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ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ወናኒ መሽረፈት ኔት ብድሆ እብለካ!!

ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ወናኒ መሽረፈት ኔት ብድሆ እብለካ!! ብመጀመርያ ንኹልኹም ደለይቲ ፍትሕን ደገፍተይን ይቕረታ ይሓትት፡ ፤ ኣቦታትና ክምስሉ "እትደልዮ ተዛሪብካ ዘይትደልዮ ከይትሰምዕ ተጥንቀቕ " ይብሉ፡ ፤ ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ብተለኣኣኽነት ህግደፍን ኣሳሰይቶምን ኣብ ልዕሊ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ

ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ወናኒ መሽረፈት ኔት ብድሆ እብለካ!!

ብመጀመርያ ንኹልኹም ደለይቲ ፍትሕን ደገፍተይን ይቕረታ ይሓትት፡ ፤ ኣቦታትና ክምስሉ “እትደልዮ ተዛሪብካ ዘይትደልዮ ከይትሰምዕ ተጥንቀቕ ” ይብሉ፡ ፤ ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ብተለኣኣኽነት ህግደፍን ኣሳሰይቶምን ኣብ ልዕሊ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ናይ ሓሶትን ጸለመን ከካይድ ጸኒሕ’ዩን ኣሎን፡ ፤ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ከም ዕድመኡ ዘይኮነ ናይ ሕጻን ቆልዓ ጠባይ’ኳ ክውንን ዘይክእል ናይ ሕልና ልሙስ ዝኾነ ኤርትራዊ’ዩ፡ ፤ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ኣሳሳዪ ህግደፋውያን ኮይኑ ውልቀሰባት ከጸልም ዝውዕል ሕሱር ስለ ዝኾነ እንሆ ብተደጋጋሚ ናይ ዝተፈላለዩ ውልቀሰባት እሽማት ናተይ ወሲኹ ኣብታ ጽይፍቲ ገጻት ወብሳይቱ ክልጥፍ ንርእዮ ኣለና፡ ፤

ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ቅድሚ መንነተይ ምሕታትካ ንስኻ መን ኢኻ? ኣነ ዕላማይ ኣብ ኣደባባይ ወጽየ ምእንቲ ፍትሒ ዝቃለስ ብመንነተይ ኮሪዐ ኣፍልበይ ነፊሐ ዝኸይድ ኤርትራዊ’የ፡ ፤ከም ነፍሲ ወከፍ ኤርትራዊ ሃገረይ ብልዕልና ሕጊ ተገዚኣ እዚ ዘሎ ገድላዊ ምሕደራ ተኣልዩ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ኤርትራዊ ንፋስ ሓርነት ኣተንፊሱ ተቛዳሲ ጸጋታት ሃገሩ ክኸውን ትምኒተይ ኢዩ፡ ፤ መትከለይ ንጹር’ዩ፡ ፤ ኣብ ኤርትራ ገድላዊ ምሕደራ ክህሉ የብሉን ዝብል ሞጎተ ሒዘ ዝጎዓዝ ኤርትራዊ’የ፡ ፤እምነተይ እዚ ኮይኑ ንስኻ ግን መን ኢኻ? እንታይ ኢዩ ዕላማኻ? ውልቀሰውባት ምጽላም ድዩ ዕላማኻ ወይ ንመሰልን ሓርነትን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኢኻ ትቃለስ? መን ስልጣን ሂቡካ ውልቀሰባት ክተቆናጽብን ክትጸርፍን?

ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ብድሆ እብለካ ኣለኹ፡ ፤ ንስኻ ናይ ባዕልኻ ሓሳብ ኣልዒልካ ክትጽሕፍ ዘይትኽእል ናይ ኣእምሮ ልሙስ ምዃንካ እፈልጥ’የ፡ ፤ካብ መንገዲ ኣራሪኻ ኣብዛ ሰብ ፈንፊንዋ ዘሎ ወብሳይትካ ክትልጥፍ እንተዘይኮይኑ ካልእ ዓቕሚ ከምዘይብልካ እፈልጥ፡ ፤ በል ስማዕ ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም፡ ፤ብርዐይ በላሕ’ያ፡ ፤ኣሽንኳይ’ዶ ንኣኻ ንጉጅለ ህግደፍ ክትቆራርጽ ዝተላዕለት ብርዐይ ጠጠው ክተብላ ከም ዘይትኽእል ክሕብረካ እደሊ፡ ፤ ብርዐይ ጠበንጃይ ኢያ፡ ፤ ጨሚታ ከም ዘይትስሕት ክኣ ክትፈልጥ ኣለካ፡ ፤ ሃየ ብድሆ እብለካ ኣለኹ፡ ፤ ኣብ ዝደለኻዮ መድረኽ ፊት ንፊት ክግጥመካ፡ ፡

መድረኻውያን ቆጺሮምኻ እንተ ኮይኖም ንዕኦም መልእኽቲ ኣለኒ፡ ፤ ብርዐይ ጌና ኣይጸገበትን በሎም፡ ፤ ብርዐይ ብርዒ ህዝቢ ኢያ፡ ፤ ብርዐይ መንእሰይ ወለዶ መሰረታ ጌራ ዲሞክራሲያዊት ኤርትራ ኣብ ምህናጽ ከይተሓለለት ክትቃለስ ምዃና በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ክሕብረካ እደሊ፡ ፤ ንብርዐይ ዘይጻወር ንጉጅለ ህግደፍ ክገጥም ኣይክእልን፡ ፤ ንስኻ ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም ናይ ኤርትራዊ ባህልን ልምድን ዘይብልካ ነውራም ምዃንካ እፈልጥ፡ ፤ንዘይ ትፈልጦ ሰብ ኣይጽረፍን’ዩ፡ ፤ ንዘይትፈልጦ ሰብ ክተጸልምን ክተቆናጽብን ኤርትራዊ ባህልን ልምድን ኣይኮነን፡ ፤ ንስኻ እንታይ ጌርካ፡ ፤ ኣምሓራ ክምስሉ”ኣሳዳጊ የበደለው” ይብሉ፡ ፤ ንስኻ ኣተዓባብያ ዝጎደለካ ናይ ሕልና ልሙስ ስለ ዝኾንካ እትጽሕፎምን እትዛረቦን ይምስክረልካ፡ ፤ ወዲ 70 ዓመት ኮንካ ከም ቆልዓ ካብ መንገዲ ኣራሪኻ ሰባት ክተጸልም ክሕፍረካ ምተገብኦ፡ ፤

ሕጂ’ውን ብድሆ እብለካ ኣለኹ፡ ፤ መንነተይ ሓቲትካ ኣለኻ፡ ፤ መልሲ እንተ ደሊኻ ብኣካል ንራኸብ፡ ፤መን ምኳንካ ክትነግረኒ ኣነ’ውን ክነግረካ፡ ፤ሽዑ መን ሓሳዊ መን ሓቀኛ፡ መን መደናገሪ መን በዓል ቁምነገር ይርአ፡ ፤አተዓባብያኻ ወጺዑካ’ሎ፡ ፤ኣብ ከርሲ ገዛእቲ ሓይልታት ተሓብሒብካ ዝዓበኻ ስለ ዝኾንካ እቲ ክቡር ልምድን ባህልን ኤርትራዊ ከይተመሃርካ ከም ዝዓበኻ እንሆ ተግባርካ ይምስክረልካ፡ ፤ ንምዃኑ ኣውራጃዊ ኢልካ ክትጥቅነኒ መን ስልጣን ሂቡካ? መን’ዩ ኣውራጃዊ? ንስኻ ወይ ኣነ? ስኑድ መርትዖ ኣሎ’ኮ፡ ፤ ኣነ ዝዛረቦ ጽባሕ ክደግሞ ዝኽእል’የ፡ ፤

በል ጽን ኢልካ ስማዕ ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም፡ ፤ እቲ ደም ንጹሃት ኤርትራውያን ሰትዩ ዝኣተወ ዘመድካ ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ ምስ ሞተ ትዛረቦ ዝነበርካ ረሲዕካዮ ዲኻ? ን6 ወርሒ ብዘይ ምቁራጽ ብዛዕባ ሬስኡ ኣሕሚሙካ ክትጣበቐሉ ከለኻ ረሲዕካዮ ዲኻ?ንጹሃት ኤርትራውያን ኣጥፊኡ ዝኣተወ ዘመድካ ኣብ ክንድኡ ተወኪልካ ክትልፍልፍ ከለኻ መን’ዩ ኣውራጃዊ? ወዲ ቀሺ ዲመጥሮስ ምዃንካ ደኣ መኣስ ጠፊኡኒ፡ ፤ታሪኽ ተሰኒዱ’ሎ ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም፡ ፤ብዙሕ ኣይተዛርበና፡ ፤ ንስኻ ሕተተለይ፡ ፤ወደባት ኤርትራዊ ምዃነይ ከኣ ክትፈልጥ ኣለካ፡ ፤ ክንደይ ተወልጄ ከለዉ መን’ዩ ወልዱ ተኽለ ክትብል መሕፈረካ፡ ፤ በል ስማዕ፡ ፤ኣነ ወዲቶም ጀጋኑ ደግያት ሓጎስ፡ ራእሲ ተሰማ፡ ወዲ ፈንቅል፡ ወዲ ሃይለ፡ ኣብራህም ተወልደ፡ ሙሴ ተስፋሚካኤልን ካልኦት ጀጋኑን’የ፡ ፡ እዚ ኣውራጃዊ የቑጽረኒ’ድዩ? እወ እንተ ኢልካ ክቅበሎ ኢየ፡ ፤የኹርዓኒ ከኣ፡ ፤ ኣቦኻ ንገዛእቲ ከገልግል ከሎ ንሕና ግን ንመንነትና እንቃለስ በሃራት ኤርትራውያን ኢና፡ ፤ ኣቦኻ ንገድሊ ክሃድን ከሎ ንሕና ግን ንመሰልን ናጽነትን ንቃለስ ኔርና፡ ፤ኣቦኻ ምስ ዓመጽቲ ወጊኑ ከሎ ንሕና ግን ኣብ ጎቦታት ኤርትራ ምእንቲ ናጽነት ንወድቕ ኔርና፡ ፤

ኣቶ ኣለም ጎይትኦም….ልቢ ግበር፡ ፤ከም ዕድመኻ ኣስተውዒልካ ተዛረብ፡ ፤ ምስ መን ትዛረብ ከም ዘለኻ ከኣ ክትፈልጥ ኣለካ፡ ፤ኣብ መትከለይ ጠጠው ኢለ ዝሙጒት ሰብኣይ ኢየ፡ ፤ ብሓቀኛ ሽመይን መንነተይን ዝቃለስ ኤርትራዊ እምበር ተሓቢኣ ኣይጸሓፍኩን፡ ፤ ምሕባእ ኣብ ደመይ የላን፡ ፤ ካብቶም ኣብ መትከሎም ዝሞቱ ኢየ ተፈጢረ፡ ፤ ጥልመትን ክሕደትን ሓሶትን ጸለመን ኣብ ደመይ የለን፡ ፤በዚ ከኣ ይኾርዕ፡ ፤ ወደሓንካ!!!

ወልዱ ተኽለ

Review overview
  • Genet-orginal February 9, 2014

    Test, test
    Genet-original “AKA” “Genet”

  • Genet-orginal February 9, 2014

    Mr. Weldu Tekhle

    What went wrong?
    You call yourself a writer? You stated, you are going to cont. to fight the PFDJ’s system with your pen. Also you said you are not going to stop doing what you are doing that is writing emotionally charged, personal and regional attack of messages. You are attacking and insulting the whole proud and wise region, because you are upset with an individual. Why don’t you fight, your own fight without involving the entire region and our country. Mr. Weldu, How do you expect us to take you, as a credible Eritrean who can fight the PFDJ’s system that is crushing the will of Eritrean people? I hope this is a one time emotional rants from you. Because you sound divisive, prejudice, passive aggressive and wrong in many levels. When you say, I am this and that, piking and choosing Eritrean heroes as your own property, positioning yourself as a person who does no wrong is just not believable. I disagree with people who agree with your message and people who disagree that you should not put your message out in the open. In my opinion, you have every right to post what ever you think is right. As long as you are prepared to hear the other side of facts and history about Eritrean as a whole, you have a right to tell your story. If I were you, I would not post such an inflammatory and divisive message at this pivotal time in our history, as people and a nation. There is a place and time for everything, but this is not the time nor the place for someone to be divisive. Very sad, indeed. Mr. Weldu, Writers are supposed to possess imaginations that changes their world for the better. They are gifted with being creative and able to generate original ideas. You seem to indulge yourself in a pitiful and feel good message, regardless of the accuracy of your message. This is no way to behave as a writer. Forgive me for saying this, but you seem, you have being marinated with your regional issue, probable personal in nature and kept in a regionalist bubble for decades. Only to come out, in the 21st century by the mighty information technology. As a writer, you need to update yourself to the 21st century. It seems, people who have no common sense to begin with, no levels of educations will make them smart.

    For those Eritreans who are adding fuel to the regional fire crated by Mr. Weldu, please restrained yourself from making yourself the instrument of hate and prejudice toward each other. If any one knows Mr. Weldu, write him a latter message or email him personally. For most of us, we came to know Mr. Weldu because his message. What ever we write it all about the issue but not personal. With our message we will discourage him from being narrow minded and inconsiderate about our people.
    Genet-orginal AKA just “Genet”

    • Tes February 10, 2014

      I know you are smart lady and vary degnifing person. But in this I think you are a bit hard on Weldu. He was asked who he is by that idiot PFDJ dog. He got no option but to come out and identify hemself. I don’t see any wrong telling us his root. May be you are young you do not know the real calture of Eritrea. When some one ask you who are. You tell your name and your fathers name. Then they ask you kabey adi? Then it is commen to reveal your adi. By no means it was considerd racist or riginalist. What i mean is don’t see it from western context. An Eritrea by itself is no enough, if you can not say an Eritrean from this rigion or awraga.

      • Genet-orginal February 11, 2014

        Dear Tes
        I feel the same way about you. One of the reason I like Assenna is because People like you are on it. Smart and thoughtful. You ask me I am being hard on Mr. Weldu. Not as hard as he has been on many Eritreans.
        Mr. Weldu, in order to defend himself, he manage to offend so many Eritreans. He accused Eritrean who lived outside of Eritrean including Ethiopia as not knowing their values and norm of their country Eritrea. He made the statement, because Mr. Alam didn’t grow up in Eritrea he doesn’t know what is right or wrong according to Eritreans norm. This statement is very offensive to many Eritreans. Does he know how many Eritrean parents, who work very hard to teach their children about their country Eritrea. Does he know how many Eritreans who work hard to collect money to support the struggle for independent Eritrea? So many times risking their lives. Mr. Weldu just echoes what Isayas said about Eritrean who lived outside of Eritrea. What about this extra anger about Nyzge Kiflu. What would Mr. Weldu say if one of those G-15 were in the same position as Nyzge kiflu was? Would he be this angry at them? I am very sad, when I see the severe bias of individual like Mr. Weldu. He said, History is being written. What is that mean? Who is writing our country’s history? People can’t have their own facts. The Eritrean people are going to challenge, any history that written by bias people.

        Tes, I have no problem for Mr. Weldu to tell the world where he is from down to the tiny village. I think it is very important to know who our ancestors are. This by itself doesn’t make any one regionalist. I grow up, outside of Eritrea and my father took the time to teach his children, to memorize names of our grand fathers up to seven generations. Because my father is proud of who he is down to the tiny village, he wanted his children to know it. However, he never indicated we are better than any body. He wanted us to be proud of where we came from and to be proud Eritrean in general. So Mr. Weldu should have some wisdom from his ancestors. He named names of Eritreans heroes as they belong to only him. I believe All Eritreans heroes belong to all of us. In order to win an argument, he went overboard cornering himself to his region. He forget about Eritrea and that is where most people are going to have problem. My comment was intended to let him know that there are many people who are reading and going to read his post. So, he need to be mindful of others, if he wants to be credible.
        Thanks Tes for your comment.

      • Genet-orginal February 11, 2014

        Tes please read
        twelve generation not seven generation.

  • bashay February 9, 2014

    Woldu dehan dika? Nskando gedidka kab Alem kulom Eton geganu zbelkayom aero zeabka demi shade awraja eyom. Naka kab alem entay yfelyeka Salem nfelto tsebib web sub eyu eska kea tsebib wegnawi ska Aser jeganu deki Eritrea mukan EU zetsebkelka weldu. Ketary elka aytebalasu astewel

  • ባሻይ February 9, 2014

    ዝኸበርካ ሓው ወልዱ ሰላም!! ወልዱ ነታ ኣቐድመ ዝጸሓፍኩልካ እየ ደጊመ ብእሩም ክጺሕፋ። እንታይ ወሪድካ ኣብ ዓይንኻ ዘሎ በሰር ዘይእለኻ፡ ነቲ ካብ በሰር ናብ ቁሎኢ ፡ካብ ቁልዒ ድሮ ሓበላ ጌርሉ ዘሎ ኣለም ክትእርም ክትብልሲ፡ ነቲ ናትካ ጸቢብ ኣገባብ ቓልስኻ ኣርኢኻና ተጋጊኻ። ዎጦጦ ንወጦጦ፡ ፍረደኒ እንተበሎስ ንስኻ ተሓረድ ኢልዎ። ኮይኑ ነገሩ። ንስኻ ብናይዝጊ ክፍሉ ዝሓሞሞ ብጸቢብ ክትከስስ ጸኒሕካ፡ ንነብስካ ንህግደፍ ትሙጉት ሃገራዊ ክትብል ጸኒሕካስ፡ ተመሊስካ ያኢ ብዙሓት ደቂ ሓደ ኣውራጃ ስለ ዝጸዋዕካስ ዝያዳ ሃገራዊ ዝገብረካ መሲልካ። ናይ ወጦጦ ፍርዲ ተቀበይ ሓዎም። ንነብስካ ብፍጹም ሃገራዊ ኒሕ የዕጥካ ሽዑ ኢደይ ኢድካ ኢልና ንህግደፍ ክንግሕፍ። ተዘይኮይኑ ገለ ዘይጸረየ ርስሓት ሒዝካ፡ ነቲ ካብ ርስሓት ሓሊፉ ናብ ቶጎሮ ዝተቀየረ ናይ ኣለም ርስሓት ከትቅሪ ዝከኣል ኣይኮነን። ሃገራዊ ኒሕ ይዕበ!! ክብርን ሞጎስን ንሰማእታት ኤርትራ!! ስመርርርርርርርርርርር ይበሃል’ሎ

  • hadush February 10, 2014

    good hand wrote weldu tekle we are love your comment is very intersting for us keep going more and more again don’t worry about someone

  • amanuel February 10, 2014

    the writer stated what he felt and who he is, but what about the other side do not have the right to express their views and opinions. He mentioned names the hero’s that we all Eritreans consider them, but they are not hero’s because they was from that region. I am an Eritrean and I know for fact an endless names of hoers from the other regions of Eritrea. We have no mandate to list the name of hoers and compare, hoers from which region are more contributed for the Eritrean independence.

    The writer id making a fundamental mistake who give him the right to judge others. If he have a case and evidence that he thinks will be used to charge those he is accusing let him produce when the legal process and the Eritrean court start to operate freely, unite such time what he is saying is the word of mouth and he is not be considerate to be credible.

    The witter also require to consider is the issue is the issue of Eritrea and not the issue of individuals. The people of Eritrean are suffering at the hand of the Eritrean regime and he need to focus on that issue. He always bring the issue of individuals.

    I would have like to know what is his contribution to oppose the regime in Eritrea.

  • Guelemin Beraki February 11, 2014

    Ageb Ato Woldu Tekle! At this moment kubur haw we need unity desperately more than any time to save this dying Eritrea. This harsh and unpolished words would only lengthen the time of suffrage of our people and the sick dictator will find more time to make their life more miserable than it is now. G. Save Eritrea

  • negash February 13, 2014

    I am very proud to read Weldu’s reply. Let the dogs know who is who. where is he from whose generation is he? I bet you men if you have heard any one of PFDJ slave been proud of his ancestors or mention his village. It reminded me TESFAY TEMNOWOS narration when he explained how people come to love their country first your mother , family , village town …. country as a whole WHO comes from a good soil is a good fruit if any one thinks he is from a good soil will never hide him self come out ……………….

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