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እታ ጥፍሒ ሓደራ /Pandora Box/ 1ይ ክፋል፡

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  • Dala Ksha February 22, 2015

    Wey Gud
    nzeraba zereba yemsto n hamed Dugri yewsto eyu negeru (Habal Mtemtaa ti kahal)nay Dia Guday serak mobae baelu ylefalef.

  • Eritreawit February 22, 2015

    Dictator Isayas is nuts, Eritrean people are fedup with his lies and boring interviews. Now he start doing interviews with Ethiopian jurnalists (ESAT). And why is he so afred of telling his identity?

    • Semhar February 22, 2015

      He is Ethiopian agent sent by Asratekasa former Eritrea’s governor and by his uncle Solomon Abreha. The former governor of Wollongong province of Ethiopia.
      I says is 100% Ethiopian. He is from Tembien,Tigray, Ethiopia on his father side and from Adwa,Tigay, Ethiopia on his mother side. His grandmother on his mother side Medina Brad was from Seraye,Eritrean province. He grew up with his grand mother Medina Brad.
      (Aindasiwa with Medina berad).
      The mad dog I say as grew up with no father,mother,with no love, no religion, with no affection,without moral education. He has inferiority complex,he has identity crisis.
      All his followers have the same back ground. The kisha,the money. …all have the same back ground.

      • asmeret February 23, 2015

        semhar if you said medhen brad is from eritrea seraye i advice you to tell us her village or town and family name. Semhar do you know till this day people believe isayas is from solote hamasien

      • Genet-orginal February 25, 2015

        Can you please tell us where Seraye, Isayas’s grandmother is from? Seraye is a large awerga in Eritrea. You can’t just put that out as she is from Seraye. This is very important. Findout from your sources which area, town, village and family. Tigray people tend to say more often they are from “adiquala” Eritrea, but they wouldn’t tell you which adi or family. Any Eritrean can’t just be from “adiquala or Senafe” Eritreans have adi, mybeth and family tree. You need to clear your information. Isayas never said his grandmom is from Seraye. His cover for his fake identity has been “Wedi Hama”
        Now you are telling us he is from Seraye. We need more infromations.

    • Semhar February 22, 2015

      The mad dog Isayas is Ethiopian agent sent by Asratekasa,former Eritrea’s governor and by his uncle Solomon Abreha, the former governor of Wollo province of Ethiopia.
      The mad dog Isayas is 100% Ethiopian. He is from Tembien,Tigray, Ethiopia on his father side and from Adwa,Tigay, Ethiopia on his mother side. His grandmother on his mother side Medin Berad was from Seraye,Eritrea’s province. He grew up with his grand mother Medina Brad.
      (Ainda siwa local beer seller with his grand mother Medina berad).
      The mad dog Isayas grew up with-out father, with-out mother ,with no love, no religion, with no affection,without moral education. He has inferiority complex,he has identity crisis.
      All his followers have the same back ground. The kisha,the money. …all have the same back ground, same identity crisis, no father figure, all grew up an i inda Siwa!local beer sellers.

    • tamrat tamrat February 22, 2015

      One of the reason he stays in power that many have a confused understanding of this cruel person.

      Since he failed to give Ethiopia 100 years civil war in 1998 until now he has tried all possible things using Eritrea as his private property in his long war destroy Ethiopia or death. The eritreans are paying the ultimatum while Ethiopins are also paying to defend the expected from isaias. Shall we have a democratic election or clean the isaias terrorists?

      Those who said isaias is Ethiopin are insulting us. If he is ethiooians why he needs war? Is he afraid of eritreans or Ethiopins?

      If he is ethiopian why he is afraid Ethiopins.? Because we don’t want unity?

      Or is he afraid of eritreans? If you say he is afraid of eritreans then he has shown it in a special way for the last 25 or 65 years?

      Esat people and isaias have one coomon interest. They can servive only through the budget war on east africa. If alshabab gets so much for destroying somalia think of isaias and esat gets for ethiopia and Eritrea?

      Beside you have proved only his half ethiooianess not the crulity.

  • Wadbahar February 22, 2015

    It does not matter to whom he gives an interview. What matters most is what he says. He will say his entire usual bull sheet, no matter who is asking him. He cannot give what he does not have. Would he say something different had he been interviewed by Eritrean opposition news media? A buffoon is always a buffoon, irrespective of who he talks to.

    • tamrat tamrat February 22, 2015

      Good point.! Why not give interview for tigrianonline? Now you mentioned it what about assena?

      I dont think isaias has the patience to finish before he takes out his gun. he carries a gun under interview. On one of his interview a clerk wanted to adjust something on isaias belt and isu reaction was 100 percent proof as a man of a gun under his belt.

  • aus 17 February 22, 2015

    the dying corpse, pale and colourless facial contours of Isayas Afewerki reveals his body’s depreciated and decaying feature.
    dying corpse never hide!

    • Semhar February 22, 2015

      The mad dog Isayas is Ethiopian agent sent by Asratekasa,former Eritrea’s governor and by his uncle Solomon Abreha, the former governor of Wollo province of Ethiopia.
      The mad dog Isayas is 100% Ethiopian. He is from Tembien,Tigray, Ethiopia on his father side and from Adwa,Tigay, Ethiopia on his mother side. His grandmother on his mother side Medin Berad was from Seraye,Eritrea’s province. He grew up with his grand mother Medina Brad.
      (Ainda siwa local beer seller with his grand mother Medina berad).
      The mad dog Isayas grew up with-out father, with-out mother ,with no love, no religion, with no affection,without moral education. He has inferiority complex,he has identity crisis.
      All his followers have the same back ground. Hagos kisha, Yemane monkey . …all others have the same back ground, same identity crisis, no father figure, all grew up ab inda Siwa!local beer sellers.

  • Semhar February 22, 2015

    The mad dog diablos Isayas is #1 enemy of Eritrea and Ethiopian peace loving people.
    Peace loving ERITREAS and ETHIOPIANS should hunt this mad dog and his blind followers.

    • tamrat tamrat February 23, 2015

      Many dont understan the way you do. That is one of the reasons still he is in power.

      The day they understand would be too late. That time people accept any cursed thing with pleasure because the dictator is dead.

      But your point is these peoples deserve much much much better than dancing on a dead dictator compared to their potential, natural resources, love for their parents and people.

  • Alem February 22, 2015

    Isaias Afwerki is from Tembien and he has inferiority complex. He grew up hearing the words “Agame” and he is on full blown revenge now and wiping “Dekebat Eritreans”!! His uncle, Dej. Solomon Abraha (who was killed by Derg) was proud to say that he is from Tembien. Dictator Isaias Afwerki is a tyrant dictator who killed innocent Eritreans by the name of “Gedli” before so called independence and killed or jailed many brave eritreans by creating many excuses after the independence. Every day….a child, a father, mother, teenager dies, leave eritrea or put in jail because of Wedi Berad’s brutal Mafia administration!

    Wedi Berad’s Eritrea is a failed state that is not better even than Somalia. The only University is closed long time ago, the proud Eritrean tradition desstroyed, bad and evil things taken as normal, the economy..(what economy?)..there is no water, electricity, bread, benzene, etc., there is no rule of law, unelected president, no constitution etc.

    Wedi Berad (from Tembien)is destroying Eritrea and Eritreans and stealing its wealth with his cousins Monkey (from Adwa, Wedi Adey Gebriela) and Kisha from (Awarja Agame), Asemalash Abraha (Eri Tv) 100% Tigray and DEMHIT.


    • asmeret February 23, 2015

      Alem I feel your pain, Eritrean we need to find way to unite.God bless our country.

      • Alem February 23, 2015

        Thank you Asmeret haftey!

  • vanity rules February 22, 2015

    we hizbetigrinyas have no problem with tegaru as long as they do not invade uws as they did in 1998.while we have no problem but to be ruled by a foreigner is not acceptable by any country ,zambia was ruled by keneth kawnda a foreigner from malawi I believe .and eritrea is being ruled by by isayas a tigrean not hizbetigrigna eritrean. we are not saying temben are bad people or bad race, no temben are good for tigray ,americans did not mind that obama being black but being kenyan it bothered them ,if it bothers first world mother of democracy america is bothere why do people say we eritreans are racist.although most eritreans are brown people from temben are more on the black wside ,it does not bother us because isaias is black not brown ,but because he is a foreigner plus from enemy country.would israel be ruled by hamas ,then why should eritreans be ruled by tembenian hamas ?

    • tamrat tamrat February 22, 2015

      Did tegaru came to asmara in 1998 and put isaiad in asmara palace?

  • Truly Truly i say to you February 22, 2015

    Thanks Godafa for brought this sensitive issue. You have nothing left about the tyrant, you have already said it all. Many Isyas sympathisants we know are too sensitive when the question about identity raised, but to you people the point we want to make you clear is, Godafa in his writing clearly as stated sayig this, “ዓጋመ” ኢኹም ትብሉኒ ካብዝብል ቅሕረት ከይተቀደምካ ክትቅድምን ከተጽንትን ነቒልካ። Actually exactly to this point Ambasador Dr. Andebirhan Woldegiorgis in his new book because was stated, Dr. Resom while asked him about, when Ambasador Dr.Andebirhan replied, said, “Actully about somone background and identity is not an issue or culture in PFDJ , but Isyas from the inferiority complex that he has done ,”he is the one he make it the non issue an issue, not we.” as he responded, We say to you people Isyas´s alike also, we inforcing to talk about identity, it is not as you assuming because we are racist, we do not acknowledged people with Tigrai bacground, or we do not have family or relative members born from Tigray, but because of Isyas anti Eritrean motive and evil dead because frustrated it is. Please listen the interview carefully and and approved from his deed. Did this guy a little interest about Eritrea agenda has at all? According his own word from the interview was he not clearly approving as he is working in the name of globalization to reverse the independence since from the beginning? More that and his all destruction deed what another approval are you needed?

  • dan February 22, 2015

    The only solution is to kill the DiA

    • asmeret February 23, 2015

      Dan I never wish death to DIA till 2001, but now I wish him gadf’s death sorry to say this including his kids.

  • guba February 23, 2015

    emo jay do. meas eika kigebra …kemzi kemaka eyu zedlyeni zelo……..zchhgir si melieu eyu zelo

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