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Eritrea Under Fire for Righs Abuses at U.N. Review

(AFP) Geneva — Enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention and torture were just a few of the violations Eritrea was accused of during a UN review of its human rights record Monday. Diplomats gathered at the U.N. Human

(AFP) Geneva — Enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention and torture were just a few of the violations Eritrea was accused of during a UN review of its human rights record Monday.

Diplomats gathered at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva condemned the isolated and autocratic country’s brutal repression of basic rights, charging the lack of freedom was prompting a mass exodus.

The government of Eritrea’s “widespread violation of human rights and the lack of prospects for participatory democracy contribute to large numbers of Eritreans fleeing the country,” U.S. representative Peter Mulrean told the assembly.

He was echoing the concerns of many of the 70 state representatives who spoke at Eritrea’s so-called Universal Periodic Review, which all 193 U.N. countries must undergo every four years.

Chile and others urged the country to probe all reports of enforced disappearances, Denmark said it had done far too little to eliminate torture, while Estonia lamented the “disregard of freedom of expression.”

Tesfamichael Gerahtu, Eritrea’s ambassador to Britain, batted away the slew of charges, insisting that if anything was limiting human rights in Eritrea, it was the “unjustified sanctions” imposed on the country by the international community.

“To add insult to injury, Eritrea has been subjected to a litany of accusations of gross violations of human rights,… (that) are mainly motivated by sinister political agendas,” he told the council.

Reporters Without Borders has ranked it the worst country in the world for press freedom, but Gerahtu insisted “There is no media censorship in Eritrea.”

He said the 10 journalists and 11 opposition politicians arrested in a 2001 crackdown — many of whom have since died in custody while others are still being held in secrete locations “were not detained because they expressed their ideas, (but because of) treason.”

“I wish there had been a lie-detector device there. It was a mockery,” exiled Eritrean journalist and writer Dessale Berekhet Abraham told AFP after listening to the session.

The 38-year-old who now lives in Norway said he knew Gerahtu well — he was once his teacher at Eritrea’s Revolution School — and that he didn’t take the “lies” personally.

“What else could he say if he wants to go back to Eritrea?” he asked.

Gerahtu meanwhile called on the U.N. diplomats to focus on Eritrea’s progress in areas like reducing maternal and child mortality rates and in fighting HIV, as well as its 2007 law banning female genital mutilation.

And, he said, the country would hold its first free elections since it won independence from Ethiopia in 1993 and implement a 1997 constitution once the threats against its “national security” had dissipated.

“Eritrea’s security situation does not and never has justified the denial of basic human rights to its people,” the British representative said.

Only when the country has a democratically elected government and a constitution that ensures basic rights “will Eritreans stop fleeing,” he added.

The U.N. refugee agency has registered more than 300,000 Eritreans refugees in neighboring countries, with thousands fleeing every month, often under very dangerous conditions.

Eritreans, along with Somalis, accounted for most of the more than 300 migrants who perished in a boat tragedy off Italy’s Lampedusa last October.

Review overview
  • Gebez February 4, 2014

    Wedi Gerahtu said “that if anything was limiting human rights in Eritrea, it was the “unjustified sanctions” imposed on the country by the international community.”
    wow!!!!!!! Now it is the sanctions that are limiting human rights, before sometime(????), it was the “occupation of sovereign eritrean lands by Ethiopia” that was limiting human rights in Eritrea. PFDJ is the most wicked and criminal gang group I have ever heard of. Conclusion: Even if the sanctions are lifted and the border issue is solved, I am pretty sure that these thugs would say that “it is the behaviour and nature of Eritreans themselves” that is limiting human rights in Eritrea. Crazy, shameless people as hell!!

    • Sorobet February 4, 2014


      Imagine, a representative of a country saying at because of sanctions and occupation we (the government) are avenging from the people through torture, violation of human rights, not implementing the constitution etc., such a representative and his government must be living in a stone age.
      The problem of DIA and his gangsters interact with the international community as if they are Nusu Nihna Nihna Nusa, what a misery.

    • Abraha Ksara February 4, 2014

      Let me add something on top of your wicked statement Gebez. From 1991-1997, the reason of not having basic human right in Eritrea was that “the country was new and they did not inherent government institution from previous government (Derg). From 1998-2001, Eritrea did not have time to protect its own people’s right because it was protecting its land from Ethiopian aggression. From 2001 until 2007, Eritrea was under a serious attack from within and America, So Eritrea did not have time to protect its people’s right. The sanction was ignored as it is ineffective by both Isaias and Wedi Gerahtu. Now the sanction became the main reason why Eritrea did not have a constitution. Tomorrow they will shamelessly say Eritreans are not fit for democracy. These are our leaders guys!

  • L.T February 4, 2014

    Isaias is a heavy west country is with great happy spirit that many famous world leading people asking if he is alive,his liver,if he’s adrunk,how many and how old are his children..Isaias go with his on the street ..that kind of articles we are eagerly followed the 16 yrs..I mean he won in evry way without losing his one hour of listening to them..honestly Isaias subdued all..
    if we return again in the90s when he said “We will never leave Badme even if the sun fall from the roff:-)-Weyane was so annoyed and came with many donkeys to war then he said “Weyane has not the courage to come again”then got them with the horse..last say”Weyane is not the people that are worth to war”becomes silent!!

    • jaber A. Hummad February 4, 2014

      Isaias is already dead.You see fisicaly seems alive,but looking to his face Isaias has a dead face.

    • Senait February 4, 2014

      Are you serious?. The western countries asking if isias is alive and about his liver is alright?. This is the funniest remark from pfdj supporters. Some of oppositions are obsessed with Isias’s health, that doesn’t mean the oppositions are the west countries:)

  • simerr201 February 4, 2014

    There are dozen Eritrean so called diplomats(PFDJ’s instruments) around the globe but only 4 +2 lie around the clock Wedi Geratu (The ugly face from London to Europe) Tesfamariam Tekeste (the funny individual from Tel Aviv for Middle east) Beyene Rissom ,the garbage who even let to arrest mother of his children Senait Debssay, for East Africa and Araya Desta ,the New York UN Representative who moved all his family members including his grandchildren to US and Canada and play with the life of innocent Eritreans. These individuals are selected by the dictator to lie for him even to say Black is white or Monday is Tuesday. These individuals will never go back to Eritrea either during Isayas era or after Isayas. The other two are unofficial ambassadors but want to be one are Sophia Tesfamariam and Amanuel Biedmariam all these people have their home out of Eritrea, Educate their children in private schools or colleges…we all know where the money comes from. Let we begin with Wedi Geratu..Eritrean constitution has been implemented what is left is to elect the president.(The police can arrest someone more than 48 years instead of 48 hours) Tesfamariam Tekeste… Dawit Issac is well and alive (Even the people around Isayas don’t know)….Beyene Rissom Eritrea doesn’t help Somalia terrorist(Where in Asmara hotels the terrorist live for years)….Araya Desta …weyane started the war in Badme(When isays admitted and signed that he started the war) Amanuel Bedmariam ,Eritrea is the fastest growing Economy(When there is no Economy at all to talk) Sophia Tesfamariam.. Warsay Yikalo are freely and happily building their country .(When all we know sometimes that they are forced to build t houses of the Generals and Colonels.

  • Futsum February 4, 2014

    Wedi Gerahtu was telling different stories for years now. It is not new for the UN too. The only solution is to allow independent body to go and investigate the issue. G 15 are real Eritreans who fought for Eritrea and they expressed their concern and jailed for ever. I wounder why the Eritreans are silent, each and every eritrean in Eritrea has Kalashin Kove but they cannot stand for their own dignity. They could remove the regime’s supporters one by one and no one could stand with the dictator, without this nothing could be changed,they have to take action. they need to organsie themselves into small groups and start to take action. We need to target one hgdf cader a month. It will make a big difference.

  • tesfaldet February 4, 2014

    Futsum NETIHE TERATI whay do you say the people have kalashinkove so whay dont you sart for them frist then you will see what happen DAMASS IDIOT

    • Godamat February 4, 2014

      This must be that same idiot “Fitsum”, who writes idiotic articles here at this God forsaken website. Some times I shudder when I see extremely retarded, physically and mentally detached, people powering their idiotic ideas about that beloved nation Eritrea. I mean seriously, look at that comet above. It must have been generated by a low grade retread brain. Seriously, you fools who call your selves opposition (We call you bunch of idiots) are in a very serious trouble. People who are representing you are either woyanie ass wipes, or are so retarded

  • Godamat February 4, 2014

    What do you know, woyanies occupation of Eritrean sovereign land and also the continuous threat of woyanie and its sell out subordinates, like amanuel Eyassu and the likes is not mentioned here in this article. Why everyone wants to evade that violation of the right of Eritrea and the Eritrean people is telling

    Sell your crap somewhere else, fools!

    • HABTE February 4, 2014

      Are you serious?? why don’t you be the first one to volunteer to go and snatch the sovereign land from what you call woyane instead of opening your filthy mouth. You see how desperate you are you looser good for nothing cheerleader of the dictator.

  • jaber A. Hummad February 4, 2014

    Why,Isaia’s HIDGEF will not admit their governance failure,so that Eritrean people predit their future?

  • Godamat February 4, 2014

    #UN commits a grave crime on Eritrea and the Eritrean people by chickening out and not enforcing its own ruling, the #EEBC and also could not manage to develop some balls and say no to US, when it imposed unjustified sanction on Eritrea, still it comes back and accuses Eritrea? really? Do your fuckn job firs!, enforce your own ruling, before you accuse Eritrea of anything!

    UN committed crime on Eritrea and its people in 1952, and still it is committing far worse crime on Eritrea and the Eritrean people now, yet again!

  • Godamat February 4, 2014

    #UN is a useless, coward chicken shit, with no balls good enough to enforce its own ruling. Why should UN allow for woyanie/Ethiopia and US to commit grave HR violation on Eritrea and its people? why? if it can not do that, how on earth it is expecting any body to take it any serious?

    UN is sitting silently, giving a blend eye to all the conspiracies, open an hidden, to dismantle and break Eritrea. And instead of stepping in and do its own obligation, it is adding fuel to fire and is becoming another took to break Eritrea

    Get the fuck out of there. Come back in four year, with your tail still up in US’s ass

    • Sorobet February 4, 2014

      L.T, tesfaledet and Godamat

      When did you left DEHAY and came here to spread your vulgarity in this respectful website.

      • Genet February 4, 2014

        You have noticed too. I think PFDJ’s zombies are becoming homeless. No where to go. Lately, there is a high activity by zombies. I thought it was because it is their master’s birthday, so they are unleashing their vulgarity. It is like, on hitler’s bithday, his diehard supporters try to be distructive of the peace. However, those PFDJ’s zombies have no where to go. HOMELESS. What do you expect from dirty and filthy mouth HOMELESS? Not a thing, but dirty and filthy mouth.

        • selamawit2 February 4, 2014

          Genet sister, i am absolutely convinced you are right. their rumbling is also a sign for their panickness! understandable, because of the following similarity to hitler:
          their master will kill his self soon and will leave all charges to his stupid slaves!!!

          • Genet February 4, 2014

            You got that right sister! Let us just seat back and watch those zombies hit the wall like cadaver flys. If they cross the line, let us smack them on the head.

        • Godamat February 4, 2014

          Geni, common now! tell me the truth, do you have balls? Common now tell me if it doesn’t bother you, even slightly, the fact that UN have no courage, decency power to enforce its own ruling. The “Eritrean Woyanie Border ruling” (EEBC). Tell me if it doesn’t bother you the fact that on one hand it is the UN who is crippling Eritrea, by not enforcing its ruling and imposing it on the aggressor Ethiopia, imposing unjustified sanction etc, while at the same time it pretends to be guarantor of human right.

          If that doesn’t bother you, well….you know?…

          But, who am I kidding! retarded-ness is some form of a sickness

          • Genet February 4, 2014

            Well, Well, Well. Let me ask you, dose it bother you Isayas is keeping Eritreans in shipping containers in a hot desert? Why don’t you ask your master Isayas that he need to take responsibility for his actions? It got old the strategy of blaming everyone else. If you have a gut, tell Isayas to take responsibility for his action.

          • Godamat February 4, 2014

            Geni, risi akat!

            You answer a question by another totally different question? see, that is what I mean by retarded

          • Godamat February 4, 2014

            Risi akat,

            That is what I mean when I asked you if you have any balls…..bur already know I will get a retarded answer

    • Ahmed Omer February 5, 2014

      you are Asiyas if you are not go to hell with him ,you already Eritrean people lost their dignity under your master’s leading (Eritrean people sold as goods and sheep ) more aggressive than slavery .

  • Selamawit February 4, 2014

    Since when is Dessale Bereket a journalist?

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