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The Red Sea Is Slipping into Total Arab Control – Amb. Cohen

December 28, 2015 Hey, all you Abyssinians out there.  While you are wasting time squabbling with each other and not talking to each other, the governments of the Arabian Peninsula are eating your lunch. Have you noticed

Hey, all you Abyssinians out there.  While you are wasting time squabbling with each other and not talking to each other, the governments of the Arabian Peninsula are eating your lunch.

Have you noticed that warships from the United Arab Emirates are operating out of the port of Asab 24/7?  Their interest is in Yemen, not in Eritrea or Ethiopia.  There are reports that Saudi Arabia has taken a 50-year lease on Asab.  If that is true, the next step will be Sharia Law in the Horn of Africa big time.

I think it is time for Abyssinians to take back control of the west bank of the Red Sea before it is too late.

One way to accomplish this is for Eritrea and Ethiopia to finally end the war of 1998-2000 and normalize relations. It can be done as a win-win.

Eritrea and Ethiopia should send delegations to a neutral venue, like Geneva.   With the two delegations present, the following agreements will be signed:

  • Badme will be returned to Eritrean control pursuant to the Algerian arbitration agreement.
  • Immediately after the symbolic return of Badme to Eritrean control in a brief ceremony in the morning, that afternoon, the two delegations will negotiate the following agreements:
  • Each government will guarantee that its territory will not be allowed to be used by elements hostile to the other government as a base for destabilization of the other government.
  • Pre-war economic relations will be restored to the status quo ante, including a dedicated duty-free Ethiopian section of Asab Port under a 50-year lease at an indexed rental.
  • The IMF will be requested to establish a currency exchange daily settlement regime between the Birrh and the Nakfa.
  • There will be free movement of persons between the two countries, including the right to work and establish businesses.
  • There will be embassies established in both countries with an exchange of ambassadors.
  • The border will be totally demilitarized.
  • Merchandise produced in each country will not be subject to trade duties in the movement between the two countries. The two countries will have a common external tariff.
  • Establishment of security control and the exploitation of resources in the Red Sea will be joint.

Upon the signature of a final normalization agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia, the following will take place:

  • The United Nations Security Council will lift sanctions against Eritrea.
  • Eritrea and Ethiopia will jointly negotiate Red Sea security agreements with Arab countries bordering on the water way.
  • Eritrea and Ethiopia will jointly guarantee the security and neutrality of the State of Djibouti.
  • Eritrea and Ethiopia will agree to exchange intelligence about terrorist activity in the Horn of Africa.

The foregoing is a list of ideas that are out on the table. It is imperative that Ethiopia and Eritrea begin to normalize. Otherwise, the countries east of the Red Sea will make major inroads west of the Red Sea to the detriment of both countries as well as to American interests.


Review overview
  • samuel December 30, 2015

    I hate the western mentality and attitude that they can do anything anytime……where was cohen all this time and why now….apparently as his article shows it’s US interest on stake once again……Eritrea has been crying desperately for justice for so long …..he should be simply shown the door and never give him another chance……he is shameless and arrogant……No wonder US reputation is crumbling down all over the world.

  • Berhe Tenesea December 30, 2015

    Thank you for your very important interest and input. People need to wake up take the ownership of the nation away from the greedy dictator.

  • Hagherawi December 30, 2015

    What about demarcation of the border ?
    He doesn’t want mention that, because it’s not what Ethiopia wants.
    What Ethiopia has to do with Red Sea ?

  • k.tewolde December 30, 2015

    It sounds more of a Jewish man threatened by the expanding military might of the GCC equipped by companies like Rythion, Pratt and Whitney, Boeing………He must have overdosed on xanax when he wrote this article.

  • Simon G. December 31, 2015

    How this guy can sleep at night is beyond my comprehension.

    • Genet-orginal December 31, 2015

      He sleep like a baby. but then he wakes up every two hrs with guilt and mental terror.

  • semere 2 December 31, 2015

    Our problem is not Assab, Massawa or the Red Sea in general. It is the ruthless DICTATOR ISAYAS AFEWORKI. Once he is uprooted all our problems will be solved automatically. Eritrea is bleeding for decades (before and after independence) because of HGDEF and Isayas.
    I am surprised why Cohen is talking about the Red Sea and doesn’t mention the root cause of our death, famine, migration, imprisonment and abject poverty. Let us call a spade a spade!!

    • yohannes December 31, 2015

      you are right my brother Semere , but they know that we don’t know .
      Cohen was in London and he knew what will happen to Eritreans and Ethiopians . Eritrea can’t use Asab or Massawa what they are doing is what they should do, praying for the destruction of Ethiopia and to sing a song AYBELNANDO AYBELNDOYE

      • Genet-orginal January 2, 2016

        why anyone want the destruction of Ethiopia? The super power just want the Eritrean ports for free to steal Ethiopian raw resource. What we got us the Eritrean and Ethiopian to this point is greed and jungle leaderships in both countries. Remember, the no war and no peace is destroying the Eritrean people, not Isayas, and now it is coming back to bite you real bad. The tigray dominated Ethiopian gov is pushing the Ethiopian people to go to war with the Eritrean people. That is the real shame.

  • Eritrean December 31, 2015

    This article shows America still doesn’t believe in the sovereignty of Eritrea. Period.

    • realistic man December 31, 2015

      Eritrean ,

      You seem to be the only one that got it..and the agreement about the ports indicates ,Ethiopia will always have the ports open to her…America has never accepted Eritrean ¨independence¨, in reality neither did Isaias..Only meles and Woyane wanted Eritrea out of the way.

  • Said Saleh December 31, 2015

    I thank you Mr.Cohen for your concern about Eritrea and Ethiopia. But you seem very reluctant to address the fundamental issue of justice and human right. We know well that the strategic interest is much more important for the western world than basic human right. The concept of peace is necessary but it should not be compromised superficially. First and foremost rule of law and justice then comes peace.

  • Anti HEGDEF December 31, 2015

    Hi all
    A man like Cohen should know better than the simple analysis he put forward. What is the reason why Eritrea is the number two producer of refugees in relation to its population size? He doesn’t utter a word why Eritrean kidneys are being sold in the black market; our sisters are being raped by gangs of mad sub-humans. We have been and are still crying for our people and our country but you have given us deaf ears.

    Just now Mr. Cohen, our priority is to save our people and our youth, the supposed future leaders of our country. For us, Eritrea without its people is nothing, is not worth to call her a country.

    Who has created all the problems Eritrea and Eritreans are facing? Yes, it is the butcher in Asmara. Who is inviting the Arabs to Assab? Yes, it is the same butcher in Asmara. If you Mr. Cohen want to see solutions to your concerns, please help us at least morally to get reed of the butcher in Asmara. Otherwise, hands off please.

    Can you imagine the USA going through the same thorny journey Eritrea is passing through! Can you Mr. Cohen imagine the USA without its youth??? If you start thinking in this context, you will probably understand our problems!

  • Yohannes December 31, 2015

    Herman Cohen the agent of the empire of chaos is preparing to create a sinister phenomena. He appears to be very concerned and a genuine man.However, the modified version of his thinking can be described as crises management, which appears uncontrolled, but in fact, extremely calculated. The west use the Hegelian formula of “problem, reaction, solution” to exploit or destroy the national resource of the country they targeted.
    We will not give him an iota of opportunity to divide and conquer us.
    I hope when our opposition leaders are invited to the State Department, they must not conduct a meeting privately instead it should be collectively.
    If any Eritrean wants to know the agenda of America in our country; please read the Secret history of American Empire by John Perkins page 192-193.
    Happy new year brother’s and sister’s.

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