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Djibouti urges Eritrea to free ‘captured’ officer

By Mohamed Taha Tewekel, Wednesday, August 13, 2014 ADDIS ABABA – Djibouti on Wednesday called for the release of a military officer allegedly captured by the Eritrean army. "Eritrea must release the military officer it captured on July

By Mohamed Taha Tewekel, Wednesday, August 13, 2014

ADDIS ABABA – Djibouti on Wednesday called for the release of a military officer allegedly captured by the Eritrean army.

“Eritrea must release the military officer it captured on July 25,” the Djiboutian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry accused the Eritrean army of detaining the officer, who, it said, had been accompanying a Qatari military delegation to the demilitarized zone on the border between the two countries.

The ministry went on to warn that Eritrea’s failure to release the officer would endanger a Qatari-mediated peace process between the two states.

“The mediation process will be jeopardized if Eritrea fails to release the Djiboutian military officer, who was captured while accompanying a Qatari military delegation visiting the demilitarized zone,” it stated.

Since 2010, Qatar has mediated between the two countries following a war between them in 2008.

Under Qatari mediation, Djibouti released hundreds of Eritrean prisoners and handed them over to the United Nations.

Eritrea, for its part, has yet to follow suit.

“Qatar is also responsible for the capture of the Djiboutian military officer, since he was with its delegation at the time of his capture,” the ministry said, urging Qatar to pressure Eritrea to release the officer.

“It should also pressure Eritrea to live up to its international commitments on such matters,” the ministry added.

Copyright © 2014 Anadolu Agency

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  • Ahmed Omer August 14, 2014

    yea yea weddi khommarit Asyas the first time in you life did good job to the idiot Qatar ruling family who was helping his regime while Eritrean people were suffering by Eritrean regime so good on you Mr weddi Medhin Barrad .The little brain Asyas supporters if he is a real brave man why he dose not go to Ethiopian border and capture Ethiopian officer .
    Mr Weddi Khommarit you living your last days that is OK spoil yourself

  • Robi August 14, 2014

    Hi Jemia Wedi medhin berad Wedi tsomakit swa dea entay gedesho, eritrawuyan ymutu jibout wetader yteaser, Ethiopia trebesh Somalia hawun haserin yietewom n Tembenay Essayas afwerki ejib ayblon eyu mknyatu alamiu kemiu sle zkone nay tfiat not egrgir mara des sle zblo, gn hanti mealti tmetso ala gfa kgfef mukanu 100% emnet alo, ezi nay Tarik Hatela glet Essayas gn resah tariku gedifu msnibatu gahdi koinu alo tray nay mealtat guday eyu terifu zelo dkas yeblun kab hji kem wekarya ksrah eyu hahahahahah ethiopia kea telaela eya zela nkid tray ksab mekabru ztsereye ktsery eyu ksab new year hahahahha Essu afaf msh sebiay eka keythadim nhna alena nabaka metseka anta Wedi dkala.

  • ahmed saleh August 14, 2014

    Responsible leaders fight against poverty , ignorance for the sake of
    long term goal for healthy future .
    For the last 24 years DIA championed
    only confrontations within the country
    and neighboring regions .
    That is what he is good at . Deceived people fell at the hands of corrupted
    politicians and wrong circle . We choose to wait silently where the end
    will lead us , big mistake to gamble for
    your future to depend on hand over .

  • ahmed saleh August 14, 2014

    Responsible leaders fight against poverty , ignorance for the sake of
    long term goal for healthy future .
    For the last 24 years DIA championed only on confrontations within the country and neighboring regions .
    That is what he is good at . Deceived people fell at the hands of corrupted
    politicians and wrong circle . If they choose to wait silently where the end
    will lead , they are making a big mistake to gamble life on dependency which may cause them at unfavorable position .
    We need to rise up United to settle our issues . Eritrean made problem must uprooted by only Eritreans . We can do it if we want to seriously.

  • Simon G. August 14, 2014

    Isayas has always been a negative thinker. When it comes to good thoughts, he is extremely handicapped.
    Isayas needs few items for his daily life: Whisky, hate, and isolation

  • EBOLA August 14, 2014

    ጅቡቲ ባዶ ገረወይና እዮም

    ጅቡቲ ባዶ ገረወይና እዮም።ምስ ኤርትራ ምርጻም ማለት ድማ ምስ መንደቕ ተተራጺምካ ከም ምምላስ ማለት እዩ። ኤርትራ ነዚ ኦፊሰር ፈትሓቶ ማለት ፣ጸሓይ ኣብ ጅቡቲ ኣይትበርቕን እያ ማለት እዩ።ባዕልና ምትኳስ ዝምሃርናዮም ጅቡቲ ኣይስዕሩናን እዮም።መንግስቲ ኣሜሪካን ፈረንሳን ድማ እንተመጹ ከምቶም ናይ ቀደም ራሻን ኣሜሪካን ዘፈሽኮልናዮም፣ሕጂ እውን ከነፈሽኩሎም ኢና።

    • ahmed saleh August 15, 2014

      I agree even WEYANE who think they are super power couldn’t kneel us down .

    • hara August 15, 2014

      denqwero…ab sidet hadimika nay dem yewahat ahwat ketisis delikha hiji khe?yiakel kunat…..ab kindi selam timne denqwero wedenqwro.

      • ahmed saleh August 15, 2014

        People who experienced war know
        it’s ugliness . Our shallow pride has
        been our weakness .
        Nina nihna nihna zereba ashashu

    • Anti HEGDEF August 16, 2014

      Hi Ebola

      Your pen name says it all. Do you know how many people have died because of Ebola virus, the ugliest pen name you choose and therefore such people like you should be isolated forever. You are trying to change the course of nature just like your muster, the evil Isasayas once tried regarding Bademe. But, stone headed people never learn and for sure, you Ebola, you are one of them.

  • Tons tan August 15, 2014

    Wey Eritrea merahi besantim thzni !! Kemey. Gin ebud asaw resi kmerheki. Kielu!?

  • Tons tan August 15, 2014

    Wey Eritrea merahi besantim thzni !! Kemey. Gin ebud asaw resi kmerheki. Kielu!?

  • Gergish August 15, 2014

    Essays is planning to hijack Ethiopian officer from Badme. I am joking. Cos he couldn’t even think of it. Ethio defense is waiting him but he hide him self cos there are unfinished whiskey and beautiful ladies in sawa

  • oromay August 19, 2014

    When I read some immature and nonsense comments, I tend to laugh.

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