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Eritrean pilot incarcerated for 15 years without change speaks up publicly for the first time after his prison break.

Dejen Ande Hishel, the Eritrean pilot who has been incarcerated without charge for over 15 years and broke out from a PFDJ prison in the capital Asmara, March this year, gives an extensive interview to Voice

Dejen Ande Hishel, the Eritrean pilot who has been incarcerated without charge for over 15 years and broke out from a PFDJ prison in the capital Asmara, March this year, gives an extensive interview to Voice of Assenna, on the nation’s 23rd Independence Day anniversary.

In the interview which is the first since his prison break, the pilot gives a detailed account of his personal and professional background, the problems which are rampant in the Eritrean Air force, his role during the border war between Eritrea and Ethiopia and the condition of his detention and his prison-break.

Although the pilot who was only two when his parents joined the liberation struggle remembers the Ethiopian Army war plane bombardments he had to endure then as the greatest challenge of his childhood, he went on to become the first Eritrean pilot to fly MIG 29 war plane after independence.  Not only that, Dejen Ande Hishel also became the first Eritrean pilot to spend over 15 years of his adult life behind bars. This goes to prove to what extent revolutions in deed sustain themselves by devouring their own sons, as the saying goes.

As reported back in March, the pilot’s heroic prison-break out of maximum security prison shows that the regime is at its most vulnerable state and empowers Eritreans to rise to the occasion to take action and bring down dictator Isaias Afewerki’s regime once and for all.

Review overview
  • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 18, 2014

    “Ande Hishel type courageous action; if someone against 5, or 6 main PFDJ evil officials would be taken an action, the whole PFDJ political synario would be since long time already ended.”

    I agree ,but that would be hardly a solution .Actually it might even be worse if it is not ….
    armed (be it with civil disobedience or armed with ak 47)…IT WOULD BE LIKE PUTTING BAND AID ON CANCER WOUND !!!

    • selamawit2 May 26, 2014

      Malice drinks one half of its own poison. CHEERS!

  • Genet-orginal May 18, 2014

    What a good news!
    Congratulation brother Dejen!
    Thank you for speaking out; Thank you for talking with Assena/Amanuel. I wish you the best of luck.

  • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 18, 2014

    I QUOTE THE NEW WOYANE CONVERTED World Bulletin/News Desk….


    The Ethiopian government on Saturday received nine new vessels worth over $300 million from China at a ceremony organized in Djibouti
    World Bulletin/News Desk

    The Ethiopian government on Saturday received nine new vessels worth over $300 million from China at a ceremony organized in Djibouti.

    “The vessels are not only Ethiopian assets but they are also Djibouti’s properties,” Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said at the ceremony.

    “The vessels indicate the rapid development in Ethiopia,” he added.

    Named after the capital cities of Ethiopia’s regional states, the vessels were built with loans from the Chinese government.

    Most of Ethiopia’s exports and imports are transported through the Port of Djibouti, which is located 900km east of Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.

    “Djibouti benefits from Ethiopia’s rapid development and in turn Djibouti’s growth is an advantage to Ethiopia,” Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh told the ceremony.

    “The relation between Ethiopia and Djibouti is not limited to a government-to-government level but it has been intensified in people-to-people ties,” he said.

    The Djiboutian leader went on to say that relations between the two neighbors are boosting in different spheres, including the economic and social fields.

    “Djibouti gives a port service to Ethiopia but it does not consider that it is giving the service to another country but regards it as it is doing it for itself,” he said.

    “We believe that Ethiopia is Djibouti and Djibouti is Ethiopia, no difference at all,” he added, going on to reiterate that the new vessels will further help speed up the ongoing development endeavors in Ethiopia.

    Ethiopia had used Eritrean ports until 1998 when the two countries engaged in a war of their border disputes.

    Following the war, Ethiopian began to use Djibouti ports to export its products…..END OF QUOTING

    ንሰለስተ ሽሕ ዓመት______________ መርፍእ እኳ ዘይሰርሔ
    ብትሕትና ፣በዓለ ማርያም ፣በዓለ እዝግሄር________ኢሉ ዘሳፍሔ
    ብዕስራ ዓመታት _________________ኣብዚ ኹሉ ዝበጽሔ
    ዓገበኛ ወያኔ እዩ ____ ነዚ ኹሉ ሃጠው ቀጠው ምዕባለ ዘስፋሕፍሔ
    ብቓልስና ይወቓዕ __________ትሕትና ኣጥፊኡ ልዕልና ዘቃልሔ
    ኣንጻር ኤርትራውነት ________________ ስልጣነ ዝመርሐ !!!

    ንገርዎም፣ ምዓድዎም ________ነዞም ወያነ ገልዳማት
    ኣነስ ኣይደልን እየ _________ናይ ምዕራባዊ ልምዓት
    ሉቸታት ዝጥቀም _______ ንዕቀት ንሽምዓ መረብዓት
    ቀጠልያዊ ስውርኦም ___ኣንጻር ኣፍሪቃዊ ድርቂ ጥቕዓት !!!

    ንዑ ገዝትዎም_____________ልብዓል ወለችኣል
    ኣይምሕሮምይ __________ብመኻልፍ ምስልልዓል
    በቲ ልተምሃርኩዎ ,ላይ ሓኾርተይ ____በደዊን ኣባሃሃል
    እንተለይተጸጺቶም______ ክብላቶም እየ ኣላህ ይንዓል
    ኣይምሕሮምይ ___________ብመኻልፍ ምስልልዓል !!!

    ___ ምዕባለን ትምህርትን ናይ ወያነን ናይ ኩሉዓለምን ስለ ዝኾኑ ኤርትራን ቦኮ ሓራምን ይድርዕምኦ !!!
    ___ ምስ ቦኮ ሓራም ዘለና ሕውነታዊ ፍልልይ እቲ ሰውራዊ ድሙ ድሙ ስለ ዘይጥቀሙን እዩ፣ካብኡ ሰረረ ቃልስናን ካልስናን ሓደ ክጨኑ እዩ !!!

    • Biniam Abraham May 18, 2014

      Great and wise observation from you brother Noble. There are not permanent friends but permanent interest, very basic human nature. Please keep up your noble teachings and God bless you brother.

      • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 18, 2014

        Respected Biniam Abraham ,

        You know ,as Eriutrean ,deep down I am very envious without being jealous.

        Thanks Bini

        • selamawit2 May 26, 2014

          Hi brothers and sisters,

          do you know my absolutley fevorite comment on Eritreans and Eritrea:

          “I do care for our Eritrean people.We are Eritreans ,not because we hate & foolishly put down Amharas & Tegaru of Tigray,but because we have rich loving culture & our national identity is Eritreans….

          I admit that i just borrowed it.

          I am Not the author of th ecomment. The real author is the
          MEHRETU HABTE PAWLOS aka SYE aka NOBLE TEACHE (nibble brains etcher)…aka…aka…(k)aka…

          Just look and see – isn’t he a TWISTED multiple personality ???

          MEHRETU HABTE on March 2, 2013 at 11:00 pm said:

          (please scroll down)


    • Eritreawit May 18, 2014

      Anta qundaf agame zetigedfenna ikha.

      • Gideon May 19, 2014

        Anti gahaf kan Abida entebelukis meliski teAbdi! Ayfalkin mishimishiti fitret!
        Who the fuck do you think you are gaul lemanit, do you really think you own Assenna?
        As they say in amharic ‘Yaltegelabte Yaral’ in other word, if you can’t stand the heat
        in the kitchen then get the fuck out of the kitchen. Whether you or your gahafat type
        like it or not the respected Mr M.Habte (TEN) is here to stay for good as he has a noble
        mission which is to teach the young generation about their true history of Africa not the
        fake one of the savage Arabs or the fascists Italian. Time to grow up & live in the 21st century.

        • rahwa May 19, 2014

          Mr Gideon,
          can we be a little more civilized, brother? the name calling is uncalled for. we can be more than that. let’s be kind to each other and use the forum to have a positive impact on our movements. we can learn a lot from our HERO DEJEN ANDE HISHEL aka SEBARI-KARSHELI who is humble and loving.

    • Tamrat Tamrat May 19, 2014

      “We believe that Ethiopia is Djibouti and Djibouti is Ethiopia, no difference at all,” he added.

      Isaias has alreay learnt early in the 1990s the potential for the Growth when in short time Assab popultaed more than 300,000 from both eri-ethio. He was damn upset that People just simply start living as if nothing happen in the 30 years war he was star. Even the diasporas land in addis first and spent some time before they use their long vacation in Eritrea. What he has in his mind was what we have now war between ‘families’ but what the majority have had in thier mind has been the war is over and to have 100 times what ethio-djibouti is having now.

      When the war was over and People continue to mix he felt that isaias ‘sacrificed’ his 30 years for nothing. He did not know that the poeple won whne the war is over from both sides. Instead he wanted to show he won the war and to confirm that he continued THE WAR. What we had between 1991-1993 was a dream for billions in the world. But tha retarded devil spolied it every time he opened his mouth including his elite followers.

      He had it the way he wished in 1998 though the result was not as he expected it. But he did not felt he lost the war. Infact after a couple of years he woke up and found out that that was he wanted. The enemity between the two Peoples. What he couldnt achived in 30 years civil war he achived it in two yhears war.

      He soon moved his war to Djibouti to stop what we have witnessed now. I told you he is a devil.

    • Gideon May 19, 2014

      Marvelous job uncle M.Habte (TEN), thank you and what a wonderful
      truth. As usual keep ignoring the riffraffs and korakures of the garbage.
      Please continue writing regardless of the few typical Arab dogs barking.
      I also feel that we should have a deep (committed) belief that the peace
      and development of a neighboring country has a positive impact on our own
      country and vice-versa. Keep it up respected uncle and all the best to you.

      • FITHI May 19, 2014

        Grow up , stop nonsense comments , insults , cheap and impotent anger .
        Look up and keep in mind the serious troubles we created from stepping
        across the wrong line . The false advertisment in behalf of Weyane cheer
        leaders as a daily pulpit become ridiculous , one sided and dubious stance .
        Shame on you to penalize the rest of society due to the actions of few
        irresponsible people .
        To save our country , I ask you to change in to flexible way of thoughts .
        Actually not that difficult if we contribute small steps together can make
        a big difference .

        • Gideon May 19, 2014

          fithi, you are so coward and desperate that you keep coming back with more & more
          new cyber names that I am losing count now! However, they are all the sign of desperation.
          With your latest fithi or advises it is extremely generous/kind of you savage Arab dog.
          Your empty gesture of plea is nothing but the same old bullshit you hear from your kind
          of losers. Instead of wasting your time here with your crap lectures, why don’t you use
          them where you might get a better audience and market that is in your savage Arab world!
          Otherwise, crawl back to your Egyptian, Yemeni or Libyan desert that you crawled out unnoticed.
          Lastly, when you say ‘To save our country’, which one of your above three countries you refereeing to????

      • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 19, 2014

        My nephew Gideon,

        You don’t loose your cool .We have the truth on our side ,that Eritreawit/Selamawit2 does not deserve your’ s or anybody’s attention. Do not stoop to her level.


        Stay Focused ,you are the future
        Your Favorite Uncle TNT

        • ERITRAWIT May 20, 2014

          Uncle, we are 2 Eritrawit in this form I respect u as well as Eritreawit I would’t disrespect you I know I can learn a lot from you the only thing we don’t come on the same line when you put every innocent Tgadeltey in the same pot. but I take it you have anger inside you so please check the name I’m disappoint by your comment.

  • awget May 18, 2014

    i heard the reason you were in prison you spied for weyane is that true?

    • rahwa May 18, 2014

      really? do you mean that? DEJEN spying for Ethiopia? you are eseyas’s puppy, you come running to us wagging your tail. deguali chirue. akli xbet zeygebro zeyblu. SEBAR-KARSHELI s ba kebdkum ahrir abelekum! awget nskan goytakan da hiji nabey ikum tikeduwo? hiji kea ab lieli eseyas IGEDA (sanction malet u ata ede) kinber iyu ybhal alo. wrdetegnatat hzbkum agafikum da kesinkum kitnebru. eseyasn awgetn s keyteweledkum bka terifkum? mebazhti. ms kiltekum dina 4 million? bka terifkumna nskums. hzbna wedikumo lekamitkum tmxae. n DEJEN kea kitdafero anta lokmax.

  • Truly Truly i say to you May 18, 2014

    I do not like to ask to know what it was the cause for Dejen´s imprisonment. Reading Pfdj behavior, it is known because falsely because accused him was as traitor or as like coward kneel down soldiers, or as if like he stolen money because defaming him was. That is their reasoning method, all real heroic Dekebats to imprison and then for extincting them they using defamation. But can someone in healthy mind believes Dejen´s like hero in such heroic way who broke out from imprisonment and free himself could be a coward traitor soldier? The one since childhood who experienced Ethiopian bombardment, his Whole family sacrificed the nation to liberate could be a traitor? From this begin PFDJ blind supporters ignorance! You people by any means we have to liberate again our nation from these wolf with sheep skin mercenaries hand.
    For we lost 24,000 innocent citizens in two weeks war, for we lost territories, Isyas agreed millions of dollar to compensate Ethiopia for war damage, without any complain systematically he transfered our money and payed them . When people asked him how much it is his salary, to be transparent , he ridicule at us and responded, “Is there some one who employed me you asking my salary!”
    By desfunctioning our ports we lost billions of dollar. No one knows where goes our Gold Potash (Mine) money. Just recently also we heard, i do not know how much the news is true, with billions dollar exchange as he gave military base in Dahlak Island. The question is not why he late that, but If indeed he do that, in my view it is good, but where is the money? May again he transferring systematically to his origin homeland or what? This is my great concern

  • Self reliance May 19, 2014

    Mr amanuel. If he was in prison with out charge for 15 years how do u know that if they let him go

  • Merhawi May 19, 2014

    wow great news, Congratulations Dejen Hawna.
    EnkuaE Bi Selam Kab Izom BelaEti Siga Seb Amlal AwtsiAka,
    Bel Ajoka Hijis Iti Tifelto Kulu Mistrat HGDEF BitbAt Dahdahayo,,, Tsegmka TewdiU iyu bro

  • FTHIYINGHE May 19, 2014


    • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 19, 2014


      Eritreawit insulted” Anta qundaf agame zetigedfenna ikha.” do not say you are not defending way of not criticizing Eritreawit ,but only Gideon you are condoning Eritreawit’s action .Have one standard.

      • Gideon May 19, 2014

        Thank you uncle Mehretu for responding to this loser. I really had no idea
        what this ignorant hatela was talking about and what he expected out of me
        but they all come in different sizes and shapes to look smarter, what a waste!!

  • fetsum abrahamt May 19, 2014

    I can’t even say a word about injustice in that country. It is just too emotional to say something!

  • Haqi tezareb May 19, 2014

    Congratulations Dejen,

    I can’t wait to hear your candid interview with the esteemed Radio Assenna and all the crimes so far committed and being perpetrated inside the evil regime in the name of Sewra/Ghedli on Eritreans. It is true in the name of “ ሰውራ በላዒት ደቃ ‘ያ ”, “the revolution eats its own children”, many crimes had been committed in Eritrea like yours and tens of thousands of current Eritrean prisoners, as in MenkaE, Falul, Sryet Addis, G-15, the ethnic Kunamas massacre (Ali Abdu Yonous and Omer Tewil know more about this), burning of Eritrean languages and the slavery of countless Eritreans that still continues inside and outside of the land.

    When the true history of Eritrea such as Dejen Andhishel’s and countless victims like him is written, we will know the true cost of Eritrea. That is the day many of sleepy hypocrites may open their eyes.”

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