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Ethiopia opens Sub-Saharan Africa’s first tramway

ADDIS ABABA — Sub-Saharan Africa’s first modern tramway opened in the Ethiopian capital on Sunday, marking the completion of a massive Chinese-funded infrastructure project hailed as a major step in the country’s economic development. Even before

ADDIS ABABA — Sub-Saharan Africa’s first modern tramway opened in the Ethiopian capital on Sunday, marking the completion of a massive Chinese-funded infrastructure project hailed as a major step in the country’s economic development.

Even before the ribbon was cut, several hundred residents were queueing for a ride on the Chinese-driven trams, which have the capacity to carry 60,000 passengers a day across the capital of Africa’s second most populous nation.

The two line, 34-kilometre system was built by the China Railway Engineering Corporation (CREC). The project cost $475m, 85% of which has been covered by China’s Exim bank.

“I’m very excited and very proud as an Ethiopian. We have been waiting for this for a long time. It will curb the transportation shortage,” said Dereje Daba, who had waited for two hours to become one of the first passengers on the new line.

Currently working in a café in the city centre, he said the tram would cut his daily commute from one hour to just 20 minutes. So far only the north-south line is open, with the east-west line due to open next month.

The tramway is designed to relieve the mounting strain on the city’s roads, where up to now public transport for the five million and growing population has consisted of aged buses and so-called “blue donkeys” — a network of cramped, polluting minibuses.

“I have had many problems with the blue donkeys, with the long lines and the fights to get a seat. I hope this will no longer be a problem,” said Tigist Dekele, a young woman who lives in the city.

Ticket prices have also been set at the low, accessible rate of no more than $0.30.

The light rail has been hailed as a milestone in fast-growing but impoverished Ethiopia’s development, and part of a cluster of major infrastructure projects — most of them also Chinese-funded — that include railway lines, motorways and dams.

The project is also a symbol of China’s continued strong economic presence on the commodity-rich African continent. Beijing even built the $200m African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa in 2012 as a gift expressing “friendship to the African people.” Ethiopia’s transport minister, Workneh Gebeyehu, said the tramway project would also boost Ethiopia’s bid to make the city — already the seat of the African Union — the undisputed continental hub.

“This is a sign of modernity. This is a very modern train that will serve the capital city of Africa. We are very proud of that,” he said. “The light rail is not for commercial purposes. Tickets are very cheap. It will serve the people with low income.” Authorities have also promised the scheme will not be beset by power cuts, with a separate power grid set up to feed the lines.


Review overview
  • Gabir September 21, 2015

    Here you go! This is the difference between a visionary leader like Meles and alike and the sycophants like Isaias and alike. Visionary leaders plan and execute. Whereas sycophants plan how to cleanse their own people and infrastructure. Can you imagine guys! Eritrea had nation wide rail way probably before all African countries. Where are we now? Our own so called government could not even lay one meter rail road in 24 years. What a shame!

  • AHMED SALEH !!!. September 21, 2015

    When you have dedicated leaders who give priority for the people
    interest , you see results comparing those politicans with sweet
    talk and empty promises .
    Ethiopian and Eritrean governments started the race at the same
    time but one of them headed the wrong way to quit .
    Let me say for Ethiopian people and their government ;

  • fact-is-fact September 21, 2015

    you are truly wise that has come with terms in an honest & wise way Teclay!

    I wish Eritreans come to terms & understand that each and everyone of them are all wrong & begin soul-searching by :
    a) coming together and coming to the understanding that everyone has been dead wrong.
    b) not listening to each other, not tolerating the other person’s opinion, will continue to help pfdj & its followers
    c) injecting wisdom to remove Hassad & Jealous behavior that hinder the unity.


    መቕጻዕቲ ዶ ይኸውን ካብቲ ላዕላይ ኣምላኽ፣ “ኩሉ ናተይ እዩ እሞ ኣይትመካሕ” ድዩ ዝበለ

    ሓበሻ ኮለና ኣብቲ ጥዑም ግዜ
    ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ኢተዮጵያውያን እንታይ ይብላ ነበራ ? = የኣስመራ ልጅ ሸጋ .
    ደቂ ተባዕትዮ ኢተዮጵያውያን እንታይ ይብሉ ነበሩ? = = ወንድሜ.
    ንሕና ኸ እንታይ ነበረ መልስና? = ኣእዱግ.

    • Negasi Tigraway September 22, 2015

      Fact-is-fact; You said it very well. I don’t think most Eritreans think the way you think. We call you brothers and you call us Agame, Our Amharic speakers call you Wondime you called them “Adgi”….I believe Eritreans were beneficiary in all aspects when Eritrea was part of Ethiopia. I wish you wisdom to correct the wrong deeds and have peace.

    • Fithi September 23, 2015

      Well said and I couldn’t agree more. You know telling the truth gives you peace of mind and it also heals the wounds we inflicted upon others of goodwill.
      Thank you

  • Meharenazgi Merhawi September 21, 2015

    This is the result of a quality leadership, the mass population of Ethiopia is lucky to harvest what their youngsters have sown,but the people of Eritrea is unlucky, because the corns what our Martyrs have sown during the long years of struggle fell among thistles(Thorns) Isayas and his sympathizers
    The thorns shot up,and choked our corns and as you see it now we remain empty handed with no corn to be harvested.
    Congratulation Ethiopian brothers “EnquaE fre xama belahti Merahtkum beAl Meles Zenawi hafeskum”
    kulka hade aytkun.Amlak Edme wulqe-melaki ahxiru N’Akum yemaslena

  • Tesfit September 21, 2015

    In the meantime, PFDJ inherited asphalted Asmara streets but now gradually turning into dusty roads. Forget about building new..

  • Suleiman Salim September 21, 2015


    The two line, 34-kilometre system was built by the China Railway Engineering Corporation (CREC). The project cost $475m, 85% of which has been covered by China’s Exim bank.

    • Bini September 21, 2015

      Ata kezab jebeli alekadika?
      Dkala hasad wahid ,,,, teboymaarey edmeka yehxru.

      • Efrem S. September 21, 2015

        And what have your Arabs produced for you so far? Unlike your Arabs who are known only for destruction and mayhem the Chinese are known for their development, progress, peace and unity projects/missions. You will only come anywhere closer to the great peace loving Chinese in your daydreams.

        • Suleiman Salim September 21, 2015



          The two line, 34-kilometre system was built by the China Railway Engineering Corporation (CREC). The project cost $475m, 85% of which has been covered by China’s Exim bank.

          • Simon G. September 22, 2015

            If Woyane knew how our camels run, they wouldn’t bring this as news worthy.

          • Masawa September 22, 2015

            congratulations to the people of Ethiopia,
            I heard that after this spectacular news and technological marvel of Africa, right in the heart of the head quarters of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Issaias Afewerki and the few Abeedist slaves who hate their own identity will hold a news conference separately, announcing that Eritrea will get the best genetically modified Arabian camels from Saudi Arabia that can run faster than the new Addis Light Rail system. The newly donated, not sickly Arabian camels (unlike the Australian sheep), are expected to serve Asmara, Keren and Massawa and possibly Mendefera.
            Even one arrogant who had never seen Eritrea for the last 40 years boasted that Arabian camels from Saudi Arabia and Qatar are better than the computer driven modern city trains of Addis.

      • Suleiman Salim September 21, 2015

        The two line, 34-kilometre system was built by the China Railway Engineering Corporation (CREC).

        • Simon G. September 22, 2015

          It is not as 10% of what we have in Asmara. Why all these Boraerae from Woyane?

    • Asghedom September 22, 2015

      so Mr.China you are always Eritrean , Asmara is built by Italians . so. stop to be Eritrean and reason properly and digest what you say before you write .

  • Ala September 21, 2015

    መንግስትን ህዝብን ኢትዮጵያ፤ እንኳዕ ሓጎሰኩም። ከመይ ታሪኽኩም መንነትኩም ቋንቋታትኩም ስለ እተኽብሩ፤ ማርያም ጽዮን ኣኽሱም ትሓልኹም፤ መራሕትን ክብርን ኣፍርቃ ከም ኣኽሱማያን ላሊበላን ኣግኣዝያንን ይግበርኩም። ጸላእትኹም ድፍእ ኢሎም ይስገድልኩም።

  • Masawa September 22, 2015

    congratulations to the people of Ethiopia,
    I heard that after this spectacular news and technological marvel of Africa, right in the heart of the head quarters of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Issaias Afewerki and the few Abeedist slaves who hate their own identity will hold a news conference separately, announcing that Eritrea will get the best genetically modified Arabian camels from Saudi Arabia that can run faster than the new Addis Light Rail system. The newly donated, not sickly Arabian camels, are expected to serve Asmara, Keren and Massawa and possibly Mendefera.
    Even one arrogant who had never seen Eritrea for the last 40 years boasted that Arabian camels from Saudi Arabia and Qatar are better than the computer driven modern city trains of Addis.

  • David September 22, 2015

    I thank God for the great leaders of Ethiopia. Our leader and his followers do not have the vision, they have small and arrogant minds. We Eritrea’s are not better than the leaders, we live in fantasy and we think we are better than everyone. Look at us, our people are scattered all over the world, the youth dying for no reason and we can not address our problems together. We disagree in everything and this is what the leaders are doing so they can stay in power. there is a saying zeye kene aywelede.

    May the Lord help us to know the difference.

  • Wedi Agame September 23, 2015

    ወይ አብዚ እንኤኻ ፅዋ!
    * እቲ ፕሮጀክት ብ ሐደ ናይ ቻይና ካምፓኒ ተሰሪሑ ንገንዘቡ ክብል፡፡
    * ናይቲ ፕሮጀክት ፋይናንስ 85% ከብ ሐደ ናይ ቻይና ባንክ ዝተረከበ ልቃሕ ይሽፈን፡፡
    @ እዚ ማለት ሙሉእ ንሙሉእ ብመንግስቲ(ህዝቢ) ኢትዮጵያ ይሽፈን፡፡

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