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ዘማች ህግደፍ፡ ቀባሮ ድዮም ኮማሮ ?

እቶም ትማሊ ሰንበት 25 መስከረም ንመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ክውድሱ ኒውዮርክ ተኣኪቦም ዝነበሩ 3 ሽሕ ኤርትራውያን: ‘ዘማች’ ምዃኖምስ ኣረጋጊጽና ኣለና። ‘ቀባሮ’ ድዮም ‘ኮማሮ’ ንምጽራይ ግን ገለ ሕጡበ-ጽሑፋት ከድልየና እዩ። ‘ዘማች’ በቲ ንቡር ትርጉሙ፡ ‘ወፋሪ’ ማለት ስለዝኾነ ዘጕሂ ኣይኮነን።

እቶም ትማሊ ሰንበት 25 መስከረም ንመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ክውድሱ ኒውዮርክ ተኣኪቦም ዝነበሩ 3 ሽሕ ኤርትራውያን: ‘ዘማች’ ምዃኖምስ ኣረጋጊጽና ኣለና። ‘ቀባሮ’ ድዮም ‘ኮማሮ’ ንምጽራይ ግን ገለ ሕጡበ-ጽሑፋት ከድልየና እዩ።

‘ዘማች’ በቲ ንቡር ትርጉሙ፡ ‘ወፋሪ’ ማለት ስለዝኾነ ዘጕሂ ኣይኮነን። ጥቁው ወፍሪ ‘ሎ እኩይ ወፍሪ ሎ። ‘ዘማች’ በቲ ናይ ሳሕል ቋንቋ ግን መግለጺ ናይ ሓደ ብግዴታ ዝወፍር፡ ብድሕሪት ብጠበንጃ ብጾቱ ምዅብኳብ ብቕድሚት ብጥይት ጸላእቱ ምቝላብ ዝተቐበለ፡ ንሱ ጠበንጃ ሒዙ፡ ህይወቱ ድማ ብኻልኦት ተታሒዙ፡ ዝተባህሎ ካብ ምግባር ሓሊፉ ዕድሉ ክውስን ዘይኽእል ኣብዲ፡ መወዳእትኡ ሞት ምዃኑ እናፈለጠ ካብ ሞት ፈሪሑ ሰንፈላል ኮይኑ ዝነብር ምህሙን ወታሃደር ደርግ እዩ።

ካብዚ ዝተላዕለ፡ በቲ ንደቀንስትዮ ኣትሒቱ ዝርኢ ድሕረት ዘበገሶ ኣበሃህላና፡ ወድን ጓልን፡ ከምሰበይቲ፡ ‘እታ ዘማች’ እናተባህለ ‘ውን እዩ ዝጽዋዕ። እዞም ካብ ሓደ ገዛ ሰለስተ ሒዝኩም ንቐሉ፡ እንተዘየለ መሳፈሪ ካልኦት ክፈሉ ተባሂሎም፡ ‘ናበይ’ ከይበሉ፡ ናብ ዲሲ ዶ ናብ ኒውዮርክ ከየጻረዩ፡ ከምዘማች ተገዲዶም ካበየ ክፍለሃገራት ሰሜን ኣመሪካ ዝተኾብኮቡ ኤርትራውያን ከኣ፡ ካብ ዘማች ዝገደዱ እዮም። መሳኪን ማች ‘ሲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ቁጽጽር ናይቲ  ስርዓት  ብጠበንጃ እዮም ዝስግደዱ ነይሮም። እዚኣቶም ግን፡ ኣብ ወጻኢ ሃገር፡ ነቲ ህዝብና ኣብ ገዛእ መሬቱ ተሰዊኡ ዘምጽኦ ናጽነት መሰል ስኢኑሉ ክንሱ ዝረኸቡዎ ሓርነትን ደሞክራስን ንዲክታተርያዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣሕሊፎም ብምሃብ፡ በቲ ብገዛእ ህዝቡ ተፈንፊኑ ኣብ ጎደናታት ኒውዮርክ ከይተረፈ ከም ማንቲለ ክህደን ዝቐነየ፡ ርእሰምትእምማን ኣጥፊኡ ዘሎ ስርዓት ክግደዱ ፍቓደኛታት ምዃኖም ክሳብ ክንደይ ሕሱራት ከምዝኾኑ ዘርድእ እዩ።

ሓደ ሓደ ግዜ፡ ሰባት ጽቡቕ ነገር ክገብሩ ክግደዱ ከለዉ ንግዚኡ ቀጨውጨው ይብሎም  ‘ሞ፡ ነቲ ዕማም ሰናይ ውጽኢት እንተረኺቦምሉ ቀጨውጨዎም ረሲዖም ዋናታቱ ክኾኑ ዝደናደኑሉ እዋናት ኣሎ። እዞም ናይ 21 ክፍለዘበን ዘማች ግን፡ መቛሒ፡ ሓራዲ፡ በታኒ ሃገርን ህዝብን ክውድሱ ንዝቐረበሎም ግዴታ ርዒሞም ብምኻዶም፡ ንሓዋሩ ዘይርስዑዎ ሓጥያት እዮም ተሰኪሞም ዘለዉ። ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ጫካን መራሒ ዝተረፈ ከይልክመልካ ብኡ ኣቢሉ ክዓርብ ደኣ ትጽልን ትምህለልን እምበር፡ ዝያዳ ከጥፍእ ሞራል ንምሃብ ከም ጠለበጊዕ ተኼብኵብካ ምዕሳሉ ካብቲ ናይ ዘማች ብዝኸፍአ፡ ንኣጉል ዕላማ ኣብ ክንድኡ ምማት ‘ዩ ‘ሞ እቶም ሰብኣውነቶም ዝሸጡ ኣሃዛት ብውሽጢ ልቢ መላኺ ኢሳይያስ ከይተረፈ ተኻዒቦም ከምዘለዉ ፍሉጥ እዩ።

ንሱ፡ ሎምስ ነዚ ገዛ እዚ ዝመልኡ ዓያሹ ክንደየናይ ከይርከቡ ኢሉ መጠነኛ ኣዳራሽ ኳ እንተተኻረየሎም፡ እቶም ዓያሹ ካብቲ ቁጽሪ ሰድያታት ናይቲ ኣዳራሽ ስለዝበዝሑ፡ እቶም ተገዲዶም ዝመጽኡ፡ ኣብ ስታትስቲክስ ኢሳይያስ ድሕሪ ምስፋሮም፡ ፍርቆም ከም ኣመጻጽኣኦም ተገዲዶም ከም ለማኖ ኣብ ደገ እዮም ጭንን ክብሉ ኣምሲዮም። ስለምንታይ ኢሎም ‘ውን ኣይሓተቱን። ካብዚ ዝኸፍእ ውርደት ከኣ የልቦን። ብዝሒ ክንበል ከለና፡ ምስ ትጽቢት ቁጽሪ ዓያሹ ኢሳይያስ ደኣ ኢና ነወዳድሮ ዘለና ‘ምበር ብመጠን ብዝሒ ኤርትራውያን ተቐማጦ ሰሜን ኣመሪካ ክንዛረብ ከለና፡ 3 ሽሕ ማለት 3 ሚእታዊት ማለት እዩ። “ እቲ ንዓሰርተ ዓመት ኳ እንተተፈላለና፡ ልበይ ኣብ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ደቒቕ ምሳኹም እያ ነይራ” ዝበሎም መላኺ ኢሳይያስ፡ ካብ ልቢ 97 ሚእታዊት ኤርትራውያን ወጺኡ ከምዘሎ ኸኣ ጽቡቕ ገይሩ ተረዲኡዎ ‘ሎ።

እቶም ነዚ ነዚ ምስ ረፈረንደም ኣመሳሲሎም ክገልጹዎ ዝፈተኑ ኣቃጠርቲ ህግደፍ፡ እቶም ኣብ እዋን ረፈረንደም ዘየድመጹን ኣይፋል ዝበሉን፡ ምስቲ ነጥቢ ገለ ኣሃዛት ዝተጸብጸቡ ክኾኑ ኣለዎም። ከመይ ደኣ፡ እቲ ሽዑ እወ ንናጽነት ዝበለ፡ ሕጂ ‘ውን እወ ንለውጢ እዩ ዝብል ዘሎ። እቲ ቁጽሪ ብፍሩዩ ኣብ መንደቕ ዘይተጻሕፈ፡ እቲ እወ ዝበሉሉ ናጽነት ብሓርነት ክዛረበ ስለዘይተፈቅደሉ ጥራይ እዩ። ሕጂ እንደሞ፡ ኣብ ኤርትራ ብዛዕባ ኢሳይያስ ነጻ ረፈረንደም ኣይግበርን። ኢሳይያስ፡ ከምቲ ባዕሉ ዘረጋገጾ ብዘይ ህዝባዊ ኩንትራት ኣብ ስልጣን ክነብር ናይ ቀትሪ ሕልሚ ዘሳስየሉ ዘሎ ምኽንያት ደኣ ምስጢሩ እንታይ ዲዩ? እንተዝተኣማመን፡ ዘይፈታተን!

ኣብ ሓደ ንቡር ስርዓት፡ ሰብ ኣብ ናይ ፈታዊኡን ጸላኢኡን ኣኼባ ተረኺቡ ዝተባህለ ከዋህልልን መጕቱ ከስምዕን ንቡር እዩ። እዚ ናይ እሳይያስ ኣኼባ ግን፡ ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ትሕዝቶ ዝነበሮ ኣይኮነን። ስለዚ እቶም፡ እዚ መደብ’ዚ ነቲ ብዓድን ግዳምን ተቐባልነቱ ማህሚኑ ዘሎ ስርዓት፡ ደገፍቲ ዘለዉዎ ኣምሲልካ ንምርኣይ ዝተማህዘ ናይ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን ድራማ ምዃኑ እናፈለጡ መምልኢ ፍሬም ተለቭዥን ክኾኑ ተቐሰቡን ዝተቐረቡን፡ ኣብዚ ምኽንያት’ዚ ክሕብኡ ኣይክእሉን እዮም።

ብዝኾነ ዘማች ምዃኖም ኣየጠራጠረናን፡ ግን ብሓደ ወገን ከኣ ቀባሮ መሲሎም። ከምቲ ባዕሉ ‘ውን ኣብ ቃለመጠየቕ ምስ ድምጺ ኣመሪካ ዝመለቖ፡ እዚ ናይ ግብጽን ቱኒዝያን ሊብያን ህቦብላ ለውጢ፡ ኣብኡ ዝውዳእ ኣይኮነን፡ ክቕጽል እዩ። ሕስብ ውዒልካ ሕስብ እንተሓደርካ ኸኣ፡ ድሕሪ ዓብደላ ሳላሕ ናይ የመን፡ እቲ ማዕጺድ ሓርነት ካብኡ ሓሊፉ ካልእ ግራት የብሉን።

እዚ ዝተፈለጠን ክኾና ኣለወን እተን ኣብ ማእከል ኣዳራሽ ንብዓተን ዝጸርጋ ዝነበራ ወይዘራዝር ኢሳይያስ ንምወዳእታ ግዜ ክፋነዋኦ ኣብኡ ዝተረኽባ። መቸም፡ ንፉዕ ሓታታይ እንተዝረክብ ነይሩ ኢሳይያስ ብዙሕ ሓቅታት መምለቜ ነይሩ። ብዛዕባ እሱራት ተሓቲቱ፡ ብዛዕባ ኣምኒስቲ፡ ሁማን ራይትስ ዎች ምህውታቱ፡ ኣእምሮኡ ስሒቱ ከምዘሎ እዩ ዝእምት። ዝሓተትካዮ ‘ባ መልስ ዝብሎ ርጡብ እንተዝረክብ ከኣ፡ እታ ከምዘየላ ብሰለስተ ማንካ ሽኮር ክምስክረላ ዝፈተነ  ሽኮርያኡ ምተጋህደት ነይራ። ብዝኾነ፡ እቲ ሽዑ ዘምለቖ ነጥብን ወልደፍደፉ ‘ውን ሒደት ኣይነበረን ‘ሞ ንኻልእ መዓልቲ ይኹነና።

ንጸይቂ ዝገብር፡ ምእንቲ ምውርዛይ ክትብል ክትሕሱ እንተዘይደሊኻ ናብ ጸይቂ ብዝቐረበ ቃላት ጥራይ ኢኻ ብልክዕ ክትገልጾ እትኽእል። ነቶም ዘማች ህግደፍ፡ ካብቲ ተማሳሳሊ ትርጉም ዘለዎ ቅጽል ነቲ ዝሓሸ ሓሪና ‘ኮማሮ’ እንተበልናዮም ከኣ ኣየተጋገናን። ነዚ ኣበሃህላ’ዚ ‘ሞ ኸኣ ብዙሕ ምኽንያታት እዩ ዘለዎ። መጀመርያ ካብ ልቦም ኣይኮኑን ዘፍቅሩዎ። ልክዕ ከምተን ምእንቲ ግዝያዊ ረብሓ ክብላ ‘ምዓረይ፡ ሽኮረይ’ እናበላ ብዋጋ ክብረተን ዝዋስኣ ኮማሮ፡ ጓሎም ወዶም ተዋሳእቲ እዮም። እምበር፡ በዚ ሎሚ፡ ንኢሳይያስ ብክፋእ-ግብሩ ዘይሓምዮ የልቦን። ካብዞም ኣብኡ ተኣጕሮም ዝነበሩ ዓዲ በጺሑ መረረ ህዝቢ ዘይሰምዐን ንርእሱ ዘየማረረን ‘ሞ መን’ዩ? ኣብዚ እዋናት’ዚ፡ ኩሎም እቶም ንድግፈካ ዝብሉዎ መቃጠርቲ ጸሓፍቱ ብናይ ብርዒ ስም ዝጥቀሙሉ ዘለዉ ምኽንያት ከ እንታይ ዲዩ? ዝጽሕፉዎን ዝገብሩዎን ንስለ ምንዝርና እምበር ኣሚኖምሉ ስለዘይገብሩዎ፡ ርእሰ ምትእምማን ስለዘይብሎም፡ ኣንጻር ፍትሒ ምህላዎም ተገንዚቦም ካብ ህዝቢ ክሕብኡ ደልዮም ዶ ኣይኮኑን። እዚ ሓቂ እዚ ኸኣ ንኢሳይያስ ‘ውን ኣይጠፍኦን እዩ። ካብቶም ኣብቲ ኣኼባ ዝወዓሉ ብልቦም ዘፍቅሩዎ እንተነይሮም ቁንጣሮ እዮም።

እቲ ዝያዳ ኮማሮ ንምባሎም ዘድፍር፡ ኮማሮ ምባል ኳ ቀሊሉዎም ዘብል ግን፡ ልክዕ ከምተን ኣብ ቅድሚ ደቀን ክብረተን ዝሸጣ፡ ህይወት ኣሕዋቶምን ደቆምን ዝበልዐ ኣረሜን ምዃኑ እናፈለጡ፡ ረሲዖሞ እንተኾይኖም ‘ውን፡ ተረፍ ኣሕዋቶምን ደቆምን፡ ኣብ ፊቶም ተገቲሮም ብድምጽን ታቤላን እናዘኻኸሩዎም፡ ኣብ ቅድሚኦም ክብረቶም ክሸጡ ምድፋሮም እዩ።

ብቐሊሉ ክንጅምሮ፡ እቲ ኣብ ኒውዮርክ ኮይኑ፡ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ገዛ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ሃገር ገርገር ዝበለ ከክልተ ገዛ ኣብ ከበሳን ኣብ ገምገም ባሕርን ከስርሓሉ እየ እናበለ ዘላግጽ ዝነበረ ኢሳይያስ፡ ካብ ኣስመራ ክብገስ ከሎ ነታ ጀኔኔተር ሴዳው ኣጥፊኡዋ (off) ገይሩዋ ስለዝመጸ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጸልሚቱዎ ከምዝቐነየ፡ ንሱ ካብ ኒውዮርክ ተመሊሱ ክውልዓ (on) ክብላ ትጽበ ከምዘላ ዘይፈልጡ ኣይኮኑን። እቲ ንዓኣቶም ኣብቲ ዕጹው ኣዳራሽ ዝተዛረቦን ዝተወዳደሱዎን፡ ስለምንታይ ህዝቢ ክሳብ ሕጂ ከይሰመዖ ሓደ ሰሙን ከምዝገበረ ኸ ኣይሓቱን ዲዮም? ኤለትሪክ ዝውልዕን ዘጥፍእን ንሱ፡ ቡምባ ማይ ዝኸፍትን ዝዓጹን ንሱ፡ ቴለቪዥን ሰንሱር ዝገብርን ዝዝርግሕን ንሱ እንተኾይኑ፡ ነቲ ኻልእ ዓበይቲ ጉዳያት ኣሕሊፉ ከምዘይህብ፡ ነቲ ስልጣን ብዘይኩነትራት ዝደልየሉ ዘሎ ምኽንያት እንታይ ምዃኑ ዘይስቆሮም እንተኾይኖም መቸም ብጥዕናኦም የለዉን፡ ካብ ኢሳይያስ ንላዕሊ ገዲዱዎም ኣሎ ጥራይ ኢና ክንብል ንኽእል።

ናይቶም ትማሊ ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ገዛእ መሬቶም ቅሳነት ከሊኡዎም በርጊጎም ምስተሰዱ፡ ኣብ ሲናይ ኮላሊቶም ተመዝሒቑ ዝጠፍኡ ኣማኢት ኤርትራውያን፡ ኣብ ማያት ሊብያ ብሓደ እዋን ኣብ ባሕሪ ዝሃለቑ 400  መንእሰያት፡ ኣብቲ ብውርደት ዝተጻሕፈ ታሪኽ ኤርትራ እናሃለዉ፡ ሽዑ ንሳቶም ኣብ ኒውዮርክ ንኢሳይያስ እናታቕዑሉ፡ ብሰንኪ ኢሳይያስ ካብ ኤርትራ ነፊጾም፡ ኣብ ሸገራብ (ሱዳን) ተዓቝቦም ዝነበሩ ነብሰ ጾር ዘላተን 94 ደቂኣንስትዮ፡  10 ቆልዑ ዝርከብዎም፡ 365 ኤርትራዊያን ስደተኛታት ብቶኽሲ ኣብ ትሕቲ ቁጽጽር መንግስቲ ሱዳን ኣትዮም ናብ ገሃነበ-ኢሳይያስ ከይምለሱ ከብዶም ሓቝፎም ይሳቐዩ፡ ዓለማዊ ረዲኤት ይሓቱ ኣለዉ። ንሳቶም እቶም ደቂ ሰብዓን ደቂ ዒስራን ብማዕረ ኣብቲ ውሽጢ ኣዳራሽ፡ ኣብ ፖለቲካዊ ምንዝርና ተጸሚዶም ንኢሳይያስ ክውድሱዎን ‘ንፈትወካ ንመተልካ’ እናበሉ ከም ባሪስታ እናእኽመስመሱሉ ከለዉ፡ እታ ኣቦኣን ኣዲኣን ብህሉዋቶም ብሰንኪ ኢሳይያስ ዘኽቲማ ዘላ ጓል 14 ዓመት መኣዛ ጴጥሮስ ሰለሙን፡ መልክዕ ናይቲ ብኢሳይያስ ን10 ዓመት ተኣሲሩ ዘሎ ኣቦኣ ከምዘይትዝክሮ፡ ንሕይርቲ ኣዲኣ ኣስቴር ዮሃንስ፡ ረኺባ፡ ‘ማሚ ናፊቐኪ፡ እፈትወኪ እየ’ ክትብላ ከም እትደሊ ዘስተንፈሰቶ በሊሕ ቃላት ልቢ ርህሩሃት ይወግእ፡ ዓይኒ ለዋሃት የንብዕ ነይሩ።

እቶም መትከልን ቅንዕናን ዝጠንጠኑ፡ ወጽዓን መከራን ህዝቦም ዕሽሽ ኢሎም ምስ ኢሳይያስ ናይ ሓሶት ፍቕሪ ዝመረጹ፡ ናይ ቦንድን ሓለፋን በለጽን ግዙኣት፡ ናይ ወገንነትን ድሕረትን ግዳያት፡ ኣብ ቅድሚ ‘ቶም ውርደቶም ዘዘኻኽሩዎም ዝነበሩ ውሑዳትን ርቡሓትን ሰልፈኛታት፡ ብዙሓትን ጥምዙሓትን ኮይኖም፡ ብሕፍረት ደው ምባል ስኢኖም እናተዓንቀፉ ናብቲ ኣዳራሽ ዝጠነኑ ኸኣ ሞራላዊ ልምስና ዘሰነፎም ድኹማት ፍጥረት ብምዃኖም እዩ።

እዞም ልቦም ብዘይ ዋጋ ኣባኺኖም ዝተረፈ ነብሶም ክሸጡ ናብ ኒውዮርክ ንዕዳጋ ዝወረዱ መሳሰይቲ ውልቀምልኪ፡ ብሓቂ መትከላዊ ትሕዝቶ ከምዘይብሎም ደጊሙ ዘረጋግጽ፡ ሓደ ድምጺ ተቓውሞ ካብ ዘስምዑ ዝነበሩ ሕቡናት መንሰያት ወዲ ስዉእ ተጋዳላይ ቶማስ ሰለሙን ዝጠቐሶ ኣብነት እዩ። ንሱ፡ ንሓደ ኣብቲ ውዳሰ ኢሳይያስ ዝተሳተፈ መተዓብይቱ፡ እዝን እዝን ኣይትሓትትን ዲኻ ኢሉ ብዛዕባ ቁምነገር ናይቲ ኣኼባ ምስ ተወከሶ፡ ‘እቲ ኣዳራሽ ሰብ ምምልኡ ጥራይ እዩ ዘገድሰኒ’ ክብል ከምዝመለሰሉ ጠቒሱ። ከም ድሌት ናይቲ መሂተኖ፡ ስለ ኢሳይያስ እቲ ናይ ማንሃታን ኣዳራሽ ብሰለስተ ሽሕ ዘማች መሊኡስ ሓደ ሽሕ ኳ ሰፈር ስኢኖም ኣብ ደገ ዓዲ ውዒል ኮይኖም ከም ለማኖ ተጸጢሖም ውዒሎም እዮም። ኤርትራ ግን ብሰሪ ኢሳይያስ ብኣርባዕተ ሽሕ መንእሰይ ንወርሒ ትጎድል ኣላ።

ስለዚ፡ እዞም ምእካብ ከም ዘማች ናይ ዝተኣጎሩ ሰባት ሓይሊ ዝፈጥረሎም ኢሳይያስን መጣቓዕቱን፡ ምጕዳል ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንሓዋሩ ዘይኮነ ምምላእ ኣዳራሽ ንሓደ መዓልቲ እዩ ዘገድሶም። እዚ ናይ ኣሃዛት ባህጊ ‘ዚ ካብቲ ናይቲ ብሃም ሰዓቢ ንላዕሊ ንድሌት ኢሳይያስ ኢዩ ዝያዳ ዝገልጽ። ኢሳይያስ፡ ነቲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ዝነበር፡ መግዛእቱ ፍጊዕ ኢሉዎ ዘሎ ህዝቢ ብናይ ቴለቭዝን ስእሊ ደገፍቲ ዘለዉዎ መሲሉ ተስፋ ከቝርጾን ከታልሎን ኢሉ እዩ ነዚ ዑደት’ዚ ፈጺሙዎ። ከምዚ ስለዝኾነ ከኣ’ዩ፡ ነቶም ኣገዲዱ ዘምጽኦም ተረፍ ኣዳራሽ፡ ስእሎም ጥራይ ወሲዱ ዝሰጎጎም። ባዕሉ ኣብቲ ኣዳራሽ ‘ውን ከምዝበሎም፡ ካብቲ ናይ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ኣኼባ ንላዕሊ ኣኼባ ናይቶም ብሃማት እዩ ኣገዲሱዎ። ኢሳይያስን ሰዓብቱን ግን፡ ካብቲ ኣዳራሽ ናብ ደገ ምስ ወጹ፡ ቀሲኖም ኳ ኣብ እንዳ ፒሳ ክምገቡ፡ ኣብ እንዳባር ክዛነዩ ኣይከኣሉን። ብመንእሰያት ተሸዲዶም፡ ከም ረጋቢት ኣብ ሆቴላቶም እዮም ተዓጽዮም ቀንዮም። ቀደም ክጋብዙዎም ዝቀዳደሙሎም ዝነበሩ ኤርትራውያን፡ ክጸርፉዎም እዮም ተቓዳዲሞም። ድሕሪ ደጊም፡ ዘማችን ኮማሮን ከምዘየድሕኑዎም ከኣ ምስናይ ውርደቱ ጽቡቕ ጌይሮም ተገንዚቦሞ ኣለዉ። ነቲ ናይ ኣዳራሽ ስእሊ ደጊሞም ከይረኣዩዎ ከለዉ፡ ውርደቶም ብኢንተርነት ኣብ ዓዲ ኹሉ በጺሑ ስለዘሎ ኸኣ፡ እቲ ናይ ኣዳራሽ ስእሎም፡ ሕብሩ ተጋኒኑ፡ ቁጽሩ ተባዚሑ፡ ዓሰርተ ግዜ ተጸባቢቑ እንተወጸ ሰብ ኣይከታልልን እዩ።  እንተ’ቶም ቀባሮ ኸኣ፡ እቲ ባዕሉ ገና ክቅጽል እዩ ዝበሎ ወፍሪ ሓርነት ከረኻኽበሎም ስለዝኾነ፡ ንምወዳእታ ግዜ ምስ ኢሳያስ ተፋንዮም ሕሳቦም ዓጽዮም ኣለዉ። እቲ ተሪፉ ዘሎ ዕማም፡ ኣብ ዓድን ወጻእን ናይ ዘለዉ ደለይቲ ለውጢ ወፍሪ ሓርነት ጥራይ እዩ። ምእንቲ ‘ዚ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘቕስን ሃገር ዘድሕን ቅዱስ ዕላማ ኸኣ፡ መሸንቦባ ሓርነት በዚ ተጀሚሩዎ ዘሎ ናህሪ ክቕጽል ኣለዎ።

ምልኪ ይፍረስ ፍትሒ ይንገስ
ኣማኑኤል ኢያሱ
29 መስከረም 2011

Review overview
  • Paradiso October 2, 2011

    Below is a link of a radio narration of Dan Connell’s memorable book on Petros Solomon’s interview. It includes about wars with Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia, corruption, Girma Asmerom, Esayas’s humiliation defeat in the hands of Weyane …
    This puts petros solomon as remarkably astute observer, intelligent political analyst.
    This is in of Oct 2, 2011 broadcast. I received an e-mail from my sister in Asmara to listen to the narration of this book with its title translated as “t’Ebit golyad”.
    I want thank Dan Connell for this remarkable gift. Thank you natsnet asmerom for a well done translation.
    Here is the link:

    • kozami October 2, 2011


      It is pleasure to see the old and tired out Dan Connell relegated to holding seminar’s and selling pamphlets in some obscure places with delusional souls. He sold out his friends’ safety and consideration of their well being, when he tried to use their word to get at PIA. However, PIA, Egus kem Anbessa that he is, had seen through all that. What kind of friend would publicize, such a material that could have serious repercussions, only a “user” does that. As to his followers , hankas ya’e zi merahi’om kulom Ye’ all that can be said.

  • truly, Truly i say to you October 2, 2011

    Thanks once again dear Temesgen for verifying your idea clearly like always and for common understanding!

    • Temesgen Medhanie October 2, 2011

      My pleasure abi seb.

  • truly, Truly i say to you October 2, 2011

    I didn´t undestand ,by what you mean “I think truly is caught between two rocks that shield his sight, religion and TPLF’s foul propaganda .” I don´t know about what religion means to you, as for me religion is not to hang a cross on neck and walk every Sunday to kiss the cross there, or 40 days to fast, or before you eating to keep lows hand washing ceremony something like that, despite I don´t oppose all of that even as much as i can i tried myself to practice that . But my religion is if you like to seek and to fight about “JUSTICE, MERCY and HONESTY only like my Lord Jesus teaches me. So you have not to be wonder if you see me, i involve in politic. Here exactly even needs more a lot to repair every our political life, according the God truths and justice principle Ofcource not in fundamentalistic religious way. So weather you be called it religion or politic,as long as I live i will not stop for fighting about justice, truth and liberity. However your parable gave me pleasure, but don´t worry i have the holly spirit with, which can teaches and leads me about all truth and reality which can reveals me about the wrong and the truth spirits. Thanks and praise my Lord and my God Jesus Christ!

    • Ahmed Saleh October 3, 2011


      .. Well said, GOD BLESS YOU!
      One time my father gave me an advice. He said.

    • Ahmed Saleh October 3, 2011

      well said, GOD BLESS YOU .I have an advice I kept from my father: Always try to make GOD happy rather to people.

  • Yordanos October 2, 2011

    It is a big shame for hgedf mendef…
    if Eritrean economy is growing.. why are thousands of Eritreans fly to sudan, ethiopia and other countries in every direction at any time.
    isayas say for this: they are going to relax themselves” what a poor and silly mind he is.
    so guys… what we need is peace, development, freedom, democracy, press…
    so these who live in a democractic countires why they loose their mind…

    why eritrea is govern by one head one man…
    hope to see this dictator remove from power soon

  • Gal Mendefera(Rahel) October 2, 2011

    Who will be president if Isayas dies tomorow by any case…
    it is really shame.. we have a country that is control by a single man single head dirty mind… a head wishing trouble
    i wish to see isayas hunged on the square of bahti meskerem.
    and hopefully we will do it sooner or later…
    then Eritrean will get FREEDOM

    • Temesgen Medhanie October 2, 2011

      Gal Mendefera (Rahel),

      As much as it is incredibly difficult to contemplate and imagine the scene of the political order in the aftermath of DIA”s death, one thing however, remains to be a fact. That is, Eritrea will be in a far better hand as opposed to under the tyrannical hand of Isaias. There is not doubt that, people will come out to the streets to celebrate the euphoria and mothers will flock to Churches to give praise to the Almighty God for getting rid of Eritrea from the cruel and God-less Isaias.

      In my humble opinion, what needs to be done immediately right after would be to release all political prisoners particularly those who had been in the higher political echelon where they would be needed to lead the country in a time of a transition as the political parties devise ways on how to establish a governing body. Of course, the hypothetical scenario at hand is based on should Isaias expires due to a natural cause, that is, as he struggles in his death bed, he could relegate the military brass to assume power. That could be problematic as the highest military brass had been accomplices of Isaias, the junior officers could rise up against them to express their indignation where the ensuing days could be bloody. But should Isaias expires say through a military coup d’etat, it would be much less chaotic as the military would be expected to work in synch with the incarcerated high government officials and the Opposition groups as well. But all in all, the Eritrean people by nature tend to work with each other as opposed to work against each other particularly in an aftermath where the stakes are so high. And I personally can not wait to see that day coming to the fore so that I could get on my knees and praise the Almighty God.

  • Gal Mendefera(Rahel) October 2, 2011

    any one who get his speech.. please post it online so that let’s laugh on him and his supports.
    i know his discussion is nothing new and doesn’t change any one minds… as he is dull

  • aman October 2, 2011

    kab ni hizbi mitsraf kebaro do komaro netom halefti wey dima ni halefti hgdef mtsraf aymihashen, bi natey tizibti amanuel kab hizbi tesfa kem zikoretska iyu zerieka gega gega ni hizbi aytsirefin iyu bizkone yikun mikniyat…

  • HGDF October 2, 2011

    To Answer your question on my personal matter as to why I am here, my answer is due to personal reasons ( You can take that as “PFDJ spy on mission” if you like because you guys are becoming very good at calling names. lol). But I want to make clear to you that I didn’t come out of my country opposing PFDJ. For me Eritrea means PFDJ if you want to know that. PFDJ made Eritrea a country and no one can undo that history. All the rest of pople in the opposition talking about their contributiion in the struggle is nonsense and they know it inside their hearts.

    • Ahmed Saleh October 3, 2011

      PFDJ made Eritrea! Eritrea means PFDJ!
      Maaza, case close, don’t waste your energy. Because he is arrogant to sell out our MARTYRS and the misery of our people for 30 years in struggle for independence .


      • HGDF October 3, 2011

        Hey Ahmed Saleh:
        What do you know about the 30 years struggle for independence? PFDJ didn’t leave behind its martyers in Barka plains and run to Sudan and made a living by selling the martyers’ guns. PFDJ didn’t give up on its struggle for independence and negociate on “Ras Gezz” ie autonomous administration within Ethiopia. Like it or not if it were not for PFDJ the name Eritrea could have now been forgotten.

        • ahmed Saleh October 4, 2011

          If you were for real tegadalay, you don’t comment on issues of martyrs at the time of
          struggle in Barka,Sahel,Kebesa ana so on . It is painfull to talk about. But don’t be
          confused between EPLF( HIZBAWI GENBAR) and PFDJ . For your Information, I lost
          most of my family members with EPLF not PFDJ . PFDJ now is rulling party who betray
          EPLF . So you can not say they bring Eritrea , EPLF does.

  • truly, Truly i say to you October 3, 2011

    According Wedi Afom Berie the world famous Nakfa Universtiy finance expert professor,during the interview with VOA man Tewolde W/ Gebrael gave explanation, every American citizen is debted 25,000 dollar . But thank his wise leadeshipment every Eritrean citizen is free from any kind of a single cent debt. That is why many Americans are forced to flee from their homeland to the Paradise island, wealthy,Justicful nation of Eritrea to seek better life, because the life in America is very hard to ordinary citizens specially to those Black, Red Indians,and Hispanic races be it in racism, poverty,human right violation and because lack of justice case. Wedi Afom Biree is the only honest leader in this world, who works day and night without Salary for 50 years ,who dedicated his whole life only to improve his people , without choosing any comfort even sometimes with wearing Sandel Shoes like ordinary poor people and who walks without Bodyguard in the street of Asmara. If he works without salary and complains who bet him to do that why he don´t leave us? That and many others trush tell tell story was, Tewolde W/ Gebreal simply listening him with out any challenge and liked to transmit us as if he got something new to be listened us. I think such journalistic altitude it compromises his personal profession ability as he is a free journalist in free nation ,and as he very well knows the real life of the society. I very really really was disappointed. It was another TV Eri type interview!

  • Maazza October 3, 2011


    Your post speaks volumes about some hgdefites and it serves to denude the type of rogues that defend DIA with all their might. When you heap insults at me, you make me realize that I am touching a cord. If what I post was worthless you would ignore it, it wouldn’t impact. My post evidently gets you agitated and you think your insult will hurt my feelings. Dream on!

    Your post gives me the opportunity to tell you a thing or two about the difference between the two men as goes ‘womanizing’. Unfortunately for you, Meles is an exemplary husband and father and even his enemies find him impeccable as pertains his bearing in this respect. He carries himself as a head of state ought to, in a very dignified and representative manner. When you nail those who appear to hate him and ask them why they do so, they invariably take one mistake or two he did and stretch it beyond reason and utterly fail to register the visible and incalculable good he is doing for his country.

    Now let us briefly examine Isayas’s fame as a womanizer. Because of security considerations, he does not do it any more. But, in the 90s he was hitting some bars and night clubs in Asmara boozing and sometimes behaving like a common EWALA. Once, I am told, he danced uninterrupted wih the same young beautiful girl so insistently, her young husband lost control and went to the floor to claim her. Isayas glared at him and pushed the lady towards her towards him saying menacingly ‘enka inetlka’. Good God, is this an acceptable public behaviour of a head of state? You have probably heard much worse stories but you would rather drop dead than comment on them truthfully as you are a blind supporter. It is a taboo to make candid and honest remarks about DIA’s sometimes unacceptable bearing by supporters. This is what is so sick about the whole matter. You have to become deaf and blind.

    Before Amanuel Eyasu’s interview of Meles who explained why they are reluctant to apply the ruling of the Commission, I believed that Meles was an impediment to our focussing on development and by declining to apply the Commission’s ruling he was indirectly helping Isayas to remain in power. After carefully listening to his rationale, I let go of holding him part responsibile of our predicament. Isayas should dialogue with the devil himself if he has to, let alone with his old comorade in arms, for the sake and love of his people. Is it better to hold hostage 300,000 strong persons perched to go to war instead of making doctors, lawyers, engineers and all sorts of professionals responsible and productive citizens at the service of the development of their country?

    I have not been to Addis in ages but I follow attentively what’s happening there from the comforts of my home. I try to be an informed person so that nobody will take me for a ride!!

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