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Brazilian Mother faces her son’s murderer in prison and forgives him – includes Youtube Video

This is an unusual and touching scene where a mother who lost her son after a shooting in Brazil, meets his murder. After one year of his death, Maria Nice knew the murder, Alisson, was arrested

This is an unusual and touching scene where a mother who lost her son after a shooting in Brazil, meets his murder.

After one year of his death, Maria Nice knew the murder, Alisson, was arrested and she decided to visit him at the police station.

She was followed by TV cameras which captured the very touching and surprising moment when she said: “You are forgiven in the name of Jesus. I am a Christian, and I am forgiving you!”

Alisson was visibly stunned by her words and only tried to look away from her eyes. But she urged him to keep looking at her.

“I will be praying for you. And you will find the God that I serve.”

“I don’t hate you.”

She then prayed for him before she left. “Lord be with Alisson wherever he is. Don’t leave him even a minute, Lord. Touch his soul as you have touched mine. Comfort his mother, Lord, who must be suffering as much as I am. I thank for all Lord, in the name of Jesus. Amen!”


Review overview
  • Hazhaz December 3, 2013

    What a wonderful mother and a great human being.

  • Kali December 3, 2013

    she is true chrisian

    • MightyEmbasoyra December 4, 2013

      I would rather say true human being instead.

      • tg December 4, 2013

        No this is chiristyan values forgifness is the core value of the riligion if she was ” you now ” she say he must cut his head or hang him

  • Netsanet December 3, 2013

    This is the true face of Christianity and its embodiment is all love.where ever Christianity thrives,development,prosperity and freedom thrives. The history of this world in the last two thousand years,since its inception,depicts what Christianity has brought with it.Even the recent history of economic development, in US and Europe ,at its core is Chrstianity.The teaching of its author,Jesus Christ,is LOVE and INCLUSIVENESS.What a belief. Christianity is the best gift of humanity ever!!!!

  • david December 4, 2013

    I hope we all learn from this Godly women. It is so great to see God at work.
    This is how we need to live as Christians.

    Praise the Lord.

  • Stefanos Temolso December 4, 2013

    I prefer a a righteous, compassionate and a true believer in God or Allah! We can never say Chrstian or Moslem because so many moslems and christians have killed their brethren in the nae o Religion. So, the problem s not wih religion but with the People. There are Gd fearing People and People who never fear God!

  • Russom December 4, 2013

    What do we learn from this woman, despite the unlimited sadness we are carrying with us that was inflickted from us upon us, Eritreans? Forgiveness alone can help us move forwards!

    The punishment of conscience is can somehow not be deleted for those who did it conciously.

    We forgive hence the unvorgetable!

    • Saba December 4, 2013

      HOWEY.. I think you clicked it just as i did… FORGIVNESS alone WILL help us move forward!!! Very important to all people especially those of our community no matter what they actually believe in as religion!!!

  • Kennedy December 4, 2013

    Assenna preaching Christianity, amazing there are a lot of Muslims in Eritrea who forgave the christians for murdering their children, i watched it in ERI TV, WHY Assenna do not highlight in this news???????????

    • tg December 4, 2013

      Sorry mehamod in this dayes no wan want to see esayas programe so try alarebya what they do to crist

  • Tamrat Tamrat December 4, 2013

    Very good! It is a timely news pice. It is our man made system which has forced us to kill one another. If we have a big heart like this woman we could have saved million lives and unecessary backwardness. We use our 50% or more of our energy to wipe one another. And where can we get the energey for development? anyways we can learn from this beautifull mother.

  • arkirki December 4, 2013

    this is the most ridiculous mother, however we can’ttake any example from this woman. there is no mercy for nhgdef the monsters who are vampires which enlisted our people n country, so don’t be disturbed by this individual woman, our wounds are much worse than this individual woman. never never never mercy for nhgdef the monsters

  • mussie December 4, 2013

    Assenna. well done to put this in your website. She is a true woman of faith in Christ by forgiving her son’s murderer she did apply our Lord Jesus teaching that is to forgive as one another as the Lord forgave you. Indeed, what a true woman of faith to see her becoming an example to the world. She reminds me the scripture in Matthew 5:13-16
    13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”

    14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

    Finally, we can learn a lesson from her that WE Eritreans’ need to apply forgivens among one another so that God’s mercy and peace will rule our hearts and our nation!
    God bless you all brothers and sisters!

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