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Former Sawa Trainer, Kibrom Haile “Megelel” Speaks about his Rough Journey to Europe (Short version of his Account on Smer Paltalk Room) Part 2, Wed, Nov 19, 2014

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  • Wedi Tororonto November 20, 2014

    What a harrowing journey! And yet this guy is among the lucky ones who made it alive.
    When asked about the exodus of the use, what did our dictator say? …. “They are going for a picnic!” . I wish him this type of a “picnic” soon!

  • Harnet November 20, 2014

    God has saved you to tell your story and the stories of many who has not made it but yet endured similar or worst Eritrean exodus experiences. This is what is happening to the youth of Eritrean during the so called “Independence” years. Is this what our families and friends fought and died for?

    God Bless Eritrea and Eritreans!

  • ERITRAWIT November 20, 2014

    Eway, Eway anta entay matew eu wey gud.
    Kubur haw Kibrom nay behakey zgerm zesdemem. Nay behakey amlak mska eu kemza tekedenkaya zeleka sada ysnahka shekor hawey!!!!
    Amanule yekenyelna.

  • Mesinas November 20, 2014

    ሓው ክብሮም ንስኻ ናይ ብሓቂ ኤርትራዊ ሙኻንካ እቲ መዘና ኣልቦ ቅንዕንናኻ፣ ልውህናኻ፣ ብዓብይኡ ድማ ትብዓትካን ጅግንነትካን ብግብሪ መስሪቱ ኣሎ። ምናልባት ንገለ ውሑዳት ኣሕዋትናን ኣሓትናን ደኣ ዘለፋ ኮይኑ ከይስምዖም እምበር ኩሉ ጽቡቕ ባህሪ ኤርትራዊ ኣብ ዘበን ህግደፍ’ዩ ጠፊኡ። እቶም ሓዎም ብጓኖት እናተገፍዐ ትም ኢሎም ዝተዓዘቡ ከኣ ብርግጽ ካብቶም ጃንዳ ህግደፍ ኤርትራውነቶም ኣብ ሳዋ ዝመንዘዖም ግዳያት ምልኪ’ዮም ክኾኑ ዝኽእሉ!

    ከምቲ “ትክን ጅግናን መውጽኢ ኣይስእንን’ዩ!” ዚብሃል ከኣ ንስኻ ሳላ ሓይሊ ኣምላኽን ሳላ’ቲ ተባዕ ቈራጽነትካን ጅግንነትካን ድማ ሰዳድ ወረ ኪትከውን በቒዕካ ኣለኻ። እቲ ናይ ብሓቂ ኤርትራዊ ዝኾነ ዜጋ ከኣ ሕጂ ዛንታኻ ምስ ሰምዐ ብስቅያት ህዝቡ መዓንጣ ከብዱ ሕርድ ኢሉ ኣሎ! ኣገናዕ ሃብሮም ዝሓወይ! ተባዕ ኩሉ ግዜ ተባዕ’ዩ! ብትብዓትን ብቕንዕናን ውዕሎኻን ውዕሎ ኣሕዋትካን ንህዝብኻ ገሊጽካ። ብዙሓት ካብዚ ናትካ ታሪኽ ክምሃሩ’ዮም። በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ነዚ ዓቢ ቁውም ነገር’ዚ ዘቕረበ ሓው ኣማኑኤል እያሱውን ልዑል ምስጋና ይኹኖ!

  • FM November 20, 2014

    ክቡር ክብሮም ብዝሃካና ወረ ጕዕዞኻ ነቶም ብዓይኒ ማዕዶ እንጥምቶን እንሰምዕን፣ ካብቱ እንሓስቦ ንላዕሊ ስቓይን ደንገተ-ሞትን ከምዘጋጥም ኣነጺርካ ብዝገለጽካልና ከመስግነካ እፈቱ። እንቋዕ ድማ ፈጣሪ ካብ መዓት ኣውጽኣካ። ቅንዕናኻ እዩ ድማ ድርዕን ዋልታን ኮይኑካ – ካብ ሳዋ ጀሚርካ ደማዕን ደላይ ጽቡቕን ስለዝኾንካ ዕድል ኣብዝረኸብካሎ ካብ ንነፍስኻ ነኅዋትካ ክትሐሊ ብምግንዛበይ ድማ “እግዚአብሔር ኢይሓድጋ ለብሔር እንበለ አሓዱ ኄር – እምላኽሲ ንሃገር ብዘይ ሐደ ሕያዋይ ሰብ ኣገድፋን’ዩ” ዝብል ጠቕሲ ግዕዝ ከዘክረኒ ክኢሉ ብሓቂ ከስተንትንዎ እንተድኣ ክኢሎምብሳላኻ ድማ ብዙሓት ድኂኖም። ኣብ መጻኢ ጕዕዞኻ ፈጣሪ የሰንኻ ዓወትን ኣሳልጦን ይሃብካ እናበልኩ ሠናይ ትምኒተይ እገልጸልካ።

  • Freweyni November 20, 2014

    anes azyu gerimuni, kubur hawey enquaE ezgabher bselam auxaka. I wish you can document all of this amazing story, as it is thousands’s of young and old Eritreans story. I love your voice there is something like sound of honesty and integrity that I can hear on it. I wish you good health and prosperity dear brother. Thanks to Assena, may one day you guys run a radio programmer from Asmera, viva deki Erey.

  • Mullure November 20, 2014

    Dear Kibrom
    I am glad you are alive.I was so happy to hear your talk but it was full of lie and comedy.Had it been not you i could have trusted it and misled people by repeating you sheer lie.please dont trust him he is lying.Hasawi korbet enda hadere zfekus.
    the person you are referring in CAMP is me MULUE living in UK.I am sure you know my where about because we spent two months in small house but full of joy and fun in trablose.if you are on your mined i am sure you remember asmerom,hogos ,and habrom tekle.we lived in the same house and loved each other as brothers and sharing all we had . i am still wondering why you are making yourself strong and smart when you are weak and fool. I was so surprised when you were saying I jumped from the apartment .Actually you are not WAKE still to day .SUPRONO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! TUWAHHHHHHH.Did you really mean it.YOU JUMP FROM THE COAMP ,Come Kebari WHAT ABOUT THE BEAUTIFUL BMW brought us in to TRIPOLI. we were brought by ali the agent who use to be my friend just to take habrom and asmerom WHO WERE left behind.WERE YOU HIDE WHEN I WENT TO CALL HOGOS AND ASI .when i went to bring our two friends you went lost in the city as simple as that.I spent the whole day looking for your but latter I WAS TOLD that you were TOLD BY YOUR BROTHER IN LAW TO see HIS SISTER and her boyfriend in Binkazi.
    we (asmero ,hogos ,tekle and me) came to Italy when you weRE lost and reached to Uk in the same day your reached Binkazi.The only person who lost his mind was you and still you are lost .
    I was very confused when you were saying the person who went with me to the camp had stayed in libya for three before me.Another suprano!!!!!!!!!!I came to tripoli after you and helped you but u couldnt even mention my name on the counterpart you made your self smart and courageous when you were coward and fool.The only person who betrayed his friends by telling lies in this paltalk is you .Stop talking about you when have nothing to say about success for the fact that you couldnot make to reach UK when you needed it most .Shame on you I am sorry Amanuel if you dont censure like this talks , your work will be good for nothing

    • Super Smart November 21, 2014


      Do you think that you are the only smart person in this world. If we want to believe you. Just Ask Emanuel for an Interview and reveal your name and address. The time to mislead and fabricate is gone. No one trust people like you HIGDEF. You can be an Wedi Gerahtu or Girma Asmerom or Bahlibi or Estifanos ambassador.

      What is funny about you is that you wrote your own version by getting the name, and place of the incident. You were not there but you were in your comfort zone UK.

      This story is real and true.

  • wedi wedeba mushmush November 21, 2014

    9 seb mikillte seb yikitketu!! What is wrong with this young generations???

  • dan November 21, 2014

    እዚ ናይ ሓውና ክብሮም ሽግር ብታዕሚ ዝሕዝንን ዘጉህን አዩ ናይዚ ኩሉ ሽግር ጠንቂ ድማ ብሰንኪ እቲ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ግስሩጥ ምሕደራ እዩ ስለዚ ኩሉ ፍልልያትና ንጎኒ ገዲፍና ነቲ መንሽሮ ሃገርና ኮይኑ ዘሎ ስርዓት በጋሚንዶ ብዘኡአላቡ ከነቃብጾ ኣለና።

  • Mikael November 21, 2014

    Bezaeba measker SAWA bezuh kenfelet slenedele nesekha wen abu alamay selezneberka zenebere kunetat asfeh abelka kemteqrebelna tesfa ngeber

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