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ደሃይ ካብ ኣስመራ – ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ንኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት “ቅዳሕ መልእኽቲ ናብ ኢሳይያስ ምስዳድ ኣየድልየኩምን እዩ” ይብሎም

ኣዛዚ ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኮይኑ ዘሎ ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ወልደየውሃንስ፣ ነቶም ጀነራል ስብሓት ኤፍሬም ሚኒስተር ምክልኻል ከሎ ኣብ ኩሉ ምስኡ ዝገብሩዎ ምልውዋጥ መልእኽቲ ቅዳሕ ደብዳበ ናብ ፕረዚደንት ምልኣኽ ከም ኣሰራርሓ ለሚዶም ዝጸንሑ ላዕለዎት ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ኣኪቡ፣ " ካብ

ኣዛዚ ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኮይኑ ዘሎ ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ወልደየውሃንስ፣ ነቶም ጀነራል ስብሓት ኤፍሬም ሚኒስተር ምክልኻል ከሎ ኣብ ኩሉ ምስኡ ዝገብሩዎ ምልውዋጥ መልእኽቲ ቅዳሕ ደብዳበ ናብ ፕረዚደንት ምልኣኽ ከም ኣሰራርሓ ለሚዶም ዝጸንሑ ላዕለዎት ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ኣኪቡ፣ ” ካብ ሕጂ ንደሓር ናባይ መልእኽቲ ክትሰዱ ከለኹም፣ ቅዳሕ ናብ ፕረዚደንት ምስዳድ ኣየድልየኩምን እዩ። ደው ኣብሉዎ” ክብል ኣዚዝዎም።

ቅድሚ ሎሚ ብደረጃ ሚኒስተር ንሚኒስትሪ ምክልኻል ዝእዝዙ ዝነበሩ ሓለፍቲ፣ ናይ ሓይሊ ኣየርን ሓይሊ ባሕርን መዝነት ኣይነበሮምን። እዞም ክልተ ፍሉያት ሓይልታት፣ ብቐጥታ ምስ ኢሳይያስ እዮም ዝራኸቡ ነይሮም። እቲ ድሕሪ ሞት ውጩ መዓርጉ ናብ ጀነራል ክብ ኢሉ ኣዛዚ ምክልኻል ክኸውን ብኢሳይያስ ዝተሾመ ፍሊጶስ ግን ንኹሉ ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኣጠቓሊሉ ካብ ምምሕዳር ሓሊፉ ኣብ ሲቪላዊ ጉዳያት ከይተረፈ ኢዱ የእቱ ‘ሎ።

ኢሳይያስ ቤትጽሕፈቱ ዓጽዩ ኣብ ዲጋ ዓዲ ሓሎ ክውዕል ዝርኣዮ ዘሎ ህዝቢ “እምበር ዶ እዚ ሰብኣይ ኣይተጸለለን” እናበለ ክሓምዮ ከሎ፣ ሰብ ኣብ ምእሳርን ምፍታሕን ተጸሚዱ ዝርከብ ፍሊጶስ እዩ።

Review overview
  • Debasse November 13, 2014

    He is the worst criminal

    • petros November 13, 2014


  • sammy November 13, 2014

    well we are too slow because flipos hi will be take over the pwor

  • H. Shumdahan November 13, 2014

    megemeria, Ni Amanuel mis kulom mesarehtu sef zeybil hagerawi selamtay naakum tukhun. Maaltawi halowat hagerna kitgelsulna tigebruwo zelokum sari zehugus iu.
    Bizaaba abahahila Flipos Wedeyouhanisn tegbaratun kab Issayas zeyfilen zeyhayeshn dictetator keykone ayterifin. Be haque hagerawi inte-zikewin ab lile hizbu ziwered zelo maaltawi bedelatin gifen inaraye imo, abti zilaale sifhi bimihilawoo nihizbun hagerun kedihin mulu hayli allowo, gin kiwilelu aykalen Bahriyatu win kem merahiu mukanu yenigereloo.
    Awetin Rahwan Selamin Nihizbina
    Widquet nihegdefawiyan
    Annasru li-Al-Jamahir .

    Hidefaweyan,wediom kemzelow nikulu Eritrawe buruh iu, it zisan zelo, kab wedibat gemirka, sivicawian mahberat kota kulu hizbi eritra bi habar zey-miklas iy tsegem koynu zelo

  • Seid November 13, 2014

    This guy is the right hand of DIA and he is behind all evil activities in Eritrea.All the innocent people imprisoned in Adi Abeito and Maisrwa are because of this nasty person. I wish the day will come to see this ignorant person executed in front of the victim Eritrean people.

  • ERITRAWIT November 13, 2014

    Yes Felipose is right wasting extra paper no need all the crime can be done by him.

  • Abraham Ghirmay November 13, 2014

    The sad reality is that this guy will be future Eritrean dictator! There is no other way around it. The opposition are weak, divided and alienated from the population inside.The only thing we have been doing is wait for the monster to die. Congratulations, you have a new and young monster on the rise.

  • oromay November 13, 2014

    Amanuel, you posted certain posting guidelines, however that doesnot seem to work. There are still PFDJ stooges in this website. You can read what a person known by fake name Ertra posted.

  • Tekleab Tesfalem November 13, 2014

    Selam redio asena srakum xubuk alo ajokum ab godnkum alena

  • Peter November 13, 2014

    yes filipos is the new man

  • wedi asfaha November 13, 2014

    our dream will be true Philipos and Issayas will die in the same day and i will celbrate by champai and chivas very soon

    yes Eritrea for Eritrans not for those with out identity

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