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The 2014 Boston Marathon Winner and the Great Irony

The 2014 Boston Marathon Winner and the Great Irony As Boston recovers from last year’s fatal bombing attack, fans of the highly anticipated Boston Marathon of 2014 chanted “USA! USA!” as Meb Kiflezghi finished first and

The 2014 Boston Marathon Winner and the Great Irony

As Boston recovers from last year’s fatal bombing attack, fans of the highly anticipated Boston Marathon of 2014 chanted “USA! USA!” as Meb Kiflezghi finished first and became the first U.S. man to win the Boston Marathon in 31 years. As a symbol of his motivation Meb Kiflezghi ran with the names of the three bombing victims along with the name of a police officer who was killed allegedly by the suspects of last year’s deadly attack. The 118th Boston Marathon had symbolic significance for USA and for the city of Boston bringing a crowd of one million, double the usual number, in a powerful show of defiance to terrorist acts.

For Meb Kiflezghi this victory couldn’t have been any sweeter. After receiving a call from President Barack Obama congratulating and thanking him for his victory, Meb Kiflezghi reflected on his twitter “My life would have been a soldier and I would have been dead in the war. The life that I have is just beyond my dreams”.

As an Eritrean American, I was thrilled and inspired to see someone who shares a similar background with mine representing the US in a big way. Nothing can be more symbolic than Kiflezghi’s victory for those of us who migrated to the US, believing that America is the land of opportunity. These limitless opportunities coupled with freedoms and the rule of law, are often the very reason America is an attractive place for countless immigrants from all over the world. However, sometimes I wonder, if many of us really understand that these opportunities also come with some responsibilities. Most Americans would likely agree that a good American citizen lives by the core ideals and values of this nation. It is with this conviction that I want to compare and contrast Kiflezghi’s momentous achievement in the 2014 Boston Marathon with what has transpired a week later.

On April 28th 2014 Kiflezghi visited the Permanent Mission of Eritrea to the United Nations. During his visit Keflezighi met with the Eritrean Ambassador to the UN and conveyed his good wishes to the President of Eritrea, Isaias Afeworki. The great irony of Kiflezghi’s visit of the Embassy is not only for the fact that Eritrea is a sponsor of terrorist organizations such as Al Shabab, but also Isaias Afeworki is known as the African Hugo Chavez who invests so much time and money on second generation Americans of Eritrean origin to promote anti-democracy and anti-American sentiments. Kiflezghi may not have violated any law by visiting the Embassy. But on a Patriot’s Day, to run with the names of the 2013 victims of terrorism on his race bib and only a week later to show up at an embassy of a country that sponsors terrorism is sheer hypocrisy and immoral. As immigrants, we shouldn’t value our citizenship only by the opportunities we are given, but rather a bond we should have with the shared beliefs and values that made this nation the greatest of all.

Kiflezghi‘s photo op with the Eritrean ambassador was followed by a backlash from many people in the Eritrean diaspora community only because he appeared to be siding with injustice. Understandably, Kiflezghi should be criticized for his actions and there shouldn’t be free pass for anyone. But that doesn’t mean he should be the butt of all jokes or a target of many bitter comments or insults. Especially Eritrean justice seekers should rise above the fray and focus on winning the hearts and minds of those who have not joined the movement yet. With enough positive initiatives and momentum, those who are on side of justice can inspire celebrities like Meb Kiflezghi to join then and advocate on behalf of the Eritrean people. Creating actionable items, solution oriented plans, progressive ideas and positive attitude will attract and appeal to even more Eritreans who can contribute significantly in the fight for democracy and justice.

To bring the current Eritrean situation to the spot light and for this movement to get greater recognition and wider public involvement, the role of public figures should not be undermined. Angelina Jolie is one of the world’s most known humanitarian and inspirational figures who are using their public persona for a good use through their activism and other philanthropic activities. Angelina once said “We cannot close ourselves off to information and ignore the fact that millions of people are out there suffering. I honestly want to help. I don’t believe I feel differently from other people. I think we all want justice and equality, a chance for a life with meaning. All of us would like to believe that if we were in a bad situation someone would help us.”

Just like Angelina and celebrities who have significant contributions in publicizing humanitarian situations and political conditions for those who find themselves in dire need, Meb Kiflezghi could have chosen to do the same and use his public profile to highlight the grave humanitarian conditions of his birth country, which is mostly overlooked by the international community. For a country with a population of less than four million, over 10,000 political prisoners live in incommunicado detentions. Among those detained are government ministers, journalists, religious leaders, teachers and professionals. The widespread and systematic human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, the shoot-to-kill policy, arbitrary arrests, torture, inhumane prison conditions, conscription of minors, a never ending national service, religious persecution, indeed has  become the daily routine in Eritrea. The nation has no constitution and no civil liberties. Because of the precarious living conditions, citizens are leaving the country in droves.  And on their journeys they fall in the hands of human traffickers only to become victims of slave labor, extortion and the sources of organ harvesting.  If these conditions are not good enough for Meb Kiflezghi to be an advocate for justice in Eritrea then he should at least realize that they are good reasons for him to distance himself from a brutal and anti-American dictatorial regime.

Tomas Solomon

Review overview
  • Eritreawit May 12, 2014

    Guys, Meb is not Eritrean.

    • belay nega May 12, 2014


      “Guys, Meb is not Eritrean.”

      ከበሳ እንተቀረብና ትግራይ እንተራሕቅና ጎጃም ኢና ማለትኪድዩ?

      • Eritreawit May 12, 2014

        Belay nega
        No, I mean you people with identity crisis are doing great damage to Eritrean people and the country.

        • belay nega May 13, 2014


          ኢትዮጵያውያን ንዓኺ ይቀርቡኺ

  • Solomon May 12, 2014

    I was searching to see in eastafro and Hadas Ertrea if PFDJ controlled meadia would broadcast Meb success. So fare I have not found any? I could be wrong and I stay corrected. If PFDJ don’t even acknowledge or broadcast this much news of some one of Eritrean origin, Meb why do you even care about them…! This people in power are not Eritreans? They only care for their own existence in power. Please don’t be naïve wake up and smell the coffee! I know you are good person of good characters, take the side of your people. Let us get rid the tyrant and have people’s government. Those who have achieved like you have more responsibilities to the plight of the oppressed people. Wish luck to you and your family, keep up. I am proud of your achievements. Say happy mothers to your mom and Yordanos! To Thomas well don’t for convicting your brother. We all are our brother’s keepers

  • Zemen FitHi May 12, 2014

    Tomas, you are genius and patriot! My favorite line you wrote is “Isaias Afeworki is known as the African Hugo Chavez who invests so much time and money on second generation Americans of Eritrean origin to promote anti-democracy and anti-American sentiments.”

    Thank you brother. The best way to stop YPFDJ in America is by promoting them as second generation Americans of Eritrean origin with anti-democracy and anti-American sentiments. They need to understand their records will be waiting for them when they grow up.

    • selamawit2 May 12, 2014

      Cosign, Zemen FitHi.
      If it comes to forge close (brainwashing) links with the youth the dictator and his workers are very busy!
      Did you e.g. see the video clip with the kids from america in eritrea (recieving the fake-fawa-tour)? they got headsets from which they recieved the translation from tigrigna to english in real-time – a “well prepared” collective brainwash…

      • selamawit2 May 12, 2014

        please read “fake-sawa-tour”

  • edentesfay May 12, 2014

    I couldn’t have said it better. I am proud of Tomas. Meb Kiflezghi is either too blind to see what is going on in Eritrea or he is a traitor to his own ppl. Shame on you Meb Kiflezghi.

  • yohannes May 12, 2014

    It is such a pride to all eritrean to see our home man Meb is at the top of the game. Congradulation Meb. That is his personal achievement and as a result he is a topic around us. Then when we see the reality , he should be stand for the right . He does not have to be sided with the government. NO government in the world is stay forever but if he stand with the truth his fame pride and respect will stay as long as he is alive. So my 2 cents to a brother Meb is find the truth. Don’t be with the murderer . If you stand by your people’s side you will be happy by the end of the year. Becaus i believe with all atrocities and sin i don’t think Isayas will make end of this year. Now the war is few people agains the whole eritrean nation. so Mr kiflezghi the people of eritrea will love you more if you can help in this hard time. our peopl is screaming for help . Pleas be the man who can advocate what is going on in eritea. Peace

    • Eritreawit May 13, 2014

      He said it himself, in interview ethiopian radio, that his father is ethiopian tigraway and mother unknown identity possibly the same, like most people who born or raised in asmera, keren, mendefera and so on, but ethiopian origin. Do you guys see the problem now, his parents may be told him that they are not eritreans. That is why most people supporting the dictatorial regime are with id crisis. By supporting a killer they think they are more eritreans or loyal, even feel sorry for the regime. What a mess. Qanza Eritreawian Zeysmo Eritreawi Aykonen. This sentence said it all.

  • Tsibah May 12, 2014

    Tomas, this is a respectful and thoughtful article and one many could learn about when it comes to civility within the Deleyti FitHi camp.

    You have made an undeniably excellent point in revealing the irony, to put it mildly, between Meb’s thoughtful tribute to the victims of the terrorist act in Boston and his cuddling with GoE; a once devout sponsor of Al-Shabab. That is certainly something I hope he carefully contemplates about in the future. I would add, though, that his Twitter message itself is unqeuivocally strong in, never mind irony, highlighting the obvious hypocrisy. As you have quoted above, he wrote, “My life would have been a soldier and I would have been dead in the war. The life that I have is just beyond my dreams”. While the Al-Shabab connection may have eluded his radar or he, like a handful others, may not believe that such connection exists, it is clearly indisputable that we have a regime that forces many, who are half his age, into indefinite conscription. Assuming that he were to survive the border war with Ethiopia; where would Meb be now? In one of the hundreds of trenches? En route to Israel via Sinai? Libya? Lampedusa? We don’t have to disrespect a talented athlete and clearly a decent human being, but we also must call things for what they truly are.

  • Fresewra May 13, 2014

    Thanks a lot Thomas. You said it all. I think the next step should be to ask him (Meb) to officially denounce his association with the regime in Asmara or face the consequences. The consequences being to inform and explain his action to his sponsors and ask them to drop him from their pay check. At the same time in order to put pressure on the sponsors we will need to take our plea to the media outlets. Keep up the good job.

  • nati May 13, 2014

    as we all know, meb’s debacle has already created a heated debate on Assena when a comment one Eritrean wrote (right after the incident) was posted alongside a photo which showed the runner posing beside girma asmerom and some other nameless guys. now i read tomas selemun’s ‘article’ and i tell myself he must have a point to make. for he couldn’t have been scribbling for nothing. well, off course he made a point. only that point was already made earlier on by that Eritrean who was genuinely shocked by the runner’s stand. so tomas is not making another point neither is he trying to contradict the one already made. therefore, what is tomas doing?
    tomas is showing as a smarter way of calling a spade a spade. but why would i need a smarter way to call a spade a spade when i know i am talking about something that has to do with dictatorship? it may be smart to be polite when communicating but when it comes to our issues the most important things are:
    1. sincerity (no hidden agendas) you can fool a few by being charming. ultimately though people will see the real you, what you stand and advocate for. that is what matters most when you intend to bring a people to your side. we hate iseyas because he is a master manipulator not because he is straightforward.
    2. you need to be consistent in everything you do. it is always good to consider that there may be wise people around watching your every move, hearing your every word. therefore, when they find you sugarcoating poison your credibility will go down the drain. and that will be your fall from grace. you also will have to be clear on where you stand in relation to other groups: are they your allies or your enemies? do you want to have them as allies or as enemies? if you intend to have them as your allies that relationship needs to be based on mutual respect and goodwill not backstabbing. if they are your enemies they wouldn’t matter anyways.

  • Semai May 13, 2014

    nati, Is Tomas a leader of an organization? What are you accusing him about and why? All we know is Tomas is a smart cookie who can articulate his points very well. You sound like you want to criticize him for being a smart person and for being very polite.

  • Semira May 14, 2014

    To liberate our land and our people we must…
    First come together. Unity equals power. Power belongs to people.
    Second, identify our #1 enemies and our friends.
    Third, establish plan(s) to dismantle it
    Fourth, put the plan(s) into action
    First, Unity:
    Call to Unity (Haddenett).
    Division, individualism, and selfishness bring what we are experiencing in the lives of Eritreans today. Essayas is lucky; his enemies are divided. He will remain in power until Eritreans come together. We must remember our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters who gave their lives in extraordinary bravery for the freedom and prosperity of future generations. The time has come, we must come together, we must unite, and we must organize our people and dismantle the dictator and his blind followers. We did it in the past and we must do it again. This time our priorities should be implementing freedom, justice, liberty and equality.
    Second, We must identify our #1 enemies and our friends.
    The dictator and his blind followers are our #1 enemies.
    We should throw their flag and raise our liberation flag, the flag of our fathers, the flag of our martyrs, the flag of ELF and EPLF the flag that unified our people and liberated our land, our freedom flag, the flag of justice, liberty, equality and freedom.
    Third, establish plan(s) to dismantle it:
    Reclaim our power by bringing people together and implement democracy, justice and freedom. We should break our silence, both inside the country and abroad; talk, plan and execute solutions to dismantle the regime.
    Fourth, put the plan(s) into action:
    To save our people and the country from those hooligans in power, first we should set aside our differences. Take down the hooligans one at a time.

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