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ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብ 24 ግንቦት ብምኽንያት ጽምብል ናጽነት መበል 23 ዓመት ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣብ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ፣ ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ።

ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብ 24 ግንቦት ብምኽንያት ጽምብል ናጽነት መበል 23 ዓመት ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣብ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ፣ ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምንዳፉ ሰለስተ ተኸታታሊ ዓመት ዝወሰደሉ፣ ብ1997 ዝጸደቐ ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ‘ኳ እንተለዎ፣

ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብ 24 ግንቦት ብምኽንያት ጽምብል ናጽነት መበል 23 ዓመት ኣብ ኣስመራ ኣብ ዝሃቦ መግለጺ፣ ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ።

ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምንዳፉ ሰለስተ ተኸታታሊ ዓመት ዝወሰደሉ፣ ብ1997 ዝጸደቐ ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ‘ኳ እንተለዎ፣ ውልቀመላኺ ኢስይያስ ብዛዕባ ትግባረ ናይቲ ኮነ ኢሉ ዘባኸኖ ድሉው ቅዋም ኣብ ክንዲ ዝዛረብ፣ ‘ሓዱሽ ቅዋም’ ክንደፍ ምዃኑ ምግላጹ ንዝህብና ብባዶ መብጽዓ ንምትላል ዝኣለሞ፣ ነቲ ሕዱር ቅዋምን ሕግን ናይ ምጽባእ ሕማሙ ዘንጸባርቕ ፍሹል ፈተነ እዩ።

እዚ ኸኣ ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቅን ስርዓቱን ብስነሓሳብ ከምዝተሳዕሩን፣ ስዕረቶም ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝቢ ከምዝተኣመኑሉን የንጸባርቕ። ኢሳይያስ ነቲ ኣብ ውሽጥን ወጻእን ዘሎ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብቐጻሊ ዘልዕሎ ዘሎ ሕቶ ቅዋማዊ መንግስቲ ከም ቀደም ብብድዐ ዕሽሽ ኢልካ ምሕላፍ ዘይከኣል ምዃኑ ተገንዚቡ ክዛረበሉ ምግዳዱ እቲ ስርዓት ብፖለቲካዊ መዳይ ተሳዒሩ፣ ለሽ ኢሉ ደኺሙ ምህላዉ ብዘየወላውል ዘረጋግጽ እዩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ በዚ መደናገሪ ስልቲ ኢሳይያስ ከይተደናገረ፣ ነቲ ዘይተርፍ ውድቀቱ ኣቀላጢፉ፣ ነቲ ኣቐዲሙ ዝጸደቕ ቅዋሙ ምርኩስ ብምግባር ህዝባዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ መንግስቲ ንምትካል ጽዓቱ ካብ ቀደም ብዝያዳ ከሐይል ይግባእ።

Review overview
  • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 27, 2014

    “ማይ ዘይጥዓማ ኮንስቲቱሽን ሙዳዳ
    ዓርቢ ክትጅምርያ ሃገርና ተዓዊታ__ ” ዕልልልልልል

    ሮዚና ድሙና____________ጌሮማ ፣ሓላዊት ጸባ
    ጰንጤ፣ንሜካ ስዑዲ ከይዶም____ ንመንፈሳዊ ኣኼባ
    ሸኽ ወልደየሱስ________ንቑርኣን ይሰብካ የንብባ
    ቀሺ መሓመድ______መስቀል የሳልማ ነሞይ ዘይነባ
    ብስሓቕ ከይትሞቱ እምበር ኤርትራ ኮንስቲቱሽን ረኺባ !!!

    ንሕልቕቲ ደርሆ________________ከታልልዋ
    ብረጕድ ምራን ___________ኣሲሮም የውድቕዋ
    ናይ ብላሽ ፊርማ ይልግሱላ____ሰብ ዓዲግራት፣ዓድዋ
    ኤውሮጳውያን፣ጸላም ቬትናም፣እስራኤላዊት_ እንተልዋ
    ጻሕተርተር ኣብዝሔት______ንደቂ ስባጋዲስ ነኒዋ
    ብቖረጣ ጌሮም_________መንገብገባ ምስ ኣርገፍዋ
    መኻልፍ እዩ በለት ፣________ዓዋን ሓፋሽ ስለ ዘለዋ
    ወዮ እታ ቆልዑ እንዳማታ፣__ ኣብ ድፋዕ ትበልዕ ቆሊዋ
    ደቀንስትዮ ትዕምጽ_____________መሪጻ ሐሕልዋ
    ሰብ ኡት ዓዳ ናብ ለዋጢን ትቕይር ኣዕራብ ስለ ዝኸፍልዋ
    ሙዳዳ ናይ ልግጫ ኮንስቲቱሽን ክትሕንጽጽ__ ንዑ ርኣይዋ !!!

    ቅኑዕ ሰብ እንተልክዎም_______ወሲዶምኒ ናብ ሓሳዊ
    በረድ እንተልክዎም ___________ኣቕረቡለይ ሓዊ
    ጅግና ሰብኣይ ተልክ ዎም_____ኣምጽኡለይ ኤርትራዊ
    ከም መርዓት ሃገረሰብ___________ተደቢሩ ዘእዊ
    ነጻነት ኢትዮጵያ ኣዲኡ ንዒቑ፣ ብኹርማጅ ሙዳዳ ዝረዊ
    ሰልፊ ናጽነት፣ኮንስቶቱሽን ሓንጢጣ ንገለድም መዔሸዊ !!!

    Fellow Noblists,TNTs..The new cyber name FCC is not allowed ,so we are back to uncle TNT.

    Do not cry

    • r.i.p eritrea May 27, 2014

      I dont like it.stinks

    • Nahusenay May 28, 2014

      ኣታ ክንደይ ትጉብዝ ኢኻ!?!? ዕድመን ጥዕናን::

      • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 28, 2014

        Thanks, I stick to reality.

    • Biniam Abraham May 28, 2014

      Highly respected uncle TNT,
      I love it and please more of the same. Only the stinking and boring ones would find it not sexy or entertaining. Go on uncle expose the lies and the empty pride & “gura” of the losers. The sooner they wake up to the real world of reality the better for them losers, they may not undesrtand and appreciate it now but you doing them a great favour in the long run. Thanks again on their behalf.

      • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 28, 2014

        Nephew Bini ,

        You are absolutely right ,eventually they will get it. We do not spread truth based on poles ot who likes it.
        Thanks again.

  • Suleiman Salim May 27, 2014

    “ምንዳፍ ሓዱሽ ቅዋም ክጅመር ምዃኑ ሓቢሩ።” — ASSENNA

    መልእኽቲ ናብ መምህር መሲናስ

    ” ሓዱሽ ” ድዩ ዝበሃል ዋላስ ” ሓድሽ ” ?

    • rahwa May 27, 2014

      sule you are a friendly zombie. but this constitution thing is no laughing matter.

    • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis May 27, 2014

      Kulu, hade suleman denkoro,denkorkor aitibel. Nsika tigrgna aytifelten eka. Kuanka enteleka bekuanka zahf. Hasawi

      • Tesfu Kbrom May 28, 2014

        Suleiman first re arrange yyour name to teclemariam or gebrebrhan and then try to coorect Tigrigna. This is a simple printing error. Do not Escape from the main issue. Rifraf!

  • Tamrat Tamrat May 27, 2014

    Time to watch out and act carefully because People like mengistu or isayas kills first Our religions the home of Our innoence untill a higly educated dr and a stressed uneducated innocent peasant comes to a dicission and send equally their children in a boat to an Ocean to the known Death trap by paying what ever they own. 23 years ago no eritrean Family could be expected to do what they must do now. No eritrean Public servants or any eritrean Citizen could earn profits for sending innocent youngsters and teenagers abroad to the unkown. 23 years ago we no matter what happens Our communication was by far innocent compared to the vulgar we are experiencing now but because the dictatoraial system takes Our innocence look how we communicate on cyber. Think this communication goes through average People and think of the worst ones.

    What i am trying to point out is the revolution run by the caliver of people like isayas is not only forcing innocent People to leave thir land in mass but produce also scavenger like People who can do anything to sit in Power in what ever position after or in the process of removing the dictator. The number of these scavengers is proportional how far Our innocence damage by the dictator. So the last struggel demands double strength than the inicial ones.

  • Yohannes Zemichael May 27, 2014

    Judge a man by what he does, not by what he said. We have a constitution that is collecting dust, he needs to implement it. The cheap rhetoric from the filthy mouth of the dictator is that I have dedicated myself to the extermination and evisceration of the Eritrean people. He can not fool us no more, our people are wising. He is using “Double Speak.”

  • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 27, 2014

    “ጅግናን ለባምን የለን______ ክንዲ ህዝበይ ዝኸውን
    ብዘየድሊ ክብረትን ሃብትን ጨቋኒት ኢትዮጵያ ዘይዕውን
    ኣእትይዎም፣ ብቕድሚት ንሻዕብያ_ ብድሕሪት ንበደዊን”

    ኣደይ ምዓረይ ________________ስፈይለይ ቀምሸ
    ጡፍ ጡፍ የብለኒሎ______ዝበላዕኩዎ ይደጕሖ መልሸ
    ዒላም ዶ ሒና ኣዝማልቶ_______________ ምሓሸ፧
    “ባዕዳውያን” ስግር መረብ፡______ብፌርማ ወያነ ኣልግሸ
    በዕራብ ኣኽዋናተይ____________ብ”ፍቕሪ” ለሚሸ
    ብሰብኣየይ እምበር _____________ ሕስረት ጠኒሸ
    Abeed league ክኸውንየ ባህለይ ብምቕያረይ ተሓጕሸ
    ኣይ ነዚ እንድየ_______________ ቀደሙስ ተቓልሸ !!!

    ዕድለይ ኮይኑ ____________ወዲ እንተወሊደ
    ዓብደልቃድር ድየ ክብሎ_______ወይሲ ተወልደ
    ብሸኽ ድዩ ክጥመቕ____ ወይሲ በትኽስያን ወሲደ
    ወደይ እንዳልክኒስ______ጓልኪ ክኸውን ተገዲደ
    ድሮኳ __________ሪክያሞን ምቝናንን ለሚደ
    ቃልሲ ኤርትራ _________ ብሙዳዳ ዝተኣጕደ
    ፊርማ ነጻነት__________ ንወያነ መርቕለይ ኣደ !!!

    ፕሮ ኢታልያን ራቢጣን _____ካብ ትሕቲ መሬት ዓልሉ
    ህዝቢ ተጎምቢሑ__________ ኣርኣያኹም ተኸቲሉ
    ቀደም PORCO NEGRO ሎምን ያ ማዓፈን ሉጢ ሓበሺ ዝብሉ
    “ሰብኣይ” ኤርትራዊ እየ________ ምሩቕ ካብ መቦቆሉ
    ካልቾ ጣልያን___________ ብሽ** ኣዕራብ ተቐይሩ
    ባዕዳውያን ኮይኖምሲ ___ጠንጢነዮም ትግራዎት ኣምሓሩ
    ጅግንነት ማሕበር ኣንድነት ወለደይ_ ናብ መኻልፍ ተቐይሩ
    ድንግልናይ _________መጻወቲ በደዊን ኮይኑ ተበሊሉ
    ኣይበልዕ ኣይጠርጥ________ኩሉንትናይ እንድዩ ዘቢሉ
    ኣይሞትኩን ኢለ ኣይሕሱን________ኣይክብልን የ ኣሉ
    ብጠጠወይ ቅበሩኒ_ሕሱር ወራዳ እየ ሓበን ኣቦታቱ ዘይብሉ
    ኮፍ ኢለ ክሸይንየ___ማማ፡ ቀምሸይ እድያት ኣይተንውሕሉ !!!

    ኣቦይን ኣደይን ነዚ ሕቡን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ፣ ውሽማ በደዊንን ካልሲ ግብጽን ኢራንን ከይከውን፣ ማሕበር ኣንድነት ኢልኩም__በቲ ጨቋኒ ክብረትን ሃብትን ትምህርትን ዘርገጽኩሞ፣ትምኒቱ __ወዲ ቀኛዝማቻትን መኮንንናትን__ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ እዩ ድሌቱ ዝ ህቦ ዘሎ፣
    ኣቦይን ኣደይን፣ ነብስኹም ክትካላኸሉ ሱቕ ኢልኩም ኣብ መቐመጫ ፕሮ ኢታልያን፣ራቢጣን __ካቻቪተ ዘእተኹም ሽዩጣት__ህዝቢ ከም ድሌቱ፣ ደቁ እናተሓድገን_ትሕቲ መሬት እናተኣስረን ብነጻነት ከይነብር፣ቋንቋና ምስ ተጋሩን ኣምሓሩን ዘይማሳሰል__ዓረብነቱ ኣሕዲግኩም ሓበሻነት ዘገደድኩሞ ህዝቢ__ነጻነቱ ረኺቡ__ኣቱም ሽዩጣት ወለደይ__ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብኽብረትን ሕውነትን ሰላምን ዝዕሾ ህዝቢ ኣይኮነን።
    ኣቦይ፣ ነቲ ጣልያን በዚ ረሳሕ ቋንቋኻ ኣይትዛረብ ክብለካ ኸሎ ፣እምቢ ብቛንቋይ እየ ዝዛረብ ኢልካ መውቃዕቲ ዝወረደካ፣__ከም ኩሩዕ ኤርትራዊ በጥ ኢልካ ብጩግራፍ ጣልያን ዘይትሃረምካ።እምቢ ኢልካ እናወቕዑኻ በቲ ዘሔብን ቋንቋኻ ዝተዛረብካ።ኣደይከ ነቶም ማሕበር ኣንድነት ቁሱላት ትሕክምዮም ዝነበርኪ__ጫማ ጣልያን ከይትሳለሚ።
    ካብዞም ዓጋመ ኣይትሕሹን ኢኹም !!!

    • r.i.p eritrea May 27, 2014

      not good poem.

    • Biniam Abraham May 28, 2014

      Excellent poem uncle TNT. Ignore the few ignorant ones but please continue with your great God given special gift/talent of writting and very entertaining poems. Once again, your message is highly appreciated and it is well written indeed.

      • THE NOBLE TEACHER May 28, 2014

        Respected Biniam Abraham,

        I have a confession to make. As I was not allowed the name Fake Country Collapsing..I am tryong the rip eritrea. I just put it to test the waters..when the time is ripe I will use the name rip eritrea.
        Thanks for the confidence ,and thanks for defending me from me. ha..ha..ha

        thanks nephew.

        Uncle TNT & r.i.p eritrea

  • Truly Truly i say to you May 27, 2014

    One can politely ask to PFDJ blind supporters and cadres, was not because our territory is occupied and because there is a continual threat by Woyane we are at war was their reasoning for not implement the constitution giving? But now what something new because changed it is, for decades when we telling them about constitution implementation necessity after given us deaf ear, but now when their boss announced them they jubilee and like to tell us as something big news? Is it because we gained back our lost territory it is; or Woyane´s because stop threating them it is? What a ridicule! What a wasted time! Some blind supporters even tried to congratulate me as if something new good news like brought to me, they thought i will be happy by such deceitful announcement.

  • Truly Truly i say to you May 27, 2014

    part 2
    Anyway hearing this fake announcement i tried to analyze what it could be its purpose to know , here is my guess.
    1st, May because Isyas knows Wodi Vacaro at right time as is preparing to accuse him in ICC in Den Hag for he commuting crime and power abuse because fears, to show to the world as if like he ruling in constitution and law to defend himself could be.
    2nd, but i most probably believe is this. In 23 years power abuse Isayas because now certain how people of Eritrea is hardly demoralized, because to those who have knowledge and financial capacity because he paralyzed them, to those who can threaten him by executing, imprisoning and immigrating extincting them, and their place replacing the Demhit army and cadres, using them because he now more certain the rest demoralized citzens inside home totally under controlled them convinced, in this time even through legal constitution and election as he could come to power because certained it is. In my view he seems learned from Woyane in legal election and Constitution how to stay in power.

  • Truly Truly i say to you May 27, 2014

    part 3
    In this opportunity i want to remind everybody so that to give it more regard to the following point.
    As we all know PFDJ is preparing a new citizenship passport to distribute. And other side we heard many oppositions including the honorable Wodi vacaro at most was agitating people in his conference, so that noone to take the PFDJ passport. In my view knowing this good opportunity could be Isyas motivated to ratify and then to implement a new constitution, because Isyas very well knows since all his opponents refused to take the Eritrean passport and only his supporters hold passport, as it benefited him to legalize his dictatorship through legal election. Because it is known only Eritrean with passport will have right to elect and chose or to be elected and chose. So in this form without any challenge and threat with our ignorance before we give opportunity Isyas to legitimize his power extension, i strongly warn everybody, deeply to rethink twice about this matter and to take the right decision. In my view i insist everybody to take the Eritrean passport so that legaly to get access to confront and reject Isyas´s leadershipment.
    You may read it below an article, how this Mafia regime systematical to Norway and to all other nations his supporters children is sending as immigrant so that to collect 2% tax from them and if in case an election occurs to get vote from them. Finally i advice Wodi vacaro in right time to bring Isyas´s case in Den Hag. Because this time as we know EU is more engaged in Ukraine and Russia issue and their own election.

  • bereket May 28, 2014

    let’s watch this dictator very closely, coz what he says and what he does are completely not the same.

  • barka May 28, 2014

    this constitution thing is a breaking news for people who doesn’t know this dictator. one thing that people need to know is that dictators have one thing in common, they will invent lies to distract their own people so that they can stay in power for the rest of their my Eritrean brothers lets not get distracted by this dictator by what he says. lets focus and get him out of the way so our people can breeze a fresh air of freedom. Eritrean brothers and sisters are suffering just coz of this dictator. it is time for all eritreans to come together and say not to this brutal dictator. victory to the masses.

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