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Sweden has ordered a diplomat from Eritrea’s embassy to leave the country within the next 48 hours.

“I can confirm that a foreign diplomat has been ordered to leave the country but I can’t go into the reasons,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Charlotta Ozaki Macías told the TT news agency. The ministry has a

The ministry has a policy of not revealing the nationality of diplomats ejected from Sweden.

A number of TT’s sources however were able to independently confirm that Sweden had given the first secretary at the Eritrean embassy just two days to leave.

A spokeswoman for the embassy declined to comment when reached by The Local.

One source, who asked not to be named, told TT: “It’s been in the works for a long time that an Eritrean diplomat was to be ejected.”

Sweden’s reasons for taking the unusual step are unclear.

Diplomats cannot be prosecuted if they commit a crime but they can be declared persona not grata and told to leave the country.

Many Swedish-Eritreans accuse the embassy of demanding they pay a two-percent exile tax. Failure to pay can result in the embassy refusing to give them ID documents or even harming their families in Eritrea, they say.

The embassy has also faced repeated accusations that it spies on Swedish-Eritreans who are critical of the country’s dictatorial regime.
In Sweden, the best-known such critic is Dawit Isaak, a Swedish-Eritrean journalist who has spent 13 years in an Eritrean jail without trial.

Source: The Local

Review overview
  • Robel September 5, 2014

    peter Enberdo seb eka.. Abey tinebr… buzuh mitshaf zeyedliyeka kab afnchaka ninyew zeyk

  • Robel September 5, 2014


  • m September 5, 2014

    i hope all hgdef out from Europe and America and go back to hell, becuase hgdef is mafia

  • Wedi_Hagher September 5, 2014

    Many of those working in Eritrean Embassies beside their daily work secretly report to different security agencies back home. Some of them are instructed to look for potential collaborators in the communities around them. The collaborators job is to regularly report to their handlers on who is who, track dissident views and play a key role in profiling.
    Where it’s possible (Sudan) the collaborators take part in special operations such as target tracing and tracking.
    Higdef is a highly sophisticated crime syndicate.

  • Semhar September 5, 2014

    Thanks to the Swedish government for standing for justice. It’s about time to expel the representative of the Mafia group in Eritrea.
    I hope they will do the same to those who support the Mafia group PFDJ
    PFDJ members should not be allowed to Stay in Sweden. If they support the Mafia, they should be deported.
    Thanks to the Swedish government for standing for justice. Eritrea will soon be free. Davit Issac will version free s

  • Semhar September 5, 2014

    Thanks to the Swedish government for standing for justice. It’s about time to expel the representative of the Mafia group in Eritrea.
    I hope they will do the same to those who support the Mafia group PFDJ
    PFDJ members should not be allowed to Stay in Sweden. If they support the Mafia, they should be deported.
    Thanks to the Swedish government for standing for justice. Eritrea will soon be free. Davit Issac will be free soon.

  • Wedi-Erey September 5, 2014

    Good News!!
    I hope all states follow the example of Sweden and dismiss all reprentatives of the PFDJ. Dictator Isayas and PFDJ have no place in the democratic world, nor do they have a place in Eritrea.
    The job of these “ambassadors” of the PFDJ is not to offer normal consular services or to protect Eritrean’s rights when they need their help. Their only job is to collect the unjust 2% tax and to spy on and threaten Eritreans.

    ዉልቀ መላኺ ህግደፍ ኣብ ሃገርና ኤርትራ ዘውርደልና ግፍዒ ከይ ኣኽሎስ፡ ኣብ ዓዲ ደሞክራሲ እግሪ እግርና ክስዕብ ክፍቀደሉ ኣይግባእን።

  • aus 17 September 5, 2014

    good news though it’s over due. the next step is for the remaining zombies.

  • aus 17 September 5, 2014

    who is this first secretary expeled from sweden? Give us his name to know him by his name. why up to now not exposed? this traitor of his people should be known by all.

  • Kombishtato September 5, 2014

    Job well done Sweden. Keep on sending them back to the hell called Eritrea. Issaias will one day eat them for lunch for the job they messed up.
    Recently, the former Defence Minister Sibhat Ephrem was purged into a little office in the name of “Ministry of Mining”.

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