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Review overview
  • Y.Bereket October 3, 2015

    Great job you doing my sister Ruth Habtemariam, many thanks to the great man Mr Dan and to you dear sister Ruth.

  • Eritreawit October 3, 2015

    TO all forum particpants, Eritreans and friends, I will see you in NEW YORK. let us show our solidarty with the people who are working hard to give our people in HGDF’S presones and to show our disgust how the HGDF goverment is destroying Eritrea and Eritreansim.

    Good bless Eritrea, victory to our people.

    • AHMED SALEH October 3, 2015

      The silent majority justice seekers must defeat the fear which holds
      them down to exercise their right in a land of freedom .
      Hopefully , we will come United with loud voice to send messsge
      on behalf of our voiceless people inside the country .
      I will try as possible as I can to join compatriots , God willing .

      • AHMED SALEH October 3, 2015

        Complaints and talks are not enough if we can’t involve at legitimate
        causes in concern of our people’s lives .
        Time to stop tham from breeding sickness that destroys human right
        issues inside Eritrea .

      • Eritreawit October 3, 2015

        AHMED SALEH,

        I agree the list we can do is show that Eritrean are here and we are not going to sit here and watch our people suffer for years. The G 15 what ever their mistake/crime was
        to be part of the HGDF regime before they should be free, i don’t care if they have to bring them to trial or centence them, for GOD sake even an enamy who was cought in a fight was treated humanly way at list that is they told us, those liers hgdf leaders.

        • AHMED SALEH October 3, 2015

          Yes in deed , G15 case is parcel of injustices perpetuated on our people . I don’t
          know how many of them survive HGDF maltreatment but to forget the history
          of their national duty contributions will hunt us down with guilt & regret .
          I think to voice for victims treated unfairly may free us from such bad feelings .
          To act deaf with hearing ear and blind with seeing eye is shame and sin by itself .

  • Eritreawit October 3, 2015

    please read, “To give voice for our people in Hgdf’s presones”

  • Eritreawit October 3, 2015

    please read, “To give voice for our people in Hgdf’s prisones”

  • Simon G. October 3, 2015

    I tell you, sometimes my weekend is more depressing than my weekdays. My work is at the bottom, compare to the coworkers, however, during weekends, I am ok compare to my Eritrean compatriots.
    Today, one angry looking youth asked the people at the cafe we hung out with an usual question. I mean unusual to Eritreans. He said, how stupid are the Eritrean compare to the rest of the world? He had no smile or any close to that when he asked this question. Well, the answers were all of the spectrum. One guy flatly replied, according to my calculation, it is the stupidest on the planet. Another guy replied him with the usual mantra “are you Eritrean?”

    • Eritreawit October 4, 2015

      Simon G,

      My be the cowred say that because he knows you are Origenally from Eritrea, that SOB kkk., any ways did you pumch him in the mouth, the ERITREAN WAY. KKKK Just kidding, I know you can’t do that, 1st you will be fired and 2nd they may never hire you again any where. Violence is not the answere.

      Well, Mr. Simon G, are you ready to go to New York? Let us end Dictatorship.

  • Simon G. October 3, 2015

    Another guy replied him “are you using TI calculator or some Chinese made one?” Funny, was his response. He then added, modern society try to improve but Eritreans are very well known with going backward. Destroy, kill, Immigrate, Isolate, Blame, are the top words in Eritrean community. Do I need to add more?
    I am telling you that I started to sweat. I am not sure whether it was the hot tea or the unsensored truth from that gentleman. What does the ordinary Assenna member think?

  • Sarah M. October 4, 2015

    Simon G, what your supposedly angry looking youth forgot to add to his remarks about Eritreans is the empty rhetoric and pride, denial, boastfulness, stubborness, and arrogance with cheap character assassinations or intolerance for different views.
    As society with these severe deficiency and negative attitudes you can’t go forward and become competitive, Eritreans have to get down to earth and reality sooner than later if Eritreanism is ever to survive. You simply can’t live on past revolution heroism or sacrifices for ever.

  • Hidmona October 4, 2015

    Shaebia/EPLF failed miserably in transforming itself from a rebel organization into a government.
    There are no government institutions in Eritrea. There are still, however, rebels and their rebel leaders commanding the poor country on meida experiences.There are no rules of law to observe or enforce, but there are rebel (ghedli) rules you can’t cross and those rules may or may not be written. Eritrea and Eritreans sadly are still NOT living and competing within the 21st century people and world.

    • Hidmona October 4, 2015

      please add Eritrea and Eritreans sadly are still NOT living and competing within the 21st century people and world “of today”.

  • Araya Berhe October 4, 2015

    Present-day Eritrea is not the inevitable result of Ghedli. It is not even the inevitable result of ShaEbia. Present Eritrea is the result of choices made by dictator Isaias Afewerki and the Eritrean people during the struggle and after independence. The power and the real so called freedom should have been handed or transferred to the people of Eritrea after 1991. Our people sadly have been duped by the so called Eritrea’s liberators for years with no ending.

  • Dala Ksha October 4, 2015

    I was visiting a friend of mine yesterday he come back from Eritrea,he was a hard dia HGDEF member,I can’t believe it, this Guy was in tears when he was telling us how hard is life in Asmara,no electricity,no running water,smallbbottled water is 25nakfa,the city stinks garbage every where the lucky ones take shower once a week you have to use a bucket (asmarino call it Awet nhafash)to wash your body.even the people smells because they can’t take shower.most of the people blame the diaspora for helping HGDEF to survive,people will not hear the government media instead they listen Rodeo Assena and Medrek.Rodeo assena has a big influence in Asmara they get most of the information from body cares even the people who work for government don’t care.

    • Wedi Haki October 4, 2015

      This is probably a hot news to you otherwise it has been like this for almost 10 years now and we so called the people don’t seem to do anything but whining and crying which we are so good at.

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