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PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: Forto 2013 Support and Solidarity Committee in Toronto and Environs

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Review overview
  • easays aforke September 3, 2014

    you should invited the people in mekela or tgray not in toronto

    • Tamrat Tamrat September 3, 2014

      well said

    • Semhar September 3, 2014

      The tyrant Isayas is from Tebien Tigray. His father is from Tembien Tigray, Ethiopia. His mother is from Adwa, Tigray, Ethiopia.

  • saving young eritreans September 3, 2014

    wedi Ali nai bihaqi jignana.

  • saving young eritreans September 3, 2014

    let us make it success

  • arone September 3, 2014

    beteami tsebuk serha asena

  • Semhar September 3, 2014

    Time is now for the Eritrean people to ask the tyrant dictator Isayas Afeworki
    “WHERE IS my Mother?”
    “WHERE IS my Father?”
    “WHERE IS my village, ADI?”
    “WHERE IS my county, WOREDA?”
    “WHERE IS my province AWRAGIA?”
    “WHERE IS my country, ERITREA?”
    “WHERE IS our Liberation flag, our martyrs’ flag, our fathers’ flag?”
    “WHERE IS my freedom?”
    “WHERE IS my liberty?”
    “WHERE IS my equality?”
    “WHERE IS my justice?”
    Let us continue to push our cause for justice.

    ብዕራይ ናብ ዘበለ የብል ዕርፊ ኣጽንዕ ኢዩ’ሞ: ኣጆኹም ደቀይን ደቂ-ደቀይን ጀጋኑ መንእሰያትና።
ኩላትና ብሓበራ ኢደይ-ኢድካ ኢልና ነዚ መንነትና ዘዋረደን ንኤርትራ ዘብርስ ዘሎን ኣረሜን፣ ናብቲ ቀዳሞት ኣያታቱ በዓል ሳዳምን ቃዛፊን ዝኣተዉዋ ናይ ዘለኣለም መዓልብኡ ጋህሲ ንደርብዮ። ኣብ ታሪኽ ከም ዝረኣናዮን ዝሰማዕናዮን ውልቀ-ምልካውያን መራሕቲ ብዘይካ ብክፉእ ብጽቡቕ ኣማውታ እግዚኣብሄር ክሞቱ ኣይተራእዩን። ሞት ገበነኛ ኢሰያስ እውን ከም ኣማውታ ኣያታቱ ነዊሕ ዝጸንሕ ኣይኮነን። እዚ ዓመት’ዚ ጸላኢና ዓንዩ ህዝብና ነናብ ገዝኡ ዝኣትወሉ ዓመት ከም ዝኸውን ሙሉእ ዘይጉዱል እምነት ኣሎኒ።
    ዘለኣለማዊ ዝኽሪ ንስዉኣትና
    ዕድመን ጥዕናን ንደቂ ኤርትራ

  • Semhar September 3, 2014

    Please bring only one flag, our liberation flag (Semayawit banderana), the flag of our martyrs, and the flag of our forefathers, the flag that united our people, our provinces, the flag that took us all the way to victory.

    It’s sad to see you waving Isayas’s flag instead of waving only our liberation flag (Semayawit banderana), the flag of our martyrs, the flag of our forefathers,
    Flags often tell a story about the past, present, and future hopes of a population.
    For many years’ countries fought to establish nation states and the flag became a source of national pride.
    Isayas’ flag tells about the tyrant Isayas how he came to power, how he dictates the nation and how cruel he is.
    If the tyrant Isayas’ flag is the source of your national pride then follow Isayas and his blind followers, the PFDJ.
    If you respect our martyrs and our heroic revolutionaries then raise our original flag the flag of our fathers, the flag of our martyrs, the flag of our heroes.
    The number one thing we should all do is raising our original flag; the flag of our fathers, the flag of our martyrs. The liberation flag represent our people, our culture, our land and our identity. Our original flag is the only one that tells our past, present and future hopes of our people.

    What did we do when Ethiopia took down our national flag?
    Our people started revolution by raising our national liberation flag. They raised our liberation flag during our revolution till our final victory 1991,and again after victory in 1991 to 1993 till the tyrant dictator 1993 took it down and replaced it by his own flag.
    When we start our revolution what was the flag that represented our national liberation front? Our Original flag. (Semayawit Banderana)
    What flag represented the ELF and EPLF till Eritrea was liberated 1991? Our Original Liberation flag. (Semayawit Banderana)
    What flag represented the ELF and EPLF till Eritrea was liberated 1991? Our Original Liberation flag. (Semayawit Banderana)
    Which flag was all over Eritrea 1991 to 1993? Our Original Liberation flag.
    (Semayawit Banderana)
    Which flag represented Eritrea from 1952 to 1993? Our Original Liberation flag.
    (Semayawit Banderana)
    That’s why nobody wants to rescue them.
    You cannot have two flags, Isayas’ flag and our liberation flag you must choose one before its too late.

  • Semhar September 3, 2014

    ዜይጡዑያት ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ኢና
    ባንደራና ደርቢና ባንደራ ኢሳያስ ነንበብል
    ኣውራጃታትና ገዲፍና ዞባ ኢሳያስ ኒኣሚን
    ኢሰያስ በዓል ዕላማን ነቲ ዝደልዮ ብደም ንጹሃት ኤርትራውያን: እሞኸኣ ጸረ
    ኤርትራዊ ዕላማ: ብዜይ ዝኾነ ኤርትራዊ ዕንቅፋት ንቕድሚት ይግስግስ ምህላው :
    ክንፈልጦ ዜይምኽኣልናን ነዊሕ ዓመታት ከዳናግረና ምጽኑሑን ኣክንዲ ምስኡ
    ነንሕድሕድና ንበላላዕ ምዃንና; ዜይጡዑያት ይገበረና::
    The only way to victory is to untie all our original provinces and raise our original flag, (SEMAYAWIT BANDERANA).
    We did it in our struggle for independence and we succeeded.
    We will do it again!
    Our victory is certain!

  • Tamrat Tamrat September 4, 2014

    In many discussion People are not Direct. How can we come to Direct to a given country’s sociopolitics? Follow the economy! Where is the center of gravity of eritrean economy? Since 2000 the economy of Eritrea is heavily dependent on what eritreans send home through 2% tax, helping Family members, investemnt in a form of building houses and humaniterian help in form of materials or cash.

    Follow all sorts of eritreans media, it evolves around the relation between the diaspora and the government. It is not accidental. Eritreans abroad directly or indirectly pumps Money into the eritrean economy and they want (desrve) to influence the course of their land. And that is why their government is peculiarly active in the diaspora. And this is what makes forginers astonished. People run away from a government and helps the same government. They dont how the eri government manages its fight for its servival thus its unfair share from the diaspoira.

    Every damn world is about the economy. So Eritrea is not different. May be the Choice of the economy strategy is not wise. Dont get me wrong that there is no political problem in Eritrea. Off course it does. But the 2% Plays the great roll to continue that politics. Politics always the reflection of the structure of the economy.

    In norway a day never finihs before we listen the price of oil and it it the same a day never finish before eritreans talk about imigrations of eritreans in one way or another. For the time being the gravity of the economy of Eritrea is living abroad due to the problme at home.

    Now the discussion is not good or bad. The discussion is how not abuse the Resource by the hgdef People. To mention a few hgdef People dont og throught senei. They take plane to ask for asylum or pay bribe from Ethiopian asylum camps for eritreans.

    • Genet-orginal September 4, 2014

      Ethiopian brother, How about you minding your business, if you are not willing to hlep. In the past, You said you work at a center that helps new immigrants, and you aslo said you saw PFDJ dogs misleading new comers Eritreans at the center you work. If you are a good man, I think you should expose those double agents, who are corrupting Eritreans who are victims of the dictator and the PFDJ system. As an Ethiopian brother, you could help to stop the lifeline of the dictator which is the 2%. I don’t understand your post. what do you care?

  • September 4, 2014

    When the real issue at hand is the removal of Eritrea regime and its suffocating rule, many times we digress from the topic. Some of our colleagues in this form label other as Tigrai etc. as if Tigrai is in another planet We know for a fact these people are the regime luckys or people with interest in Eritrea. They always try to meddle on the discussion with some illogical and lower grade comments. The fact of the matter is Eritrea is in trouble and on life support. We either rescue it else it will get worse. I have a question for the lablers and spoilers: Where is the origin of most Eritrea’s population? If you don’t know it, I will help you with the answer: It is Tigrai. You can jump up and down, it is a fact. If you are capable of reading, do your research . Remember until a few years ago that you didn’t have any issues with associating yourselves with Tigrai. Your leader was in Cahoot with the Ethiopian leader. The rest is history Many of us were very nervous about this relationship which let Ethiopia of the hook from compensating Eritrea and its people for the cost of 30 years war. The fact of the matter is Issias was deceiving Eritrea all along and we should have known it at the outset. Let us celebrate the baahti Meskerem and remember the courageous leader who atleast tried to rescue us by paying the ultimate sacrifice.

  • Yared Russom September 4, 2014

    It is not the right time for any celebrations, whether the historic bahti meskerem or the so-called independence day. Eritrean people back home are living and suffering through out the year with no lights or hope at the end of the tunnel. Please save your fake celebrations for future day when our people are truly free from all suffering, oppression and darkness. If you plan to make business profit out of this then simply shame on you the organizers.

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