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 Milkias Mihretab Yohannes

One of my worst days back in those terrible days in Asmara was Tuesday. Since my news paper was,  published every Wednesday, I have to go to the ministry of Information for approvals and pass the censorship test before going to the press, that is Tuesday(qursus Solus, “cursed Tuesday” as they said it in Tigrinya). Tuesday was the day me and my colleagues feel anxious, apprehensive even nervous as we don’t possibly know what the outcome and decisions  of the censor department might be.

 Milkias Mihretab Yohannes

One of my worst days back in those terrible days in Asmara was Tuesday. Since my news paper was,  published every Wednesday, I have to go to the ministry of Information for approvals and pass the censorship test before going to the press, that is Tuesday(qursus Solus, “cursed Tuesday” as they said it in Tigrinya). Tuesday was the day me and my colleagues feel anxious, apprehensive even nervous as we don’t possibly know what the outcome and decisions  of the censor department might be.