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ኣገዳሲ ሓበሬታ – ካብ “ማሕታ ኔት” መርበብ ሓበሬታ ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ ኤርትራ ብዛዕባ መልስታት ኣምባሳደር ኣድሓኖም ገብረማርያም ንመግለጺታት ኣቶ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ብራድዮ ወጋሕታ

ኣብ ዝሓጸረ መዓልታት 'እቲ ካልእ ኵናት' ኣብ ትሕቲ ዝብል ኣርእስቲ ብተኸታታሊ ዝፍኖ መደብ መልስታት ተጋዳላይ ኣድሓኖም ገብረማርያም ነቲ ብተስፋይ ተምነዎ ብራድዮ ወጋሕታ ክዝርጋሕ ዝጸንሐ ዝንቡዕ ታሪኽ ሰውራና ዝብድህ መግለጺ ብድምጺ ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ

ኣብ ዝሓጸረ መዓልታት ‘እቲ ካልእ ኵናት’ ኣብ ትሕቲ ዝብል ኣርእስቲ ብተኸታታሊ ዝፍኖ መደብ መልስታት ተጋዳላይ ኣድሓኖም ገብረማርያም ነቲ ብተስፋይ ተምነዎ ብራድዮ ወጋሕታ ክዝርጋሕ ዝጸንሐ ዝንቡዕ ታሪኽ ሰውራና ዝብድህ መግለጺ ብድምጺ ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ ኤርትራ EDP ሒዝናልኩም ክንቀርብ ስለዝኾና ብትሕትናን ብኣኽብሮትን ንዕድም።                                                           ማሕታ ኔት

Review overview
  • Thomas, LONDON May 9, 2013

    Dear Brothers especially NEW HOPE ERITREA, MightyEmbasoyra, AND real caring eritreans:

    How on earth do you take it seriously to this guy with a name A.A.Yassin? He could be a fake who is writting behind a computer in the middle of “03” office in asmara whose aim is just to discount on the effort of our struggle for change.His sole aim is to protect the DICTATOR at any cost. That is his daily JOB for a living. So IGNORE HIM and comment on other real issues. JUST IGNORE HIM. DONOT REPLY TO WHATSOEVER HE IS GONNA POST.

    • ida May 9, 2013

      I think yassin thinks he can control this website. May be they pay him to work as karma.

  • Sesen May 9, 2013

    Thank you Mr Adhanom in advance!
    You stand against the opperesors during the bad times and now against the liers. It may not be comfortable to say the challenge the liers cos liers are excellent decievers also. But that’s the only way to tell the truth to defeat the liers.

  • Thomas, LONDON May 9, 2013

    We (Eritreans) have asked Mesfin and Adhanom POLITELY to tell us the truth about our struggle. Both of them were not sure how to handle it. IT IS TOO HOT FOR THEM TO HANDLE IT.I have huge respect to Adhanom. Atleast he is trying to fight against the DICTATOR unlike the ever silent Mesfin who is spending majority of his time to defend and justify the presnt and past actions of the DICTATOR. However, I am expecting Adhanom will do the same as mesfin in the topic raised by the truthful WEDI Temnewo.Both mesfin and adhanom have the same aim (to run from responsiblilty). Now they are coming out of their confort zone to cover the truth as it directly touches their crime. TRUTH CAN’T DISAPPEAR FOREVER. If you fail to tell us the truth, somebody else will do. The difference between Mesfin and Adhanom on one hand and WEDI TEMNWO on the other hand is FREEDOM. Jesus said, you will know the TRUTH and it will set you TRUTH.Freedom of Conscience comes if and only if you tell the truth.WEDITEMWNO lives in FREE CONSCINCE while Mesfin and Adhanom are living in TORMENT.

  • Thomas, LONDON May 9, 2013

    We (Eritreans) have asked Mesfin and Adhanom POLITELY to tell us the truth about our struggle. Both of them were not sure how to handle it. IT IS TOO HOT FOR THEM TO HANDLE IT.I have huge respect to Adhanom. Atleast he is trying to fight against the DICTATOR unlike the ever silent Mesfin who is spending majority of his time to defend and justify the presnt and past actions of the DICTATOR. However, I am expecting Adhanom will do the same as mesfin in the topic raised by the truthful WEDI Temnewo.Both mesfin and adhanom have the same aim (to run from responsiblilty). Now they are coming out of their confort zone to cover the truth as it directly touches their crime. TRUTH CAN’T DISAPPEAR FOREVER. If you fail to tell us the truth, somebody else will do. The difference between Mesfin and Adhanom on one hand and WEDI TEMNWO on the other hand is FREEDOM. Jesus said, you will know the TRUTH and it will set you FREE.Freedom of Conscience comes if and only if you tell the truth.WEDITEMWNO lives in FREE CONSCINCE while Mesfin and Adhanom are living in TORMENT.

  • Tes May 9, 2013

    Why Now Adhanom and Mesfin And Co?

    It is amusing to see those dogs barking from all corners when the truth they thought it will not come to light it became open to be seen by Eritrean from all walk of life by respected Eritrea Tesfai Temenow. You fools Adhanom & Mesfun you have already twisted the truth so long and just be gracefully admit the mistake and ask for forgiveness rather that trying to cheat us again and again. If you have any audacity left the crooked group along ago where have been to come out now. Yes you are criminals who are full of Innocent blood at your hand.

    Assenna it is shame on you to advert this cheap propaganda on you site. Why don’t use as their habit.

  • ahmed saleh May 9, 2013

    Tesfay Temenowo from the beginning he plead to Eritreans to tell our true history . He showed his believe
    out of encouragement to tell us as it is in his own term to honor the past and learn from it otherwise we
    will let silence to overcome again on to our future generation . Supposedly , it is every compatriot who
    have inside knowledge moral obligation to protect the truth to ensure we educate our people in general .
    I respect and welcome anybody who want to challenge him . But regardless TESFAY TEMENEWO will stay our
    hero to break the wall of silence and for that reason he find praise and admiration from majority of us .

    • belay nega May 9, 2013

      No wonder if the [WATA] TESFAY TEMNEWO remains your hero.
      After all as any[AZMARY], he studied your psychological make up, and start repeating your songs.And the more your cheer was loud, the more he got intoxicated and came up with funny funny staffs.
      If you were a genuine Eritrean,the fuel he was adding to the already burning fire, would have concern you more than making you happy.

      • Tes May 9, 2013

        belay nega ailu kkkk get out of this nonsense

  • simon May 9, 2013

    What a great news and I like the title ‘እቲ ካልእ ኵናት. There have been a lot writings and talks targeting to destroy the history of armed struggle for independence. It is time to tell the truth and I am confident that Adhanom will surprise us as he did several times.

  • weygud May 9, 2013

    Tesfay Temenewo is a genius person. He taught us about the hidden true stories and history of Eritrea during the armed struggle. Tesfay , donot worry about whatever Adhanom going to say. Where has he been till now?

    Adhanom Gebremariam and Mesfine Hagos are the unknown and worst enemies of the Eritrean people. Believe it or not they are PFDJ mercenaries and they are trying their level best to drag the opposition against the brutal regime. Old dogs never learn tricks. Get rid of such hypocrites from the democratic movement. Adhanom seems to be one of the stakeholders in crime during Gedli Era.

    Shame on him! such boons rush to media outlet to twist history while they don’t even care about our sisters and brothers dying in Sinai.

  • Hawarya May 9, 2013

    I wish Tesfay Temenwo can write all the information he spoke, because it is useful documentation for the generation.
    Adhanom Geremariam, after so a decade you are coming now, you were the one imprioning Tegadelti, isn’t you !!

    • belay nega May 9, 2013


  • Mehreteab Habtay May 9, 2013

    As we know, especially in the past two years, Eritrea and Eritreans are at the most shaking crossroads ever. A lot of interest groups are raising their arms from North to South, from East to West. With the main Agenda of Hijacking Eritrean Identity. Then for obvious reason, Eritreans will be same as a boat without engine. Now Aboy Tesfay Temnewo has made an extensive interview with Radio Wegahta. It is just his own version of story about the Eritrean “Gedli”. As for me, I can’t simply swallow what Aboy Tesfay is telling to the people. I need to hear another version as well. Then I can Judge where is the most credible History. Otherwise, we can’t simply come, listen to an audio from Aboy Tesfay and conclude as REAL or TRUTHFUL. Mind you Eritrean Comrade, we are talking about History. That is pure social science. Let alone in the area of Social Science, even coming to Natural science you need to undergo huge work to give a concluding remarks. Therefore, I would Really love to hear What Ambassador Adhanom would say about our SEWRA. I expect him to tell us what he knows. I remember telling Eritreans that the SEWRA has a lot of Rubish things with some details in his articles about Wefri Warsay YikeAlo- Wefri Barnet. He is one of the most critics of the Dictator with a clear stand.
    Welcome Long time Veteran Adhanom geremariam.


    • Thomas, LONDON May 9, 2013

      Dear Mehreteab:

      I repect your position. If you have noticed that short advertisement, it says “….zinbuee tariK sewrana,,,,” is more or less equivalent to mesfin hagos’s “….gonay menay tireKa.,,” in reference to Wedi Temnewos narration. He (mesfin) has not told us his side of the strory. He has not challenged him in all the points he was forwarded. He was simply hide himself in denial. I am expecting Mr Adhanom to come forward with a better narration and challenge Mr Tesfay in all the points he (wedi temnewo) mentioned with facts. But I would not put a penny that it will happen. We want the TRUTH to come out. Who did what. TARIKH AYMIHRIN EYU. As I wrote in my previvous notice, I have tremendous respect to Mr Adhanom. Atleast he has a clear position interms of the Dictator.Having saying this he owes eritrean people the truth on what happened in the 1970s.

      • Tes May 9, 2013

        I agree with you Thomas But don’t expect any new challenge. We already heard it from those who tried hard to hide the truth about the barbaric acts of ghedli. They use different phrase ” ghiziu aykonen, Kifelalyena eyu etc”. the whole purpose is to just paint over and issue a denial statement as fabrication.Wedi Temnewo stated the fact clearly and the majority believe his accounts without those related with the ugly crime in one way or another.I don’t understand to those who want to hear both side of the story from those accused of crime. Adhanom and Mesfun are desperate to defend themselves even by create a tale. We have already seen it with Mesfun who could not rise a single fact to challenge to wedi Temnewo. Guys don’t spend you time to listen to those losers.

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