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Hundreds of Eritreans enslaved in torture camps in Sudan and Egypt

Human Rights Watch report says state authorities have either turned a blind eye or colluded with perpetrators Harriet Sherwood -, Tuesday 11 February 2014 An Eritrean man shows the wounds he says traffickers inflicted on him in Egypt’s Sinai

Human Rights Watch report says state authorities have either turned a blind eye or colluded with perpetrators

  •  –, Tuesday 11 February 2014
  • An Eritrean man shows the wounds he says traffickers inflicted on him in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula to force him and his relatives to pay ransom for his release. Photograph: Tome Dale for HRW

    Hundreds of Eritrean refugees have been enslaved in torture camps inSudan and Egypt in the past 10 years, enduring weeks or months of violence and rape and extorted by traffickers often in collusion with state security forces.

    Some of the refugees have died, and many have been scarred for life – both physically and psychologically – as a result of mutilation, burning, beatings and sexual assault, according to dozens of testimonies collected by Human Rights Watch in a report published on Tuesday.

    The report, I Wanted to Lie Down and Die: Trafficking and Torture of Eritreans in Sudan and Egypt, says state authorities have failed to identify and prosecute perpetrators, and have often colluded with them in the kidnap and abuse of refugees.

    Traffickers demand ransom money to halt the torture, either from therefugees or from their relatives, who are forced to listen to their loved ones screaming down telephone lines. Even after money has changed hands, traffickers sometimes sell refugees on to another group rather than release them.

    The 79-page report quotes a 23-year-old Eritrean man who was kidnapped by traffickers in Sudan in 2012 and handed over to Egyptian traffickers in the Sinai desert. “They beat me with a metal rod. They dripped molten plastic on my back. They beat the soles of my feet and then they forced me to stand for long periods of time, sometimes for days. Sometimes they threatened to kill me and put a gun to my head,” he told HRW.

    “They hung me from the ceiling so my legs couldn’t reach the floor and they gave me electric shocks. One person died after they hung him from the ceiling for 24 hours. We watched him die.

    “Whenever I called my relatives to ask them to pay, they burnt me with a hot iron rod so I would scream on the phone. We could not protect the women in our room: they just took them out, raped them, and brought them back.”

    HRW also spoke to two traffickers, one of whom said he had made $200,000 (£120,000) profit in less than a year. “I know this money isharam [shameful], but I do it anyway.”

    His most recent group was four Eritreans, whose relatives were told to pay $33,000 each for their release.

    “Sometimes I tortured them while they were on the phone so the relatives could hear them scream. I did to them what I do to everyone, I beat their legs and feet, and sometimes their stomachs and chest, with a wooden stick. I hang them upside down, sometimes for an hour. Three of them died because I beat them too hard. I released the one that paid.”

    According to HRW, more than 200,000 Eritreans – most of them Christians – have fled repression and destitution since 2004. Some of those quoted in the report said they paid people smugglers, but were sold on four or five times to different traffickers.

    Until recently, many were heading to Israel until a new 240km (150 mile) steel border fence blocked access from the Sinai desert.

    “Over the past three years, Sinai has increasingly represented a dead-end comprised of captivity, cruelty, torture and death,” the report says.

    Some refugees have been forced to work for traffickers, as builders or domestic servants. One Bedouin leader in the Sinai, Sheikh Mohamed, told HRW: “I know of hundreds [of Eritreans] at this very moment who are forced to work on construction sites. They are building houses for the kidnappers, who pay for the construction materials with the ransom money.”

    In June last year, the US state department reported that “human trafficking, smuggling, abduction, torture and extortion of migrants” in the Sinai was increasing. Victims were “brutalised, including by being whipped, beaten, deprived of food, raped, chained together and forced to do domestics or manual labour at smugglers’ homes”.

    Collusion between traffickers and Sudanese and Egyptian police and military is widespread, according to HRW, which says both countries are breaching their obligations under national and international anti-trafficking laws, international human rights law and national criminal law.

    Gerry Simpson, the report’s author, said: “So far, police and soldiers in Sudan and Egypt helping traffickers kidnap and torture refugees have nothing to fear. Some police in eastern Sudan are so emboldened by their impunity, they hand refugees over to traffickers in police stations.”

    Some security officials in Egypt “even return escaped trafficking victims to their captors in Sinai”, he added.

    “The time has long passed for authorities in both countries to arrest and prosecute traffickers for these terrible crimes, and to have zero tolerance for security officials colluding with them.”

    Egypt had prosecuted one trafficker and no security officials up to December 2013; Sudan had launched 14 prosecutions of traffickers and four of police officers in connection with trafficking and torture.

Review overview
  • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis February 11, 2014

    Eritreans Eritreans, thier enrmy are Agame, not Rashsids, or Arabs.
    the Foreign Minster is always in Egypt to destroy His Agsme’s enemies. The Agamr.
    Kebesa kebesa , what happen to you to be so blind not yo understsnd your enrmy numbrr onr.
    According Mr. Keleta from Kebesa says the enemy of Eritrea are Tigrians , never Egyptiand.
    How blind are Eritreans from Kebesa, wait and see the worse will come . The end of krbesa is voming soon.
    Good by kebesa

    • Kalighe February 12, 2014

      Asghedom Woldeghiorghis, the problem is neither Kebesa nor Tigray but people like you, (on both side of the fence)
      Higdef and the Bedouin bandits.

    • ERITRAWIT February 12, 2014

      Ata Sebay Entay werduka eu men deu ab wshtey zketlen zsaken zelo ab underground,ab container,ab vilatat Sinai ab Eritrea eu zjmer ab Sinai ka srhu ewde entay emo kemzey natka hangol wela krdakum ayklen bejakatkum astewlew 23 amet natnet hagerkum da zeytkedu nmntay deu neru kalsey????? nezey wrdet bka terfuna.

  • ኤፍሬም February 12, 2014

    ፣አስጎዶም ግፍዒ አትዛረብ። ፀላኢኻ መኒኻ ፋለጥ? ሕግደፍ

  • rezene kidane February 12, 2014

    This Asgedom is very stupid. He is like the leopard whose son was killed by the elephant ut he said “no, my son was kille by the goats and he killed ten gopats n retaliation” I do not mean to raise weyane or America. But one must know what he is saying. May beAsgedom is living in the 15th Century. A backwad man and a reactionary.

  • Mengs February 12, 2014


    to some extent you are right, our enemies in the different Guantanamos of the HORN and Middle East are definitely no more Arabs/Sudanese. What do you mean by Agames by the way – Domestic Agame/ Tigrian Agames, ICER (yes, no one knows what ICER is/does!!) ?

  • Yebio February 12, 2014

    Assena and the other medias report since at least three years about the plight of Eritrean refuggees, torture, slaughter, organ harvesting, and trafficking,…etc, but we have never seen and heard about a single solution. How does this concide with the world community we are in the 21st century in????????????????????????

    Where are UN, UNHCR, HR, EU, UK,…………………………………..etc???? Where/what is the secret???

    Maybe on the search for ANDNET needs some decades!


    Solution Please

  • hayal February 12, 2014

    So whose fault is it? The Hadamis killrd, tortured in Sudan, Sinai or else where is their problem. they also killed in wotane camps, so let them be..Who told them to flee and kiss the arse of woyanes?
    You have no right to talk about Eritrea, as far as you are traitors.
    Those who have the right to talk are Warsay Yikealo, Nueys, Nuew, Ypfdj, trade unions, the majority of Eritreans in the diaspora who support the people and government of Eritrea.
    The Hadamis, traitors, woyane puppets, poor economic refugees wanna be Eritreans just shut it up and live in hell. You will never see back Eritrea.

  • ERITRAWIT February 12, 2014

    Can you tell us what you have done for your Country am 100% sure nothing. I wouldn’t wish to you Brother or Sister but some how one day you will pay the price heavy price God is watching you are the one living in hell.

    • Elssa February 12, 2014

      Please don’t answer to this so called hayal. For sure he is sick like his bagamond mad sekrran boss. So we should ignore him.

  • hayal February 12, 2014

    Eritrawit, change your nick please call yourself Hadamit. I have done my national service and I fullfil my obligations towards my beloved country. I walk proudly with my Eritrean passport.
    I hope you understand Anchiwa woyane.

    • Nuredin February 13, 2014

      You said that you have done your national service. If so, how did you gate your release from national service? And Why did you leave Eritrea where you can leave comfortable life? When I see morons like you I feel ashamed for being an Eritrean

  • ERITRAWIT February 12, 2014

    How cruel can you be you wish your own people to live in hell calling them hademtey. for u information they are Warsay they have done their national service like you according to you information I just wonder how did you get Eritrean passport others they can’t??????

    • Elssa February 12, 2014

      Most DIA supportes think like what this sick person (hayal) thinks. They proved it dancing and celebrating while the loyal Eritrians crying at the time of Lambedusa events. And don’t forgate that these are group of murderers and sadists.

      • ERITRAWIT February 13, 2014

        Thank you, you are right they are devil like Isaias shame we have to live with this kind of people.

  • ahmed omer February 12, 2014

    You and your master are anchwa you talking about Wayane by race way but you master already stopped to about his masters now he is begging to kiss their arse ask his only friend Al Bashir do not kill us defending for Asiyas or you master .Eritrean youth Sinai begun with them from called NATIONAL SERVICE
    (SLAVERY) Even more cruel than old time slavery Hayal You are more Shabia than G15 group and all Eritreans who are in Shabia’s jail do not talk idiot stuff your master Asiyas is a big traitor and everyone flow his crime against Eritrean people .

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