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ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ (ኣራት ኪሎ) ብዘመዝገቦ ኣካዳምያዊ ውጽኢት ቀዳማይ ዝወጸ ኤርትራዊ ስደተኛ ብሰንኪ ዜግነቱ ናይ ወርቂ ሽልማት ከምዝተነፍጎ ተፈሊጡ።

ኣማኑኤል ተስፋስላሰ ዝተባህለ፣ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ (ኣራት ኪሎ) ናይ ስነ ቁጽሪ (Applied Mathematics) ትምህርቱ ተኸታቲሉ ዝለዓለ ነጥቢ ዝረኸበ ብልሂ ኤርትራዊ ተማሃራይ ስደተኛ፣ ካብ ኩሎም ተማሃሮ ዝለዓለ ውጽኢት ረኺቡ ክንሱ፣ ኣብ እዋን መመረቕታ ንዕኡ ዝግባእ

ኣማኑኤል ተስፋስላሰ ዝተባህለ፣ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ (ኣራት ኪሎ) ናይ ስነ ቁጽሪ (Applied Mathematics) ትምህርቱ ተኸታቲሉ ዝለዓለ ነጥቢ ዝረኸበ ብልሂ ኤርትራዊ ተማሃራይ ስደተኛ፣ ካብ ኩሎም ተማሃሮ ዝለዓለ ውጽኢት ረኺቡ ክንሱ፣ ኣብ እዋን መመረቕታ ንዕኡ ዝግባእ ናይ ወርቂ ሽልማት ካብ ናቱ ዝተሓተ ነጥቢ ዝነበራ ኢትዮጵያዊት ተማሃሪት፣ ካብ ኢድ ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ኢትዮጵያ ኣቶ ሃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ ከምዝተሸለመቶ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።

ናይ ተማሃራይ ኣማኑኤል ተስፋስላሰ GPA 3.94 ክኸውን ከሎ ናይታ ትሕቲኡ ዝነበረት ተማሃሪት GPA 3.91 እዩ ነይሩ። ይኹን እምበር፣ ኣማኑኤል ብሰንኪ ዜግነቱን ስደተኛ ብምዃኑን ሽልማት ከምዝተነፍጎ እቶም ምንጭታት ኣረዲኦም።

ተማሃራይ ኣማኑኤል፣ ቅድሚ እቲ ወግዓዊ መመረቕታ ብመሰረት ዘመዝገቦ ልዑል GPA ኣብ ኣራት ኪሎ ቀዳማይ ምዃኑ ተነጊሩዎ ኣፈናዊ ሽልማት ‘ውን ተዋሂቡዎ ክንሱ ኣብቲ ኣብ ሚልየነም ኣዳራሽ ዝተገብረ ሃገራዊ ስነስርዓት መመረቕታ ግን ድሕሪኡ ዝነበረት ኢትዮጵያዊት እቲ ወርቃዊ ሽልማት ተዋሂቡዋ።

ቅድሚ ሕጂ ኣብ እስራኤል ኣብ ቅድድም ጉያ ብተደጋጋሚ ግዜ ቀዳመይቲ እትወጽእ ዝነበረት ኤርትራዊት ትሕቲ ዕድመ ተማሃሪት ኣትለት ራሄል ገብረጻድቕ ‘ውን ስደተኛ ብምዃና ጥራይ ኣብ ክንድኣ ብድሕርኣ ዝኣተዉ እስራኤላውያን ቆልዑ ይሽለሙ ከምዝነበሩ ይዝከር። እዚ ኸኣ፣ ዕዳ ስደት ክሳብ ክንደይ ከቢድ ምዃኑ ዘጕልሕ ተወሳኺ መርኣያ እዩ። ቀዳማይ ኣብ ሃገሩ ቀዳማይ ከምዝኸውን፣ ኣብ ስደት ክብረት ከምዘይርከብ ተገንዚብና ኸኣ ሃገርና ከነምልስ ክንሰርሕን ክንቃለስን ይግባእ።

Review overview
  • idris July 31, 2014

    Hey, kids stop your non-senses about Ethiopia. Your citizen, amanuel, get a good GPA (Nowdays, getting GPAs as high as 4.00 are very common, do not get surprised). This shows that the instructors (professors) of the applied mathematics Department of the AAU has evaluated students without any political bias. You people know and then write that Ethiopia is your ardent enemy. But Ethiopians are treating your immigrant youth impartially (the GPA itself shows that there is no any unfair treatment in academics). Getting fair treatment from an ardent enemy? it is paradoxical. With regard to the prize, Ethiopian Universities have a rule which encourages females (affirmative action). To select a medal winner competitors are evaulauted not only based on their GPA but also on their co-curricular contributions and participation. For example, serving in student committee etc. But when it comes comparing male and female student (like the case in this topic) some points (if i am not mistaken 3 pnts) are added to the overall aggregate for the medal comparison points. Amanual’s GPA and that of the Ethiopian female student does not differ much. so if the three points are added to her, she can be selected for the medal. I gues that is what had happened. In Mekelle University, one similar student has got a price. So, before you go to conclusion think twice, also think positive. Even if amnuel was denied the price deliberately, Ethiopia should not be blamed, it could be a one persons decision. Look, one eritrean has got a medal in northern Ethiopia but another one did not get in addis. So, how can Ethiopia be blamed for this. But all those who gave negative comments including the writer of the article who compared the case with israel are simply haters. I tell you, hate does not take you any where, but to lower than where you are now. Stop hating, haters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    • Tsehaye July 31, 2014

      I am not going to spend my precious time to refute your nonsensical comment. If getting 4.0 point average on a four year university program is as easy as you seem to make it, tell us what was yours? Unless you spent those four years studying political science or one of those international relation programs which Western Universities made them available for people like you. Get real and have the decency. Universities honor the best no matter what the students’ nationalities or political affliations are.

      • idris August 2, 2014

        You are simply seeking your common sense. Your common sense is only an imagination that has no any connection with reality. 4.00 GPAs is common very common. I am not denying that amanuel is not clever, he is clever. But it is not something very surprising. because many students score 4.00 in the three years time (not four years). This is do to thw grading system change in the universities. So, when you commne t try to base on evidence.
        Another point, Ethiopia do not have the obligation to educate hundreds of thousands of refugees. 80,000 from ertra. It can only support.

    • 1 step forward 2 steps backward August 2, 2014


      racism based on hate occured on an eritrean student ,i hear 54 eritrean university students were poisoned in mekele university while in addis ababa university about 42 have been killed for surpassing ethiopians .please do not kill us because we are intelligent than your students.

      • idris August 2, 2014

        That is what is rolling you down spirally. In this comment: firstly you are lying. If that much eriterans are dying why you are flocking in thousands every month crossing Ethiopian boarder. secondly, you are praising yourself intelligent? if you were so you would not have lived in slavery. By nay measure you are slaves. And you will never get out of it unless you came to your senses. Stop colonial mind set and think realistically instead of inflating yourself. The recent report on HDR UN shows that ertera is among the bottom 5. pffffffff.

  • Wedi Erey July 31, 2014

    ሕጂ ውን ደጊመ ን ተማሃራይ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ኣማኑኤል እንቋዕ ሓጎሰካ እናበልኩ፡ ንኹሎም ኣበየ ሃገሩ ኣብ ዩኒቨርሲታት ዝሰርሑ ነዚ በሊሕ ተመሃራይን ካልኦት ከምኡ ዝበሉ ብሉጻት ተመሃሮን ናይ ማህደረ ትምህርቲ ክረኽቡ ክትደጋገፉዎም ንምሕጸን።
    እቲ ምንታይሲ፡ እዞም ናይ ሎሚ ንፉዓት ተመሃሮ ናይ ጽባሕ ኣብ ናይ ድሕሪ ህግደፍን ኢሳያስን አርትራ፡ ተመራመርቲ ስነፍልጠታውያን ከምዝኾኑ ጥርጥር ስለዘየለ።

    • 1 step forward 2 steps backward August 2, 2014

      if weyane does not kill them.

  • sahle July 31, 2014

    God is good !!
    I always wonder if the reverse was true and it was Ethiopians coming to Eritrea as refugees. Let alone to be allowed to attend Eritrean Universities or earn a living by starting business, they would not have been allowed to stay peacefully in the refugee camps. They would have been badly treated as “Agames” (if from Tigray) and Adgis from other parts of Ethiopia. But God is good and does not give you a challenge መደያይቦ ከይሠርሐ.I am an Ethiopian and I am very proud of the way my country has handled this unfortunate situation. I will always pray for peace and harmony in Eritrea so you all can live in peace.

  • Rufael July 31, 2014

    Dictator Isias Afewerki will direct his AU Ambassador to bring the issue as an agenda in the next AU meeting. Weyolachihu.The gold medal should be collected in peace or else the DEMHIT ARMY led by Dr. BERHANU Nega will be on their way. Amanuel would have to join the indefinite National Service. No ifs or buts.

  • lebam July 31, 2014

    Hi All Eritreans and Ethiopians

    Ethiopians have been living and migrating in Eritrea for hundred years. In Eritrea there are many of the business owners, musicians, politicians including the current president, who are 100% Tigrayan/Ethiopian or 50%.

    I have never seen any refugee camp in Eritrea for Agames or Ethiopians. They have always have been integrated with the society in Labour, factories or businesses.

    So Stop praising the Woyane regime for using the refugees to get UN aid and giving some education to some Eritreans in universities.

    This is despicable behavior of the Agame regime.

    God Bless Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia.

  • Truly Truly i say to you August 1, 2014

    Sahle do not think we Eritreans are bad to Tigrians or to other Ethiopians. For your surprise most of the leaders Isyas selected them around his circle are Tigrian origin or half Eritreans. In a way we are behaving now not because we are racist or we hate Tigrians, but in contrary those in power from identity crises that cause complex they targeting origin Dekabats to exterminate and the Eritrian identity and culture because calculately destroying it is. Otherwise we do not have any reason to hate Ethiopians specially to Tigrians. The other reason that makes us racist or that oblige us diferently to concern about economical or other social culture mixture with Ethiopia, It is not again because we are racist, but because we have few population it is must to keep our race. So to solve this problem fairly and to solve this kind of allegation, each country now and for the future we should to have statistical law out of its population to around 10% foreign investors or for other social relation among two citizens to give access. That is in most developed nation functioning law.
    As about the topic concerned as long as the Ethiopian and Isyas´s chicken dream by making Eritrean suffer and giving hard in all aspects sine their thought “one day Eritreans will be compromising to give up their independence ” since not stop and replaced by constructive positive relation among two people, whatever positive shining charity they do to Eritrean only idiots or people with different motive deliberately could take it as positive, but not a single wise Eritrean. In tigrigna there is proverb, “ሽምጢ ሰበይተይ ሒዙ ዝዋዘየኒ ኣይፈቱን ” in amharic “የሚስቴን ወገብ አቅፎ ሊያጫውተኝ ቢሞክር አይዋጥልኝም” መሬቴን በኃይል ይዞ ኣለቅም ብሎ ሲያበቃ፣ ለሕዝብህ በሃገሬ መልካም ኣደረጉኩለት ብሎ ቀልድ፡ ከዚህ በላይ ስድብ ኣለ?
    But fairly to speak like Idris above commented, “the GPA itself shows that there is no any unfair treatment in academics). Getting fair treatment from an ardent enemy? This shows that the instructors (professors) of the applied mathematics Department of the AAU has evaluated students without any political bias.” i hardly agree with that. For that in this opportunity i would like to praise the department professors for the honesty, if they were bad like the politic they can easily manipulated it. God bless you!

  • tsegay keset August 1, 2014

    Do not worry my brother am proud by you strive to do more than you do now.even though she took the prize consider it as you take because of citizin she took the prize do not worry my brother continue your best done. “tomorrow will be better than to day” !!!!!!!!

  • Haile August 1, 2014

    We don’t live in a perfect world. I am greatful that they give him a chance to achieve ihs potential which he did nit get un My country. Shame that the authority of Ethiopians fel short to recognise his achievements. I ask the university to treat all the students fairly.

  • shalom August 1, 2014

    I don’t think not being awarded with gold prize should be considered as a serious issue. For me it is minor as long as the Ethiopian government allow Eritreans to study. Even companies reserve special rights for silver, gold and platinum members. There is no reason to sentimentalize the issue. I thank the Ethiopian government for allowing Eritreans to study at their universities.

    Having said that for me it is a serious issue when the Ethiopian security forces use lethal force against innocent Eritrean refugees just for demonstrating peacefully like they did last year. That is violating their basic right for life. Those kind of acts should be condemned by every body.

  • Mike August 1, 2014

    Well good job Dear student! Do not stop from excelling. As for the Ethiopian Gov & University – well my fellow Eritreans never forget these are the same Ethiopians who have two faces (might be a stretch but I am not far off)! Shame on them if this act is done. At least they know The student was an Eritrean origin. These things sadly become political game all over the world but such action from higher education reflects poorly on the core values of the university.

    Dear student – keep that excellence going!