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Israeli Mob Beat Eritrean Refugee and Leave him Unconscious in Tel Aviv

Israeli Mob Beat Eritrean Refugee and Leave him Unconscious in Tel Aviv By Gianluca Mezzofiore | | August 19, 2014 An angry Israeli mob has reportedly beaten a 23-year-old Eritrean refugee in Tel Aviv's new Central Bus Station, leaving

Israeli Mob Beat Eritrean Refugee and Leave him Unconscious in Tel Aviv
By Gianluca Mezzofiore | | August 19, 2014
An angry Israeli mob has reportedly beaten a 23-year-old Eritrean refugee in Tel Aviv’s new Central Bus Station, leaving him unconscious and on the verge of dying.
The young man’s life was saved by Yosef Ganem, a police sergeant and medic who found the body of the Eritrean on the fourth floor of the station and tried to revive him.
“When I got there I saw the man sprawled out on the floor. He didn’t have a pulse and he was unconscious,” Ganem told Ynet news.
He gave first aid to the man and managed to get a pulse after several minutes. The Eritrean was rushed to the Ichilov Hospital while police backup forces were deployed to catch the assailants.
“I remembered what they looked like from the beginning of the incident,” Ganem said. “I found them with the other officers and we arrested them. Two suspects had fled, so [we identified them] on security cameras and arrested them in their homes.”
The six suspects, two of them minors, claimed that the refugee had tried to rob one of them but an ongoing investigation showed that they had attacked the Eritrean first with punches and kicks.
Israel regards its 50,000 Sudanese and Eritrean migrants as illegal job-seekers. Data published by the Population, Immigration and Border Authority showed that only four applicants have been granted refugee status in Israel in 2013 out of 2,593 applicants.
The legislation stipulates that those caught entering the country illegally could be jailed for up to a year, after which they are moved to a new detention facility.
Previous legislation, the Infiltration Law, allowed Israel to jail migrants for three years, pending a review of their refugee status, and set a 90-day deadline for detainees to be released.
It was overturned by the high court and replaced by a law that allows open-ended detention of migrants in a detention centre that can hold 400 people.

Review overview
  • ahmed saleh August 19, 2014

    Typical racial profiled hate crime committed to this poor ERITREAN refugee . The fate of not having a
    government which can not protect
    and represent it’s nationals . I don’t
    blame them but ourselves to let all
    of this to happen in first place . Unless
    we question primarily faults from our
    side nothing will change . We are the
    only one who take responsibility not
    outsiders truly speaking .

  • Rahayta August 19, 2014

    Eritreans life in the Middle East have become a total mess from Libya to Sinai, from Sudan to Kuwait.
    When the elites said “we are Arabs”, fool like me believed them, and then this happened:

    Oh the Middle East, land of evil and racism:


    • Wedi-Hagher August 20, 2014

      “When the elites said “we are Arabs”, fool like me believed them, and then this happened:”

      Rahayta aka Tecklay, Kombishtato ..etc.

      Your don’t have courage to show people who you are: a Tigreyan.
      You are the one ashamed of his identity, and posing as Eritrean from Highlands.
      What a shame !!

    • The secular socialist republic August 20, 2014

      Dear Rahayta !
      Your mind seems very confused. Of course, Eritreans live hell in the Middle East. But they’re not the only ones ! Native Arabs are being persecuted by their regimes, and how would you expect these governements and thugs to treat Eritreans differently ?
      Then what is worse with Israel is that it calls itself a democracy
      and the only safe heaven for human rights in the Levant…
      If dictatorship equals sufferings, then democracy should equal respect for human beings. But in reality, Israel racial policies affect all those who are not light skineed Jews.
      Islamophobia and Arabophobia are the simple-minded’s answer to injustice.
      Long live the Palestinian struggle against fascist Zionism !
      Down with Isaias !

  • ahmed saleh August 19, 2014

    I was expecting your wicked comments
    to divert the attention of the subject .
    Your prefer to detach from sufferring
    they sustain for your political fantacy
    disguising as usual to make me sick .
    Go ahead entertain in this free forum.

  • Kidan, Sudan August 20, 2014

    hgdf supporter, where is your brother?Sister? ask yourself. Do not sleep on your dead mind.

  • Simerrr2012 August 20, 2014

    It is time to stop blaming other countries and individuals and act like any people in the world .Fight for your right in your own country or stop blaming other for your weakness. Stop dying in every corner of the world. Why do you want to teach , lecture Israel how to respect human right when the country officially declared the country only for Jews? Why we blame the Arabs to be human when they kill each other for no good reason. Why you want the sub-human Bedouin who live in stone age era to treat you as human in their own cursed land. Why do you expect the Yemeni treat you like human when there is no humanity exist in their primitive land. Why do you want the uncivilized South Sudan treat you in a civilized way, in a country 50 years behind other African countries. Why do you want the Libyan respect your right when they don’t even know what to do with the right they have got recently. If you don’t fight for what you want don’t cry for what you lost.

  • m August 20, 2014

    Tewaridnna ab fekodo Europa kolellll,, ab Adi Arab kem slave minbarr,, ab hgerna Meswati keffilna freedom zey nemxee,, were is the man like wadi Ali forto we only escape from our motherlad like ratssss and cry like monkeyss and we die with out diginity for nothing,, stand up and wake up, be unity and we go fight the Evill isias dictator to be free this is the only our salution not talk lelelele help nothing

  • Daniel August 20, 2014

    I feel sad for this young man! But it’s also true that 80% of those to be Eritrean refugees are PFDJ supporters.

  • Tezareb August 20, 2014

    Yes, truth hurts a lot, however we should not shy away from it.

    Whether you like it or not, every black person for that matter any black Muslim in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen, Iraq or Kuwait is treated like any black slave as if they were still living in the 18th century Arab slavery, even if the voluntary Arab slaves try to speak in a classic Arabic with their azzes as they burn their languages and identity.

    Every black Muslim who run away from the Arab world to the christian West is spat on his face and called Aswad Abeed in the Arab world whether that person is another hypocrite like some in this esteemed demo.archive.assenna.comment forum (you know what I am talking about) …

    They are shouting here because their Arab master’s evil secrets had been exposed. No matter how much an Arab Abeed shouts, he will never ever be considered a true human being let alone seen as an “ethnic” Arab by the Arabs.

    An Arab will never give away to any Abeed his mentally deranged or blind sister or daughter but he will snatch any black Abeed’s sister, daughter or wife by force. The black Abeeds are treated far less than an Arab’s goat among Arabs.

    What rahaita said is a fact that only elite Abeeds may deny:

    Oh the Middle East, land of evil and racism:

    • m August 21, 2014

      hahahahahaha Tezareb, you are idiot you talk always a bull shit, even in Europe,America they call you a Neger

  • m August 21, 2014

    hahahahahah Tezaereb,you idiot you always talk bull shit, even in Europe-America a lot of racism they call you A Neger

  • m August 21, 2014

    Tezareb, why you talk about middle East abut religin we dont care about middle East we are not Arab we are from Africa, i think you are Evil person you talk alwyss about religin about Arab we no need that you talk about your problem