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ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ (ኣራት ኪሎ) ብዘመዝገቦ ኣካዳምያዊ ውጽኢት ቀዳማይ ዝወጸ ኤርትራዊ ስደተኛ ብሰንኪ ዜግነቱ ናይ ወርቂ ሽልማት ከምዝተነፍጎ ተፈሊጡ።

ኣማኑኤል ተስፋስላሰ ዝተባህለ፣ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ (ኣራት ኪሎ) ናይ ስነ ቁጽሪ (Applied Mathematics) ትምህርቱ ተኸታቲሉ ዝለዓለ ነጥቢ ዝረኸበ ብልሂ ኤርትራዊ ተማሃራይ ስደተኛ፣ ካብ ኩሎም ተማሃሮ ዝለዓለ ውጽኢት ረኺቡ ክንሱ፣ ኣብ እዋን መመረቕታ ንዕኡ ዝግባእ

ኣማኑኤል ተስፋስላሰ ዝተባህለ፣ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ (ኣራት ኪሎ) ናይ ስነ ቁጽሪ (Applied Mathematics) ትምህርቱ ተኸታቲሉ ዝለዓለ ነጥቢ ዝረኸበ ብልሂ ኤርትራዊ ተማሃራይ ስደተኛ፣ ካብ ኩሎም ተማሃሮ ዝለዓለ ውጽኢት ረኺቡ ክንሱ፣ ኣብ እዋን መመረቕታ ንዕኡ ዝግባእ ናይ ወርቂ ሽልማት ካብ ናቱ ዝተሓተ ነጥቢ ዝነበራ ኢትዮጵያዊት ተማሃሪት፣ ካብ ኢድ ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ኢትዮጵያ ኣቶ ሃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ ከምዝተሸለመቶ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።

ናይ ተማሃራይ ኣማኑኤል ተስፋስላሰ GPA 3.94 ክኸውን ከሎ ናይታ ትሕቲኡ ዝነበረት ተማሃሪት GPA 3.91 እዩ ነይሩ። ይኹን እምበር፣ ኣማኑኤል ብሰንኪ ዜግነቱን ስደተኛ ብምዃኑን ሽልማት ከምዝተነፍጎ እቶም ምንጭታት ኣረዲኦም።

ተማሃራይ ኣማኑኤል፣ ቅድሚ እቲ ወግዓዊ መመረቕታ ብመሰረት ዘመዝገቦ ልዑል GPA ኣብ ኣራት ኪሎ ቀዳማይ ምዃኑ ተነጊሩዎ ኣፈናዊ ሽልማት ‘ውን ተዋሂቡዎ ክንሱ ኣብቲ ኣብ ሚልየነም ኣዳራሽ ዝተገብረ ሃገራዊ ስነስርዓት መመረቕታ ግን ድሕሪኡ ዝነበረት ኢትዮጵያዊት እቲ ወርቃዊ ሽልማት ተዋሂቡዋ።

ቅድሚ ሕጂ ኣብ እስራኤል ኣብ ቅድድም ጉያ ብተደጋጋሚ ግዜ ቀዳመይቲ እትወጽእ ዝነበረት ኤርትራዊት ትሕቲ ዕድመ ተማሃሪት ኣትለት ራሄል ገብረጻድቕ ‘ውን ስደተኛ ብምዃና ጥራይ ኣብ ክንድኣ ብድሕርኣ ዝኣተዉ እስራኤላውያን ቆልዑ ይሽለሙ ከምዝነበሩ ይዝከር። እዚ ኸኣ፣ ዕዳ ስደት ክሳብ ክንደይ ከቢድ ምዃኑ ዘጕልሕ ተወሳኺ መርኣያ እዩ። ቀዳማይ ኣብ ሃገሩ ቀዳማይ ከምዝኸውን፣ ኣብ ስደት ክብረት ከምዘይርከብ ተገንዚብና ኸኣ ሃገርና ከነምልስ ክንሰርሕን ክንቃለስን ይግባእ።

Review overview
  • Fact-is-Fact August 2, 2014

    must be read as:

    2. Ethiopia, as Arch-enemy, in fact is Heaven to Eritreans than Israel or the Arab world or Europe.

    • Efrem August 8, 2014

      We know all the good things but we don’t want to see silly mistakes by silly people. For sure the problem it does not have any political conspiracy. It is such emotional and silly people deed

  • Daniel Teferi August 2, 2014

    ወይ ጉድ ዘብል ኢዩ ናይ ገሌኻትኩም ነገር። ሎምስ ዜና ኣይተቃልሑ ክትብሉ ደሊኹም? እቲ ዌብ ሳይት እንታይ ድዩ ክሰርሕ ትደልዩዎ? ሓበሬታ ኸ ብኸመይ ክዝርጋሕ ትደልዩዎ? መንእሰይ ኣማኑኤል ጎበዝ ተማሃራይ ኣብ ሃገረ ኢትዮጵያ ተማሂሩ ዝበለጸ ነጥቢ ረኺቡ እቲ ሽልማት ግን ናብታ ካልኣይቲ ዝወጸት ተማሃሪት ምኻዱ ዜና ኣይኮነን ዲኹም ትብሉና ዘለኹም? ደሓር ውን ምስ ኣብ እስራኤል ንራሄል ዝተባህለት ኤርትራዊት ብምዃና ኣብ ክንዳኣ ናብ ካልእ መወዳድርታ ዝኸደ ሽልማት ምስዚ ናይ መንእሰይ ኣማኑኤል ዘራኽቦ ስለዘለዎ እንተተጠቕሰ እንታይ ነውሪ ኣለዎ? ኤርትራዊ ቀዳማይ ወጺኡ ንቐዳማይ ዝግባእ ሽልማት ምስ ተረፎ ክስቆርቁረካን ቀዳማይ ኣብ ሃገሩ ኢዩ ቀዳማይ ዝብል ጭቡጥ ሓቂ ከዘክረካን ኣይግቡእን ዶ? እቲ ሓበሬታ ዝወጾ የብሉን፣ ክብሃል ዘድልዮ ኣካቲቱ ኣሎ። ወረ ኣብ መወዳእታ ስ መተሓሳሰብን ምሕጽንታን ኣቕሪቡ ኣሎ። ስለምንታይ ግቡእ ምሕጽንታ ኣቕሪብካ ዝብል ምጉት እንታይ ኢዩ ትርጉሙ? ኣነ ቅኑዕ ዝበልኩዎ እንተዘይኮይኑ ካልእ ኣብ ኣሰና ክጽሓፍ የብሉን ዝብሃል ብድዐ ሕሰቡሉ ኣሕዋት። ከም ካልኣይ ነጥቢ ኤርትራውያን ስለምንታይ ኣብቲ ናኣሽቱ ነገራት ክንድዚ ሆ ንብል ኣብቲ ሆ ከብለና ዘድልየሉ ጉዳያት ከኣ ቆላሕታ ዘይንገብር? እቲ ምስጢር እንታይ ኢዩ?

  • ahmed saleh August 2, 2014

    My God , thanks for understanding my harmless intention . I was confused to find the mistakes which
    sounds offensive to readers .
    I think we can feel confident on our own judgment on being self-reliant and be able to distinguish
    between small matters that are best left to others and bigger issues that require our attention and care .
    We can not fight everyone because our time and energy are limited and learn how to preserve them .
    Difficult to see results out of frustrations but rather to ruin our balanced presence of mind which might
    leave us to change with the wind where we can’t see past our nose .
    Human creature at scary circumstances I guess emotion and imagination tends to take over by filling
    the mind with endless anxiety .

  • idris August 2, 2014

    1) Out of the more than 170 comments forwarded so far, around 50% are far. They do not blame Ethiopia at least. I would like to appreciate these commentators. These will serve as a seed for bridging Eritrea with Ethiopia. Thank you all
    2) The rest 50% are are blaming Ethiopia including insults, absurd comments, etc. Those people will always a negative role and will antagonize Eritrea with Ethiopia. This is not good. They are not benefits Eritrea either. They are the fake, with colonial mind set people. These will remain treats to the two honest people. In the presence of such colonial attitudes Eritrean and Ethiopian people can not live in a peaceful manner. War is inevitable rather.
    As to the medal controversy between the Eritrean and Ethiopian female graduates: I want to give the following facts 1) In Ethiopian Universities both medals and other praises can be awarded for good achievers. But, Medals are specifically awarded based on the following criteria 1) the GPA, 2) participation in co-curricular activities 3) gender. The GPAs are 3.94 and 3.91 respectively. It is not a bid difference so, the two will differ only slightly on points they get from their GPA. With regard to the co-curricular activities, i guess the Ethiopian girl have a chance to make more participation and to get more marks as well. With regard to gender, definitely, the Ethiopian female student will get some points (at least three points, because she is a female only, affirmative action to encourage females). So, before getting the details of all the criteria for the medal do not run to blame Ethiopia. If, you blame, Ethiopia will lose nothing.

    • Habtom March 26, 2016

      I would like to thank you for you clear information and positive thinking. I like you postive thinking. I hope peaceful year for both countries.

    • ermias March 26, 2016

      That’s what i was thinking before i read your constructive comment.As you have said some percentage is given more priority to ladies coz of gender issue.For instance,during the time i participated EGCSE(matric),girls who scored 3.8 were considered as a full scorers,where infact it is 4 for boys.And the were taking ZAGRE.

  • Mightyembasoyra August 2, 2014

    Think this way: if I were Ethiopian, I would have liked the comment of this individuals who has criticized the decision taken against the brilliant student, Amanuel. Why? Becaues we are expecting of them to have high ground. If not, Ethiopians shouldn’t call themselves as proud people. Proud of what?

  • Truly Truly i say to you August 2, 2014

    Tamrat Tamrat, though sometimes i disagree with some of your comments; but this time i fully give you right and agree with. Our ignorant society when they hear about someone´s illness or death without investigating about the cause of someone´s illness or death they rushing only to gather to cry Way Waye!, Wey ane Gidi, Weye Weye! Wey anne Hawey Wey anne hafty Way ane Aboy Wey ane Adey! I all time astonishing by number of death and illness excessity i hearing and observing be it from inside country and from diaspora elsewhere. I do not believe all are dieng naturally, or some of becoming sick naturally because they do not take care about their health; but as you said Tamrat, because they are poisoning or in other means because victimizing by other persons evil deed it is. I wouldn´t say all, but if not half or quarter of them, but not small in number.
    Everybody knows PFDJ how good they are to do evil, but for good and think good how wicked they are. So thank you Tamrat, for raising and exposing this taboo serious theme that is seeing in our society. In deed we are struggling to prevent our people´s safety elsewhere as well. How many very strong and healthy out-looking brothers and sisters we know them yesterday, we loosing or seeing them when collapsing suddenly by to day?
    My sincere appeal to our society, please when you hear about someone´s death or illness, before giving idiot judgement for the cause or only rushing to bury and cry; please try to know and found out the cause of every incident.

  • weygud August 4, 2014

    the country he supposed not be remotely there is giving him a college education while his mother land slave him under saws for life…and here we are bitching about none sense….how about we FREE our country and talk later….fucking coward eritreans…all we do is cry in some sovereign country while we have a monster home…we SUCKKKKKKK

  • Sultan Musa August 8, 2014

    Way eritreae zerkbo hawye ajoka kahlfe eu

  • Tekle haile March 26, 2016

    It is noy a problem Amanuel,first thanks for the ethiopian gvnt and our situation will be a history!!!
    ኣንበሳ ናይመን ደኣ ክትወስድ

  • yonas March 26, 2016

    medal couldn’t change his gifted mind but i want to know,if they’ve been informed that he is the first one but they want to encourage the female student.anyways Amanuel, we are proud of you,keep it and never give up with this simmple things…….’couz life is a mathematical calculation as you know…..kkkkkkk

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