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South not interested in war with Sudan, Kiir tells Eritrean FM

June 23, 2013 (JUBA) - President Salva Kiir repeated on Saturday his insistence that South Sudan is not interested in returning to war with neigbouring Sudan, asserting that the two countries need peace. The president made

June 23, 2013 (JUBA) – President Salva Kiir repeated on Saturday his insistence that South Sudan is not interested in returning to war with neigbouring Sudan, asserting that the two countries need peace.

The president made the remark during a meeting with the Eritrean foreign affairs minister, Osman Saleh Mohammed, who is currently visiting Juba.

Mohammed told Kiir that Asmara is willing to assist the two Sudans in resolving the many issues that remain outstanding from the south’s independence in 2011, including oil and border disputes.

Eritrea provided support to the former southern rebels that now govern the young nation, at points during the two decades civil war.

However, relations between Asmara and Khartoum have improved in recent years especially after a recent report from research group, Smalls Arms Survey, indicated that Eritrean weapons may have found their way to rebel groups in South Sudan.

The meeting, which was also attended by South Sudan’s foreign minister Nhial Deng Nhial, enabled “very good discussions and briefings on current political situation with the republic of Sudan”, Osman said.

President Kiir, according to the diplomat, was very open and expressed willingness to resolve the differences with Sudan.

“He [Kiir] told me that he is not interested in war with Sudan which is a very important message”, he said.

Mohammed said he had to deliver a message of peace and readiness to assist the two countries to resolve their differences amicably from the Eritrean president, Isaias Afewerki.

“I have also delivered the message of our readiness to assist in resolving the differences because we want our brothers and sisters in Sudan and South Sudan to live in peace”, Osman told reporters on Saturday shortly after meeting president Kiir.

South Sudan’s foreign minister, Nhial Deng Nhial, said Juba remained committed to the full implementation of all previous agreements the ruling SPLM had signed with Sudan.

“The president clearly stated the position of the government of the Republic of South Sudan to fully implement the Cooperation Agreement on oil, trade, citizenship, border security and other issues signed in September last year”, he emphasised.

Oil exports resumed in March, but Khartoum has threatened to halt the export of crude from landlocked South Sudan through its territory, accusing Juba of backing a Sudanese rebel coalition that is trying to end the almost 24-year rule of the National Congress Party.

Nhial said that president Kiir restated his government does not provide support to the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), which includes the SPLM-North in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, who fought with the south against the NCP previous civil war.

“The Republic of South Sudan does not support rebels fighting Khartoum. It is in our interest not to destabilise the government of Sudan. Our interest is to live in peace”, said Nhial.

South Sudan’s cabinet of minister has passed a resolution to send a high-level delegation to Khartoum, headed by vice president Riek Machar.

The SPLM leadership has also expressed the south’s commitment to fulfill the implementation matrix of the Cooperation Agreement agreed with Sudan, which requires the leadership of the two countries to meet directly in the case of any difficulties.


On Wednesday June 19, has reported that the Head of Political Affairs of the PFDJ Yemane Gebreab ( Monkey) and  Osman Saleh, Foreign Minister of the PFDJ, were due to travel to Juba to meet President Salva Kiir. The mission was not made public by the the PFDJ media.

Review overview
  • Tamrat Tamrat June 24, 2013

    Peace is the worst recesion for isayas buisness. When is you hear more of isayas? Only when there is war. Imagine isayas making Peace between sudanese Peoples. Only ethiopians know better when it comes to isayas.

    • Eritrea Super Power June 24, 2013

      ኢትዮጵያ ነፊሕዋ ናይ ኣሜሪካ ፋፋ
      ኣላሙዲ እኽሊ እናዘርኤ ዝድግፋ
      ኤርትራና ግን ብርስን ዓደስ ምስ ተስፋ
      ኣይትልምንን ኩርዓት ሓበን እዩ መሻርፋ

      • Dawit June 25, 2013

        ‘Eritrea Super Power’

        Are you making fun of Eritrea! Don’t give such a silly comment, please.

  • Eritrea Super Power June 24, 2013

    tamrat tamrat ,

    you misspelled eritrea as Isaias ,It is not in the interest of egypt nor Eritrea for the peace between the sudanese (north & south).We have to think like first world.if there is between the 2 eritrea is finished as a viable entity.Ethiopia gains from such a peace,well the other side of that is eritrea looses.Eritrean & Egyptian interest is served by ethiopia being fairly distabilized and it`s economy diverted to war ,that is how eritrea won it`s independence ,now under stability ethiopia is Walmart ,selling it`s goods & eritrean border there are soviet & ukranian pilots & american & belgian commandos waiting to reinvade Eritrea.
    If we want to think like priests then we belong in a church ,forced to be tigrawot & going Mariam Tsion in Axum.This is the time to use Egypt for our benefit ,this is the time to deal with the dam unless we are dumb.
    Nations do unspeakable things for the interest of their people ,even Israelites spy on Americans qand Saudis on qataris.
    We need to grow up ,use cruelty not as an emotional weapon ,but as a solution.think like an adult or live under weyane .peace ,business ,but forced tigraway identity ,ask the welqites ,they are more richer now ,more peace and law ,more factories and health care ,but stolen their wolqait tribal identity to become tigrawot .stand up welqait ,egypt ,oromya ,and eritrea.

    • Tamrat Tamrat June 25, 2013

      Who ever you are take Your what ever ‘medicen’ you are used too.

  • Eritrea Super Power June 24, 2013

    well a good example is the USA president is going to Africa to preach on good governance, I wonder what that good governance would be ,Drone massacring USA cvitzens in other countries without the rule of law. Using the IRS or 2% as a bullying weapon ,Eritrea is ahead of him and uses 2% tax to blackmail eritreans in the diaspiora, I am not here to defend pfdj ,epdp ,kidan or letehaymanot.i am not stupid to deny and excuse the eritrean goverment or egypt or the west for what is happenning in SINAI. i am here to point eritrea as a nation is less cruel than weyane and cia america.
    is it good eritrea removingt by force kunamas and maybe afar or tigre from their land to develop the land without compensation ,is it fair that the ethiopian goverment massacres minority farmers in remote area to make room for alamoudi or japan investors ,is it fair usa by force occupies mexican land upto denver after killing poor mexican native farmers ? is it fair that the russian nation is run mafia style were people who threaten the ruling party with their wealth and influence being jailed ? by the way the same thing is applied by Eritrea nation.
    Not fair ,goverments do cruel things ,goverments are supresors by nature.
    Is it fair in America & the west homosexuals & femminist Lesbians control the school agenda teaching our kids distorted anti family values ,OR IS YOUR JUDGEMENT CLOUDED BY WELFARE & FOOD STAMPS ,THAT YOU ARE COLLABORATORS OF THE GAY promoting AGENDA ?Having rights and distorting families to destroy their structure is 2 different things ,gays or lesbians should not be discriminated in any country including eritrea seems the logically accepted norm, but to make family like outdated & ugly is devils agenda.
    Is obama going to africa to teach how to fabricate syria as having wmd ,well africans are ahead of you ,the trick that weyane killed our generals or invaded us in a tangible sense was bullcrap.We know ,USA;ETHIOPIA ,RUSSIA CHINA..invent things to ¨calm down ¨people for their agenda,,,America sends troops for bullshit WMD and eritrea for another trickery and ethiopia uses the nile or isayas card to ¨motivate¨ it`s people.
    have a good foodstamps meal ,in eritrea we are working to avoid hunger, for ethiopians it is their hobby to lunch canadian wheat and american FAFA for dinner.

    • Awet June 24, 2013

      Anta hawuna kindey hatefitef tibili’eka? nay ethiopia wala nay CIA ayegedisena. Eritirawiyan shigirina kinfetih hagizena

  • Sahle Yosieph June 24, 2013

    Eritrean needs help badly. The dictator and his rats diehard criminals now are jokers. They think can fool the world, but the world is watching. Eritrea super. Get off. I know you are the mouthpiece of the dictator. I told you before stop abusing the Eritrean people. Or if you that stupid to see what you are saying take time and examine you.

    • Eritrea Super Power June 24, 2013

      sahle ,
      I am not sure if you are quoting me right…let me quote me
      -(,the trick that weyane killed our generals or invaded us in a tangible sense was bullcrap.)
      – (,Eritrea is ahead of him and uses 2% tax to blackmail eritreans in the diaspiora, I am not here to defend pfdj ,epdp ,kidan or letehaymanot.i am not stupid to deny and excuse the eritrean goverment or egypt or the west for what is happenning in SINAI.)

      has any pfdj accused eritrean goverment like I do,lying to our people that weyane killed 4 generals/colonels ,& eritrea having hand in sinai, and I am PFDJ supporter ?
      Sahle is your computer monitor ok.I am trying to show people not to throw the baby with the dirty water, we can not even communicate right, if you are going to accuse me be right ,.what kind of pfdj i am exposing our goverment ?

  • Zeray June 24, 2013

    Can a bankrupt nation give money to another? The answer is No. Why? Because you can’t give what you don’t have. Can Eritrea bring peace to any other country in the neighbors? No. Why? because Eritrea needs to get peace within itself. Issayas government can’t give what Eritrea does not have. The Eritrean politicians can play politics and propaganda but that is just stinky hot air. For me the solution is eliminating the PFDJ system. Don’t try to change it just get rid of the system.

  • Hailu June 24, 2013

    ” A scrap bone from a hyena”

    This is an Eritrean proverb, which can explain the behaviour of the PFDJ-Isayas’s behaviour for their peace initiative to the two Sudan.
    One can never expect any left overs if a hyena passes over some dead animals except finger tips of the dead animal. This represents the exact behaviour of the PFDJ or the regime in Eritrean in regards to their planned peace. They have destabilizes the whole East Africa and yet they want to ignite war between the two Sudan’s. Their simple trick is to exploit a humble heart of the South Sudan leaders and trick them into a trap on North Sudan’s agenda.
    Hope the South Sudan leaders are aware of the Asmara regime.

    let alone to allow them as a peace delegates i would prefer if South Sudan will never invite them to their home land those PFDJ leader otherwise they will start a new rebels inside that new country.

    No one should trust the Isayas regime

  • Sahle Yosieph June 25, 2013

    Eritrea Super
    If you are on the side of the people, your comparison is not helpful. Really what are you comparing? Comparing with USA, China, Ethiopia. Eritrean problem is not the countries you mention is HEGDF. So make up your mind if you are with the people or with the dictator. Okay weyane killed generals so what is the point? Eritrea uses 2% are ahead of him so? Your indication is diversion, and only service the dictator. I encourage you to express yourself in positive and helpful way.

  • hagos June 25, 2013

    PIA will soon overtake sudan and south sudan negotiation agenda from Ethiopia and AU Memeki team.Eritrea established strong relation ground with the two countries interms of peace and development.Eritrea is proved to be non failed state internationally by global institutions but Ethiopia catagorized into failed states class.This shows that Eritrea is on the right growth track and will soon meet middle income countries level,thanks to visionary Eritrean leaders.

  • hit pfdj June 25, 2013

    eritrea super power – please dont write some thing you your self dont bleave in. if you think you can manupulate people, those times are over.

  • abel June 25, 2013

    There is a perfect proverb in Amharic in such a sinario;” Ye raswa eyarerebat ye sew Tamaslalech” to those ignorant of amharic,it more or less means pretending to solve others problem while your hand is full at home. Eritrean govt/HGDEF/ peacemaker…common..

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