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ERITREA THIS LAND IS OUR LAND!  “In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people. Nobody living can ever stop me, as I go walking that freedom highway. Nobody living can ever make me turn back.



 “In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people. Nobody living can ever stop me, as I go walking that freedom highway. Nobody living can ever make me turn back. This land was made for you and me.” From This Land Is Your Land – by Woody Guthrie

Almost five (5) decades ago, one occupier following the other denied the existence of a country called Eritrea. The last one was Ethiopia, the only African country occupying another African country.

They told us we did not exists. They decided that Eritrea, as a country, should not exist and the Eritrean language never spoken. Anyone telling the contrary was evil. Anyone fighting our carved destiny by others was told to expect a call from the grim reaper. Against all these odds, came our Freedom Fighters. Some were farmers, some highly educated and all from the very best fabric of Eritrea. They told their people that Eritrea existed then and will be an independent country. It took thirty (30) years of fierce fighting and the pain can only be compared to the depth of our pride. Our country is a country our elderly fought for and following generations died for its’ independence. It is absurd to watch now it’s’ legitimacy being brought into account by the very enemy that killed, handicapped and created the “one of the largest group of refugees in the world”. For Ethiopia to become the auditing force of the price paid, the force in charge of “giving back” a portion of our borders and yet taking much more  is beyond any healthy mind’s comprehension. Not only the land is being tattered, but also the deep pride Eritrean are molded of is being challenged.

 The “peace dances, smiles and love  hugs” cannot be intended to be an excuse to take back – by a subtle game and trickery –  a land lawfully belonging to its’ people, that now we see be given “away” and be owned by “others”. It does no good to both parties dancing to a deaf tune now to brush these facts and hide them in a mass grave prepared in advance. The very agreement signed in Algiers is failing with the cardinal error that said agreement is being hatched and history re-written. This agreement is the starting point to withdraw troops and each nation turn their attention to their own country’s problems. The problem/trouble now seems that there are so many extensions and acceptances given as a bonus to Ethiopia.

As it displays now, Eritrean Veterans should unite. Our intellectuals should unite; our different political parties/beliefs should unite. So the leaders in this deed of total amnesia can be reminded that they are leaving the most powerful forces behind and that is the combined 106 million human beings that both legitimate countries – Eritrea and Ethiopia- shelter as their own population. Total amnesia seems the bug paralyzing politicians’ minds in this tornado that we, Eritreans, are trying to stop.

International recognition and legitimacy is dubious if people are ignored. In order for peace to have a chance, Ethiopia has to back-off from the wishes of Eritreans for Eritrea; and that means the six (6) million we are. And stop insulting our intelligence.

No bordering country with Eritrea can survive by pulling a curtain and assuming it will prevent the pungent smell of Eritrean corpses filtering from the Mediterranean Sea, or by lifting and clicking the crystal champagne flutes hoping it will cover up the screams of tormented Eritrean mothers watching on TV screens capsized boats and bodies of young Eritrean generations that will never come back.

 Some Eritrean and Ethiopians might say, “That was then”. However, the “then” canned into history and the iniquities surrounding, is the cause of the pain each Eritrean has made its’ own.  Ethiopia needs to own the inner scars and abdominal adhesion of open wounds and spluttering pus in each Eritrean’s mind and heart in order for peace to have a chance after years of war.  Peace comes from asking for forgiveness and not flattering the few in power. Eritreans will never forget, but Eritreans have this extraordinary power and capacity of forgiving if a cathartic truth precedes true reconciliation.

 Far from making Ethiopia the only force to “liberate” our minds and our hearts after decades of pain, the idea that the new administration in Ethiopia calls for “love” for “faith” for “unity” and the idea that Ethiopia is still the center of its’ own never kept and delivered promises to their own people, makes me wonder how suddenly it (Ethiopia) ought to be the preacher of all our (Eritrean’s) consciences. How can one become the teaching of “co-existence” based on exclusivity to a claim of legitimacy, without conceiving separation of sovereignty of countries? What Ethiopia is suggesting is pulling apart warring parties. This does not heal old wounds, let alone redress historical wrongs.

 Eritreans are resilient. Eritreans proved to the world around – and not only to the occupier- that they dared to believe and dared to achieve. If future generations of Eritrea – in my mind the highest educated generation to be in Africa – will decide for an economical federation with Ethiopia, it is not an idea far-fetched to consider. However, this cannot be achieved if justice for Eritrea has not been attained and restored. Some might decide to live in the “promise land of Ethiopia” and others dream about the life “of all that could have been” in Eritrea.  However, if  the Prime Minister of Ethiopia – Abyi Ahmed – sees a self-approach forthcoming, he cannot expect the PEOPLE of Eritrea to be so magnanimous and forgiving in return…just because of his smile!

The addition to this “make-believe” peace will be unending war and more suffering for the PEOPLE of both countries. It might be tempting for Prime Minster Abyi Ahmed to dismiss and ignore uncomfortable criticism. NOT evading that discomfort might lead to a final political correctness and protect the future of these neighboring countries at war for over a half century. Eritreans never denied Ethiopia the right to exist. At this time, political correctness from Ethiopia is needed for the good of Africa. It is a moral issue on their side to respect Eritrea’s right to exist. We are not asking for permission to exits, we need to unite and prompt our neighbor to the south to respect our unity when it comes to our land and our people.

 In closing, what is needed on our side?  Victory asks for unity. Let us unite so not to see our beloved Eritrea being munched like a cake many wants to slice.

 The strong belief to achieve peace in Eritrea and make our own country FREE AT LAST is first unity among our Veterans (ELF, EPLF, WARSAY).  Our Veterans brought back the right to exist for Eritrea. Now they can/should lead to unity and bring final peace in our land. Followed by unity among different “opposition” groups. Eritrean land and sea’s economic value seems to be chronically undervalued by Eritreans fighting each other. What is to be considered as a prime agenda is the long-term to prevent and to reverse the degradation of our society, of our economy let alone our hard-earned history. The leading political parties abroad should unite and then apply a sustainable management of our own politics. To facilitate change requires adaptation of legal, social and policy-focused contexts that will provide answers to our questions and become a source of productivity.

ALL Eritreans deserve the right to peace and to feel their land beneath their feet.

 Kiki Tzeggai

July 26, 2018 at 3:41 – USA

Review overview
  • Danilo July 27, 2018

    Thank you Kiki for magnificent approach who we are and where we are. . Let others where they are too and invite them were they belong. the rest , We can !

    • Kiki Tzeggai July 27, 2018

      I thank you Danilo.
      I took the liberty to copy/paste your reply in Tigrigna. My Dad was a judge of the Supreme Court and a lawyer; therefore, I learned to demonstrate my scholarly credibility by informing you. As you said – and Ahmed Saleh too- some might go out of context, but we take the information and learn while never losing focus on the present and how we can work on Eritrean unity. It is not confusion on their part Danilo and Ahmed, it is fear about our unity and never-fading love for our Eritrea.. I appreciate all of your support for any of my writings. I learn and – above all- I am proud to be part of a group – and a platform – that testifies to Eritrean civility. I say thank you to Assenna website as well. Selam to all.

      • Simon G. July 27, 2018

        ኪኪ ሓፍትና!
        ‘ቲ ኣእምሮ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ቅኑዕ ልቢ ዝተዓደልኪ ትመስሊ። እዚ ምርቓ ‘ዩ።
        ናይ ኣምላኽ ነገር ኣይፍለጥን’ዩ ‘ሞ: ሓደ መዓልቲ ድማ ትመርሕና ትኾኒ። ‘ተ ተዓዲልና ማለት’ዩ።
        በሊ ካብ ምጽሓፍ ኣይተቋርጺ።

        • Danilo July 27, 2018

          ኣየ ፍጋን ኣርሓ ርእይቶ ,
          ሓመር ሓቂ ወዲ ቁሓይቶ፡
          ወዲ ሹም ፍረሓንስ ቢርኪቶ፡
          ብመቃልሕ ዝምልስ ሑቶ።

        • Kiki Tzeggai July 27, 2018

          Thank you is 2 simple words and yet such a powerful statement. I say thank you to you Simon G. I am grateful to my country’s Veterans. I bow in silence remembering our Martyrs. And I am proud beyond words of being Eritrean. I am the mother of kids left orphan by Ethiopia. I follow my Martyr husband slogan :”An Eritrean is never alone” We all prove him right each time we exchange ideas on how to build this country we love, with decency and respect for one another. All of you bestowing compliments to my writings makes me strong with humbleness. It is a team effort. What is wonderful is that we are a population/team of millions of people. Who dares tell us that we do not exists right ? We gaze at their ideas and keep moving.
          If we all put our efforts to never leave Eritreans behind – no matter of political opinions – we will make the world bow to our future generations and us. Something is broken, but not beyond repair if we stand by the principles of a free Eritrea and make respect the common denominator.. Kibri rikhebu. Selam to all of you.

          • Deglel July 27, 2018

            I am extremely sorry my respectable sister if I have offended you in any way unintentionally! I have the utmost respect and admiration for moms – mother of kids of any nationality or age. Once again, I am very sorry sis, I beg your forgiveness. God bless.

        • Kiki Tzeggai August 2, 2018

          Simon G. Thank you.
          Gratitude helps me restore faith in our unity and the latter will help develop our Eritrea. You give me strength to keep writing. Hawkha ay’seaan.!!
          Apologies for the late reply.

      • Yohan July 28, 2018

        Kiki Monki/monkey,
        We are not that impressed or fooled by your HADEMTI, useless, gutless, toothless, vision-less and opportunists/TEBELETSITI so-called TSAHITASHITI Jebha oppositions.
        Kiki Monki, to my more urgent and serious question, you as a cheerleader of the murderous Jebha criminals only respond to your MAHBER MIWIDIDAS (Wedesti/ATAKAETI/hand clappers) but not to other outsiders! Why haven’t you answered HABEN’s excellent and valid questions yet!!! Do you flipping want to be reminded of HABEN’s earlier comment???

  • AHMED SALEH !!! July 27, 2018

    Somalian president is welcome to visit Eritrea . I wonder why some
    commentators try to bring irrelevant
    arguments out the topic of an article
    of our land belong to Eritreans .

  • meretse July 27, 2018

    My dear sister Kiki, it starts with your shih gzie selam with expanding my gratitude to the following ahwat and ahat: K.T, r, AS, Am, Da, Hag, tes, sol the list goes on. Again, Sister Kiki, your article/thoughts reminded me the early seventies time song- lurics by, Mungo Jerry – “in the summertime when the weather is hot”. My young generation loved this song the best from all the songs that were sung back then. Our hair style was afro, our trousers were sewed by local sewers to fit our style. To your surprise even teachers were not spared. They were in it. To name one, Oh! Boy, I still remember the beautiy of Martyer Saba Ghidy (…. then a teacher) in her afro style. In every town t we had a tea-shops where we furnish, centerilize our outlooks our ideas about anything in the world. In Asmara it was “Imperial Teashop”, In Decamere it was Litt Teashop….. etc. Hence, these coffeshops were the breeding center of the early seventies tegadelti. The generational heros and heroine are always live with me as well as in the hearts of many if not all. Back to “in the summertime when the weather is hot song” the secret words in this song for us were—the word summer and hot. The summer was substituted bu “ghedli” and and the word hot was the “war” till victory. Eritrean youth streamed to the field from every corner of the country as well as well as abroad. We fought, paid high price and won the war. Nevertheless, due to one individual who had ill dream from the beginning our independence is jeopardy. I am not going to say much about the despot for enough had been said about him so far. Again, the master key is in the hands of the entire people, specially the young generation.

    • Kiki Tzeggai August 2, 2018

      Thank you Meretse

  • meretse July 27, 2018

    Without any hesitation I inveite the young boys and girls to listen “in the summer time when the weather is hot”. Guys at least share the summertime, do not let the despot to own it. Raise up and show us your united hands. Do not believe to the “ሊጥ ለውጢ” ፣ ሊጥ ሃይማኖታዊ እምንቶ፣ ባዶ ወገናዊ ወይ ኣውራጃዊ መደረታት — ብዓንቶብኡውን ሊጥ ኢዩ ኔሩ። እዞም ዓዲ እዚኦም፡ እዚ ሃማኖት’ዚ ከንቱ መሳርሒ ኢዩ ኔሩ። ናይ ኢሰያስ ለውጢ ነቲ ሓደ ቀቲልካ ነቲ ሓደ ምምሓር፤ ነቲ ሓደ ሓይርካ ነቲ ሓደ ነጻ ምልቃቅ…. ወዘተ ኢዩ። ኣብ ግዜ ቃልሲ ክንደይ ሰብ ኣህሊቑ። ድህሪ ናጽነት ነቶም ናጽነት ዘምጽኡክነይ ቀቲሉን ደጊሙ ኣሰንኪሉን፤ ጸኒሑ ነቶም ምስኡ ዝነበሩ ላዕሎዎት ሰበ -ስልጣን ኣብ ጎዳጉዲ ደርብይዎም፤ መራሕቲ ሃይማኖታት ኣሲሩ፡- ፡- ሎሚኸ? ለውጢ ኣርእየ ክብል ነቲ ገና ዘይበሰለ ሃይማኖት ኣብ ከተማታት እስመራ ንክዕንድር ኣፍቂዱ። ዘይበሰለ ወይ “ሊጥ እምንቶ” ዘበለ ምክንያት፡ ጸሎት እዚ ሓድሽ ሃይማኖት’ዚ ሰማይ ከይዓረገ ፡ ሽዑ ንሽዑ ስለ ዝምለስ ኢዩ። ምእመናኑ ናይ ገነት ምስክር ወረቀት (certificate of heaven) ከይሞቱ ከም ዝሓዙ ጌሮም ክከይዱ ስለ ዝረእኩ’ምበር ኣነ ናይ ዝኮነ ሃይማኖት መሰል ምሕላው ዝኣም’የ። እንተ ናትና ቃልሲ ግን ከምቲ ሓረስታይ ንእሽቶ ደመና ኣብ ሰማይ ከይረኣየ ግን ንክረምቲ ተኣማሚኑ፡ ካብ ሓጋይ ጀሚሩ ግራቱ ዘላሳልስን፡ ጸኒሑ ዝዘርእን፡ ዝዓጽድን ዘእቱን ከምኡ’ዩ ቃልስና። ተስፋ ሃረስታይ። ሓረስታይ ሓንቲ ዘመን ሓሚቃትኒ ኢሉ ኣኣብ ዝመጽእ ግዜ ማሕረሱ ኣየቓቅርጽን ኢዩ። ይጎሃሃር፣ ይረምጽ After all it is a summertime and the weather is hot!!!
    Brother rezen what superb comments,
    ኣብ መጨረሻ፡ ምእራም ናባኩም፡

    • Hp July 27, 2018

      Brother meretse, you make me cry for one remembrance of AFRO day that touched me a lot. You probably or humbly made me emotional that I can’t avoid. For the time being ሊጥ በት ሻሂ which I missed and my french teacher Saba. Hp.

  • meretse July 27, 2018

    Brother Hp it is touching.
    I do not have time right now but i promise i will be back.
    By the way. Di you know what an Indian woman told me. I hated my hair. When i asked her why? No matter what i do with my hair i can be as beautiful as guys. Look ho beautiful is Saba Ghidey. Your French teacher was passing by us.
    What a beautiful generation we had.
    I got to go

    • Hp July 27, 2018

      She must be as Mrs Garcia when she told me do it Pls stop!

  • Hazo July 27, 2018

    “መሬትና” ዶ በልኪ ኣንቲ ሓብተይ?
    መሬት ብዘይ ናትካ ፥ ክብረት ፣ ክብረት ቋንቋታት ፣ መንነት ፣ ጥንታዊ ናይ መዋእል ታሪኽ ፣ ባህሊ ፣ ውርሻ ከንቱ እዩ።
    መሬት ብዘይ ሰብን እዚ ኩሉን ከንቱ እዩ። መሬት ሒዝካ ቋንቋታትካ ትግረ ትግርኛ ፣ ውርሻ ናይ ተስዓ ካብ ሚእቲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ፈንፊንካ፤
    ምስ ዓረብ ራሻይዳ በደዊን ስዑድያ ተደሚርካ ከንቱ እዩ።
    ተጋደልትናን ገድልናን ምስ በድዊን ስዑድያ ዓረብ ክንድመር ፤ ቋንቋታትና ትግረ ትግርኛ ክፍንፈን ኣይተጋደሉን።
    እንታይ ደኣ ብገዛእ መንነትናን ቋንቋታትናን ክንከብር እምበር።
    ስለዚ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኾነ ይኹን ፈሽኳል ሰብ ቋንቋታቱ ዝፈንፈነ ፣
    ንኤርትራን መንነታን ዘይፈልጥ በለጸኛ ከዳሚ ዓቢድ ብዛዕባ ታሪኽ ኤርትራ ያኢ
    ትምህርትን መነቃቕሕን ክህበና ኣይነፍቅድን ። ኤርትራ ዓረባዊት ክትከውን ቋንቋታታ ክፍንፈን ዝሞተ የልቦን።
    ስለዚ ድማ እዩ ፣ መሬት በዘይ መንነት ቋንቋታት ታሪኽ ከንቱ ዝኸውን።

    • Deglel July 28, 2018

      Brother/sister Hazo, well said as usual, I couldn’t agree more.
      Eritreans are still paying horrendous price to keep the fake Eritrea’s independence and identity.
      Our major problem emanates from the gutless, purposeless and toothless opportunist highland elites (the useful idiots) and the religious muslim fanatics (the savage barking Arab slave dogs) of the stinky lowland rootless nomads and the remnant terefmeref/riffraffat goHafat ELF criminal murderers deKalus beasts. These shameless and savage wild animals burned our languages (in order to replace them with their evil and alien Arabic language), they burned our Kunama peoples villages, they bloody robbed our poor peasants for so long, they savagely killed poor Ethiopian POWs, and yet these shameless murderer beasts are telling us they are our “liberators”!!!!! They should really be roasted in gas-chambers and also should rot in their vicious Islamic deQalus HELL. Please always keep up your positive contributions.

  • Simon G. July 27, 2018

    ቀዝሒ ኣሰሓይታ
    ወዲቑ ኣብ ባይታ
    ጋቢ ተጎልቢበ
    ጎልፎ ደራሪበ
    ቀጥቀጥ ምባል ኣየዕረፍኩን
    ክድቅስ ኣይከኣልኩን

    ዝክር ተበልኩ ግና
    ቦጣዕጣዕ ኢላ ጸሓይ
    ብዘይ ሓዊ ተምክኽ ንልኻይ
    ኣነ ተሸፋፊነ
    ማልያታት ዝገበሩ ድማ ኮፍ ኢሎም ምሳይ
    ንበይነይ ቆሪረ
    ሓንጎለይ ፎኺሱ ከይከውን ተጠራጢረ
    ኣንታ ከይተረደኣኒ ተደሚረ
    ክብል ጀሚረ

    ለካስ ምድማር ያ! ‘ዛ ናግራም ምድማር
    ባዶ ከይበልካስ ኣብ ክልተ ምጅማር!
    ቆፎይ ጓሕጒካስ ከተረደኣኒ “ትርጉም ምሕባር”
    እንዳመንጠልካኒስ ሓደ ኢና ኢልካ ምግዓር
    ዶብ ከይሓንጸጽካስ ናብ ኣስመራ ምስጋር
    ባጽዕካ ትድርገም ከይሓበርካዮም ሰብ ማይሓባር
    ዋናታት ሃገር ጸቒጥካ ምስ ሰብ ባር
    ኣየ ብልሒ!
    ብዘይ ጎነጽ ዓጽሚ ወዲ ሃገር ምስባር
    ‘ዚኣ ደኣ ዘይምክብባር!
    ቆሪረ ኣነስ
    ከትከት ኣቢሉኒ ምስክዳነይ
    ሰብ ሃሩር ሞትና ትብል ኣነ ግን ኣይግደይ
    ቆርበትይ ሓሊፉ ሰሪጹ ኣብ ዓጽመይ
    ቁሪ ዘይኮነ
    ለካስ ምድማርዩ ትሕማመይ

    ናይ ሎሚ ምድማር ኣይኮነን ናይ ቁጽሪ
    ሎሚ ካሮት ሂቦም ጽባሕ ደስቆ ብበትሪ
    ኣይንገራህ ከይንረግጽ ጓህሪ
    ከፊልና ኢና ክቡር ግብሪ
    ኣይፋል ንበሎም ብትሪ
    ገገዛና ነጽሪ

    ክልተ ሃገር-ክልተ ህዝቢ ኢና በሎም
    ከም ጎረቤት ከኽብሩና ከነኽብሮም
    ካብኡ ሓሊፉ ግን
    እምኒ ላታ
    ንድሕሪት ክንምለስ ኣይንፈትን

    ኣይከፈልናን ዲና ዘንብሉጻት ዞም ኣሸሓት
    ናበይ ከም ሽንቲ ገመል ንድሕሪት
    ኤእ! ዳግማይ? ናብ ዝኸፈአ ጸገም
    ክንልብም ኣለና ካብ ምርጋም
    ጥንቅቕ በል ተደመር ኢሎምኒ ኢልካ
    ናብ ጸላም ከይትድርገም
    Simon G.

    • k.tewolde July 28, 2018

      Yes indeed bone crushing chilly, Simon,the kind of chill which travels down your spine in a lightning speed in the middle of hot sizzling summer day.I have been around not to be fooled by a beautiful package,I have been burned too many times not to sign on the doted line before reading between the lines and taking the contract home and sleeping on it. Advertisers spend millions in order to make billions and exploit the height of people’e emotions or create them subliminally,are you getting my drift brother? do you have what it takes to beat them at their own game? brrrrrrrrrrrrr! it is freezing in here.Another beautiful slider S.G.>> you look in command and handsome on the mound,keep pitching until the final out.

      • Simon G. July 28, 2018

        Thank you, brother KT!

    • Yohan July 28, 2018

      Your empty and meaningless poem of desperation and cowardice reminds me of the famous
      Drue’s unfortunate/untimely speech in Germany, entay’mo TETALAQINA endina – we lost badly and disastrously. May be your HADEMTI TEBELETSITI TSAHITSAHITI so-called opportunist opposition and also your old corrupted criminal murderous Jebha need some time to evolve. But, you are in no position to come up with a lousy and weak cowards poem to express current positive changes in Eritrea’s peace deals with Ethiopia which is well over due and it should succeed.
      Peace and love to the brotherly people of Eritrea and Ethiopia.

  • ሚካኤለ July 28, 2018

    ኩሉ ሪኢናዮ አይሠርሃን! ድህሪ ሂዚ ኢትዮጵያ፣ኤርትራ፣ ሻዕብያ፣ ህወሀት፣ጅብሃ፣ አማሃራይ፣ዐረብ UN ፣ AU ዝባሃል- ኩሎም ብቅዋም፣ፖለቲካዊ ህንፃፀን ተግባርን አንፃር ረብሃን መንነትን ኦሪታውያን “ሳባውያን ወ አጋዕዛውያን” ስለዝኮነ ንሀደ ግዘን ንሃዋሩን ጉሂፍና ጎስጓስ ናሳልጥለና- ብአውሮጳን ምንሊክን ዝሳኧበና ምክፍፋል ክሳብ ዘይተሀከ ድቃስ የልቦን!- “መንነት!” ቅድሚ “ዜግነት!”- ቅድሚ ልደተ እየሱስ ክርስቶስ (2500BC) ዝተሃነፀ “ቤተመንግሥቲ ይሃ” ብአካል ከይደ ምስራአይኩ መንነተይ ብዝበለፀ ኪርዳዕ ሀጊዙኒ- ኣብ ከበሳን ትግራይን ዛለኩም ተገሩ- ንቤተመንግሥቲ ይሃ(4500 ዝዐመቱ) ከይድኩም ክተሪኡሞ መንነትኩም ክትፈልጡ እላቦወኩም! ለከስ ወሪድና ወሪድና ምስ ሀንጀል መንጀልና ኢና ተሠሪዕና? ሂዚ ዳግም መንነትና ጨቢጥና ሳይንስን ቴክኖሎጂን ተአጢቅና ከምንህቢ ነፊዕና ሠሪህና ናብዝላኧለ ጠርዚ ምግሥጋስ’ዩ እቲ ናይ መስርህ ማኒፍስቶይ!- የህዋት ሳባውያን ወ አጋዕዛውያን!-ሀንጀል መንጀል ክንጎትት ምድሪ ይመስየናሎ! ጽዕነትና ደርቢና ንመርሽ ንወንጨፍ !

  • Sol July 28, 2018

    Deglel, Yohan, Hazo, ሚካኤለ…………………………………….Tekhlay

    ተኽላይ ካብ ምንታይ ዓይነት ቅልውላው ኢኻ ትሳቐ ዘለኻ ኩሉ ኤረትራዊ ክብርታት ሃይማኖት ኣውራጃ ገድሊ ስውኣት መርሕቲ ሃይማኖት መንእሰያት ኣዴታት ጸሪፍካ። ኣብ ኢትዮጵያውነትውን ሓንሳብ ኦሮሞን ኣምሓራን ትምጉስ ኣቢ ኣሕመድ ትንእድ ግልብጥ ኢልካ ኸኣ ብስም መሳኪን ተጋሩ ንኦሮሞን ኣምሓራን ትጸርፍ ንኣቢ ኣሕመድ ተዋርድ።
    መልእኽትኻ ንኣሰና ኣብ ኣውራጃን ሃይማኖትን ዓሌትን እተሞርኮሰ ናይ ጸርፊ ማእከል ክትገብራ ምዃኑ ካብቲ ጸይቀ ግኑን ኤሰያስ ዝጮኑ ጽሑፍካ ብሩህ እዩ ክትዕወት ድማ ዘበት እዩ ከምታ ትኸዳ ዘለኻ ኣስማት እናቀያየርካ ካባኻ ናባኻ ተጸሓሓፍ።

  • Tes July 28, 2018

    Dear Kiki,

    Though it is not the first time you have captured the hart of your readers this one is beyond this world, in different league. What a treasure you’re ! I am proud of you to call you a sister and big thank you. You streamlined the history and the current situation of our country in a coincided and clever way. You manage to put our history and our problem into perspective and come with solution” Unity among of all our veterans to safe this beautiful country and civilized people from utter distraction. If I can borrow your words “ALL Eritreans deserve the right to peace and to feel their land beneath their feet.” Yes indeed sister KIki . In fact it is long over due.

    To my dear brothers Meretse,K.Tewolde, Denilo, Ahmed, Simen G ..etc..who tirelessly exchanging constrictive ideas and dialogue and seeking solution for our pressing unresolved issues, I really admire your selflessness and your dedication for justice. The nearer to our goal the dogs will intensify barking. This is the time to ignore the spoilers and concentrate on what need to be done at this time where our country is in a cross road. Our next move as people will decide the destiny of our nation. If we don’t act careful on whatever we can and fast then it will be too late to deal with a far reaching consequence. There is still time to salvage something to build on as anew. Best of luck to all.

    • Kiki Tzeggai July 28, 2018

      Aristoteles said: “To write well, express yourself like the common people, but think wise” I am still learning from each of you and I am grateful. I am not minimizing or magnifying the current situation in Eritrea. I leave that analysis to politicians/future leaders with good will, but I am any of you/us. I believe that unity will defeat any superpower – our history testifies to that – and erase any flirting smile that tries to get us out of focus. We will make it!! Eritreans are resilient and never give up!!! We also never forget. Thank you Tes and Selam to all.

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