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An Eritrean diplomat Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin has defected to the United Kingdom.

Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin, an Eritrean diplomat who worked in the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea has defected to the United Kingdom. There are also rumours that at least two other stuff

Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin, an Eritrean diplomat who worked in the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea has defected to the United Kingdom.

There are also rumours that at least two other stuff members of the Ministry are missing since last October. So far, we are able to confirm the name and post of Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin through our multiple sources who knew him in Libya and Cairo. sources said that he was one of the qualified, multilingual and dynamic members of the department of Desks (political affairs department). According to the information, he escaped to Sudan and from there made his way to the United Kingdom, in November 2013.

Mr. Abdu Osman Humadin was travelling frequently to the North and East African countries as part of the Ministry’s delegation and was an expert on the Middle East and African Affairs. He was also in charge of CEN-SAD dossier.

One of our sources who defected from the same ministry before him said that Mr Abdu joined the Ministry in 2003 as a ‘National service’. He also revealed that he was almost frozen after the Forto incident.

The sources said that the PFDJ ambassador in the UK, Tesfamichael Gerahtu (Wedi Gerahtu) and his collaborators have contacted some individuals in the Eritrean community requesting his address and telephone number in an attempt to blackmail him from speaking out openly against the regime’s policies.

Some indicated that he had good relations with Ambassador Osman Jeme and others who are being detained in Hegdef’s prison without any judicial process after the Forto Incident of 21/01/2013.

Although there are reports that many mid-level government officials have fled the country after the ‘Forto Movement’ for fear of the regime’s reprisal and harassment, this is the first confirmed defection of a diplomat from the PFDJ after the Forto incident and Lampadusa tragedy.

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  • ERITRAWIT March 2, 2014

    Gerahtu and his korakur HGDEF Abal they will do anything to blackmail him but who will listen their old nasty trick.

  • gebre March 2, 2014

    I wonder if Assenna could conduct with this important man, he might disclose important information for the entire eritreans. he must out and dennounce hgdf which the public enemy. I might also knows little but still he could give some information.

  • ተወልደመድህን March 2, 2014

    ጽባሕ’ከ መን ክስዕብ’ዩ ? ባዕሉ ኢሳያስ ዶኾን ክከውን’ዩ ? እስከ ንቐኒ….

    • Kalighe March 3, 2014

      “ጽባሕ’ከ መን ክስዕብ’ዩ ? ባዕሉ ኢሳያስ ዶኾን ክከውን’ዩ ? እስከ ንቐኒ…”


      When he will finally leave the stage, hopefully soon, many in his inner circle and family members will try to leave the country immediately for their own safety.

  • ya March 2, 2014

    I know him and i know he is in UK wish him all good luck,hop he speak up give intervue to Asena and stand on his peoples side.

  • EYENSN March 2, 2014

    Well if he is in uk then he need to come out , what is he waiting for unless he has something to hind from. Speak out or you are a criminal and we will seek justices on beheave of our people?

    • Sorobeti March 2, 2014


      My friend don’t rush on judging people and as justice seeker don’t use threatening language. It is obvious you don’t have any information about the guy so instead of threatening him encourage him to come out and disclose crimes of the mafia regime.

      • yohannes March 2, 2014


        You are clasic Eritran example. You do not want to standup up yourself but you expect people to stand agains the government. Do you know these people have family members in the country? And why dont you use your real name?

        • selamawit2 March 2, 2014

          yohannes, EYENSN is a gofer of the regime – check is older posts.
          he doesn’t want anybody to stand up against his mass murderer!

      • Genet-orginal March 3, 2014

        EYENSN, is a PFDJ’s zombie.

  • Ayyub-gade March 2, 2014

    Good news. inkinnah ta sikko incibeh suge. Kooko ayshe waa marih wari gabaako aytit niwayshiisha hanih kutiya akah amabbe waytem aye kinni adhxi sugeh ine.

    Well done both of you guys, Abdu and Emanuel, for your respective matters. By the way the above words are in Abdu’s mother tangue – the Saho language.

  • Kalighe March 2, 2014

    “inkinnah ta sikko incibeh suge”


    Sikko ma mece ..

  • ተወልደመድህን March 2, 2014

    ንሓደ ኣብ በረኻ ምሉእ ዕድሚኡ ተቃሊስና ዝበሉ ሰባት ተጋጊኹም ክትብሎም ክሳብ ክንደይ ከቢድ ምዃኑ ሎሚ ተረዲኡዎ።ደንጉዩ ብምርዳኡ ከኣ ክንወቅሶ ኣይግበኣን።ንዓመታት ከምድላዮም ሰብ እንዳኣዘዘ ዝመጹን ተቓውሞ ሰሚዖም ዘይፈልጡ ካብ ተጋጊኹም ክብሎም ክእለየሎም ምምራጹ ጽቡቕ’ዩ።ብጽቡቕ ተግባሩ ክምጎስ ብሕማቕ ተግባሩ ከኣ ክውቀስ እንተኾነ ሽምጡ ገቲሩ ክቃለሶን ክወጾን ዘለዎ ዓቐበት ከምዘለዎ ክርስዕ የብሉን።እዚ እንድሕሪ ዘይገይሩ ከኣ ንህግደፍ ምግዳፍ ትርጉም የብሉን።

  • Gereye March 2, 2014

    I knew Abdu as a class mate, and although after school our destiny was different we were in contact and his colleagues as well as those who knew him in Asmara all agree that he was great in terms of his personal competence and professional ethics. Undoubtedly, he was one of the few professional diplomats who are the fruits of the University of Asmara. I consider his decision to abandon the dictator was timely, because, he said literally to my friend who was in touch with him till october 2010, that He was also great footballer.

  • Zufana March 2, 2014

    “Bebe hade enda hgdef wahade”. Better late than never. On the road to victory, you call
    for the Eritrean people to unite and take a swift action against the regime. Peace and
    prosperity to the Eritrean masses.

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