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Eritrea supports Egypt’s position over Nile water dispute

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle April 18, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Eritrean government said this week that it supports Egypt’s stance over a colonial-era treaty that granted Egypt a right to utilise the lions share of Nile

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

April 18, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Eritrean government said this week that it supports Egypt’s stance over a colonial-era treaty that granted Egypt a right to utilise the lions share of Nile river’s water resources.

The Red Sea nation expressed its support in a message sent from the Eritrean president and delivered to Egypt’s president by Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs, Yemane Gebreab.

The Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, has highly welcomed Eritrea’s position towards Egypt’s “historic rights” over the sharing of the water of the Nile River.

Morsi said that he looks forward to meeting his Eritrean counterpart.

Although Ethiopia is the source of 85% of the Nile’s water, downriver countries, Egypt and Sudan, use 51 billion and 18 billion square meters a year respectively, around 90% of the Nile’s resources.

In April 2010, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania signed a new agreement in Entebbe, Uganda, to overturn a colonial-era treaty seeking a more reasonable and equitable utilisation of the river.

The deal was approved after Burundi later signed the agreement and joined the group in March 2011.

Newly-independent South Sudan has not yet signed the Cooperative Framework Agreement but it has also rejected the 1959 Nile water agreements between Sudan and Egypt.

Downstream countries of Egypt and Sudan have, however, dismissed the deal, saying the agreement is insignificant because it did not include all Nile basin countries.

Egypt has in the past warned against construction of further dams along the Blue or White Nile’s.

One year after the Cooperative Framework Agreement was signed; Ethiopia launched the construction of a massive $4.8 billion dam on the Blue Nile River raising protests from Sudan and Egypt that the dam – Africa’s biggest – would reduce the flow of the water to their territories.

Currently a tripartite committee, which is composed of six experts drawn from Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan, and four more international experts are assessing the impacts of the project.

The team is expected to announce the final findings and conclusions in May 2013.


Review overview
  • Petros Haile April 19, 2013


    The PFDJ government ought to consider the following issues first, before sending his dogs to bark on the wrong tree !

    Was it necessary to intiate and provoke Ethiopia on unrelated issue that don’t directly affect Eritrea ? Other than a military purpose ?

    Is PFDJ Hoping to ally with the Egypt, in case a “water” based confict starts with Egypt ?

    Does the Eritrean Government realize, the issue of “Abai Dam” is very popular and supported by the avarage Ethiopians ?

    So, Is it a smart move to provoke the avarage Ethiopians, who has nothing to do with Woyane, but realize their strategic benefit served by building the dam ?

    Does the Eritrean government realize that “Historical Rights” argument would back fire, if Ethiopians begin to demand Asseb, Adulis, Massawa, Zula as their historic right to an access to the sea ?

    Does the Eritrean government realize that the future democratic Eritrea is the beneficiary of the abai Dam, (due to geographical proximity),since We Eritreans don’t have energy producing river at our disposal ?

    Does The PFDJ rule realize, Kenya and Djibouti are taking advantage of the avavilable energy produced from Ethiopia’s other dams ?

    Even if we do have the potential energy producing regions , it is far reaching to exploit it , under the PFDJ rule …

    Again, I am begging the PFDJ regime, not to make another stupid move and mistake, by intiating unecessay conflict with our immidiate neighbor, knowing that the results will be disastrous, to both nations !

    Finally, If I were the PFDJ government, I would have waited for the May report to come out, I believe a well studied report by the international experts will validate PFDJ’s support to “Access to the Nile river”, not on historical grounds, but on the grounds of necessity for survival and other enviromental grounds … rather than the usual behaviour of “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” approach, that often makes a mokery of international diplomacy !!! and a lasting peace, I may ad !

  • Haqi Yisier April 19, 2013

    Governments should not use the Nile River and its resources as a tool, President Isaias underscores

    Asmara, 21 July 2011 – In an interview he conducted with NRK Norwegian Television, President Isaias Afwerki underlined that governments should not use the Nile River and its resources as a tool in view of the fact that the river and its resources are the assets of the present and future generations of the entire region.

    The President called for a new approach that would ensure the common benefit of all on a lasting basis. He further noted that resort has been made to make the Nile issue assume political dimension, and thereby employed for propaganda and public relations gimmicks. As a result, President Isaias noted that the Nile Basin area got engulfed in further crisis and misunderstanding.

    Despite the fact that 80-90 billion cubic meter of Nile waters flow along the territory of the Nile River apiarian states, the respective peoples have been exposed to drought, hunger and destitution, he elaborated. The President further explained that the people and Government of Eritrea only opted for observer role instead of getting involved in futile so-called discussions concerning the issue.

    Replying to a question regarding Eritrea’s view about the program of utilizing the Nile resources on the part of Ethiopia, President Isaias said that regardless of the policy of governments, the Ethiopian people, just like any other people, are entitled to benefit from their resources. He explained that it is not new for the Eritrean people to support any program designed to promote Ethiopia’s development. In this respect, the President underlined that it remains the abiding political stance of the people and Government of Eritrea to witness peace in Ethiopia in which the people become beneficiaries of their natural resources.

    Unlike the false claim of some quarters, he stated that the Eritrean people and their leadership don’t want to see any nation experience war due to the resources of the Nile River. In this connection, the President emphasized the need for all parties to work for the common welfare of the people of the region.

    In a reply he gave to a question as to which party Eritrea supports, i.e. Sudan and Egypt or the seven riparian states of the Nile River, President Isaias said: “We have no reason to support this side or that simply because Eritrea does not believe there exists any reason for confrontation as regards the Nile issue.”

    Likewise, in a reply he gave concerning allegations that Eritrea is siding with Egypt as opposed to Ethiopia, the President declared: “The Eritrean people do not entertain ill-will against the Ethiopian people. We cannot take sides with Sudan or Egypt, and thus maintain an anti-Ethiopia stance because of the prevailing border conflict.”

    Explaining on whether there exists an alternative solution in Eritrea’s view concerning the Nile River waters, President Isaias underlined the need for a new methodology as regards the current practice of looking at the issue as if Sudan and Egypt were the beneficiaries on the one hand and the rest as suppliers on the other. Moreover, he said that the establishment of an impartial group of experts that would undertake studies on effectively harnessing and administrating the resources of the Nile in the interest of both present and future generations could be the alternative.

    In the meantime, the Nile Basin riparian states should refrain from resorting to misunderstanding and acts of inciting conflict, but rather hold consultations on promoting cooperation and joint development programs, President Isaias elucidated.

    In conclusion, the President pointed out that the external forces and media outlets that have been engaging in acts of aggravating the issue should either make positive contribution through abandoning their hitherto negative attitude or else desist from interfering.

    • Asmara3 April 19, 2013

      Haqi Yisier, thank you

      That is the actual fact. This interview was the one I was referring.
      So, one cannot help but wonder as to why Assenna keeps on standing against Eritrea and the Eritrean people? I mean, how low can anybody or any group go? It must be desperation, it looks as if it has reached zenith

      • merhawie April 20, 2013

        by the way this is not the first time that the government of eritrea has stance against any benfits of the people of ethiopia not to say woyane, four years before, while the crazy and boucher of africa the libyan gadafy is fhouting almost to the last drop to brought the head quarter of african union to libya city of cirty. it is eritrea whch stands among many few countries which helps the idea of relocating the head quarter. although GOD gave justice to al-quazafy before hi inflicted mnore danger to the entire continent.

    • emao April 21, 2013

      Where is the video of actual interview with NRK? This is pfdj’s word,lol.

  • Asmara3 April 19, 2013


    Is there any one from all of you fools out there – point me where Eritrea said and voted against Ethiopia regarding the Nile?

    The question is to the genuine Eritreans, who may fall prey to this false propaganda to create wages between Eritrea and the Ethiopian people.

    The honorable President of Eritrea has at some point cast his view, Eritrean contribution to the whole Nile issue – he never never, favored one nation to the other – be it Ethiopia or Egypt…

    The article above is written from Addis Ababa – so go figure

  • Asmara3 April 19, 2013


    When and where did Eritrea say that? The source of this article is Addis Ababa, and the only news that came out after the meeting between Egypt and Eritrean delegates – just says, Eritrea and Egypt discussed in a wide issues, ranging from human trafficking, the Nile etc..

    Checked the Eritrean OFFICIAL national Medias. None said specifically supports Egypt against Ethiopia.
    So, who is the psych who seems to be reading the minds of those on the meeting – and come here and present it as news…

    People – whenever you see something, always check the source and also always ask – why here? why now?

    • Thomas April 19, 2013

      Do not be fool, this means you do know how the dictator’s media is operating. This is a very delicate issue. So I advise the dictator to be very careful about this.

  • Asmara3 April 19, 2013

    Actually, the main reason the Eritrean delegate travelled to Egypt is to address the refugee situation and trafficking that Egypt was part of.

    The only explanation of the above Woyanie propaganda is just to distort and degrade Eritrea’s intention in doing its share on this trafficking saga. This is one reason, but the sinister and the classic agenda of Woyanie and also “ANATSU NAY WOYANIE” – is of course to isolate Eritrea, and make her look the Enemy of the Ethiopian people. The only thing the Eritrean government wants from the Ethiopian people is to tell their government to abide by law and leave Eritrean sovereign land so that Eritrea and Ethiopia normalize their relationship. Eritrea is asking nothing more. And Eritrea is not asking for any favors either -this is a ruling by an international court of law – so basically we are asking the Ethiopians to abide by the law.

    So, people (Those of who are genuine Eritreans, and also Ethiopians who are standing for peace) – Slap these anatsu nay woyanie from playing games on the Eritrean people and the Ethiopian people

  • oromay April 19, 2013

    Mr. Puppet , go and verify the issue with your master. Of corse u won’t any answer from PFFJ monsters. Interferring in Ethiopia’s affairs is provocating additional fire. PFDJ has been conspiring against Ethiopia even during PM Meles (RIP)

    • Nahom April 19, 2013

      DIA attempted to fish in the troubled waters during the regime of Husni Mubarak and now Isias as he is very famous conspirator is trying do the same with Mursi. As usual DIA is playing with fire which finaly will burn him.
      May God save our poor people

  • Asmara3 April 19, 2013

    Again, this question is to the biggest “Anchiwa Nay Woyanie”, aka: the owner of this God forsaken website – as to why he brings trash from Woyanie, post it here as fact – and put his idiot followers (Niashtu Anats) into hallucination and the usual shenkolel….?

    And all of you dekekti Anatsu Nay Woyanie:

    Where did you get the following? and how on Earth did you know what the content of the message from the Honorable President of Eritrea to Egypt?

    “..April 18, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Eritrean government said this week that it supports Egypt’s stance over a colonial-era treaty that granted Egypt a right to utilise the lion’s share of Nile river’s water resources.

    The Red Sea nation expressed its support in a message sent from the Eritrean president and delivered to Egypt’s president by Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs, Yemane Gebreab……”

    • MightyEmbasoyra April 19, 2013

      Why do you care about the Nile river usage? We are independent nation, if you haven’t heard yet.
      Why are you keep saying Weyane? The biggest Weyane is your boss, Isayas. Oh by the way, if you think this website is run by Woyane, why don’t you disappear? You are killing your good cells (if you still have some).

  • TwoWayStreet April 19, 2013

    The only problem that I see with this story is that, Assenna did not cite its source.
    and It is very naive of you to think that there was no serious discussion between the two nations regarding the Nile river because most of the time such does not tell you the whole story. Looking back at PFDJ’s history (Their involvement in the Somalia, Sudanese opposition, The fighting in Zair/Congo/ helping Kabila) it is possible that they could be involved in this one too. I am not saying they are, because I don’t have the facts, but given the Eritrean way of approching situations, it is possible. I tried to find anything that might support or reject the Tesfa-Alem Story. This is what I found on one of Egypts online newspaper.
    All Nile Basin countries should unite around the issue of sharing the Nile’s water, instead of fighting over it, said Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr in a meeting with his Eritrean counterpart Othman Saleh and the Eritrean ambassador in Cairo on Monday.

    “We all should benefit equally from the river,” he declared.

    When asked whether the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam would threaten Egypt’s share of the water, Amr answered that the matter is being assessed by a tripartite committee comprised of Sudanse, Egyptian and Ethiopian representatives.

    “Everybody is keen not to let this affect our quota,” he said. “And we will be part of any cooperation that does not harm any of the member states.”

    “Everybody knows that Egypt has no other source of water,” he added. “The other countries have rain.”

    Edited translation from MENA

  • Yemane Johar April 19, 2013

    And they call DIA a ” a far sighted and visionary leader” this unwise,arrogant, and evil animal is only good at igniting war and stirring trouble after trouble!

  • Asmara3 April 19, 2013


    You said:
    “….The only problem that I see with this story is that, Assenna did not cite its source….”

    Since when does Assenna site any credible source? And what more do you need to see it is fake or ill intentioned? Critical and very serious allegations are being thrown here recklessly by all kind of twisted people and some idiots. So, anything without credible source should not be used at all – particularly if it deals against your own nation. Your hate for our government is not an excuse. Sooner or later, or years down the line you would be held accountable.

    You people have to be careful. I know this website is infested by Woyanie themselves and also their sympathizers, who are never able to think further than their nose – and whose hatred of the Eritrean government (driven out of grudge, vendetta or other personal fuck ups that people tend to stick to the government) is so strong that they manufacture and act upon very risky staff against the wellbeing of our people and our nation.

    You also said this:

    “….It is very naive of you to think that there was no serious discussion between the two nations regarding the Nile river ……”

    When did I say they did not discuss about Nile or anything? Actually I stated the only news that came out which generally said “…they discussed a wide range of issues, regarding human trafficking and also other staff”
    You also added the following to that “….because most of the time such does not tell you the whole story……” Isn’t it such with all nations and all delegates and meetings of all of the nations in the world? They only tell when there is some final thing or when the time is right or only when something is finalized? Again your hatred of the Eri Gove is taking the best of you.

    Finally you said this (This always puts a smile on my face):
    “…..Looking back at PFDJ’s history (Their involvement in the Somalia, Sudanese opposition, The fighting in Zair/Congo/ helping Kabila) it is possible that they could be involved in this one too. I am not saying they are, because I don’t have the facts, but given the Eritrean way of approaching situations, it is possible. I tried to find anything that might support or reject the Tesfa-Alem Story. This is what I found on one of Egypts online newspaper…….”

    Here is a tip for you, whenever you write something; you should know your audience. Had you said that to the general public of the forum, that would have been ok, as you would definitely find many idiots who would take that as a fact and pat your shoulder or go dancing – “Ni ilalka Zihishishulks” – but you wrote that as a reply to me. You must have mistook me for your usual crowd – the ANW* or maybe you are just saying it to satisfy your internal demons. See, why in God’s name you wish to incriminate your own** government and your own people if, this is the case
    “….I am not saying they are, because I don’t have the facts,…..”
    If you don’t have the facts, you should deal with your internal demons on your own internally.

    *ANW = Anatsu Nay Woyanie
    ** I am of course assuming you are Eritrean and your heart feels you are Eritrean, otherwise, ignore it

    • TwoWayStreet April 19, 2013

      Dear Asmara3
      For once you confused me into thinking that “I might have wrote something that indicates I hate my people or the government’. I went back and checked my post couldn’t find any. Where did you get that I hate the Eritrean govenment, and that inicate the Forum is my usual crowd?
      For your inforation I am a concerned Eritrean. Eritrea equally belongs to me, you and the president. Nothing more, nothing less. So I have the right to look at issues that concern my country critically. As a concerned Eritrean I have the right to voice my support or opposition to any issue. Any Eritrean whether s/he supports the govengment, the opposition or in beteween have the right to put their views on any issue without being called names. Likewise they have the right to defend them, again withoug being called names.

      Again, on this issue I have nothing to oppose or to hail, as I don’t have a confirmation from other credible sources. If it is not true, then there is nothing me regarding the policy of the Eritrean govenment, but if it is true then I don’t endorse the policy. But a lot of ifs. So lets leave this to time.

      Your first statement was “Anatsu Woyane”. Why? Why the names? Why don’t you discuss the issue instead of individuals. Should anybody who did not write in support of the govenment be called an enemy of the state. Does that mean the governemnt can not make mistakes, so all it does should be hailed? Or even if the goverment makes mistakes, anybody dare say anything? or else you are woyane, ….

      • MightyEmbasoyra April 19, 2013

        Actualy, anyone with sane mind shouldn’t like the eritrean gov. You seem like waiting to get permission from asmara3.
        The question is why is Isayas talking about Nile? Nile is for Ethiopians and others that belong to them.
        Eritrea in not equal to Isayas. The one who likes isayas should be called eritrean hater, contrary to what asmara3 is stating. My guess would be he is english talking idiot. He is just repeating an old theme. I am amazed these idiots don’t get tired echoing what their big idiot’s old statement.

      • Asmara3 April 19, 2013


        My turn to get confused – and like you, I went back and checked my reply to you. In my last reply, I went through your previous comment point by point and addressed them. Now, let us go back to what you wrote about PFDJ and the Government. This is what you have to say:

        “…..Looking back at PFDJ’s history (Their involvement in the Somalia, Sudanese opposition, The fighting in Zair/Congo/ helping Kabila) it is possible that they could be involved in this one too. I am not saying they are, because I don’t have the facts, but given the Eritrean way of approaching situations, it is possible. I tried to find anything that might support or reject the Tesfa-Alem Story. This is what I found on one of Egypts online newspaper…….”

        1. The allegation put forward here by Assenna, and their source is grave and heavy. And therefore your bringing unrelated issues and issues that may or may not be true and may or may not be justified (Their involvement in the Somalia, Sudanese opposition, The fighting in Zair/Congo/ helping Kabila), depending on who is looking at them, and throwing in your conclusion ( it is possible that they could be involved in this one too) is so irresponsible and ill-intentioned to say the least – and is also a good indication as haw you see the government of Eritrea. Here you go.

        2. My stressing mark was why would you say what you said while at the same time you are admitting you don’t have the facts?

        3. This is not about supporting or opposing the Eritrean government. This is about Eritrea. And the accusation of the article is a very cruel intention (I would like to believe from non-Eritrean who wants to create animosity between the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia – but I know better). So you assumption is reckless to say the least and has only the effect of defaming, or supplying kind of false supporting argument to the false accusation of Assena through the article

        4. As for “..For your information I am a concerned Eritrean. Eritrea equally belongs to me, you and the president. Nothing more, nothing less. So I have the right to look at issues that concern my country critically. As a concerned Eritrean I have the right to voice my support or opposition to any issue. …..” Well, you are right. I can only support you and join with you to stress that.

        5. As for Anatsu Nay Woyanie – well, it is a proper description of those who conspire with the foreign aggressor (Woyanie) against their nation. This has nothing to do with having different opinion; this has to do with treason. The owner of this website and all the articles he posts here (Including this article) work to the effect of demeaning Eritrea. So, you can distance yourself from these people if you are not one of them. You have to realize they also cover their actions by claiming they are for Eritrea, or they are against the government and not against the people. It would not have mattered, had they associated themselves with another nation, and it would not have mattered had the Eritrean government was the one who is not abiding by law, regarding the border issue . The fact that Woyanie, against the decision of international court of law violating our sovereignty, and thinking the cheap way these people are selling Eritrea – makes these people Anatsu. So, don’t sweat on that

        6.As for “…..Should anybody who did not write in support of the government be called an enemy of the state. Does that mean the government cannot make mistakes…..” the answer is no. And what I said above doesn’t imply that. But, someone is fabricating facts just to oppose for the sake of opposing or for the sake of his/her personal staff – well, that is a different matter.

        • Asmara3 April 19, 2013


          If it matters at all, I replied to you in the first place,because I thought your comment was different and atleast way better tham most of the idiots who are clapping here.
          Meaning, my responce to you doesn’t contain any ll-intention.

          • TwoWayStreet April 20, 2013

            Thanks. I don’t like seeing things as “Black and White”, I believe there is also a Gray color.
            We might encounter on other issues in the future. I will not be in agreement with you all the time, and I will not be in disagreement all the time either. I believe in a civil conversation, no calling names, no character assasination, just discuss on the issues, view them positively, or negatively. Leving for history whether I am right or wrong.
            I like to see issues in different angles, hence “TwoWayStreet”.