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  • Eritrawit October 22, 2011

    I’M just wondering pfdjs
    THEN how you explain out of the blue indivesuals having billon dollars worth of busenesses in many
    african countries uganda, keney, Tantzania e.t.c, and europe the America. And surprice surprice they
    happen to be PFDJ supportes.

  • zena October 22, 2011

    No luchensa pay 2% first.

  • Weldit October 22, 2011

    Latest BBC news has it that IGAD has supported Kenya’s incursion into Somalia.
    If I remember it correctly, the GoE withdrew from IGAD several years ago in protest of IGAD’s support of Ethiopia’s incursion int o Somalia.
    PIA has now re-joined IGAD, although still in the process.
    So the questions is, will the regime re-withdraw from IGAD again for the same reason it did back then, or will it still join the organization?

  • kozami October 22, 2011


    I second your bliss dream of PIA shaking hands with a credible, patriotic and faithful opposition that would be Eritrea’s own “brother’s keeper” You see, politicians don’t recruit the mass, it is the mass who follow them. If Eritreans are giving deaf ears to the so called “opposition” then then the people are following whomsoever they think represents their true interest at heart. Before we get to the bliss moment you beautifully conceptualized, we need men and women big enough to stand for Eritrea, its people and their destiny, above quick fixers who would bend back and forth for any stranger but their people. Eritrea stands only to benefit and its future guaranteed by a credible opposition. As for me, I will vote for PIA no matter what!

    • Haqqi Nezareb October 22, 2011


      You said, ” As for me, I will vote for PIA no matter what!”. How about if PIA does not full fill the requirement to run as president? According the ratified Eritrean Constitution, here is what it says on Citizenship on page 7, “You have to have either Eritrean father or mother to be a citizen”. If PIA fulfills this requirement, vote for him. But the big question is: when is Eritrea to have election? May be after two or three decades? On his recent VOA Tigrigna interview, PIA admitted that he will never step down from his throne. Are young enough to wait for 30-40 years to see the first election in Eritrea if PIA changes his mind?

      On the citizenship requirement, if your answer is yes, please show us the family trees of Issais not a fabricated one. We have the right to know about the family back ground of our future president. Ezi w’danka, Kozami arkey.

    • Temesgen Medhanie October 22, 2011


      Obviously the temptation to interject into our otherwise stimulating ‘dialogue’ is irresistible where Huluf and Haqqi N’zareb come to mind. Having said that however, my transient or ephemeral bliss seems to have overstayed its life span as we are inadvertently pushing the lid off the Pandora’s box where in my part magnanimity was the word of the day with a hope to tight-seal the lid. As much as it is hypothetical, it sure has a potential to be turned into a reality. But even though I seem to push too hard to negate the conditions ( credible, patriotic and faithful opposition) you’re throwing on the road to a historic recovery, Huluf and Haqqi N’zareb don’t seem to be any different either as they try to trace the blood line of Isaias when it is a non issue in the grand scheme of events. If we are to be true to ourselves and rise to the occasion with a strong political will where age old grudges and vendettas are transcended, we will find our place in history where we will be remembered by posterity as people or individuals who made things right when the odds were too high to remain shackled in the ugly side of our past and recent history. My apologies if I sounded too pompous.

      • Haqqi Nezareb October 22, 2011


        Every dirty things come out during presidential elections, especially in the USA. Obama’s blood line was under question during and even after election. Finally, he was forced to put out his birthday this year or last year. I believe we have the same right to know about the blood line of our future president. If Issais is Eritrean, then there is not problem as far as he shows us his family trees.

        I thing it is my right to ask those questions.

        • Temesgen Medhanie October 22, 2011

          Haqqi N’zareb,

          It sure is your prerogative to opine on the things or ideas you hold dear. However, I am of the opinion that, it is a bit far fetched to draw a parallel between the Tea Party’s incessant for Obama to release his authentic birth certificate and to debunk Isaias’ blood line. I don’t think I have to spill it out for you the fallacy of your comparison for you’re too intelligent to miss the point I tend to highlight. Here is the deal: If one was to trace Isaias blood line, it is most probable that, he hails from Tigrai, but in the final analysis he is an Eritrean which ever we want to look at it. Simply because he believes he is an Eritrean and most of all he fought for Eritrea’s independence despite his cruel intentions where he turned out to be a tyrant with no heart what so ever. History sure enough is not a stranger to people who belong to a different gene pool where they end up standing for a noble cause where Che Guevara and Carlos Menem to mention but a few come to mind. People might not take us too serious if we dwell more on trivialities when we have the ability to press on in exposing Isaias’ heinous crimes and his flawed policy where the nation is on a verge of a total collapse.

          • Haqqi Nezareb October 22, 2011


            Thank you for your brotherly advice. I just brought the blood-line to touch some nerves of the Zombies. But I am sure of one thing, we will never have an election as far as Issais is alive.

          • Maazza October 23, 2011

            Temesgen hawey

            I fall short of words! You are our treasure. It is this sane and democratic spirit that will be our guide to bring about the desired change of this oppressive and repressive hgdefite rule (steeped in lies).

  • Huluf October 22, 2011

    Kozami & Temesgen

    Iwelcome this “…model..” of dialogue of different views. I actually take it further, let us not bring any opposition from outside but Kozami can help propose a G-15 and Higdef debate live on TV on the issues of cause of war, the country’s defense and it’s future.

    Allo me to remind the people of Eritrea should not have been dragged from what was Widebawi Grichit(internal conflict within Higdef/EPLF)…. They differed on handling the war as any concerned leadership would, They differed on the miliatry and diplomatic combined strategy. Note I am not even diving into details because we should not, we need to hear it from both sides(with “evidence” as our PIA like it much and let him demonstrate of the events of national security, he is excellent at putting his argument what is the fear- believe in your ONE HEART ONE COUNTRY PEOPLE, Hade Libi Hade Hizbi was demonstrated during the war- I bet all of us now debating were on that same path)……to be Contd’

  • Huluf October 22, 2011

    Let Hizbawi Genbar complete it’s journey with a fourth congress that keeps getting postponed. Let Hizbawi Genbar complete the charters it promised on it’s third congress namely – assert the constitution, declaration charters and decree of pluarlistic and party system, declaration of free media and in short a process of handing the governoment to the people through a clean process. In that members of the EPLF would also participate in differing view.
    to be contd’…..

  • Huluf October 22, 2011

    contdPIA bold move of supressing stong members of the road to freedom G-15 and others, and the fact that we the people treat him like superstar completely mislead his decisions not knowing silent majority is always with majority, but he forgot it was few that shaped the front to victory and he abandoned them now matter……That is what is coming to bite him brothers….If you believe and is your view I am completely in fallacy and am viewing it wrong I only have to state there were no steam in the opposisiton, until the opposition from within erupted symptomed by G-13 and maturing in the open by G-15. If you remember his last trip before the new york one, one in Washingtong DC(15,000+Eritreans came to happily welcome him and rally behind him). He just came out heated debate with his courages colleagues(u imagine they could be) but we fooled him with the hero welcome deservedly and some elements of our community like a rock super star….It is then and there I bet he decided to ignore them and go on a single track of go my way…..the rest is history and his return to the US revealed where his visit was best kept secret and people are bused like Zemachs. I better stop here for I will damage what you have just modeled…a dialogue…

    • Huluf October 22, 2011

      Just to elaborate one fact I mixed it up….in my last write as incomplete human mind that I have.
      The debate after the war was exactly where most of the EPLF members wanted it…Yes, there were tough quesitons on PIA as it should, he holds the highest office……It is exactly then he decided to come to the USA just not even weeks
      Boom 15,000+ Eritreans rolled to DC (except this time the offices of Hizbawi Genar did not need to rent buses were not afraid and attemtp to limit it by invitations only or keep it secret until the end). It is at that moment PIA probably decided to go single track and ignore their debate rather he went on witch hunt ….if he had to do it again he would not play that card….It is exactly that card that is coming to haunt him…..No one in the UN, OAU, IGAAD would play their cards the way they are playing if the EPLF leadership was in tact and respected.

  • kozami October 22, 2011

    Haqqi N.

    I have more bad news for you bro…
    CEO’s of Mining Companies in Eritrea Waging Concerted Campaign Against Sanction on Eritrea!
    More than a dozen CEO’s whose mining companies currently operating in Eritrea have started a concerted campaign against the Gabon -Nigerian sponsored resolution at the UNSC demanding further sanctions on Eritrea. Nevsun’s CEO who is spearheading the campaign is openly airing his views to the media against the resolution being discussed at the UNSC and also requested Canadian Prime Minster Harper to personally involve in the matter and prevent this “politically motivated” campaign against Eritrea at the UNSC. It is noted that prime minister of Ethiopia has openly expressed his frustration with Canadian government for its indifference to ” Eritrea’s destabilization” activities and his failure to stop Canadian mining companies from taking part in exploration, prospecting and production activities in Eritrea.

    • Haqqi Nezareb October 22, 2011


      You wrote, “More than a dozen CEO’s whose mining companies currently operating in Eritrea have started a concerted campaign against the Gabon -Nigerian sponsored resolution at the UNSC demanding further sanctions on Eritrea” All these companies are not big ones. Most of them are start-up companies which are struggling to raise money. The total worth of your dozen companies is a fraction of what “Walmart” worth’s. Do not try to make a mountain out of a molehill.

  • kozami October 22, 2011

    pt 2 Haqqi N

    The same campaign is also being waged by British and Australian CEO’s whose companies operating in Eritrea. The game has been shifted for PMMZ of Ethiopia-these days he is not dealing only with his former comrade-in-arms but also with big wigs of international mining companies. Specially the Australian company – South Boulder that has hundreds of billions of dollars stake in Eritrea’s emerging potash resources is heavily involved in this concerted campaign g its foreign ministry to make sure that all facts. Nevsun CEO seems to get positive feedback from his government and he is predicting that Ethiopia’s campaign at UNSC wouldn’t have any meaningful impact on his company’s activities.
    Eritrean ambassador at the UN-ARAYA Desta has been delighted to see Australian and Canadian Ambassadors assisting him in his battle against the resolution.

    • kozami October 22, 2011

      pt3 Haqqi N

      Lately diplomats at the UN have been enjoying the ‘cat and mouse’ theatrical show performed by Araya of Eritrea and Tekeda Alemu of Ethiopia’s in their bid to be first at the door of the UNSC permanent members’ offices.
      Eritrea has submitted its rebuttal to Ethiopia’s four hundred pages long accusation and its line-by-line dissection seems to win some supporters and Tekeda Alemu is left with heavy burden to prove the allegations beyond the shadow of doubt that Eritrea has indeed violated the resolution passed against her some two years ago.
      For all intensive purposes, the drafted resolution seems to loose momentum-even Ethiopia’s foreign Minster weekly newsletter ‘The horn’ has deliberately ignored the issue predicting the possibility that it may not gain the support of all UNSC votes-so far China and Russia are saying that enough resolution has already been passed against Eritrea and they would like to see how the existing resolution achieve its intended objectives before they churn out another one.

      • Haqqi Nezareb October 22, 2011


        I like to read the information you posted. Can you lead me to the source-printed one?

        • Haqqi Nezareb October 22, 2011


          Do you have any information on the meeting on Oct.19, 2011in the White House between Obama-Gabon-Nigeria?

    • Haqqi Nezareb October 22, 2011


      You are jumping quickly to conclusions. Let us patiently allow things to play out at UN. I still think there will be some sort of another sanction. Do Canada and Australia have a veto power at the security Council? Absolutely not.

  • Barentu October 22, 2011

    There are two ways left for Eritrea to get rid of Issias and the Hgdef regime;
    1. A coup d’eta ‘Elwa mengsti” from the young officers within the EDF; or
    2. Outright invasion by Ethiopia, the like of Tanzania in Uganda or NATO in Libya.

    Anything else may help here and there to the above two but will not result in a solution.

    • Dawit October 22, 2011

      I can not agree more ! Many however argue that HGDF will only be removed by peaceful means. When you ask how-proponents of “b’selam” provide no concrete answers. No guarantee that Egypt’s uprising could be repeated in Eritrea. No one knows how Eritrean soldier’s would react if Eritreans take to the streets of Asmara to oppose PFDJ. Syria presents an example in this regard. After three thousand protester’s death, the people have not yet toppled the tyrant. Few defectors are arming themselves at the moment-for a show of force-and possibly to ignite an armed struggle (Gonxi)-You fight a fire with a fire.

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