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Eritrean pilot incarcerated for 15 years without change speaks up publicly for the first time after his prison break.

Dejen Ande Hishel, the Eritrean pilot who has been incarcerated without charge for over 15 years and broke out from a PFDJ prison in the capital Asmara, March this year, gives an extensive interview to Voice

Dejen Ande Hishel, the Eritrean pilot who has been incarcerated without charge for over 15 years and broke out from a PFDJ prison in the capital Asmara, March this year, gives an extensive interview to Voice of Assenna, on the nation’s 23rd Independence Day anniversary.

In the interview which is the first since his prison break, the pilot gives a detailed account of his personal and professional background, the problems which are rampant in the Eritrean Air force, his role during the border war between Eritrea and Ethiopia and the condition of his detention and his prison-break.

Although the pilot who was only two when his parents joined the liberation struggle remembers the Ethiopian Army war plane bombardments he had to endure then as the greatest challenge of his childhood, he went on to become the first Eritrean pilot to fly MIG 29 war plane after independence.  Not only that, Dejen Ande Hishel also became the first Eritrean pilot to spend over 15 years of his adult life behind bars. This goes to prove to what extent revolutions in deed sustain themselves by devouring their own sons, as the saying goes.

As reported back in March, the pilot’s heroic prison-break out of maximum security prison shows that the regime is at its most vulnerable state and empowers Eritreans to rise to the occasion to take action and bring down dictator Isaias Afewerki’s regime once and for all.

Review overview
  • tes May 18, 2014

    what a wonderful Independence’s Day Gift from Brave Eritrean pilot Dejen to the People of Eritrea.
    can’t wait to see this action in movie.
    God bless you brother.

  • Yerhiwo May 18, 2014

    Jigna Dejen kem shimka!! I was thinking about you since your escape from the jail. Now, I know you are in safe place and I hope you have a good life wherever you are my brother!

    Wedi Berad’s Eritrea is a failed state….he and his cousins Yemane Monkey, Hagos Kisha and DEMHIT will pay the price for the bloodshed and misery that they cause. It is just a matter of time before HGDEF is going to the drain.

  • ahmed saleh May 18, 2014

    To discover that he didn’t lose the battle of survival is welcome news . In DEJEN case it inspires to believe that no matter
    what difficulties or problems you endure , somewhere , somehow , someway , there is someone who has the key of power and wisdom
    to make you strong to survive against all odds .
    I am glad to see the beautiful breakthrough of your tough times under this cruel junta finally comes to end . My best wishes
    to fulfill your dream to become the person you want to be .
    Praise to God to see you free and we wish and pray to hear same good news that someone , someway also set free all prisoners
    inside the country .

  • Haqi tezareb May 18, 2014

    Congratulations Dejen,

    I can’t wait to hear your candid interview with the esteemed Radio Assenna and all the crimes so far committed and being perpetrated inside the land under the evil regime and the ignorant worthless elites in the name of Sewra/Ghedli on Eritreans.

    It is true in the name of “ ሰውራ በላዒት ደቃ ‘ያ ”, “the revolution eats its own children”, many crimes had been committed in Eritrea like yours and tens of thousands of current Eritrean prisoners, as in MenkaE, Falul, Sryet Addis, G-15, the ethnic Kunamas (Ali Abdu Yonous knows more about this), burning of Eritrean languages and the slavery of countless Eritreans that still continues inside and outside of the land.

    When the true history of Eritrea such as Dejen Andhishel’s and countless victims like him is written, we will know the true cost of Eritrea. That is the day many of sleepy hypocrites may open their eyes.

  • aus 17 May 18, 2014

    What staged behing the closed doors is constantly exposed by many who paid dearly like the Dejen pilot. The regime is shaky and seriosly weakened and almost creepin on his knees to say the least. the time is ripe with a very little push would have ended the youth’s nam-nam and the nation’s evil.
    The galloping fire is spreading and the forest is about to ablaze, hazardous though, but for a short time.

  • ERITRAWIT May 18, 2014

    Happy day Congratulation asey,asey elelelelelelelelele Dejen all you family went to sahle to bring Natnet and freedom for us and that is what you did even do the Devil man took it away from us. but it is not for long he will pay the price our dear Brother thank you again elelelelelelele.

  • Almaz Gaul Asmara May 18, 2014

    ደጀን እንቛዕ መዋጽኦ ፈጠረልካ። እዚ ባዕልና ዘሰወድናዮ ገበል ማእለያ ዘይብሎም ጀጋኑ ብሰላሕ መላሕ የሕቕቖም ኣሎ። ናትካን ናይቶም ቀዲሞም ብዝተፈላለየ ብልሓት ነብሶም ሓራ ዝገበሩ ደቂ ሕዝቢ፣ ነቲ ክብረትናን መንነትናን ዘዋረደ፣ ንሕዝብና ናብ ለማኒ ዝቐየረ፣ ሃይማኖትናን ክቡር ባህልናን ዘራኸሰ፣ ኣብ ቅድሚ ዓለም ተዋሪዱ ዘዋረደና ወድኒ ንወዲኒ ዝመርሕዎ ጉጅለ…ዕምሩ ነዊሕ ከምዘይኮነ ዘመስክር እዩ። እቲ ዋና ብዓል ጉዳይ ሕዝቢ፣ ደቂ እቶም ንነጻነት ኪብሉ ህይወቶም ዘሕለፉ ስውኣትን ኣንስቲ ስውኣትን ብሰላም ኪነብርሉ ዘይክእሉ ሃገር ገሃነም ጥራይ እዩ ኪብሃል ዝክኣል። ኣምላኽ ዳግማይ ይተዓረቐና።

    • waEro May 18, 2014

      You are a good writer. You might help Amnuel.

  • Beyan May 18, 2014

    What’s wonderful news assenna I am very happy for this news Amanel .Dejin i hope you will be like Amanel eyasu for changes

  • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 18, 2014

    “ነቲ ኣብ ናይጀርያን ኣብ ሱዳንን ዝግበር ዘሎ ነቲ ሓምሻይ መስርዕ ዝኾነ ሃይማኖት ክርስትያን ዝኽትሉ ሰባት ክሳውዶም ብሰይፊ እናመንጠልካ ናብቲ ሓቀኛ ሃይማኖት እስልምና ምቕያር ዝቃወሙ ጸረ ሰውራን ሓቀኛ ሃይማኖትን ዝኾኑ ህዝብን መንግስትን ዓለምን ወያነን ክንድርዕሞም ሰውራዊ ግዴታና እዩ።”

    እተን ኣብቲ ዕሸላውን መሕነኺን ዝኾነ ብክርስትያን ስድርኤን ዝወረስኦ ሃይማኖት ክርስትና ኮይነን ግሃነም እሳት ክኣትዋ ርብዒ ጎደል ዝነበራ ደቂ ዓሰርተ ሰለስተ ብሰውራዊ ቅያዳ ኣል ቦኮ ሓራም ኣል ናይጀርያ ብጭውያ ዝድሓና ብድሌተን ናብቲ ሓቀኛ ሃይማኖት ብምቕያር ከም ህያብ ልደት/Christmas Gift ካብ ርእሰን ክሳዕ ጽፍሪ እግረን ተጠቕሊለን፣ ቀያሕቲ ዕምባባ ተባሂለን ድሮ እኳ ኣብ YOUTUBE ዝወጸ ,

    ንወገኖም ኩሉ ________________ዝጭኩኑ
    ዝደኽሙ እውን ________ክርስትና ንምስፍሕፋሕ
    ኣይትደልን እያ ናይጀርያ ናይ ጽባሕ ናይጀርያ ናይ ጽባሕ !!!

    ብዕሽነት ይኹን __________ብናይ ስድራና ድላይ
    ንዝወረስናዮ ____________ንክርስቶስ ንምጽላይ
    ናትና ግቡእ እዩ እንካብ ሱሩ ምእላይ እንካብ ሱሩ ምእላይ !!!……ኢለን፣ክዝምራ ክትሰምዔን ሃይማኖትካ ቐይር ቀይር ይመጸካ።ሓሰውቲ ህዝብን መንግስቲ ዓለምን ወያነን ግን ነዚ ከም ምግዳድን ናይ መሰል ምግሃስን ቆጺሮም ዓቢ ነገር ዝገብርዎ ህዝብናን መንግስትናን ኣጥቢቑ ይኹንኖ።ሓቀኛ ውድብ BOKO HARAM ድማ,ወያነ ካብ ባድመ ከይወጹ ኣብ ናይጀርያ ጽሓይ ከምዘየብርቕ ገሊጹ ኣሎ .
    BOKO HARAM ኣብ ክንዲ ዝምርዓውወን ክሸጡወን ዝመደቡ ት ሽዓተ ዓመተን ሓሊፉ ዓሰርተ ሰለስተ ዓመተን ስለ ዝበጽሓ ንመርዓ ኣሪገን እየን ብዝብል ሓቀኛ መምርሒ መትከል ሃይማኖቶም ብምኽታል እዩ።

    This next news is from Aljezeera…

    Middle East

    “Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy”

    Judge orders Mariam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag to be hanged for apostasy and given 100 lashes for adultery, prompting protests.

    Middle East

    Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy

    Judge orders Mariam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag to be hanged for apostasy and given 100 lashes for adultery, prompting protests.
    Last updated: 17 May 2014 07:21


    A Sudanese judge has sentenced a Christian woman to hang for apostasy, despite appeals by Western embassies for compassion and respect for religious freedom.

    The case, thought to be the first of its kind to be heard in Sudan, involves a woman whose Christian name is Mariam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag.

    “We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam,” Judge Abbas Mohammed Al-Khalifa told the woman on Thursday, addressing her by her father’s Muslim name, Adraf Al-Hadi Mohammed Abdullah.

    “I sentence you to be hanged to death.”

    Khalifa also sentenced Ishag to 100 lashes for “adultery”.

    Ishag, who rights activists say is pregnant and 27 years old, reacted without emotion when Abbas delivered the verdict at a court in the Khartoum district of Haj Yousef.

    Earlier in the hearing, an Islamic religious leader spoke with Ishag in the caged dock for about 30 minutes.

    Then she calmly told the judge: “I am a Christian and I never committed apostasy.”

    Sudan’s government introduced Islamic law in 1983 but extreme punishments other than flogging are rare.

    After the verdict, about 50 people demonstrated against the decision.

    “No to executing Mariam,” said one of their signs while another proclaimed: “Religious rights are a constitutional right.”

    In a speech, one demonstrator said they would continue their activism with sit-ins and protests until she is freed.

    “The details of this case expose the regime’s blatant interference in the personal life of Sudanese citizens,” Sudan Change Now Movement, a youth group, said in a statement on Wednesday.

    A smaller group supporting the verdict also arrived but there was no violence.

    “This is a decision of the law. Why are you gathered here?” one supporter asked, prompting an activist to retort: “Why do you want to execute Mariam? Why don’t you bring corruptors to the court?”

    መንግስትን ህዝቢ ዓለምን ወያነን፣ነዚ ንሃገርና ኤርትራ ዘንጻላልዋ ዘሎ ሰውራ ሓቀኛ ሃይማኖት ብምቅዋም ነዚ ብሓቀኛ ሰውራዊ መገዲ ዝተፈርደ ሕጋዊ ናይ ሞት ፍርዲ ምዅናኖም ናይ ኢድካ ኣብ ዘየእትወካ ጣልቃ ብምእታው ምዃኑ ወያነን ህዝቢን መንግስትን ዓለም ክ ውቅዑ ኣለዎም ንብል።

    ካብ ሓቀኛ ሃይማኖት ናብ ዕሸላውን ዘሕንኽን ሃይማኖት ክርስትና ዝቕይሩ መድሔርሔርቲ ብቓልሲ ሓቀኛ ሰውራ ዓነውቲ እዮም።
    ሃይማኖትን ሰውራን ደቀን ስለ ዝበልዓ፣ነዚ ዘይኣምኑ ኣህዛብ ዓነውቲ እዮም።
    ንደቀንስትዮ ኣብ ክንዲ ድሙ ድሙ ምስታይን ኣብ ድፋዕ ምዕማጽን_ንራሻይዳ ምሻጥን፣ኣጥባተን ብማሕረሻ ምሕራርን፣ ንደቀንስትዮ ክብረትን ትምህርትን ዝዕልሙ ወያነን ህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያን ብመኻልፍናን ሜላዊ ምዝላቕናን ክንስጉዶም ኢና።

    • david May 18, 2014

      I am not sure I understand your point 0n Ethiopia and Eritrean government involvement in Miriam’s condition?
      Thank you

      • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 18, 2014

        David ,

        It is satire based on the 2 governments stand ,PFDJ /EPLF will oppose whatever the west & or Woyane supports, specially if their (the west & woyane’s) stands to be ethical.

        thanks David

  • Truly Truly i say to you May 18, 2014

    Beraki and Bitewoded taught Amanuel Iyasu, Amanuel Iyasu taught Dejen Ande Hishel, so is there much surprise above the brevity that is seen by Dejeen and Amanuel? My self not that much surprise, because i know the logic, “Like Father, like Son” Like teacher, like student.” as be.
    You people, extremely blowned balloon to blow up, you do not need a hammer or an atomic bomb, alone with in a little needle simply you can blow it up. Like wise to already by itself collapsing Isyas´s regime to bring to its final total dismissal, there is a need of all these political theater and “Whoya Whoye! (ሆያ ሆዬ!), i mean there is no a need of a mass military mobilization organization or Woyane´s army supportance; or multiple parties unity, demonstration, meeting or something Bla! bla alike action. Alone by Dejen Ande Hishel type courageous action; if someone against 5, or 6 main PFDJ evil officials would be taken an action, the whole PFDJ political synario would be since long time already ended. Thank you Dejen for being good example and gave good lesson to this coward generation. I see again our sacrificed brothers brevity through you, Wodi Ali´s (forto) and Amanuel´s deed only.

    • Tamrat Tamrat May 19, 2014

      Did you forget Your medicin again!

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