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BREAKING NEWS: Ethiopia carries out ground attack on military posts inside archrival Eritrea

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopia’s government spokesman says that Ethiopia launched a military attack inside its archrival Eritrea. Shimeles Kemal said the attack happened Thursday. He said Ethiopia launched the attack because Eritrea was training “subversive

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopia’s government spokesman says that Ethiopia launched a military attack inside its archrival Eritrea.

Shimeles Kemal said the attack happened Thursday. He said Ethiopia launched the attack because Eritrea was training “subversive groups” that carried out attacks inside Ethiopia.

Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a border war from 1998 to 2000.

By Associated Press,

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  • Yemane March 15, 2012

    Congratulations assenna this what you want for your people.

    • Haile March 15, 2012

      yes again, we can not pray for dictator PFDJ puppets for ever.
      we will return the freedom of Eritreans back from the hands of mafia HGDF.

    • Abrahaley March 15, 2012

      Ato Yemane,
      You tend to forget where the Eritrean ppl are. Our ppl deserve relief from all thugs and thier admin. I really admire assenna for standing with the Eritrean ppl. You careless even to tell what happened.

    • henok March 15, 2012

      How PFDJ will react to this news?. My guess is they will ignore the news & pretend it is false report. If they chose to ignore the attack & that will tell their supporters that they are weak.

      • Yemane March 15, 2012

        ካብ ኣብዚ ሰብኡት ትዃኑ ኪዱ ሜዳ ኤርትራ ነጻነት ኣምጽኡ።

  • Handebet March 15, 2012

    I guess Meles Chenawi feels strong enough to threaten wedi Medhin Berad. Both are from the same cut. But what wedi medhin did to his people is far worse and it makes the Dedebit Wurinchila and his thugs humane. I hope wedi Komarit is chased out of power. I have no horse in this race. Stupid ward lords of Africa can keep slaughtering themselves if they wish. The world has moved on. Look at how former cultist China has moved on.

  • Tafla March 15, 2012

    I don’t think this a war. I believe this a test for Isias. Weyane &US will wait for his reaction. Does he has a courage & force to respond (like 2000), I don’t think so. The Eritrean youth/force are waiting for this moment, if war start they will flee to Ethiopia. What willl Isias’ supporters react about this news.

    • Abrahaley March 15, 2012

      Isyas is really DEAD. His ppl and generals are not with him and he is not with them. Man looks depressed and confused. More than anything the thug need to take care of himself not the country war.
      I don’t Weyane need a war unless they want to kill Eritrean soldiers. It is obvous no one willing to fight them.

  • waw March 15, 2012

    I expected this thing to happen I fell deep sorry for warsay to deserve this but no matter what is happening the Eritrean opposition need to organize be responssible and stop this ugly thing from happening in sweet Eritrea. You have to think twice it is our people who will suffer not shaebia. The war is in Eritrea not in awassa or mekele.

    • Haile March 15, 2012

      Well a ont time death is better than 100 times death.
      Thats what the people of Eritrea is judge by HGDF. So for this reason we will die one time until HGDF hand over the freedom of Erirean to the people of Erirean.
      Then we can deal with Ethiopia through peaceful mean to leave our soverginity once HGDF dismissed from the land and face of Eritrea people.
      Thats what all people of Eritrea dreams, it is come true to dismantl HGDF and its puppets through out the whole of Eritrea. Ethiopians are helping Eritrea not having war, this war is help to the people of Eritrea from the killer regime of HGDF mendef.

  • thomi March 15, 2012

    We need a full scale war. Our people will be fine and now one will hold or spent life worthlessly to protect the killers in asmara. The era has changed it is not going to be like 1998. No more Eritrean life cannot spent to protect those mafia’s leaders. It is a pay back time, if the wayanes can uproot our mafias like the NATO did for Libyans we will not have problems. We have our sovereign land, the weyanes will pull out once the mission to uproot DIA’s regime is over.

    • Yemane March 15, 2012

      እሞ መን ክሞተልካ ዘይትኽይድ ዘይትዋጋእ ዘረባ ዋጋ የቡሉን ብግብሪ ንስካ ጀምር

    • TwoWayStreet March 15, 2012

      Kurub kelbi giber. Kurub libi giber. Azwir abilka hiseb. Kbu hlife zibleka yebileyin thomi.

  • semere March 15, 2012

    Let Isayas look for a bridge to hide himself before it is too late. Good news!! We shall soon be free. I only pray for a minimum loss of life.

  • Haqi March 15, 2012

    Freedom on the horizon, we have been humiliated and reduced to less than pets since 1991.

  • Zebib March 15, 2012

    Is this why the breaking news below is out today?? It is very much like our tyrant to offer anything to maintain his ‘throne’!!

    Eritrea & Ethiopia – Israel and Qatar mediate between Ethiopia and Eritrea
    Israel and Qatar mediate between Ethiopia and Eritrea
    March 14, 2012
    BREAKING NEWS: It has been confirmed by different sources that the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments will have a preliminary meeting in Germany on the 20th. of March 2012. Some representatives of both countries have already arrived in Germany.
    The mediators, Israel and Qatar, have presented the following five-point road-map to the Eritrean and Ethiopian governments:
    1. Qatar will lease the Eritrean port of Assab for 20 years and Ethiopia will use the port.
    2. Ethiopia will be committed to demarcate the border, restore Bademe to Eritrea, and withdraw its troops.
    3. Both countries will work in harmony to normalize their socio-economical relations between them.
    4. Both countries will work to normalize their diplomatic and political relations.
    5. People affected by the 1998-2000 war will be compensated with the help of donors.

    • ahmed saleh March 15, 2012

      We all know what is going on in our country and the region. We saw the unbearable damage
      done because of their dirty politics. Qatar and Israel have their own share at stake on those
      part of East Africa. Outsiders influenced agreements lacks principles and honesty, therefore
      most of the time is fragile. Imagine the Isrealis mediators for peace ……. ! NO COMMENT.

  • Haki March 15, 2012

    Let the mad man and dictator ISAIAS AFEWERKI been either killed or remove fro m power then peace will prevail not only in Eritrea but also in the entire region. It is a high time to remove the mad man and his cronies like the mindless ALI ABDU from power and get peace for ever…
    From Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia

  • semere March 15, 2012

    Until the Tyrant is out of the way the Eritrean people will have no peace. This is a way of prolonging his power. This is bad news. Why accept now the peace deal? Couldn’t he accept before the bloodshed? By changing some of his officials and ministers he thinks to put the blame on them and come out clean. He is the root of all the evil and suffering of Eritrea.

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