ERITREA THIS LAND IS OUR LAND! “In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people. Nobody living can ever stop me, as I go walking that freedom highway. Nobody living can ever make me turn back.

“In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people. Nobody living can ever stop me, as I go walking that freedom highway. Nobody living can ever make me turn back. This land was made for you and me.” From This Land Is Your Land – by Woody Guthrie
Almost five (5) decades ago, one occupier following the other denied the existence of a country called Eritrea. The last one was Ethiopia, the only African country occupying another African country.
They told us we did not exists. They decided that Eritrea, as a country, should not exist and the Eritrean language never spoken. Anyone telling the contrary was evil. Anyone fighting our carved destiny by others was told to expect a call from the grim reaper. Against all these odds, came our Freedom Fighters. Some were farmers, some highly educated and all from the very best fabric of Eritrea. They told their people that Eritrea existed then and will be an independent country. It took thirty (30) years of fierce fighting and the pain can only be compared to the depth of our pride. Our country is a country our elderly fought for and following generations died for its’ independence. It is absurd to watch now it’s’ legitimacy being brought into account by the very enemy that killed, handicapped and created the “one of the largest group of refugees in the world”. For Ethiopia to become the auditing force of the price paid, the force in charge of “giving back” a portion of our borders and yet taking much more is beyond any healthy mind’s comprehension. Not only the land is being tattered, but also the deep pride Eritrean are molded of is being challenged.
The “peace dances, smiles and love hugs” cannot be intended to be an excuse to take back – by a subtle game and trickery – a land lawfully belonging to its’ people, that now we see be given “away” and be owned by “others”. It does no good to both parties dancing to a deaf tune now to brush these facts and hide them in a mass grave prepared in advance. The very agreement signed in Algiers is failing with the cardinal error that said agreement is being hatched and history re-written. This agreement is the starting point to withdraw troops and each nation turn their attention to their own country’s problems. The problem/trouble now seems that there are so many extensions and acceptances given as a bonus to Ethiopia.
As it displays now, Eritrean Veterans should unite. Our intellectuals should unite; our different political parties/beliefs should unite. So the leaders in this deed of total amnesia can be reminded that they are leaving the most powerful forces behind and that is the combined 106 million human beings that both legitimate countries – Eritrea and Ethiopia- shelter as their own population. Total amnesia seems the bug paralyzing politicians’ minds in this tornado that we, Eritreans, are trying to stop.
International recognition and legitimacy is dubious if people are ignored. In order for peace to have a chance, Ethiopia has to back-off from the wishes of Eritreans for Eritrea; and that means the six (6) million we are. And stop insulting our intelligence.
No bordering country with Eritrea can survive by pulling a curtain and assuming it will prevent the pungent smell of Eritrean corpses filtering from the Mediterranean Sea, or by lifting and clicking the crystal champagne flutes hoping it will cover up the screams of tormented Eritrean mothers watching on TV screens capsized boats and bodies of young Eritrean generations that will never come back.
Some Eritrean and Ethiopians might say, “That was then”. However, the “then” canned into history and the iniquities surrounding, is the cause of the pain each Eritrean has made its’ own. Ethiopia needs to own the inner scars and abdominal adhesion of open wounds and spluttering pus in each Eritrean’s mind and heart in order for peace to have a chance after years of war. Peace comes from asking for forgiveness and not flattering the few in power. Eritreans will never forget, but Eritreans have this extraordinary power and capacity of forgiving if a cathartic truth precedes true reconciliation.
Far from making Ethiopia the only force to “liberate” our minds and our hearts after decades of pain, the idea that the new administration in Ethiopia calls for “love” for “faith” for “unity” and the idea that Ethiopia is still the center of its’ own never kept and delivered promises to their own people, makes me wonder how suddenly it (Ethiopia) ought to be the preacher of all our (Eritrean’s) consciences. How can one become the teaching of “co-existence” based on exclusivity to a claim of legitimacy, without conceiving separation of sovereignty of countries? What Ethiopia is suggesting is pulling apart warring parties. This does not heal old wounds, let alone redress historical wrongs.
Eritreans are resilient. Eritreans proved to the world around – and not only to the occupier- that they dared to believe and dared to achieve. If future generations of Eritrea – in my mind the highest educated generation to be in Africa – will decide for an economical federation with Ethiopia, it is not an idea far-fetched to consider. However, this cannot be achieved if justice for Eritrea has not been attained and restored. Some might decide to live in the “promise land of Ethiopia” and others dream about the life “of all that could have been” in Eritrea. However, if the Prime Minister of Ethiopia – Abyi Ahmed – sees a self-approach forthcoming, he cannot expect the PEOPLE of Eritrea to be so magnanimous and forgiving in return…just because of his smile!
The addition to this “make-believe” peace will be unending war and more suffering for the PEOPLE of both countries. It might be tempting for Prime Minster Abyi Ahmed to dismiss and ignore uncomfortable criticism. NOT evading that discomfort might lead to a final political correctness and protect the future of these neighboring countries at war for over a half century. Eritreans never denied Ethiopia the right to exist. At this time, political correctness from Ethiopia is needed for the good of Africa. It is a moral issue on their side to respect Eritrea’s right to exist. We are not asking for permission to exits, we need to unite and prompt our neighbor to the south to respect our unity when it comes to our land and our people.
In closing, what is needed on our side? Victory asks for unity. Let us unite so not to see our beloved Eritrea being munched like a cake many wants to slice.
The strong belief to achieve peace in Eritrea and make our own country FREE AT LAST is first unity among our Veterans (ELF, EPLF, WARSAY). Our Veterans brought back the right to exist for Eritrea. Now they can/should lead to unity and bring final peace in our land. Followed by unity among different “opposition” groups. Eritrean land and sea’s economic value seems to be chronically undervalued by Eritreans fighting each other. What is to be considered as a prime agenda is the long-term to prevent and to reverse the degradation of our society, of our economy let alone our hard-earned history. The leading political parties abroad should unite and then apply a sustainable management of our own politics. To facilitate change requires adaptation of legal, social and policy-focused contexts that will provide answers to our questions and become a source of productivity.
ALL Eritreans deserve the right to peace and to feel their land beneath their feet.
Kiki Tzeggai
July 26, 2018 at 3:41 – USA
AHMED SALEH !!! July 26, 2018
Thirsty years of bloody war that cost
us heavy price and more than twenty years of young generation
sacrifices to defend Eritrean sovereignty . Only blind person can not see the facts on Eritrean history.
We support TEDEMER for peace and
reconcilation for common interests of two friendly nations .
Therefore anybody who misinterpret
recent developments as sign of UNITY or ANDNET still is living at delusional state of mind .
AHMED SALEH !!! July 26, 2018
My dear sister kiki
Wherever you live , I
salute you with respect
Kiki Tzeggai July 27, 2018
Thank you Ahmed Saleh! Selam to you.
Haile July 26, 2018
Ride on ,I am with you 100% what ever it takes unity of all our people is paramount to our success.
The present conspiracy must fought by all means necessary,the century old struggle Of our people is not to be part of other nation.
We gain our respect by demanding and fighting only.
Eritrean for unity ,
Maxi July 27, 2018
I am an Eritrean youth from a patriot family. We have served Eritrean people for as long as I remember. And I am telling I want Medemer. There are hundreds and thousands of Eritreans who feel the same way. Our opinions don’t matter? Stop manipulating us. I fought HGDEF but now HGDEF regime is doing one thing right for the future of my generation Eritrean Youths. We don’t want to be herded or limited with that evil artificial colonial conceived border/wall. We can thrive and excel in an integrated region. YES 2 MEDEMER.
Maxi July 27, 2018
Brother Ahmed Salih. Good comment. I am with you there.
k.tewolde July 27, 2018
Kiki,allow me to coin you the epitome of mother Eritrea, you lamented,… (“It is absurd to watch now it’s’ legitimacy being brought into account by the very enemy that killed, handicapped and created the “one of the largest group of refugees in the world”.) indeed, Your call is soul jarring and timely it even provokes the veteran on the wheelchair sing,’if I can move I get my gun and put her on the ground”>> speaking of his cheating younger girlfriend in Kenny Rogers song’Don’t take you love to town”.The Eritrean mettle is being tested again.Who will be the able bodied and nerve of steel who will come forward and deliver? the mother is calling.Thanks a million Kiki.
Kiki Tzeggai July 27, 2018
Thank you K. Tewolde.
ALL our Veterans still keep their eyes open on the ready to defend our land; their head down with humbleness. Some people cannot phantom all our Veterans gave us. The hardship, the danger they endured for us. Without them, our land would not be free and we could not survive occupation. The Eritrean people believe this. What is missing is “Operation gratitude” for the sacrifice made on our behalf. We never walked their sandals; we never sacrificed for the “just because I love my people I will step on the landmine”. We have to be reflective each day and not seasonally. The sacrifices the Eritrean people went through are in even greater danger these days. Some counts our regions, some debate about official languages, some dare to talk faith. All the latter is being out of focus. You and I K. Tewolde – and millions of Eritreans like us – will never deceive the trust of our Martyrs. They are the true epitome of Eritrea. The world is watching us, but above all a legion of termites is invading the very land our Martyrs died for. Please, let us unite and- together- create the Eritrea we all paid a price for.
A quote by Mandela: “When you fought so hard for yourself, never go back to those that made you fall in the first place”.
Degoli July 27, 2018
You wrote: “They decided that Eritrea, as a country, should not exist and the Eritrean language never spoken.”
Tell me now, who is threatening now to burn Tigre Tigrinya languages to promote Arabization? Every Ethiopian region teaches, debates, makes law in their own proud languages, be it Afar, Oromiffa, Tigrinya ….. I have never seen an Ethiopian hating his or her own languages.
Tell me who burned Tigre books in Eritrea? Tell me who hates his own Tigre Tigrinya languages and others to Arabize Eritrea? Who is trying to “add” Eritreans with the Arab nations by burning Eritrea’s own languages, by crying “We are Arabs”?
Do we need to learn from the Ethiopians who have the Afars, Kunama, Saho, Kunama, Bilen and Geeze Tigre speakers, or, do you want us to b like the Arabs by denying our own?
We need to see ourselves in the mirror?
rezen July 27, 2018
Here is my reaction for what it is worth.
Quote: “We need to see ourselves in the mirror” Unquote
I always believed, and continue to believe, in those eight words.
I am reading a voluminous book (741 pages) by: እለምሰገድ ተስፋይ “ኤርትራ ካብ ፈደረሽን ናብ ጎበጣን ሰውራን 1956- 1962.” It gives me, other than the factual story, a miniscule horizon to a grand scope of OUR History.
As a full fledged ERITREAN by birth and heritage and who NEVER had the HISTORY of ERITREA in all the schools that I have gone through in my entire Life. I am eternally grateful to my Parents who created the atmosphere [NOT coercion] in our HOME where we NEVER spoke any language other than in Tigrigna; hence my ability to speak and write in Tigrigna, the derivative of an ancient language Geez. [one famous English Historian contrasted it with Latin] Well, with that minuscule knowledge, it gives me the inquisitiveness to learn more about who I am ……………..
Amanuel July 27, 2018
Now Ethiopia and respected Dr abiy accepted the final.and binding rulling, we the HGDF Supporters and justice seekers should ask the legitimate question that dr abiy should give instruction to the army to pull out of badme and the rest. We rejected discussion before demarcation for 16 years. Are we ready to go to war again if something happen in Ethiopia before demarcation completed? These should be a uniting factor for all of us (opposition, hgdf, warsay, civilians, veterans) to ask for expedited settlement of border issue once and for all.
Amanuel July 27, 2018
If iseyas wants respect he should release all prisoners, invite all eritrean scholars and opposition and hgdf sit together, chart way forward and quest to resign his post.
rezen July 27, 2018
Good Try. But, it is good you started your commentary with >>> “If”. With Issayas, it is either his way or no way at all, with all the horrible consequences that entail. .
Haben July 27, 2018
Hi Kiki,
We first need to define the word “Eritrea” before we find its ills and remedies.
You seem to define it through the eyes of “EPLF” and Ghedli experience. What is Eritrea to you?
A country with 9 ethnic groups. Are they 9 or more? If so, how many?
Has two working languages. If Arabic is another working language, why is it then is not used in the state sector? Why Eritrea does not have an ‘Official Language’?
No body, except for a few, know the size of its population. It could fluctuate between 3 to 6 m. Why this figure has kept as a secret from day one? Do we know the composition of each group and religion?
If you try to find answer’s for the above questions, you will inevitably open the ‘Pandora Box’.
Gezae July 27, 2018
by @hawelti
Yemane G. Meskel
On the invitation of President Isaias Afwerki, the President of the Republic of Somalia, H.E. Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed, will pay a three-day visit to Eritrea. President Mohammed Abdullahi and his delegation are scheduled to arrive in Asmara tomorrow morning
by @hawelti
Danilo July 27, 2018
ሓፍ ከየበላ ” ቋቅ ኣበላ “what for Somalia delegation ? knowing no conflict in between . or, something else? .If you have some information kindly provide us. ንሶም’ውን ንደመር ጥራሕ ከይብሉ ? ኢፈይ’ኮ ጣጣ ይብሉን ክሳብ ግዝየኡ ።ኩሉ ኣብ ኢዱ ኣዩ ቢኢዱ!