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Mr Naizghi Kiflu one of the high ranking officials of the PFDJ regime passed away in London.

Mr Naizghi Kiflu one of the high ranking officials of the PFDJ regime; a close friend and right hand man of Isaias Afewerki, the tyrannical leader in Eritrea, passed away in London, due to chronic

Mr Naizghi Kiflu one of the high ranking officials of the PFDJ regime; a close friend and right hand man of Isaias Afewerki, the tyrannical leader in Eritrea, passed away in London, due to chronic illness, according to sources.

After Eritrea’s independence, Mr Naizghi served as a top official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Adviser of the President for Local Government as well as Minister of Information, during the total closure of the independent newspapers in Eritrea and the arrest of the their editors and journalists, in 2001.

During the armed struggle for Eritrea’s independence he was one of the key figures of ‘HALEWA SEWRA, a department responsible for the secret prison services in Sahil, where many volunteer fighters were tortured and killed. Even after independence of Eritrea, many blame him for carrying on his involvement in crimes against political opponents of Isaias Afewerki.  

Mr Naizghi Kiflu has been residing in London, after his ambassadorial appointment was declined by the British government, and later was investigated by the British police for suspicion of crimes against humanity.

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  • A Iyasu February 7, 2012

    ንኣቶ ናይዝጊ ነፍሶም ይምሐር፤ ይኹን እምበር፥ እቲ ካዚ ክርከብ ዝኽእል ምህሮ፥ ካብ ኬዱልና ክብሉኻስ ኬዱና እንተበሉኻ ይሓይሽ እሞ ሰናይ ግብሪ ንግበር፥ ንዓመጽ ኣርሒቕና ደድሕሪ ሠናይ ግብሪ ንስዓብ።

    ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ፥ ከምቲ ኣምላኽ ብነቢይ ሶፎንያስ ዝተዛረቦ፥ ንመከራኹም ኣልጊሰዮ እየ፥ ይበለና።

    • kirosay February 7, 2012

      Good Suggestion .Lovely.

  • A Iyasu February 7, 2012

    ንኣቶ ናይዝጊ ነፍሶም ይምሐር፤ ይኹን እምበር፥ እቲ ካዚ ክርከብ ዝኽእል ምህሮ፥ ካብ ኬዱልና ክብሉኻስ ኬዱና እንተበሉኻ ይሓይሽ እሞ ሰናይ ግብሪ ንግበር፥ ንዓመጽ ኣርሒቕና ደድሕሪ ሠናይ ግብሪ ንስዓብ።

    ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ፥ ከምቲ ኣምላኽ ብነቢይ ሶፎንያስ ዝተዛረቦ፥ ንመከራኹም ኣልጊሰዮ እየ፥ ይበለና።

    • Dan Nomav February 7, 2012

      Just shut the hell up…you are one sick puppy…go suck an egg…jerk

      • A Iyasu February 8, 2012

        The Lord’s peace and love be with you, and I am sorry if I have offended you by sharing my honest thoughts.

        Peace and good will to all children of men.

  • zemen beraki February 7, 2012

    Naizgi’s soul can never rest in peace, for sure it will rot in hell and it will be a toy for the devil incarnate. This man was responsible for liquidating hundreds if not thousands of innocent tegadelti, because simply they asked for a democratic system. Naizgi was the Lavrento Berya of Isayas. This man can not look into the face of all those he killed in cold blood. But he will pleade for forgiveness from the almighty while he rotts in hell.

    • senait2012 February 7, 2012

      hey Zemen beraki you sound you were with him as tegadali or you were his soilider in meada during the strugle, why not you shut-up and learn from those who gave their lives for Eritrean indpendence hasawi. If you are a man go head and Carry gun just like him what he did for Eritrea go head and defead the Eritrean government than talking about history you don’t know shit head hasawi.

      • concerned Eeritreawi February 7, 2012

        You seem to have a habit of getting mad, sorry for you and anyone who deals with you. There is no need to get mad it just kills you inside. Try to learn to calm down for your own sake, just brotherly advice.

        • SINGAPO-ERITREAN February 7, 2012

          That is what I said,calm down . She calls me Agame ,I am a decent Agame ,she is like the “business women ” of abashawul ,geza birhanu …using the same foul language..when she praises Kiflu ,you have to know there is no hope.

      • Dan Nomav February 7, 2012


        You are a classic female dog…

        • February 7, 2012

          are u eritrean ?I don’t think so ,because look inside eritrea kids,boys girls and old women men suffering from hunger disease because dictator Esayas and his pupet folowers inside and outside.

      • hagerawi February 7, 2012

        Someone who tolerates such crimes must only be “Shermuta”/prostitute. Naizgi is a well known criminal; who fought only for the interests und security of one man.

        He will get what he deserves. The killed victims from Meda/Sahle will not let his conscience/soul in peace.

        • senait2012 February 7, 2012

          If there is a prostitute or shamuta in the planet it will be you. People like you who sell their soul and identity for some lousy gain it will be You. So, please stop prosituting yourself Komal godafi asha halay.

        • SINGAPO-ERITREAN February 7, 2012

          hagerawi ,
          Try to be subtle like me ,you should use words like “business woman ” ,instead of Shermuta,Puta,prostitute,malaya.But ,I do not think she would understand subtle & sophisticated.”ነቶም ጨጓር ዳናጉ ክብረት ኣለና፣ እዞም ሙታንታ ኢሳያስ “ጨጓር መልሓሶም” እንታይ ክንገብር ኢና። ኣብ ዓደይ ክልተ ሳዕ ጸዊዓቶ ቆልዓ እንተዘይሰሚዕዋ “ደም ተኸባህ፣ ደም ሕራእ እዩ መልሳ። እዚ ናይ ፍቕሪ ምልክት´ዩ ። ንጸርፊ ውን ኣይሓምቕን´የ። ኢሳያስ ጸርፊ ክውድኦ ከሎ፣ ናባይ እዩ ዝድውል

          • HGDF February 8, 2012

            best word I have heard describing that business is I ብሰለፋ ተመሓደር. I don’t know where the origin of that word is but words originate from the source of the business

      • Abrhaley E't'iDne February 7, 2012

        Mr. or Ms Senait2012, It is really hard to understand what you are trying to achieve. I am not certain if you are not trying to defend Mr. Kiflu. At the same time you are showing your hate to anyone who was tegadalay. What you don’t know is: Naizgi was also a tegadalay he just happen the bad one. It is really good to have better choice of words and no need for name calling.

        • SINGAPO-ERITREAN February 7, 2012

          ኣብ ኬንያ ከለኹስ ንሓንቲ ኣሞይ ፣ ናይ ፖለቲካ ኢደ እግሪ ዘይብላ፣ ሻዕብያ ንአይ ግራትና፣ ናይ “ሓማ” እያ ኢለን ስለ ዝሰርዕኣ ፣ ኣጸበቕኩ ኢላ “ካብዛ ናይ ውድብና ደርፊ ኩሉ ደስ ትብለኒ እዛ በረኸት መንግስትኣብ ዝደርፋ “ዋህዮ” ትብል ኢያ በለት´ሞ ። ቡን /ኣወል ክዕድላ ከለዋ ሰተት ኢለን ሓለፍኣ።”ሓፍትና” ሰናይት ክኣ ሕአሙሻይ መስር ዕ´ዮም ዉሕ በልዮም ኢሎም ዝልኣኽዋ “ሰብ” እያ። ኣብርሃለይ ኣብ ርእሳ ኩዒትካ እኳ ቤት ትምህርቲ እንተትሰርሕ ትምሃር ኣይኮነትን። ደቀያይ ምስ ጠለምዎም፣ ደቂ ዓደይ “ሓሻካ” ጥራይ ተሪፎም፣ ኣነ ክኣ ምስ ኤርትራዊት ይማ/ኣደ ኣሻርየ ። መሳኪን ደቂ ዓደይ ጉዕሽን ጽራይን ከይዶም ሓተላ ግለት ተሪፎም።

    • Dan Nomav February 7, 2012

      senait2012 is a classic whore….

  • Dan Nomav February 7, 2012

    Naizghi Kiflu died just as he live, a pig and a piece of garbage. I know this late dog of the criminal dictator in person. He server the criminal despotic Isias since early 70s and killed may innocent Eritreans on his behave. His death brings Eritrea that much closer to peace and democracy. He was a drunk and a traitor. Naizghi Kiflu killed Eriteans who helped him and his family. I feel at peace knowing that this criminal killer will never be in a position to help the tyrant in Asmara terrorize our people. Anyone who does not agree with my last statement can go to hell….My KANTRY shall breath a sigh of relief now…

  • February 7, 2012

    what a fantastic news I am sure others fellow him soon. It is a revenge for the killing of those innocent revolutionary fighters, to our political prisoners, to our brothers and sisters that they lost and their lives in Mediterranean sea and Sinai dessert.

  • Weldit February 7, 2012

    If he died, how come we didn’t hear anything from the loud-mouth PFDJ media?

  • Yohannes February 7, 2012

    Let him not rest in peace! GEHANEM ESEAT YEWARSO! For those who still alive like Mesfin Hagos (Zebei) (do you remember who told you Zebei (Hyena), let them know while their still alive, when you die, GEHANEM ESEAT YEWARSekum! Sorry to say this, but this ppl they kill a lot of innocent Eritreans just because they are from other region.

  • Abrhaley E't'iDne February 7, 2012

    It is really hard to say RIP to this cruel human being. Naizgi was a mean spirited man that I happen to know him very well. This is they guy who is always drunk and spits to old men in Asmara bars after independence. This is the guy who gave isayas the framed picture of J. Stalin after his visit to Russia. More than anything else he is the one who executed all the 81 tegadalti (Yemin) of 1976
    Blood is in his hands for the G-15. It is ironic Isayas shut Naizgi when his two kidneys where also shut and became a dialysis patient.
    It is so inappropriate for him to say RIP. He never knew the meaning of the eritrean culture not to talk about the dead.

  • J AbHarish February 7, 2012

    May the Soul of Naizgi Kiflu burn in hell for eternity.

    This little nazi is responsible for torturing and killing in cold blood thousands of innocent Tegadelti from early 70s to 2001.

    • Haqqi Nezareb February 7, 2012

      Naizgi will start talking to Gadafi very soon in hell about their old criminal friend Issais. Both of them are are probably waiting eagerly for Issais to join them.

      • Wadbahar February 9, 2012

        Maybe they would think he will bring drugs and whisky for them when he comes. They can’t think better than that. But God will separate each one of them in a Five Star hell so that each day of torture would be long for them. LOL

  • Hagos Berahne February 7, 2012

    Very sorry to hear that, cause he should stay alive to be hunged up by the peoples court in Asmara. It’s only tomorrow. All the criminals are packing their staff to flee somewhere. Any way DIA is so happy for the lose of his alibi of all crimes done before and after independent.

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