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Australia: SBS Interview With Amaniel Eyassu Part 1

Amaniel Eyassu is the founder of Assena foundation. He was invited to talk to SBS/Tigrinya during his recent visit to Australia. This is part one of the two parts interview with SBS/Tigrinya. To Listen Click On:

Amaniel Eyassu is the founder of Assena foundation. He was invited to talk to SBS/Tigrinya during his recent visit to Australia. This is part one of the two parts interview with SBS/Tigrinya.

To Listen Click On: SBS Interview With Amaniel Eyassu Part 1

Review overview
  • araya January 31, 2014

    Amanuel Much respect on you keep up the good job…

  • Genet February 1, 2014

    Dear Amanuel
    Such a brave, smart and articulated brother. God bless you. You could make a lot of money serving the dictator. But because you are a man of honor and integrity, you wouldn’t lower yourself to a dictator’s slave level. You are serving your people with the most important way, providing a mean to communicate. You clearly understand information is power. Thank you so much brother.

  • Simerrr2012 February 1, 2014

    Please use condom not to make the same mistake what your parent did.we have so many like you child china policy should apply here none Idiot policy in Eritrea. Thank you in advance if follow my advice.

  • Michael Haile February 1, 2014

    ኣማኒኤል እያሱ ኣንበሳ እኻ ፡ሕድሪ ስዉኣት ዝጠለመ ገስረጥ ህግደፋዉያን ፡ መንሽሮ ርእሲ ኮንካ ዓመታት እናሓሰዉ ህዝቢ ንኸይኣምኖም ትቃለስ ዘለኻ ፡ኣጆኻ ቀጽሎ ሓርነት ህዝብኻ ከተዉሕስ።

  • sarah February 1, 2014

    Genet and the other chicken heads, pentes, go and say halelijah with white people. You are here to protect the hadami amanuel. Go and say halelijah aman you jehovas, I am not going to praise one Hadami here and there.
    I am for the majority of people of Eritrea inside and outside who are hard workers and self relient. Awet N’hafash!

    • Blocked February 1, 2014

      If he is hadami, why you come to his house and use his property?

    • abdu February 1, 2014

      How much are you getting to do this dirty HGDEF work ? My second quetion for you; if you think Eritrea is a haven as you sound as to be ; why not go live there . So ; i am wondering who is hadami here me or Sarah ?

    • Genet February 1, 2014

      Sarah, Sweetheart
      You sound like a loose cannon shooting everywhere. You must be a graduate of Isayas’s school of propaganda. The school is highly specialized in keeping the dictator in power in any cost. Sarah baby, if you are confident you have a functioning brain, prove it. Think outside of the box. In your case you are mentally confined in Isayas’s box. Research how dictators get to be dictators; learn how dictators work; read about people who support dictators; Read about the few dictators in the world; Educate yourself, how they rise up to power as a force against evil and they are always killed in disgrace. This is because they become the evil they were supposed to fight. Dictators never take responsibility for their action. Sarah baby, have you listen to Isayas’s latest interview? I highly recommend it for you. Of course, first you have to sanitize your abused brain. Sarah baby, you need to take baby steps in differentiating the idea of loving Isayas and the reality of his action. You have every right to love, love, love Isayas. But you don’t have the right to facilitate his action on our people and country. FYI, Don’t be a filthy mouth. with love.

    • Genet February 1, 2014

      Sarah don’t be a Little girl
      Did you just say, “I am for the majority of people of Eritrea inside and outside… ” How are you for them, when you don’t even understand what they are going through under Isayas the dictator? You are a woman, daughter, sister, may be even a wife and mother. Eritrean people were hard workers and self reliance way before the destructive dictator and you came along. If you and the dictator left them alone long time ago, they could have showed you how hardworking, efficient, smart they are. You can’t even see the consequence of your action, leave alone to to understand the naked truth of the state of our people. You can tell yourself “I am for the majority of people of Eritrea…” but the reality of your action is to support Isayas to killing our people. If you are for the majority of Eritrean people, what would you say to the Eritrean mother who lost her young daughter and three beautiful grand-children within few hours? What would you say, to an Eritrean young wife who is raising children as a single mother, because her husband and the father of her children is taken away for more than 16 years under the Isayas’s ill-advised social engineering? What would you say to young Eritrean who are prevented from getting formal higher education? I know you are conditioned to not to comprehend Eritrean reality, but don’t say you are for the majority of Eritrean. This statement only makes sense only to you. And that is the different between mentally ill people and mentally stable people. If you are outside of Eritrea and you are adult, I don’t think you can survive in the adult world for long. But I hope you stay regular here at Assenna, I am sure you could learn to peel the layers of misconception about the reality of Eritrea, your brain is clogged up with. Please stay at Assenna, but don’t be such a filthy mouth. With love.

    • Habibi February 2, 2014

      Dear sister, why don’t you take shawer or drink a cup of cold water before our admiration to Amanuel Iyasu takes you to the hospital ? Are you aware of the nasty words you are using ? That shows more of your level of education or upbringing . You could be a child or a grown up woman but you still need a lot of work in order that you grow up mentally. Do you at all know that the elf or EPLF were a minority when they first started ? My brotherly advice to you is that you try to read and listen first to understand what made Amanuel what he is now before basing your judgments by the number of supporters and opposer’s. Consciously or unconsciously, you are responsible for making hgdef what it is now – a dictatorial party. Even chicken heads, homosexuals or pentes, they too have the right to live, to protest and to challenge the government. That’s what democracy is all about.

  • Khalighe February 1, 2014

    “Genet and the other chicken heads, pentes, go and say halelijah with white people. ”


    According to Hidgef people are not free even to worship God in their own way.
    Unfortunately, some “chicken heads” out there like Sarah, still think it’s ok to deny Eritreans their right to worship.

  • Simerrr2012 February 1, 2014

    Talking to people like Sarah is just to try to fill a broken jar (itro) with water. Most of the people who try to defend the regime or apologist are the close family of those retarded generals, colonels, so called high officials with law IQ , ministers who just warm the chairs during the cabinet meeting with one man show. Sooner or later they will pay the price for the crime they committed.

  • Bokre February 1, 2014

    aite Ali Abdu Yonous, the former Minister of Information, is hidden somewhere in Australia under some new assumed identity. It will be a great service if Assenna can talk to him. May be Radio SBS may collaborate too.
    The only way ayte Ali can exorcise the devil in him is by talking freely. The irony is that the freedom of speech he denied others will finally deliver peace of mind to him.

  • sidi dabdu February 1, 2014

    Comments like Sarah’s makes me vomit to my stomach albeit note because of the content,but because of the work ahaed to convince people to save themselves from darkness.I had a friend whom I always admired as an intelligent and thought provoking individual. However, when it comes to Eritrea and Issias issue, we have a no go zone between him and I. I always was perplexed why he defends a monstrous regime yet very opinionated about other countries and human rights.He was always contradicting himself. In the end I found out he related to one of the HIGADEF top guys. Years later i saw him and he made a 360 u turn and his relative went to Issias under ground hotel. So people may support the regime for some selfish reasons or ignorance at best. We have a duty to convince Sarah that she is on the track and show her the light. I have no doubt she will come back to her sense

  • ahmed saleh February 1, 2014

    Aman Abi Seb
    I know we have a big number of Eritrean nationalists from lowlands in Australia . Since our primary aim
    focused for unity , I admire your approach to that part of our corner in diaspora . The respect and
    recognition you get generally from genuine Eritreans from everywhere YOU EARNED IT PRACTICALLY . GOD BLESS !

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