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Gaddafi killed as Libya’s revolt claims hometown

(Reuters) - Former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi died of wounds suffered on Thursday as fighters battling to complete an eight-month-old uprising against his rule overran his hometown Sirte, Libya's interim rulers said. His killing, which came

(Reuters) – Former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi died of wounds suffered on Thursday as fighters battling to complete an eight-month-old uprising against his rule overran his hometown Sirte, Libya’s interim rulers said.

His killing, which came swiftly after his capture near Sirte, is the most dramatic single development in the Arab Spring revolts that have unseated rulers in Egypt and Tunisia and threatened the grip on power of the leaders of Syria and Yemen.

“He (Gaddafi) was also hit in his head,” National Transitional Council official Abdel Majid Mlegta told Reuters. “There was a lot of firing against his group and he died.”

Mlegta told Reuters earlier that Gaddafi, who was in his late 60s, was captured and wounded in both legs at dawn on Thursday as he tried to flee in a convoy which NATO warplanes attacked. He said he had been taken away by an ambulance.

There was no independent confirmation of his remarks.

An anti-Gaddafi fighter said Gaddafi had been found hiding in a hole in the ground and had said “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot” to the men who grabbed him.

His capture followed within minutes of the fall of Sirte, a development that extinguished the last significant resistance by forces loyal to the deposed leader.

The capture of Sirte and the death of Gaddafi means Libya’s ruling NTC should now begin the task of forging a new democratic system which it had said it would get under way after the city, built as a showpiece for Gaddafi’s rule, had fallen.

Gaddafi, wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of ordering the killing of civilians, was toppled by rebel forces on August 23 after 42 years of one-man rule over the oil-producing North African state.

NTC fighters hoisted the red, black and green national flag above a large utilities building in the center of a newly-captured Sirte neighborhood and celebratory gunfire broke out among their ecstatic and relieved comrades.

Hundreds of NTC troops had surrounded the Mediterranean coastal town for weeks in a chaotic struggle that killed and wounded scores of the besieging forces and an unknown number of defenders.

NTC fighters said there were a large number of corpses inside the last redoubts of the Gaddafi troops. It was not immediately possible to verify that information.

(Writing by Jon Hemming and William Maclean; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Review overview
  • Semhar October 20, 2011

    Gaddafi is dead Isayas is next!
    – His boss (Mubarak of Egypt) is thrown out of power.
    – The international community’s talking peace and carrying big stick [sanctions] is having an effect.
    – The Eritrean people are beginning to realize that there is no point in waiting for the regime to reform itself — that it needs to be overthrow.
    This is the moment we must come together to save our land and our people.

    Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay!
    Let freedom ring in Barka!
    Let freedom ring in Denkel!
    Let freedom ring in Hamasien!
    Let freedom ring in Sahil!
    Let freedom ring in Semhar!
    Let freedom ring in Senhit!
    Let freedom ring in Seraye!

    Let freedom ring in ERITREA!

    Let freedom ring allover Eritrea!
    Let’s LIVE FREE OR DIE with dignity.
    Our martyrs did not die to crown the tyrant.
    We must reclaim our flag, our constitution, Highi Indaba, our land (our original provinces), our people, and our culture.
    DISTROY the dictator ISAYAS and his terrorist organization the PFDJ where ever they are.
    Eritrea will be free soon!

  • Semhar October 20, 2011

    Gaddafi is dead Isayas is next!

    Yes we can DISTROY the dictator ISAYAS and his terrorist organization the PFDJ where ever they are.
    Yes we will DISTROY the dictator ISAYAS and his terrorist organization the PFDJ where ever they are.
    Eritrea will be free soon!

    – The international community’s talking peace and carrying big stick [sanctions] is having an effect.
    – The Eritrean people are beginning to realize that there is no point in waiting for the regime to reform itself — that it needs to be overthrow.
    This is the moment we must come together to save our land and our people.

    Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay!
    Let freedom ring in Barka!
    Let freedom ring in Denkel!
    Let freedom ring in Hamasien!
    Let freedom ring in Sahil!
    Let freedom ring in Semhar!
    Let freedom ring in Senhit!
    Let freedom ring in Seraye!

    Let freedom ring in ERITREA!

    Let freedom ring allover Eritrea!
    Let’s LIVE FREE OR DIE with dignity.
    Our martyrs did not die to crown the tyrant.
    We must reclaim our flag, our constitution, Highi Indaba, our land (our original provinces), our people, and our culture.
    DISTROY the dictator ISAYAS and his terrorist organization the PFDJ where ever they are.
    Eritrea will be free soon!

    • Shikor October 20, 2011

      Really you say Isaias next. Are u kidding me. Isaias is different from any other Africa leader or if u will from any other country. Isaias is came from the people he work for the people. No power in the earth try bring down this beloved president. Isaias didn’t become from street or fake election he fought for the people since 20years old. If you dream Isaias will be next it is dreaming and nightmare. Instead your boss Chenawi Zenawi is on the edge of cliff as every ethiopian know he is hated by 90% of his people. Don’t worry about Isaias we will take care of him.

      • Cool Eri Dude October 20, 2011


        I tell you what, you’re probably here to hit on guys or to get laid for your nick implies something to that effect. I give you this: your nick sure is a turn on but a chick like you shouldn’t be messing with politics for you ain’t cut out for this kind of sh*t. Politics ain’t your forte. Hola at me when you get da time, and will treat you right in and off bed.

      • abdi October 20, 2011

        Indeed, let them bark Agamism infected unionists that’s all what they can the most.
        Oh meetings too.

  • nyla October 20, 2011

    I want to reminde to every body , this is a woyane board , reply to the paranoid comments of woyanes was blocked by the moderater , where is the democracy!

  • turana October 20, 2011

    You can have the best war machine but you can never escape the will of the people!

  • Barentu October 20, 2011

    ኣንታ እንታይ ውርደት እዩ፤ እዞም መራሕቲ ዓረብሲ ጉሮኦምን ፈኸረኦምን ዘይንጽንቀቕ።
    ንዓመታት ብምርዓድን ምእሳርን ብምሕቃቕን፥ ብዘይተኣደነ ስልጣንን ሃብትን ይነብሩ እሞ፤
    ወይ ኣብ ጉድጓድ ኣናጹ ከም ሳዳም ሑሰን፥ ወይ ከኣ ከምዚ ናይ ገዳፊ ክፍርጥጡ ወይ ኣብ መትረብ ቱቦ ፋኛቱራ ተሓቢኦም ይርከቡ። እቲ ዘሕዝን እዞም ኩሎም መራሕቲ ኣዕራብ፥ ክተሓዙ ከለዉ ፈጥፈጥ እንዳበሉ ምሕረት ክልምኑ ምርኣይ እዩ።
    እዚ ዘርኢ ውለቀ መለኽትን፤ ደቂ መዛሙርቶም በዓል ኢሳያስ ስጋብ ክንደይ ፈራሃት ምኻኖም እዩ። ኣብ ቪድዮ ከም ዘርእዮ፤ ገዳፊ ከምስል ከም ኣንጭዋ እንዳዋጨጨ አዪ ዝሞተ።
    እቲ ሕቶ ድሕሪ 42 ዓመታት፥ ሊብያ ከም ኢራቅ ናብ ህኮት ዶ ተምርሕ ወይሲ ከም ግብጺ እብያኣ ይጭወይ? እዚ ግዜ ዝምልሶ እዩ።

  • Dawit Tsehaye October 20, 2011

    aithlemu ainblekumn hilmi ghin himi iyu kul ghizie LONG LIVE WEDI AFOM

    • Sawel October 20, 2011

      We are loving it you know and we know he is next, as you know they burn the trucks in bisha that is only the start, the momentum is going, short live you RAT master,

  • Yemane Johar October 20, 2011

    The RAT of nakfa will be found and killed inside Fagnatura of Asmara!

  • Sawel October 20, 2011

    where is the Eritrean tv HGDEF propaganda machine, when all over the world is reporting the truth, Eritrea TV is silent where is the truth. you keep saying you serve the truth but in fact you serve the propaganda of PIA RAT to slave our youth.
    I will be waiting to hear from Eritrea TV for the news.

  • fev October 20, 2011

    I can see a lot of small heads in here. This guys are heavily armored fuctions, it will be very hard to control them. I can see another somalia just wait three more months. besides these people are killing our brothers in libya….

    • abdi October 21, 2011

      Totally agree! And may be worse than Somalia for the wealth they got.and the NETO won’t leave the country soon,and they will make explosions and killings inside Libya in the coming few weeks to extend their interference for security.
      Quart {besides Killing,,,,} i don’t think these unionists would care about the death of our bro/sis as long as it doesn’t serve their agenda.their goal isn’t about protecting eritreans youth,freed prisoners, justice or democracy as they propagate in every meeting or w.sites,NO, its all about who wins the leadership and makes more money out of this crises.

  • Barentu October 20, 2011

    Enjoy the video link below, they made a song to Gadafi’s speech. In the speech-turned song, Gadafi says “I have millions of supporters all over the country and the Sewra will hunt them house to house, inch by inch, house to house, corner to corner, “zenga to zenga” person to person … ”
    This is what Sadam Hussien boasted before they pulled him from the rat hole like Gadafi, and this is how Jamal Abdel Naser, Ghdafi’s mentor used to bark before,
    They all died in humiliation.
    What a shame! Enjoy the song, called Zenga zenga:

    ኣንታ እንታይ ውርደት እዩ፤ እዞም መራሕቲ ዓረብሲ ጉሮኦምን ፈኸረኦምን ዘይንጽንቀቕ።
    ንዓመታት ብምርዓድን ምእሳርን ብምሕቃቕን፥ ብዘይተኣደነ ስልጣንን ሃብትን ይነብሩ እሞ፤

    • abdi October 20, 2011

      You are insane,nothing to enjoy,its cowardly and inhuman.