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እቲ ኣብ ስዊዘርላንድ ብምስጢር ተቐሚጡ ዝጸንሐ ኣስታት 700 ሚልዮን ዶላር ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ካብ ኤርትራ ዘህደሞ ገንዘብ ምዃኑ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክፈልጦ ከምዝግባእ ሓላፊ ኣታዊ ውሽጢ ሃገር ዝነበረ ኣቶ ክብሮም ዳፍላ ኣገንዚቡ።

እዚ ኣብ ስዊዘርላንድ ኣብ ምስጢራዊ ሕሳብ HSBC ባንክ ተቐሚጡ ዝጸንሐ ሕጂ ተቐሊዑ ዘሎ ኣስታት 700 ሚልዮን ዶላር ዝበጽሕ ገንዘብ፣ ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ካብ ኤርትራ ዘህደሞ ናይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጸጋ ምዃኑ ህዝቢ ክፈልጦ ከምዝግባእ፣ ሓላፊ ኣታዊ ውሽጢ

እዚ ኣብ ስዊዘርላንድ ኣብ ምስጢራዊ ሕሳብ HSBC ባንክ ተቐሚጡ ዝጸንሐ ሕጂ ተቐሊዑ ዘሎ ኣስታት 700 ሚልዮን ዶላር ዝበጽሕ ገንዘብ፣ ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ካብ ኤርትራ ዘህደሞ ናይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጸጋ ምዃኑ ህዝቢ ክፈልጦ ከምዝግባእ፣ ሓላፊ ኣታዊ ውሽጢ ሃገር (Treasury) ኮይኑ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘገልገለ ኣቶ ክብሮም ዳፍላ ምስ ድምጺ ኣሰና ኣብ ዝገበሮ ቃለመጠየቕ ኣገንዚቡ።

ኢሳይያስ ከምቲ ንኹሉ ፖለቲካውን ቁጠባውን ኣካላት ኤርትራ ገቢቱ ሒዙዎ ዘሎ፣ ንብልሽውና መታን ክጥዕሞ፣ ንስልጣን ናይቶም ገንዘባዊ ቁጽጽር ክገብሩ ዝግብኦም ፋይናንሳዊ ትካላት ከይተረፈ ኣብ ኢዱ ጨቢጡ ሒዙዎ ስለዘሎ፣ ኣታዊታት ዕደና ወርቂ ይኹን ብኻልእ ስዉር ምንቅስቓሳት ዝገሓጦ ሚልዮናት ዶላራት ብዘይሕጋዊ መንገዲ  ብሕታዊ ዋኒኑ ገይሩዎ ምህላዉ ኣረዲኡ። “እዚ ድሮ እንፈልጦ ዝነበርና፣ ዝርዝራቱ ጥራይ ኣጊሙና ዝነበረ ጉዳይ እዩ” ብምባል ከኣ፣ እቲ ካብ ናይ ስዊዝ ጨንፈር HSBC ባንክ ልሒኹ ዘሎ ሓበሬታ፣ ነዚ ኣብ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ዘሎ ብልሽውና ዘረጋግጽ ኣገዳሲ ጭብጢ ምዃኑ ኣብሪሁ።

ገንዘብ ናይ ሓደ ህዝቢ ብመንገዲ ሃገራዊ ባንክ ጥራይ ክተሓዝን ክቕመጥን ከምዘለዎ ዝጠቐሰ ኣቶ ክብሮም፣ ብዝተፈላለዩ ኣሽማትን ሜላታትን ተሸፊኑ ኣብ ናይ ወጻኢ ሕሳባት ክቕመጥ ዝኽእል ኳ እንተኾነ፣ ንዓና ከም ኤርትራያን ግን፣ እቲ ሜላ ኣሰራርቓኡን ኣተሓባብኡኡን ዘይኮነ፣ እቲ ገንዘብ ብቐንዱ ናይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምዃኑ ከነተኵረሉ ከምዝግባእ ኣተሓሳሲቡ።

ንሰራቒ መሳርቕቲ ከምዘለዎ ብምጥቃስ ድማ፣ እቶም ኣብ ኤርትራ ብስም ወፍሪ ኢደበዛ ምዝመዛ ኮይኖሞ ዘለዉ ኩባንያታት ወጻኢ ይኹኑ ካብ ህዝቢ ዝሰረቖ ገንዘብ ኣብ ወጻኢ ብምስጢር ዘቐምጡሉ ኣህጉራውያን ባንክታት ካብቲ ገበን ከምዘየምልጡ ኣረዲኡ። ይኹን እምበር፣ ንሳቶም ጥቕሞም ጥራይ ስለዘገድሶም፣ ንሕና ከም ኤርትራውያን ረብሓ ህዝብና ንምሕላው ብዕቱብን ስሩዕን ኣገባብ ክንሰርሕ ኣዘኻኺሩ።

ኣብ መወዳእታ ኣቶ ክብሮም፣ እቲ ብድኽነት ተበሊዑ፣ ኣብ ዓለም ድሕሪት ተሰሪዑ ዘሎ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብመራሕቱ ክዝመት ከሎ ሃየንታ ምዃኑ፣ ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ በቲ “ኤርትራ ካብ ብልሽውና ነጻ እያ” ዝብል፣ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ኢሳይያስን ሰዓብቱን ከይተደናገረ፣ እቲ ናይ ህዝቢ ገንዘብ ኣብ ግቡእ መዓላኡ ከምዝውዕል ንምግባር በብዓቕሙ ክንቀሳቐስ ተላብዩ።

Review overview
  • Desta February 17, 2015

    እዚ ሕጂ ኣብ ኩሉ ማዕከናት ዓለም ትሰምዕዎ ዘለኹም ጫቕጫቕ ምኽሻሕ ናይ ሕቡእ ሕሳባት ናይ HSBC ንነዊሕ ዓመታት ብሚስጢር ክካየድ ዝጸንሐ ኮይኑ፣ ሰብ ርእሰማል ነቲ ነኻላት ኣሰራርሓ ናይ ባንክታት ብምጥቃም ቀረጽ ንኸይከፍሉ ዝሕብኡሉ ብዓቲ እዩ ኔሩ። እዚ ጉዳይ ካብ ዝጋለጽ ነዊሕ’ካ እንተገበረ ቆላሕታ ዝህቦ ኣይተረኽበን ጸኒሑ። እዚ ሓደ ኣብነት ናይ ሓንቲ ባንክ እዩ። ካልእ ከምዝስዕብ ኣይጠራጠርን እየ። ዕላማ ናይ’ዚ ምኽሻሕ ነቶም ቀረጽ ዘይከፍሉ (Tax avoiders) ዓበይቲ ገባብል ሰብ ማል እካ እንተኾነ፣ብዙሓት ኣትማንን ጠባብቕን ክኣ ጉልባቦም ተቓሊዑ ይርከብ። እቲ ናይ ካልእሲ ካልእ’ዩ ፣ናብቲ ናትና እስከ ክንመጽእ። እንታይ ዝበለ ሎቶሪ እዩ! እንቓዕ ብሳልሳይ ኣካል ተቓልዐ እቲ ስርቒ! ……ኣነ ዝያዳ ዘሐጎሰኒ ሓንቲ ገርሂ ልባ ሓፍትና “ኢሰያስ $250 ዶላር እዩ ደሞዙ፣ ካብ ምሉእ ዓለም ዘለዉ መራሕቲ እቲ ዝተሓተ እዩ” ተኻቲዓትኒ ኔራ፣ ከረድኣ ኣይከኣልኩን። ከይትርዳእ ተረዳዲኣ እያ! ነዚ ጭብጢ’ዚ እንተድኣ ዘይትኣምነሉ ኮይና እዚኣ ኣድጊ እያ ማለት እዩ።
    እዚ ገንዘብ’ዚ ብከመይ እዩ መጺኡ? ብዙሕ ሓተታ ዘድልዮ ኣይመስለንን። ተሰሪቑ ዝተቐመጠ ገንዘብ ህዝቢ እዩ። ወግዓውነት ዘይብሉ እዩ። ብሽም ውልቐ ሰባት እዩ። ዝብኢ ናብ ገረቡ ሰብ ክኣ ናብ ሰብ እዩ እቲ ነገሩ። ዕርክነት ኢሰያስን ክሻን ሱቕ ኢልካ ኣይኮነን። እዋኣኹም ድኣምበር ቓሕማማት! ኣብቲ ላዕሊ እታ ገርሂ ሓፍትና ደሞዝ ኢሰያስ $250.00 ከም ምኻኑ ኣጻርያቶ ኣያ። መንግስቲ ኤርትራ መንግስታዊ ስርርዕ ወይ ትካላዊ ኣሰራርሓ ከምዘይብሉ፣ ሓደ ናይ ንግዲ ትካልን ናይ ማፍያ ኣሰራርሓ ከምዝኽተል ኩሉ ዝፈልጦ እዩ። ስለዝኮነ ክኣ ከመይ ኢሉ ዝመጸ ገንዘብ እዩ። ሓቲትካ’ውን መደምደምታ ክትበጽሓሉ ዘይክኣል ሕቶ እዩ። ብዘይካ እቶም ኣህጉራዊ ትካላት በሊዖም ዘብልዑኻ፣ ካልኦት እቶም ተዋሳእቲ ናይ’ዚ ጉዳይ ደቂ ሃገር፣ ገሊኦም ኣብ ማሕዩር ገሊኦም ድማ ነብሶም ይምሓር ብሂወት የለዉን፣ ኣተን ገንዘብ ከይበልዑወን ተቐቲሎም እዮም። እንተቶም ገሊኦም ክኣ ዝሓዙ ሒዞም ኣጽቂጦም ኣለው። ክዛረቡ’ውን ኣይክእሉን እዮም። መዓልቶም ግን ኣይክትርሕቕን እያ።
    በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ሓደ መሳርሕተይ ዝነበረ ንነብሱ ገባርን ሓዳግን ዝቆጽራ ሰብ እዩ ኔሩ ፣ኩሉ እቲ ናይ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ገንዘብ ኣብ CITY BANK ዝነበር ገንዘብ ዝቖጻጸር ኮይኑ፣ ርክቡ ብቐጥታ ምስ ቤት- ጽሕፈት ፕረዚደንትን ሓጎስ ክሻን ዝኾነ እዩ፣ ሚስጢራት ናይ ገንዘብ ምትሕልላፋትን ካልእን ስለ ዝፈልጥ፣ መዓልቱ ኣርኪባቶ፣ ብዘይከውን ምስምስ ከሲሶም ኣብ ኣስመራ ጸዊዖም፣ ፓስፖርቱ ኣሕዲጎም ቀልፈዞው ክብል ይውዕል ከምዝነበረ ይፈልጥ። ዕድለኛ’ዩ ከምቶም ናይቶም ካልኦት ብጾቱ ዕጫ ዘይረኸቦ! ካብእዝግስ ኣመሪካዊ ዜግነት ዘለዎ እዩ።
    ኣብ ዓለምና መን ኣሎ ገንዘብ ከይሰረቐ ካብ ስልጣን ዝተኣልየ? ሓደ የለን። ኣብዮታዊ መንግስቱ’ካ ምስገንዘቡ እዩ ከይዱ። ኢሰያስ ድኣሞ ከመይ ጌሩ እዩ ጻድቕ ክኸውን፣ እንድሕር ድኣ ንመጻኢ ህይወቱ ዘይሓስብ ኮይኑ ክኣ ዓሻ ጥራይ እዩ ክኸውን ዘለዎ!…. ኣይኮነን ክኣ።
    ገንዘብ መን ኣሎ ዘይፈቱ/ ብዘይቃልዓለም! ዝረሃጽካሉ ምስ ዝኸውን ግን ጣዕሚ ኣሎዎ። ኢሰያስ ክኣ ፍጡር እዩ ኣሞኽኣ መጻኢኡ ዘይፍሉጥ ሰብ ኣዩ። ገንዘብ ህዝቢ ምዝማቱ ዘይተርፍ እዩ። በዚ ጥራይ የቕልሎ ምባል እዩ። ካልእ ‘ውን ክስዕብ እዩ። እዚ $700,000,000 ናይ ሓደ ባንክ ጥራሕ እዩ። ናይ ገንዘብ ደለየ ምኾነ ሰሪሕና ከተጥርዮ ዝከእል እዩ፣ እቲ ዝኸፍአ ክንመልሶ’ውን ዘይንኽእል ሕብረተሰብን ሃገርን ይጠፍእ ምህላዉ እዩ። ንበራበር!!!

  • Teclay February 17, 2015


    Stop be hypocrite(አምሰሉ ) and emotional.
    What is the meaning of steal or to steal ?= (verb)to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force.
    So if we agree on the definition,who can claim now, that is stealing?
    The country,the people,the minerals,the wild animals,the Red sea etc in short everything in side the borders of Bahre Negash belongs to ISSU ,just as the entire Mafioso Ghedli belonged to him .
    Yes some of you are going to claim ” No the country belong to us “…No No brothers and sisters weak up ! yes,it was yours 50 years ago but not after Ghedli and for sure not after 1991.That is a bitter pill swallow it.
    As the amount 700 mil,it is nothing,i believe this mafioso organization has 50 times more in different parts of the world Dubai,Pakistan,China etc.
    When the Despot dies,these account owners will be millionaires overnight.But still this is not a big deal, the big deal is our pride,we are humiliated,we are on the head line of every news channel .Where are we now ? How and Why do we arrive here? these are the questions to be answered properly.

    • Eritrawi February 17, 2015

      This is by far the smartest post I’ve read for a long time. Yes, first we gave our revolution to DIA, then our pride, then our freedom and at last our brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. Now we are surprised he took our money???

      Such a tragedy Eritrea turned out to be! I wonder how a new referendum anno 2015 would fair out against the “result” of 99.9% of 1993…

    • Genet-orginal February 17, 2015

      Mr Teclay
      Who are you referring too, when you say WE this and WE that? We know who you are. I think you are one of those homegrown-enemies of ERITREA and its people, just like “ISSU”. That is right. The diabolical “ISSU” has no value, moral or ethics and he owns nothing. Since his childhood there has been something missing and he is sacrificing the ERITREAN people to chase this elusive dream. What ever it is he is not going to get it.

      Mr Teclay, you can tell us if “ISSU” and you are part of the TPLF Manifesto of February 1976. “Republic of Greater TIgray”? For anybody including brothers and sisters from Ethiopia, if you want to know, what I am talking about, googel it!!!!!!. There is YouTube and other info. just do, “The TPLF Manifesto of February 1976 the Republic of Greater Tigray” It is the biggest fraud. The Tigray province of Ethiopia is put together like “humpty dumpty”. I wouldn’t be surprised if dictator Isayas is working toward building the Tigray humpty-dumpty. What better ways are there than stealing from the Eritrean people, killing our people, destroying our primary family units, killing the future generation and denying the Eritrean people any meaningful lives. This is all been done for the purpose of furnishing for the “humpty dumpty”. The understanding here is advanced, educated and stable ERITREA is not helpful to put together “The Greater Tigray humpty-dumpty”. And that is what Teclay is trying to tell us, when he say “there is no Eritrea, but Bahre Negash” he is talking about the future of Tigray humpty-dumpty. What infuriating about this humpty-dumpty is that the Ethiopian and Eritrean people are not being asked about it. It is being forced upon us one why or another. It is wrong. Teclay is not afraid to call our Ghedli “Mafioso” I wonder how he sees the the dream of Tigray humpty-dumty?
      Eritrea my beloved country, GOD bless you!!

      • Tamrat Tamrat February 17, 2015

        Hi Genet.

        Which of the followings are myths or facts?

        1) Peoples of the now Eritrea and Ethiopia used to live together before Italia separated Eritrea.

        2) Ethiopia and Eritrea United With out bloodshed.

        2a) 1991-1197 was a golden age for the two countries.

        3) Eritreans wanted independent even before the annexation.

        4) If there were Democracy Eritrea could have continued With the unity.

        5) Still there are Eritreans who believe the need of some sort of unity so as not to sepparate the different ethnic Groups the two country shares.

        6) A peaceful relation of the two countries reduce ethnic suppression in both countries.

        7) Ethiopia has plan to invade and unite Eritrea by force.

        8) Ethiopians still want unity With Eritrea not because of the port but because of the ethnic Groups they share.

        8) Ethiopians want only the ports.

        9) If there is a government change in Eritrea there is a substantial change in for a better relation between Ethiopia and Eritrea for a

        10) If there is a government change in Ethiopia by democratic election there will be a better relation between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

        11) What ever happens in Eritrea or Ethiopia there would be no dramatic change because the two countries are different separate countries

        12) In long run the two countries will have a different geographical demarcation than the now we have.

        13) The Tigrigna and Tigray People resolve their differences With out war.

        • Amanuel February 17, 2015


          I will answer just when question with another question

          1. When did the concept of countries started in Africa, or how does countries created in Africa?

        • Genet-orginal February 17, 2015

          Tamrat Tamrat
          Your attempt to explain the Eritrean and Ethiopia history and human experience with “Myths VS Facts” is not right. Myth is like the story of Mermaid. For example, your #3 question can be compared to the Oromo- Ethiopian who state, they weren’t governed by the past Amhara or Tigray rulers. Do you see it as Myths VS Facts or as real human experience?

          • AHMED SALEH !!! February 17, 2015

            I have issues with those who bring Ethiopia at
            irrelevant subjects .
            Teclay and his suspicious colleagues have been
            cancer in this forum always try to divert the
            discussions concerning our political affairs.

        • HGDF February 17, 2015

          1)myth: They lived as good neighbors but not as one.Even some times with some brutal aggressions from Tigrai Mesafnt against Eritrea.
          2)Myth: Hailesilassie’s annexation of Eritrea resulted in 30 years of bloodshed.
          2a) fact
          3)fact:If not, no need for Hailesilassie to do the “unification” without the will of people.
          4)myth: Eritreans didn’t raise a question of democratic administration during their 30 years of independence. They raise the question of self determination.
          5)fact. But how many of them? The YG people?
          7)I cannot answer it. Ask Weyane.
          8)Fact: I hear Ethiopian talk about Assab and massawa, no one talks about Keren or Mendefera Teseney etc…
          9)myth:substantial change for a better relation between Ethiopia and Eritrea comes when they respect the interest of one another.
          10)myth: se no. 9
          11)myth: As neighbors we can influence one another.
          12)Only God knows.
          13)Fact: Tigrigna and Tigray People have never wage war towards one another.

          • selamawit2 February 18, 2015

            Shame on, who raped our eritrean our mothers and sisters.

            Schame on you, who took away our eritrian fathers and brothers.

            Shame on you who separated our eritrian families.

            Shame on you who makes our eritrian heroes perishing link animals in your torture chambers.

            Shame on you, who betrayed the people and the Nation of Eritrea. You are nothing than a Kain standing with a knife behind us.

            Shame on you mister „HGDF“. You will never be in the position to speak up for Eritreans. The only thing you represent ist criminalty and bloodthirst.

            As you decided to wear the devils name, go to hell, Mr „HGDF“ and take as many HGDFian killers with you as possible.

        • selamwit2 February 18, 2015

          Brother Tamrat Tamrat,
          could you say in short what your intentions are? You know i am evry much impressed by your dedication for Eritrean refugees in Norway but relating to the history and the future of Eritrea, i don’t really get it. Please help me with that.

          • Tamrat Tamrat February 18, 2015

            Selam, from Your nature you do the same if you come across ethiopians in the same situation.

          • Tamrat Tamrat February 18, 2015

            Now i get time to You, Sister Selam.
            My intention is just due to nation building no Eritreans or Ethiopians ethnic groups pay the ultimatum. Kunama, Afar and the rest must have their own saying concerning their divided families because of Ethiopian and Eritrean chauvinism. As we dont divide Gonder into to two and the same goes for kunama and afar. Many assenians asked me be realistic. Ok i would be realistic. Tell the leaders of Ethiopia and Eritrea to remove their soldiers so that the mentioned ethnic Group develops their areas just like the others without cut into pieces. In short one Kunama and one Afar, etc. Let’s draw the boarder as the colonialist wish just to avoid catastrophe bearing in mind making sure the free movements of the concerned ethnic groups and thus they use and develop their natural resources.

          • selamawit2 February 18, 2015

            Yes, you are right, Brother Tamrat Tamrat. If I came across innocent Ethiopians who are suffering, of course i would suffer with them!

            First of all thank your for your directness: You never hid that you are Ethiopian and now after i asked you to tell your intentions, you answer was honest. These are reasons among others, why i respect you, also if our opinions may differ.

            Relating to “nation building”:
            Our discussion on this issue can only be on a fictive issue as Ethiopia is as sovereign Nation and Eritrea is a sovereign Nation.
            But still, i’d like to add something to to our discussion:
            – Eritrea became a sovereign Nation because the Eritrean multi-ethnic people decided it (in unison with 98% vote)!
            – The world is full of people who are mixed ethnics and especially at the borders you have ethnic groups who are “divided”. This is a fact in all countries all over the world.
            (Failing this most people would be ugly and disabled – sorry for this term, but that’s what biology says.)
            And this challenge is something Africa has to accept. It’s not possible to change “world order” everytime somebody feels inspired to divide a Nation – maybe inspired by historical events.
            We Eritrean need to get rid of the extraordinary problem called “HGDF” and than we will manage all other problems. And me personally, i will stand for equal rights to every Eritrean, independent from his/her belief and his/her ethnos. And i am convinced all the justice seekers here will do the same.
            No Dictatorship, no Oppression no more!!!

            P.S. Just curious: To which ethnic group do you belong, Brother Tamrat Tamrat?

      • WediHagher February 17, 2015

        “Teclay is not afraid to call our Ghedli “Mafioso” I wonder how he sees the the dream of Tigray humpty-dumty?”


        Sister, Teclay is someone with grudges that cannot be explained easily.
        Unfortunately, people like him and Iseyas are the worst enemies of Eritrea and its people.
        When someone hates his identity it’s a sign that he is not a normal person.
        This guy is an enemy of Eritrea, with time we will not who is he, then he will go into hiding ..

        • Genet-orginal February 17, 2015

          “Teclay is someone with grudges that cannot be explained easily”
          You are right! Their issue for the most part is psychological.
          I am still waiting for Mr Teclay to tell us what he knows about the 1976 “Greater Tigray manifesto”

    • Asmelash H February 17, 2015

      Ato Teclay
      I generally agree with you with what you wrote/said, because the mess we are in seems to lend solid support to your claims. When your life has been traumatized by the behavior of your so called “liberators” and your existence and the existence of your fellows has been turned into a hard life, it is a hard pill you would rather not swallow when you are told Ghedli has been mostly a force for good.

      • Genet-orginal February 17, 2015

        What about the humpty-dumpty?

        • tamrat tamrat February 18, 2015

          Genet,the most ridiculous argument is assuming isaias is working for Ethiopia or woyane. It is absolute nonsense.

          • Eritreawit February 18, 2015

            How about he is working for the CIA? Or who ever has interest in that region? by the way tamerat why not answereing Selamawit2 strate forward, you answered her She would do the same for Ethiopians? so you are Ethiopian? WOW.

          • Genet-orginal February 18, 2015

            Tamrat Tamrat
            The idea of dictator Isayas working for “Greater Tigray” is not ridiculous argument at all. For us, Eritean not ridiculous, but a strong possibility. Just look at the “Demihit” issue. we have heavily armed grope of people, from the native village of dictator Isayas in Tigray, roaming the streets of Asmara. But never shot a single bolt across the river. How do you explain this? By the way Tamrat how do you see the 1976 Greater Tigray manifesto? Do you think it is in progress?

  • john February 17, 2015

    Time will expose the rest secret of Kisha and Wedo Medhin

  • WediHagher February 17, 2015

    There is no reason for non-Eritreans to open bank accounts in the name of Eritreans. I know, I am stating the obvious, but this is for Higdefite who have difficult to understand even the simplest of common sense.
    The money belongs to Eritrean people, so it should return to its owners.
    In the aftermath of the removal of the tyrant and his regime, all those who became rich illegally by enslaving Warsai, took land and homes from ordinary Eritreans, registered State property in their name or family members .. etc. will be forced to hand over all that to it’s owners.

    • Genet-orginal February 17, 2015

      It is the right thing to do to hold anyone involved, either directly or indirectly accountable.
      We have Eritreans who are in their early 30s who became Milliners in the past 25 years.

      • selamawit2 February 18, 2015

        Genetina the Orginal, it seems you rapped HGDFs knuckles with your comment!!!
        Look how many “thumbs down” you have.

        • Genet-orginal February 20, 2015

          I know, I am getting too many “thumbs down”
          The HGDG’s bandwagon, currently more like trainwreck, includes Eritreans who are totally clueless about what is being done to their country and people, greedy Eritreans be it,highly educated or not and people who are homegrown who don’t want to see Eritrea as independent nation. For example, Teclay and company are homegrown enemies of the nation of Eritrea and its people. They usually say, they are from “Bahre Negash” Some times, I wonder if there is a new ethnic group emerging in Eritrea that denies the existence of Eritrea as a nation. Teclay and company not only denies the done deal fact of independent Eritrea, they trash our Gedlie without reservation. When I challenge or question about this “Bahre Negash” business, I don’t get a straight answer. I look at how dictator Isayas and his supporters are destroying the Eritrean nation for the past 24 years. Then, we are hearing more and more about this “Bahre Negash” business. Is the Eritrean nation’s distruction that has been raging for 24 years has something to do with the 1976 TPLF manifesto? What is the difference between “Bahre Negash” and 1976 TPLF Manifesto’s goal? I invite Mr Teclay and company to engage in a good discussion about this issue any time. It is very relevant to any issue of the Eritrean situation. Be it, dictator Isayas stealing from Eritrea, denying young Eritreans the opportunity for higher eduction, allowing foreigners to do police work in side our country, denying the Eritrean people rule of law and normal civil society. What is the end goal for Eritrea under dictator Isayas? Does the 1976 TPLF Manifesto’s goal has to do with the UNIMAGINABLE BETRYAL by ISAYAS AND HIS SUPPORTERS?
          GOD bless Eritrea and its people!

  • ኣርዓዶም February 17, 2015

    ዲክታተር ኢሳያስ ኣፈርቒ ክንድዚ ግንዘብ ህዝቢ ኣብ ውልቑ ክእክብ ዘኽኣሎ ብመን ኢዩ ክብሃል ይክኣል? ኣስገርቲ ጥራይ ብዓል ሓጎስ ክሻ ዘይኮኑስ፡ ገለ ናይ ወጻኢ ኮምፓኒታት ከይህልዋ ይጥርጥ፡
    ኣብ ቻይና ናይ ከባቢ 400,000,000 ሚልዮን ከም ዘለዎ ኢዩ ዝንገር፣ ምስ እዚ ኣብ ስዊዝ ዘሎ ደሚርካ ብጠቕላላ ሓደ ቢልዮንን ሓደ ሚልዮንን ኮይኑ ኣሎ ማለት ኢዩ፡ እዚ ክኣ ዳርጋ ንምሉእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘደልዮ መገዲ ባቡርን መነባብሮን ንምጥጣሕ ዘኽእል ማለት ኢዩ። ስለዚ እቲ ኽኸውን ዘለዎ፡ ንዕ ኡ ብተግባሩ ክትቐንእ ዘይኮነስ፡ ኢዱ ኢድ ሰራቒ ስለዝኾነ፡ ከም ኢዱ ኣይስኣን ኢዩ እሞ፡ እት ገንዝብ ብዝኾነ ይኹን ናብ ህዝቢ ክምለስ ከም ዘልዎ ምስራሕ ኢዩ። እዚ ክኸውን ተኾይኑ`ውን ቓልሲታት ህዝብታት ተቓውሞ ኣብ ሓደ ሰሚሩ፡ ኣንጻር እዚ ሰራቒ ዝተወሃሃደ መጥቓዕትታት ምስ ዝወስድ ኢዩ፡ ህዝብን ሃግርን ሓራ ዝኸውን፡ ሰረቕቲ ውን ሽዑ ኢዮም ኢዶም ዝረኽቡ`ሞ፡ ሃየ ደቒ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ሓድነትና ኣደልዲልና ሓርነትና ንጨብጥ።
    ራህዋን ሰላምን ንህዝቢታት ኤርትራ ፡ ሞት ክናና ንዓማጺ ንዲክታተር

  • anedo February 17, 2015

    This money is only “kab bahri b chilfa” . HGDEF has other accounts with more or less milloins of dollars in Singapore, China, Quatar ….which is mainly monitored by the dictator. Where us Eritreans do not have the basic necessities like water food Electricity fuel… .This regime is very barbaric. Come on hizbey No to dictatorship.

  • Semhar February 17, 2015

    It’s time to be united to save our land,our people, and our MONEY!

    Simerrrriiii Eritrawit….!
    In Europe, Asia, America, Africa…allover the world.

    The time is time to get organized and to collect the stolen money!

    Eritreans in diaspora this is the time to help ourselves by controlling all assets of HIGDEF, Communities ran by HIGDEF, HIGDEF’S churches, HGDEF’S schools ,HIGDEF’S Organizations, and all assets controlled and ran by HIGDEF!

    ERITREANS allover the world, it’s time to help ourselves, our families, and our country ERITREA.

  • Danny February 17, 2015

    Thank you so much Mr. Kibrom Dafla as usual i am proud of you.
    Your information is precise and educational.
    we are listening and learning.


  • WEDDI KEBESSA February 17, 2015

    For This idiot regime stealing money is nothing if we compair with the damage done under his rule missed and messed Eritrean lifes it is real real genocide .
    Please how are feeling NUSU NIHNAH ,NIHNAH NUSU . Please are you nosu now I feel more sorry for you than other Eritreans because Weddi
    Khommarit Isiyas cheating for more
    than 30 years badlack for you Eritrean
    Isiyas supporters and good lack DEMHIT

  • hayelom February 18, 2015

    Izi genzeb’zi kab 1981 ksab 2005 ziteakebe b pasport eritrea dima atiyu ybahal kidmi 91 pasport Eritrea zibahal kemzeynebere kulu zifelto iyu kem hager win aytifletin nera kemey kemey yu izi neger? Nferadi ychneqo do koynkum negeru.

    • #free eritrea February 20, 2015

      ብመጀመርታ እቲ ምንጪ ሓበሬታ ርኣዮ. ቅድሚ ናጽነት ዝነበረ መንነትካ እንተዘይቀይርካዮ ክገርመካ ይክእል ይኸውን። ካብት 39 ምስጢራዊ ሕሳባት እቶም 24 ሕሳባት ካብ 1981 ክሳብ 2006 አትሒዙ ዝተኸፍተን ንጡፍን ምኻኑ እዩ ዝሕብር። ካብኡ ድማ 85% ብውልቀ ስብ እቲ ዝተረፈ ከኣ ብ ካምፓኒ ዝተቀመጠ እዩ። እቲ ዝገርም እዞም 39 ሕሳባት ብ32 ዓማዊል ኮይኖም 28% ጥራይ እዮም ናይ ኤርትራ ፓስፖርት ተመዝጊቡ ዘሎ። እቲ ነዚ ጉዳይ ዝምልከቶም ዝነበሩ ብዓል ክብሮም ዳፍላ፡ ሚኒስተር ፋይናንስ ነበር አቶ ብርሃነ እንታይ ይብሉ አለዉን ምስትውዓል ወሳኒ እዩ፤ ብ ዘይገድስ ግን ፖለቲካዊ አረአእያ ትደልዮ ነገር ጥራይ ምስማዕ ድንቁርና እዩ፤ ጸገም ናይ ህዝብና ድማ ንሱ እዩ ከምዚ ክውረ ከሎ ገሊኡ ጽንጽዋይ ኮይኑ ይስምዖ ገሊኡ ከኣ አጋኒኑ ይወስዶ።

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