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National Reconciliation.

Def:   Reconciliation 1. To reestablish a close relationship between. 2. To settle or resolve. 3. To bring (oneself) to accept:      He finally reconciled himself to the change in management. 4. To make compatible or consistent: reconcile my way of thinking with yours.  Reconciliation with whom 

Def:   Reconciliation

1. To reestablish a close relationship between.

2. To settle or resolve.

3. To bring (oneself) to accept: 

    He finally reconciled himself to the change in management.

4. To make compatible or consistent: reconcile my way of thinking with yours. 

Reconciliation with whom  & who should be initiating it ?


The digital media has brought an unsual gift to most of the global economy,while  the social media to most of the world youth. As Eritrean diasphora and to a limited pace to the recidents of Eritrea, however the usuage of social media is by some people been misused at times. The good chat rooms visited by Eritreans at Pal Talk has been abused  by using damaging languages. Like wise those users of  facebook to spread texts that creat disconfort. After all this was not the goal meant by the individuals who made all the technical innovations and contributions but they dreamt of enriching the world community with new medium and faster communication.


Tragically some governments are restricting the users of these modern  tools of communication which its aim was for making life easier and communication simpler so that even remote villages can also share the comfort of modernity and faster reaching their family members where ever they may live.There is no doubt that freedom of communication and contacts scare dictators and closed regimes a lot, knowing that if people communicate faster ideas will be shared in no time.


I recall when a Dutch friend was trying to get his internet licence from the Eritrean telecommunication in Asmara; he was told to leave his urgently needed computer in their office for several weeks. He went a couple of times to their office to ask if they have fixed the required parts so that he can resume his work due to the workload.They told him to wait for more than two weeks. He was mad at them and told  them that he is not able to finish his work on time and deliver it to his boss, in this case the ministry of Marine Rescourses in Massawa.This is a one example how regimes restrict people from easy acces to the internet.So do the chinese and North Korean governments. Even in the USA it is hard to live without controle and spying on foreign visitors or even their citzens. The worst of all is the regime in Asmara who is scared to death by the Internet and its users.All those available few internet cafes are liable to the controle by Eri Telecom. This is how it devastaed the youth eagerness to access the world wide web since its creation.


Enough for the evil intention of Higdef but do we have a diasphora society that garrenty its youth the access to all availble informations that the older generation did not experienced in their life time.They themselves know how difficult it may be growing in Eritrean families as a child in their diasphora homes. That is not the only hazard they face but they have to follow the divissive nature of political and social interaction of most of their predecessors. It is confusing at times to differentiate between the PFDJ followers in the diasphora and others organzed people in their respective organizations. It is all the same rhetoric, avoiding the other group while loving dad’s organization.Our offsprings are passing a critical stage where no other diasphora communities have passed through.Why the difference then? Are we cursed not to give the freedom the youth entitled to discover his or her own world. We are not ourselves free from parental controle and we play by the same srule..The way forward has to come first from our own initiatives to change.



In previous attempts with such title I was wondering if one day all those several organizations in the diaphora will be able to reconcile,with each other and play a positive role in bringing changes or facilitate to bring a democratic change at home. Imagine if we use some of the fundamental rapproachma tasks: “ ala wedi Vaccaro”. Also………..

“National reconciliation and national conference are becoming topical issues in the Eritrean political debate. Forums and other gatherings for dialogue on this subject are now frequent events.” (Prof.Tesfatzion Medhane in his First Things First article :  Reconciliation before ʺNationalʺ Conference)


My intake is:

  • It is high time, that we Eritreans wherever we may be,need to start recoincile with each other, and unite our efforts for the dismantling of the dictator in our country and creat a strategy of  emergency and build a safety net to the suffering people inside the country. This can only be achieved if we put all hands together.
  • Forget past differences and give prioriyty to our National Salvation
  • Take a responssible attitude to the solution you think it could be useful in achieving what we are looking for.(The Salvation of our people and country)
  • Let us be people of action and not damaging each other with unnecessary grievences between us.
  • Let us respond to the recent wakeup calls of the Tripoli and Lampedusa disasters of our young.
  • The country we aspire to see is at crossroads and should not be let sink as a listing ship.We need to salvage the ship called “ Ëritrea ”




Reconciliation is a kind of a therapeutic treatment to come together and solve a problem or like a remedy to an acute problem like, depression & isolation. Taking it as a methode of solving a common owned peace of land or land dispute not yet solved amicabily. The communal Land of the people is occupied by the brutal PFDJ (formerly EPLF—run by a group under Issayas Afewrki, Mesfin Hagos,Tewolde Andu, Abddala Adem and other formerly members). We should claim it back because it is our ancesteral obligation to re-own it.

Who is occupying the piece of land and not willing to give way the possession of the land? The narcist and the Lunatic President PIA, has taking it as a ransom. On what grounds is he occupying our ancesteral land? A mysthical question to be resovled in the near future.




How do we resolve the diputed idea of bringing changes then?

A conference representing all national groups and aiming towards democratization, although this cannot be held in Eritrea or The Sudan today, simply the  Eritrean government of Isayas Afeworki is utterly

hostile to the idea of national conference or to any other idea involving the

possibility of regime change.  


What are the requirements for a reconciliation?

Benevolent people always preffer to resolve differences amicablly and taking their time to assess and resolve the disputes in a friendly manner.


Our reconciliation is equivalent to damage controle: any efforts, as by a politician or a company, to counteract unfavorable publicity, curtail losses, or the like.

It is when  naval usage, measures necessary aboard ship to preserve and reestablish watertight integrity, stability, maneuverability, and offensive power; to control list and trim; to effect rapid repairs of materiel; to limit the spread of and provide adequate protection from fire; to limit the spread of, remove the contamination by, and provide adequate protection from chemical, biological, and radiological agents; and to provide for care of wounded personnel. See also area damage control; disaster control.







As the title to initiate any form of coming togher indicates,reconcillation by who and for whom comes to my mind?


In an African context;  it is the elders, if not all the elders, but the wise elders initiate a reconcillation meeting under the Boabtree, while in Eritrea it used to be under the Daerro (Fig.) Tree.The diasphora has to learn from this for the sake of understing how complex a society can be, ternatives have to visited as well.


The second Phase is reconciliation with the regime if it is still there.

Arbitration or using force? Who is going to mediate, or who can do the dirty work to get rid of the occupation force in Asmara? This is a million dollar question to be resolved yet. The solution has to come soon though, because we cannot leave unresolved disputes to our children. The new generation will be confronted with all different dillemas of their own,so we are responssible to solving our self-created problems in any case. Let us first get together and resolve our differences, so that we are able to have a strong bargaining power.


Conclussion:The way we all are trying to wedge our struggle for democratic change has not yield what we wanted to get at the end of the day.It is tragic and unhelpful with so many organizations and individuals trying to change things on their merits, without a unified muscle is obviously not able to reach its goal. Unity with our natural diversity must be precedent by a national reconciliation and harmony.



Review overview
  • Kalighe March 31, 2014

    The idea of national reconciliation was floated for public debate in the immediate aftermath of independence of Eritra. Unfortunately, back then many ordinary people were not ready to listen to any one but the government. I recall well when some used to say “mis zom trifraf jebha !!!”.
    Now, we should not miss once again a historical opportunity to put inplace a framework for national recon iliation and work together to save our beloved Eritrea from disintegration and chaos.
    The enormity of the tasks awaiting us is so big and complex that at least a decade will pass before we bring normality to our country. And that only if we work hard in unison to keep foreign involvment in our affairs, else it may take even longer.

    • Eritreawit April 1, 2014

      T. Yitbarek,
      Well said, and who are these people who are giving you thumbs down? The articele is about unity and reconsilation; who dosn’t want that?. HGDF operative might do or some Eritrean haters who comes here and try to distruct us from our goals, Please open your eyes people it is time for unity and reconsilation.

  • Kalighe March 31, 2014

    Please read ” to keep away foreign involvment in our affairs”

  • rezen March 31, 2014

    ” to keep away foreign involvment in our affairs”

    Hmmmm … One is tempted to say otherwise: The so-baptized “Eritrea”, a land that had been arbitrarily forged by colonial fascist Italy, will be interfered with by “foreign involvement”. This is the truth in the current interdependent world.

    • Wedi Hagher March 31, 2014

      “The so-baptized “Eritrea”, a land that had been arbitrarily forged by colonial fascist Italy, will be interfered with by “foreign involvement”.


      Are you saying your country Ethiopia was not forged by colonial powers ?, You must be kidding.
      Ethiopia is a country created by warlords armed by Great Britain, to counter French and Italians
      influences in the region. The “3000 years of history, Queen Sheba” and lot of other
      “once upon a time” tales have nothing to do with Oromo, Somalis, Welaita, Afar, Sidama and
      all non-Habesha people of Ethiopia. These nationalities together make up at least 75% of the people in Ethiopians.
      Unless you think Ethiopia was located somewhere in Mars at the time, the one we know is a colonial product like
      every other country in the Horn.

    • Eritreawit April 1, 2014

      NTI ETY WORIDIKI? ARE YOU PULLING Y.G (Yosief Gebrehiot) just degrading your country and people.
      why don’t just do some positive things to better our situation people.

      • ahmed saleh April 1, 2014

        I agree with you that Eritrea had been forged for years by white colonialists like Italy and black colonialist
        like Ethiopia . Now all we are saying is ; ” ENOUGH is ENOUGH ” no more foreign intervention .
        Ethiopia bled for years likewise also Eritrea , we need to avoid from repeating again the past catastrophe .

  • ፎል March 31, 2014

    National Reconciliation ክትብል ከለካ ንሕምቶ ‘ዶ ሕቶ ዝብል ስሚዒት እዩ ዘለዎ ፡እዚ ናይ ሓረጉ ጹጹዋይ ገዲፍካ ከብትናስ ወሲዶምን እዮም ጸርፊስ ዝገደፍናሎም የብልናን ተትብል ንጹህ ኤሪትራዊ ምስመሰልካ፡ ፡

  • Give it up March 31, 2014

    Eritrean problems will be fixed only by time, nothing else. Give or take two generations more and then maybe. Meanwhile, those who like to live in Eritrea live there. Otherwise, if you are not happy in Eritrea get out and save your families. Those who complain and disagree with the government are being tortured and exterminated slowly. My advice to all those who are in diaspora is invest in your families, friends and relatives by taking them out of Eritrea. Let’s build communities in diaspora and help those who need assimilation in different cultures.

    You are hearing it from someone who has given up on Eritrean government and given up on opposition groups.

  • THE ERITREAN NOAH March 31, 2014

    Saying we the older generation,our misguided ideology of hatred had made Eritreans to be bending for bedouins’ does not mean I am degrading the victims, To the contrary I am lamenting about my age group.
    I WANT YOU TO POINT OUT THE SENTENCE THAT I SAID IS DEGRADING. You seem to be the only one implying this whatever your sincerity or intention.
    I would not be a fool ,let alone cruel to the youngs I am trying to save.
    The overall of my message was ,I want to save young Eritreans of the toxic belief that they inherited from us ,the older people. In order tosave themselves & the rest of Eritreans..the young people need to know their first enemy is their way of thinking inherited from us.
    I want you to read all my comments past & present. I do not hide under first name only. I stand by my message.
    So please quote what upset you & if I find it objectionable I will apologize ,it is not my game to play gotcha ya..please quote me what I said ,but if you have already concluded my guilt ,well good for you .Stop picking & get the whole message.

    Thank you
    TEN formerly known as SYE


    ክቡራት ኤርትራውያንን መሓዙት ኤርትራውያንን፣

    “ንሰብ ምእራም ወይ ገግ ኡ ምምልካት፣ቆንጪልካ ዘድልየካ ወሲድካ፣ሕጅስ ወጢረካ ዓይነቱ ጸወታን ናይ ባዕልኻ ሓሳዊ ትርጉምን ሂብካን ንዝተጋገየ ምሕናኽ ምፍታን ኣይኮነን”

    ኣነ ምኽሪ ክህበኩም ዝበቓዕኩ፣ልምዲ ናይ ምግ ጋይ ብርቱዕ ተሞክሮ ስለ ዘለኒ እዩ።ብሕርቃን ተደሪኸ ዘይሓሰብኩዎን ዘይጋጠምን ምጽሓፍ ሲ ይትረፍ ኣብ መርዓ ከም ሓው ከም ኣቦ ዓቢ ጌጋ ዝገብር ሰብ እየ።ስለዚ ዝኾነ ሰብ ክማጎተንን ሓሳበይ ከብርህ ክጋተረንን መሰሉ ጥራዩ ዘይኮነስ ኣነ እውን ክምልስ ግዴታይ እዩ።ሓላፍነት ኰወስድ ስለ ዝደለኹ እዬ ስመይን ስም ኣብይን ስም ኣብሓጎይን መበቆለይን ዝገልጸልኩም። ኣብ ትሕቲ ናይ ምህዞ ሽም ተሰኵዔ ድላየይ ክብል ምኽ ኣልኩ፣ግን እቲ ተሓቢ ኤ ዝብሎ ኣግሂደ እውን ከም ዝብሎ ንኸእምን ኢለ ዝገብሮ መገድን መምርሕን እዩ ።ሓደራ ግን ክንትኣራረም ከለና ቆንጪልና ረኺበልካ እዛ ዓረፍተ ነገር፣ ወይ ጠምዚዝና ነቲ ዝተጋገየ ንምሕታም ክከውን የብሉን፣ኣነ መሊሱ እዩ ዘድርቐኒ።
    ሓደራኹም ክንወቅስ ከለና ድማ እናጠቐስና ይኹን። ሰብ ኮይኑ ዘይጋገ፣ዕንጨይቲ ኮይኑ ዘይስበር ፣ወደብ ኮይኑ መስተ ኣግማል ዘይከውን ስለ ዘየለ ፣ኣነ ኣብ ሰስዓት ዝጋገ ሰብ እየ፣ግን ጌጋ ንኽብሎ እቲ ሃቐነይን ሙሉእ ርእይቶይን ነዚ ከንጸባርቕ ኣለዎ።
    ኣነ እታ ናይ ውግእ ዓድዋ ትገልጽ ብሓው ጎደፋ ዝቐረበት ዓንቀጽ እሞ ርእይቶታትና ምስ ኣንበብኩ ምንም ሓሳብ ከም ዘይቀየርኩ ከም ዘይቅይር እውን ድኽመተይ ተረዲ ኡኒ። ኣነ እዚ ህዥበ ትግርኛ ተባሂልና ንጽውዖ ፣ናይ ሓሶት መንነት ምዃኑ፣ተጋሩ ናይ ከበሳ እንተኾንና እውን ኤርትራውያን ምዃንና፣ትግራውነትና ኢትዮጵያውያን ከም ዘይገብረና፣እታ ሓቂ ብምልእታ እንድሕር ፈሊጥናያ ማንም ክጥብረና ኣይክእልን ብዝብል ኣባታዊ መንፈስ ተላዒለ እየ።ደንጕዩ ዝተረድ ኣኒ እንተሎ፣ኣነ ብድኻመይን ዘይጡቁው ኣጋላልጻይን ኣንኳይዶ መንእሰያት ከድሕንሲ ፣ሓደ እውን ክቕይር ከም ዘይክኣልኩ ተዓዚበ።እታ ሓጥያተይ ግን እዚ ኣ እምበር፣ኣነ በቶም ኣብ ድፋዕን በደዊንን ዝባላሸዉ ዘለዉ ደቅና ሕርቃንን ጓህን እምበር ካልእ ከም ዘይብለይ እናገለጽኩ፣
    ሓድሽ ሳይበር ሽመይ ፣፣ኤርትራዊ ኖህ /THE ERITREAN NOAH ምዃኑ ይገልጽ

  • MightyEmbasoyra March 31, 2014

    Reconciliation ዶ’ልኩም?

    ኽቡር ሓው፡ አቶ በላይ ነጋ
    ከመይ ‘ልካ ተረፍካ፡ ካብ ናይ ኢሳያስ መንጋጋ
    እዝ ሰታዪ ደም፡ ባላዒ ናይ ሰብ ስጋ
    ምትራፍካ ዝገርምዩ፡ ዓቢ ዕድል ጌርካ
    አዳናጊርካዮ፡ ተመሲልካ ከም ሰብ ጨጓር ዳንጋ

    ንስኻ ደአ ምስዝኹሉ ቅኔ
    ናትካ ፍልጠት፡ ምስ ኢሳያስ ዘይሳነ
    ከመይሉ ‘ዩ ክሓርደካ ዘይፈተነ

    ንሱ ዝደሊ አንቢቦም ዘይክእሉ
    ክሓስቡ ዘጸግሞም፡ ወይድማ ሕራይ ጥራይ ዝብሉ

    ከምዝኸማኻ ደአ፡ ንኡስ ቡርዥዋ
    ሓደ ብሓደ፡ ኩላ አጥፊኡዋ
    ሓንሳብ መንካዕ፡ ሓንሳብ የሚን እናጠመቐ
    መን ምሁር ተሪፉ ዘይተጨፍለቆ ዘይሕቐቐ

    ባዕሉ ከሲሱ ባዕሉ ፈሪዱ ባዕሉ ቀታሊ
    ሎሚውን አይገደፎን አመል ናይ ትማሊ
    ሓቀኛ ከምስል ‘ዚ መታለሊ
    ምሕረት፡ ፍትሒ ዘይፈልጥ ሓሳድ ቀንጻሊ
    ንሱ ዘረባ ብጾቱ ክረግፉ ከም ቆጽሊ
    ቁምነገር ዘይብሉ፡ መልአከ ሞት መሳሊ

    አቶ በላይ፡ ዝገርምዩ ናትካ ዕድል
    ምስዚ ኩሉ ብልሒ፡ እዝ ኩሉ ሓንጎል
    እንቋዕ አይወሓጠካ እዝ ገበል

    እሞ፡ ዝኹሉ ሓሊፉ
    እዝ ኹሉ ጅግና አጽዲፉ
    ፎ ዘይበልካዮ ቁልቁል ዝአፉ

    ነዚ ገበነኛ ከመይ ‘ልካ ትድግፍ
    ነዚ ደመኛ ርእሰ-ደብሪ ናይ ህግደፍ
    እዚ ሕሙም ርእሲ፡ እዚ ትንኩፍ
    ምስነብሱ ክበአስ ዝወዕል፡ እዚ ልኹፍ
    ነዚ ድሑር፡ ጃዕባብ ጁፍጁፍ

    ‘ቲ ናትካ ምስጢራዊ ትሕዝቶ፡ ርኢቶኻ
    አብ አሰና ትጽሕፎ ዘለኻ
    ኢሳያስ ኩላዩ ዘንብባ
    ንስኻ ክትጽሕፍ ንሱ ክእክባ
    አስመራ ተኼድካ አብአ ከይትረኽባ

    ምሳና ኮይንካ መክቶ ነዚ መጻዪ ደም
    ሕነኻ አማልስ፡ ሕርቃን ናይ ቀደም
    ዓዲ ከይጠፈአት፡ ንዓ ተቅዳደም
    ንዕድመካለና፡ ንዓ ደአ፡ በል ንቀደም

    እሞ ቻውዶ ክብለካ ሓው በላይ ነብሲ
    ስጋዕ ንራኸብ ካልእ መዐልቲ
    አየተስተዋሕዳ ምኽሪ ናይ ሓውኻ ማይቲ

    • belay nega April 2, 2014

      ዝኸበርካ ማይቲ

      ብመጀመርያ ዓጽምኻ ትኽበር!!ካብ ዓቅመይ ንላዕሊ ሂብካኒ::ካብኡ ሓሊፉ ግን ዘረባኻ ሓደ ነገር አዘኪሩኒ

      ጓል ሓፍተይ ቅርብ ኢላ “uncle በላይ እንቋዕደአ አይሞትካ’ምበር ሻዕብያስ አይምዘከሩኻን” በለትን’ሞ
      ብኸመይ ኢለ ምስሐተትኩዋ
      ኤርትራ: ክንደይ ቀያሕቲ ዝተኸፈላ ሀገር እያ: ክብሉ ጥራይ እየ ዝሰምዕ በለትኒ::

      “እዚ ሕሙም ርእሲ፡ እዚ ትንኩፍ
      ምስነብሱ ክበአስ ዝወዕል፡ እዚ ልኹፍ
      ነዚ ድሑር፡ ጃዕባብ ጁፍጁፍ”

      እዚኣ ግን: ክምቶም ንበዓል ድሩዕ ሕጻብ እግሮም ዘይአኽሉ: ግን ከአ “ጥልቊያት” ክብልዎም ዝውዕሉ: ከይተምስለካ እስከፍ::

      • MightyEmbasoyra April 4, 2014

        Ato Belay,
        ክንደይ “ቀያሕቲ” ዝተኸፈላ ሀገር እያ: ክብሉ ጥራይ እየ ዝሰምዕ በለትኒ::
        That’s true. I always pay attention on that phrase. If you compare ቀያሕቲ with Tselemti and Kederot, they are not even close and I can only think because isayas is Keyih and he possible came up with that 🙂 Of course I am kidding!

  • Wedi Hagher April 1, 2014

    “ሰራዊት ም . ደ.ፍ. ኤ (EMDJ )ብጹፉፍ ስለያዊ መጽናዕቲ ተሞርኩሶም፣ ኣብ ልዕሊ ስለያ ስርዓት ኤርትራ ዝፈጸሙዎ
    በርቓዊ መጥቓዕቲ፣ ብዓይነቱ ፍልይ ዘብሎ ነገር ኣሎ። ንሱ ድማ ንስርሒት ዝተኻየደሉ ቦታ (ካዕላይ)ንዝተወሰነ ግዜ
    ብርግኣት ኣብ ትሕቲ ቑጽጽሮም ገይሮም፣ ኩሎም ኣባላት ስለያ ስርዓት ኤርትራ መላስ ኣውያት ዘይብሎም ከምዝሞቱ
    ኣረጋጊጾም። ናይ ዝሞቱ ኣባላት ስለያ ሬሳ ድማ ብህድኣትን ትብዓትን ፈቲሾም ኩሉ ኣብታ ማኪና ዝነበረ ብረትን
    ሰነድን ማሪኾም ድማ ብሰላም ንቦትኦም ተመሊሶም።
    ዝሞቱ ኣባላት ስለያ፣

    1. ሌተናንት- ኮሎኔል ኣብራሃም ሃብተማርያም / ልሕጺ/ ካብ ስለያ ሚኒስትሪ ምክልኻል ግን ብቤት -ጽሕፈት
    ፕረሲደንት ዝእዘዝ።
    2. መጀር – ኪዳነ ገብረታትዮስ፣ ስለያ ሚኒስትሪ ምክልኻል
    3. መጀር – ተስፋኣለም ሃብተገብሪኤል፣ ስለያ ሚኒስትሪ ምክልኻል ግና ብቤት ጽሕፈት ፕረሲደንት ዝእዘዝ።
    4. ካፒተን – ምሕረትኣብ ብርሃነ፣ ስለያ ሓለዋ ዞባታት።
    5. ተለንተ – በራኺ ተወልደ እዮም።”

    Posted at

    Does any one on this forum know whether the news above is true or not ?

    • Eritreawit April 1, 2014


    • ERITRAWIT April 1, 2014

      Wedi Hager,
      Anewen anbebe nere kemw zeydgem zerebas ab TV-ER eu zelo ksene hakey eu!!!!!! Ab Assennana gen ayemesen.

  • ahmed saleh April 1, 2014

    Dear Wedi Hager
    Either true or not anything is possible .
    I read an article of AHMED NASSER answer to the question on military option against DIA regime by saying ;
    since we all know that the country is fully charged for violence we prefer to cool it down .
    The nature of our country politics is destructive , dangerous and unwarranted , it doesn’t surprise me .

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