Saudi Arabia drafts in up to 10,000 troops ahead of protests March 6, 2011 10:01 amእዋናዊ ዜናassenna00 SHARE Saudi Arabia is drafting in up to 10,000 security forces to the north eastern Muslim Shia provinces ahead of mass protests planned next week. Continue reading POST TAGS: 000arabiadraftsprotestssauditroops
Saudi Arabia: The Safest Heaven for Dictators! – By Tesfaldet Belay January 20, 2011 10:31 pmPoliticsassenna00 SHARE The absolute Monarchial State of Saudi Arabia, in which democratic constitution and political power is traded down for Shari ‘a (Islamic Law) under King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, is now an official safe heaven for criminals. Continue reading POST TAGS: arabiadictatorsheavensafestsaudi