I want to donate to the hero family….!!!

  • tegerime January 14, 2014

    I just wonder why is the muslims they are not donate eough to wedi ali family ( zeteAzazb eyu habo guberu

    • Against DIA January 14, 2014

      Thank you brother
      you are right, it is not a muslim or christian issue, same to u i am feeling shy to see only one or two muslims mentioned among the brothers in the list
      I’m Muslim and living in Arab country we don’t know how to do it
      we can send through western union or American express if some person helps us

  • Senait January 14, 2014

    Such contribution should be every 1 year forto anniversary.

  • Senait January 14, 2014

    every forto anniversary ..

    • EriView January 14, 2014

      Senu, you are crazy!

  • semhar January 14, 2014

    Our hero Wedi Ali died for Freedom, Liberty, Justice and Equality.

    We should all help our hero Wedi Ali’s Family!

    Eritrea needs a man like ወዲ ዓሊto get rid the mad dog and his followers!

    Shame on us to let the mad dog destroy culture, our land and our people!

    Shame on us to let the mad dog to replace our national liberation flag by his own flag!

    Shame on us to let the mad dog to replace our historical provinces by his zobas!

    Shame on us to let the mad dog to jail and murder our people!

    Shame on us to let the mad dog to jail and execute our religious leaders!

    Shame on us to let the mad dog destroy our land and our people!

    Shame on us to let the mad dog destroy our culture, our land and our people!

    We should implement the advise of the founders of our revolution.

    1) Woldeab W/ Mariam: “God blessed this crown (Eritrea) for us,
    Woe to him who dares touch it.”

    2) Ibrahim Sultan. “ Stand united my dear folks.
    Unite and work together for Eritrea.”

    Death to the mad dog, the tyrant dictator and his followers!

    • Sina January 15, 2014

      Antum teQuamerti,

      kan akhilukum ezien eyen aqmukhum? eway Hifret. Hisb emo ablwo. kisab Hiji 50 seb Tray eyom teQuamerti zelewu malet dyu? kula enda eya goriHa. meskinay Wedi-Ali HiamQ mealti weilu nebsu kentu aTfiewa. naysebeytu dma zighedede deqa hiza nab enda agame koblial. kab sidet meftHi terekhibuley.

      • Tes January 15, 2014

        Awan gal Awanat!! why don’t you shut up your big mouth with dead brain!go to hell.

      • EYENSN January 18, 2014


        You are right , that’s the reason why the president is doing whatever he wants. We call our self opposition but when it comes to the action we don’t want do anything not even donate money. You are right about that but atleast we don’t support the dictator like you. I know if this was hgdef contribution it would have been different but I can only say it will take time but it will get there some time in the future. Don’t think it’s just those 60 people who donate are the opposition , there is alot of people who oppose the hgdef but they just want talk and do nothing.they just hope someone else do their job,contribute money if needed, even die if it’s needed then we change come they are ready to dance their ass off. Tegorarihka s tetew . Anyway man please atleast stop supporting the hgdef even if you don’t want contribute to wedi Ali

  • ali January 15, 2014

    Pleas du it clear for all how to du it.I am a muslem,I want say to all muslem brothers where are you ??? weak up and say we are her for eritrea for eritreans muslems and kristians.We most unite and work together.

  • Amanuel January 15, 2014


  • Tigray January 15, 2014

    Wedi afom biriye Esu Esu ambesa hashakru nebriye ,na Asmera weridu zirabiE ketsiriye !

    • EYENSN January 18, 2014


      Anta kondaf agame, lemani, listro, Baal arebia, rofaa, sahsah agame mezarbti eritrawi aykonkan botaka aleli

  • Eriteawit January 15, 2014



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