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  • March 19, 2012

    This press statement is not exhaustive of the issues involved. It was clearly written by those who have blind hate of PFDJ.

  • Samar March 19, 2012

    I was hoping to see this youth organization is a true Eritrean opposition organization, but time tests all and shows the real entity of the material. This organization is no more than the extension of EPDP and CDRiE. All the extensions of EPDP will continue to issue their press lease. Upto now we have two and the rest if there is any rest will follow soon. At the end, we will see in a couple of days when Ethiopia intensifies its incursions the press lease of EPDP.

    • Yonas March 20, 2012

      EYGM showed it’s clear stand which is on the side of the peace loving people of Eritrea. Ethiopian leaders are not different than the Tyrant in Eritrea, they are all the same products….. they all believe in war as a solution to all of their problems. Peace to all peace loving people of Ethiopia and Eritrea!!

  • Almaz Gaul Asmera March 19, 2012

    My personal point of view, I didn’t hate the press release, but I would be happy if the “condemnation” was a “call”, instead. I support you because you have described the wild beast in Asmara in correct terms, unlike CDRI, who seem to be a group of special interest, tried to compare apple with pebble (stone).
    One thing that you all seem to forget it that anything that weakens the wild beast will eventually lead to our liberation. My preference is bloodless, but the earth is not “paradise”. The Ethiopians have been begging the world to take action against the reckless PFDJ regime and no one should expect for them to sit idle. As long as they are targeting their own-enemies and didn’t stretch their hands to our ports, they have the right to protect their people and cross-border crimes.
    Secondly, the undesired death is occurring inside the thousands of underground prisons, “shoot-to-kill” along borders of our nation, and all along the Sahara. Hence, when you play the card “death of innocent people due to the attack” you need to be thoughtful of all the above facts.

  • Almaz Gaul Asmera March 19, 2012

    The bigger picture should be, as you mentioned in the free press, creating a credible alternative for the Eritrean people, who will first target the first enemy (our own PFDJ) and then stand for peace with all its people and neighbors. Having generals and colonels taking their slices (zobas/provinces) and acting lawlessly and destroying our heritage, religion, culture and finally our identity and attempting to do the same across-borders, there is little, if there is, credibility condemning the other side.

  • Mr. T March 19, 2012

    Another disappointing article. The only strong word used against the barbaric woyane’s flagrant violation of Eritrean territorial integrity and its cold blooded killing of Eritreans within their nation is in the title of the article. And even in that small gesture, the word used is “oppose” instead of condemn. The body of the article is mostly used to criticize the PFDJ regime. Another hopeless organization. What could Eritreans expect from these opportunistic skunks? Nothing at all.

    • Samar March 19, 2012

      Mr. T,

      Since you are an intelligent person, will you please explain for us the difference between ‘oppose’ and ‘condemn’?

      The Eritrean opposition opposes the regime, that means, in condemns it too. Oppose is more stronger than condemn. In oppose it, you are ready to act, but in condemning you are reluctant not take action. Oppose is more stronger than condemn. This week you are in distress that is why you are unable to think in a twisted way as usual. Bye Bye, it is time to collapse the kingdom of mafia.

      Yesterday, when you praised CDRiE you were coverless and that made you uncover that CDRiE a satellite of the regime in dispora. Today you tried to cover EYGM, but you failed to do that and you have provided us with a second witness that EYGM is also another satellite of the regime. In the coming days we are to hear press release of the remaining satellites and in the forefront the EPDP. EPDP is waiting to do it at last, because they think theirs will a landsliding, a crushing press release.

      I advice EPDP to do it early otherwise the regime will collapse before you issue your press release, the sooner will be more better and helpful to the continuation of the regime which tortures and kills innocents.

      • March 19, 2012

        ንወያኔ መጠንቀቅታ ዝሐዘ መልእኽቲ ክሰዱሉ ዘይምኽአሎም የሕዝን። ወያነ ኤርትራ ኣትዩ ኣሕዋትና እምበር ካልእሲ ሃገር ራሕሪሑ ክከይድ ዝኽእል ኢዩ።

        • Samar March 19, 2012


          Don’t waste you time here commenting go and rescue your god from collapsing. The slaves are not ready to protect your god, Isaias.

          • March 20, 2012


            what is your narrow agenda for fighting against PFDJ. It is clear you are narrow minded. You will lie if I ask you to tell me about yourself. First of all, use your real name and then we will have a descent conversation.

      • esak March 19, 2012

        Hey guys EYGM is not satellite or subordinate of HGDEF or EPDP. It is true eritrean freedom fighter with hundreds of members. Probably the press release was hastily written but it is not fair to judge a movement which has worked so hard for the right of eritrean citizens and continue to do so from the day it was established. if you believe the statement was rushed and it could have been different, i assure you we will look into it in detail. however, lets be civil not to condemn EYGM in rush so that we can avoid hasty conclusions.

        Thank you member of EYGM UK!

      • Mr. T March 19, 2012

        The difference between “oppose” and “condemn” is the strength of message that these two words convey or carry. You are cordially advised to refer any dictionary that is available online or if you have one in your house. Thank you for asking.

        • Samar March 20, 2012

          Mr. T,

          Refer Cambridge Dictionaries.

          Oppose means: To disagree with something or someone, often by speaking or fighting against them.

          Condemn means: To criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons.

          I hope you recognized that oppose is more stronger than condemn.

          • Samar March 20, 2012

            Mr. T,

            I have in my house different kinds of dictionaries. In case you need a dictionary send me you full address and I will bring it to your house. I will do this cordially to strengthen our relations and assist education to spread among the medieval age persons.

  • March 19, 2012

    ሃገር ነባሪ መንግስቲ ግና ሓላፊ እዩ !!!ዝለዝኮነ ሃገርና ኤርትራ ብ ትካቦ ዘይኮነት ቀያሕቲ ከፊልና ዘምጻናያ ሃገር ምካና ማንም ዝስሕቶ አይኮነን ነዚ አጋቲሙ ዘሎ ዳግማይ ምግሃስ ልአላውነት ውን ኢደይ ኢድካ ደአ ንበሃሃል ነባሪ መንግስቲ ስለዘየለ ነባሪ ሃገር ግን ንዘላለም እዩ::

    • Samar March 19, 2012


      You are dreaming the slaves to fight for you. It is impossible. Look for other solution for your problem.

  • zewde March 19, 2012

    well, all of you need to aware that, without fighting there is no freedom. And if you are dreaming that HGDF will give your freedom, you will still dream but you know properly, HGDF has no mercy as you think now during his difficult.
    If you really care about the innocent people being killed, you should have cared for those people who were forcifly taken by Bedium and taken their parts with a lot of pain and agnoy. If you really feel the pain without sharpend knife, how do you really compare with the war for freedom and the Bedium in sinai?
    removing for weyane from our land is easier if we have the freedom and rights respect of each life or Eritreans, but i findi you liers here, if you can help, thye are being you in Sinai.

    • Ahmed saleh March 19, 2012

      Yes Zewde, what you said goes straight to the bone. The painful events in Sinaai
      and Mediteranian sea was enough to get rid this cruel regime. Our weakness is
      not to be truthful to ourselves and I don’t know why, either it is out of carelessness
      or selfishness really hard to understand life.

  • SINGAPO - ERITREAN March 19, 2012

    ……and not regard me as an enemy or suspect ,because I happen to belong to the same region with Isaias…I oppose Isaias because his organization is the enemy of the people ..including & specially the central region.
    Now , what am I trying to say ???? I want this war not to go any further , why ..because, we do not have an opposition with a back bone . Some have even pointed out their reason …in a nut shell….THERE ARE TOO MANY WELIDS JABIR BUT TOO FEW WELDEGABIRS …Now , would you expect them to fill the power vaccum that is void ,well, after PFDJ collapses ???…cont

    • Kibrom T. March 19, 2012


      It pains me to tell you that you are not only a scattered brain, but you are no less dangerous than Mr. T to the Eritrean people. To say that “there are too many Welids but too few Weldegabirs” and so let our people serve as food for the Mediterranean fish, and those who make it to the Sinai, the Egyptian body snatchers are waiting. You are an idiot and sickening and you better find the map of Singapore. Welid is Eritrean. And so is Weldegabir. Just shut up!
      Read Zewde above and think again. Another thing: When you write collect your thoughts and write. But I prefer that you do not write!

      • Mr. T March 21, 2012

        Your inclusion of my name in your comment above is really a collateral damage. I don’t blame you. I blame Sinagapo-E for exciting you like a an electron which is being bombarded by a photon. Poor you, Kibrom.

  • SINGAPO - ERITREAN March 19, 2012

    “ኣይትሓዝለይ ሓትነይ ምላሹ-
    ዝበላዕኩሉ ጻሕልኺ ደርብየዮስ ተሓምሺሹ-
    ግናስ ንኣይ ድኣ ጎድኣኒ ተመሊሹ” !!!!

    ከመዓልኪ ሓትነይ ምላሹ
    ´93 ዝፈረምክለይ ሕጅስ መሽሚሹ
    ህዝበይ ኣብ ገዛእ ዓዱ ተጋይሹ
    ብኮማንደር ድሙ-ድሙ ተዓሽዩ,ተቐሺሹ
    መንእሰይ ብማእሰርቲ ብቶርቸር ,ብጥይት ተረሽሪሹ
    ንዓኺ ምጽልኤይ, ኣነስ ክንደይ ይዕሹ!!!
    … ኣሞይ ምላሹ ጓል´ቲ ለባም መሬት
    ደቅኺ ጸባ ይሰትዩ, ኣነን ሓሪሙኒ ሓሬት
    ኣባይ/Nile ገዲብክዮ ብናይ ስድራኺ ሕብረት
    23 ዩኒቨርሲቲታት ናይ ፍልጠት መሰረት
    ኣነስ እታ ሓንቲ እኳ ዓጽዮማ,.ኣዕጢቖምኒ ብረት
    ንስኺ ቀጽልሉ ምዕባለ, ብዘይ ደረት
    ኣነሞ ሎተርያይ ቀዲደያስ, ክመውት´የ ,ወይ ብውግእ ወይ ብጥሜት
    ተቓላጢፈ እንተዘይዘየምጺኤያ ,ዲሞክራስያዊት ሓርነት !!!!!

  • selomon March 20, 2012

    entay zeygebere delikum mengisti ethiopia sik kibil dilayom endageberu kisab kem baal sudan somalia zigebruwen zelewu nirieon nisemion zelena do aykonen hamamisomen
    wey kemzi hzbina kisadu adninu dilayom entegeberu ferihu sik zibil zelo esom ke sik kiblu . entay amsilom silehzbomin hageremun kibrom nikeydifer zikalom ygberu enber .
    mengisti ethiopias ab qunue mesmeru eyu zelo ” weden keyhamyas seyti weden ” koynu negeru hzbi eritrea ni mengistina daa ageb tigage aloka bisenkika kulen gorebabiti hagerat selam sienen kibil zigibeo yehwat .haqi eyu tsubuq

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