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ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ብዝገበረሉ ዘሎ ምቅላዕ ዝተሻቐለ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ናይ ጸለመ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ኣብ ምፍሓስ ከምዝርከብ፣ ምስኡ ብዝተኣሳሰር ምኽንያት ‘ውን 7 ኣባላት ምክትታል ዶባት ከምዝኣሰረ ምንጭታት ካብ ኣስመራ ሓቢሮም።

እቲ ን 15 ዓመታት ብዘይ ገበንን ፍርድን ኣብ ማሕዩር ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ክሳቐ ጸኒሑ ብጅግንነት ምቑሕ ናይቲ ጨካን ስርዓት ሰይሩ ብትብዓቱን ብልሓቱን ነጻ ዝወጽአ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ምስ ድምጺ ኣሰና ብዝገብሮ ዘሎ ግሉጽን ዓሚቝን

እቲ ን 15 ዓመታት ብዘይ ገበንን ፍርድን ኣብ ማሕዩር ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ክሳቐ ጸኒሑ ብጅግንነት ምቑሕ ናይቲ ጨካን ስርዓት ሰይሩ ብትብዓቱን ብልሓቱን ነጻ ዝወጽአ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ምስ ድምጺ ኣሰና ብዝገብሮ ዘሎ ግሉጽን ዓሚቝን ተኸታታሊ ቃለመጠየቕ ንባርባርነትን ውዲትን ኢሳይያስን ስርዓቱን ዝገብሮ ዘሎ ጽጹይ ምቅላዕ ኣብ ውሽጥን ወጻእን ውዕዉዕ ተሰማዕነት ብምርካቡ ዝሰንበደ ሽፍታ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ነቲ ኣብ ህዝቢ ሓዲሩ ዘሎ ቁጥዐን ነድርን ንምዝሕሓል መድሓኒ ገጽ ንምርካብን ናይ ጸለመ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ይኣልም ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ካብ ኣስመራ ሓቢሮም።

ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ሎሚ ቕነ ናይ ካድረታቱ ጸበብቲ ኣኼባታት ብምክያድ፣ ፓይሎት ደጀን ምስ CIA ርክብ ከምዝነበሮ፣ ናብ መንግስቲ ኣመሪካ ሓበሬታ የታሓላልፍ ከምዝነበረ፣ ካብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ነጻ ዘውጽኡዎ ‘ውን ናይ ኣመሪካ ሰለይቲ ምዃኖም ናይ ሓሶት ጸብጻብ ዝሓዘ ዘነድ ብምድላው ብወግዓዊ መንገድን ባዶ ሰለስተን ነዚ ናይ ጸለመ ወረ ናብ ህዝቢ ንምዝርጋሕ መደባት ሂቡዎም ከምዘሎ እቲ ሓበሬታ የረድእ።

በዚ ኣብ ስውራ ዓብዩ ሃገሩ ንምግልጋል ተወፋይነቱ ብግብሪ ዘርኣየ በሊሕን ተባዕን ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ዝገብሮ ዘሎ ምቅላዕ፣ እቶም እሙናት ደገፍቲ ናይቲ ስርዓት ከይተረፈ ብጭካኔን ሕጊ ኣልቦነትን እቲ ዓማጺ ስርዓት ሰኪሖም ብጋህዲ ይጽይኑዎ ስለዘለዉ፣ ነቲ ወትሩ ምስጢራቱን ክፍኡን ምስ ተቓልዐ ነዚ ዓቅሊጽበታዊ ኣጕል ናይ ጸለመ መደብ ክኣትዎ ከምዝተገደደ እቶም ምንጭታት ብተወሳኺ ኣገንዚቦም።

ምስዚ ኣብ ዝተኣሳሰር ዜና፣ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል ‘ኣጻምእ ደንከል ሰጊሩ ባሕሪ ቆሪጹ ክሳብ ዝሳገር እንታይ ትገብሩ ኔርኩም’ ብዝብል ምኽንያት 7 ኣባላት ምክትታል ዶባት ኣሲሩ ከምዘሎ ‘ውን ተፈሊጡ።

Review overview
  • Dejen 2 May 30, 2014

    Amanuel Eyasu,

    U have to interview him as much as possible as well. U have to be quick in posting part 7 . part 8 part 9 etc.. In particular about how he broke the Karcheli, his bravery and relate it to Eritren commando music. U have to include also ur own analysis about finishing PIA. How easy it is to finish him. Also mention repeatedly about the role of and owned by Daniel Kidina in USA. His propaganda work in diapora and in facebook. Is yemane monky safe now, or PIA if people use this talent. or wedi gerahtu.

  • tafla May 30, 2014

    i am surprise PFDJ & 03 waited this long to blame dejen. They will do anything to lie about him but this time it is not going in favor of them. Dejen was a believer and supporter of shebia even when he was in prison, it took him 4-5 years to gave on the party who grew with. He never thought..shaebia will do such evil thing just like many blind supporters think.

  • eritreawi May 30, 2014

    PFDJ and PIA are don’t have power — there’s a power vacuum in Eritrea today. What’s missing is only a power to fill the power vacuum.

  • Mike Tekeste May 30, 2014

    Dejen, you are a hero. God has helped you to make it out of shabia’s hell prison and be a voice of the voiceless. Mnay have dies in the prison and many are still suffering in the prisons. When someone makes it out and tells the true story with in this illegal government of eritrea, we should all listen very closely to the change that is coming. I hope you can keep telling the public about what is really happening. Amanuel good job.

  • Sara May 30, 2014

    Dejen is our hero, he is brillian and brave. He is exposing hgdf to the extrem. he has first hand experience, he want to fight Ethiopia to defend his country but Issais intention is to destroy Eritrea and its people. Therefore, he put him in prison. It is not only that woyane was released derg’s generals during the ethio-eritrea war to win the war. But Issais was firing his experiences Generals. Because he was mainly concerned about his chair. Dictatorial regime is always tight its security and spend the money to protect himself. The majority of the people is starved but Issais still playing against the will of the people. He has started new game around constitution which will cost millions of Nackfa and time. He will never practice what says. He is a lair. He stopped long time since he had interview with western media because he knows the questions. He is cheating himself anyway./

  • sara gual eritra May 30, 2014

    Ajoka dejen
    zibelu entebelu ay’emenun eyom
    abey nerom kdmi 15 amet n hizbi kihbru neyrwom
    ezom shefatu ‘smera

  • TSELOT May 30, 2014

    DEJEN, person of the year. Simply super hero.

  • A. Akal May 30, 2014

    First congrats to the brave pilot, Dejen, for breaking out of the most horrible P.F.D.J. prison in the world and escaping from the canibalistic jaws of the murderer and torturer Issayas Afwerki. It is heartwarming and amazing to see such a feat of bravery from a compatriot in breaking out of the appalling security apparatus of the dictator Issayas Afwerki and his mafia group of PFDJ.
    It is a divine intervention, praise be to God almighty. We are not only shocked to hear his appaling prison experience but also we are humbled and honored to see him share with us his genuine life experience. Thanks to the brave Dejen and thanks to Amanuel Iyasu. We wish you all the best.
    Kudos to A Manuel Iyasu for serving your nation honorably and pursuing the path of the truth and siding win the oppressed masses. It meant a lot to us. May Allah guide you in his true path.
    As for the regim, it is going down to the dark pits of history like that of Cambodia and Stalinistic Russia. People are now realizing that it is not there to serve them and the nation but it is there for an ulterior motive, what ever it is. The masses are learning day by day that PFDJ and it’s leader are not a political party but a self serving mafia cartel and an enslaving capitalistic business corporation.
    It is obvious why this will send tremors and shocks through the crumbling foundation of the dictatorial mafia regime. It is digging deeper for it’s own burial.
    We are at a juncture of history to see the regime start falling and witness of it’s eventual demise. God wiling, it will be soon and bloodless to our dear nation.
    Victory to the oppressed Eritrean people.
    Congrats to Dejen and his patriotic familly.

  • Esaw May 30, 2014

    Congrat Dejen, People no matter what they hear his follower will still follow him. The reason is they know who the devil is but they have interest in following him. They are the same people use to admire mengistu and Abdella Idris… Go figure.

  • Michael May 30, 2014

    kab hidef senay mitsbay yewahnet u, agenae jigna pilotna!

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