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ኣብ ሆላንድ ከተማ ሮተርዳም ሰፊሕ ህዝባዊ ሰሚናር ዶር. ተወልደ ተስፋማሪያም (ወዲ ቫካሮ) ብድሙቕ ህዝባዊ ተሳትፎ ብዓወት ተኻይዱ።

ብቀዳም ዕለት 01-3-2014 ኣብ ሆላንድ ከተማ ሮተርዳም ኣስታት 300 ኤርትራዊያን ዝተሳተፉዎ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሓድነቱ ኣደልዲሉ መጻኢ ወለዶ ኤርትራ ዘውሕስ፡ ብቅዋምን ሕግን እትመሓደር  ኤርትራ ንምምስራት ንመሰልካን መሰል ህዝብኻን ደው ኢልካ ክትቃለስ ሓቦን ጽንዓትን ዘስንቕ፡ ሰፊሕ ህዝባዊ

ብቀዳም ዕለት 01-3-2014 ኣብ ሆላንድ ከተማ ሮተርዳም ኣስታት 300 ኤርትራዊያን ዝተሳተፉዎ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሓድነቱ ኣደልዲሉ መጻኢ ወለዶ ኤርትራ ዘውሕስ፡ ብቅዋምን ሕግን እትመሓደር  ኤርትራ ንምምስራት ንመሰልካን መሰል ህዝብኻን ደው ኢልካ ክትቃለስ ሓቦን ጽንዓትን ዘስንቕ፡ ሰፊሕ ህዝባዊ ሰሚናር ኣካይዱ። ዶር. ተወልደ ተስፋማሪያም(ወዲ ቫካሮ) ልክዕ ሰዓት 14፡30 ኣብ’ቲ ኣደራሽ ሰሚናር ክኣቱ ከሎ ኩሉ ተሳታፊ ሰሚናር ሓፍ ብምባል ብድሙቅ ጣቕዒት እንቛዕ ብደሓን መጻእካ ብምባል ተቐቢልዎ። ከም ናይ መግለጺ ሓጎሱን ናይዚ ዘካይዶ ዘሎ ሃገራዊ ምትእኽኻብን ምስጋናን ድማ ዕታር ዕምባባ ብኤርትራዊት ወይዘሪት ኣብ መድረኽ ተዋሂቡ።

Review overview
  • Tes March 4, 2014

    Viva wedi Vacaro,

    HGDEF and its hard core supporters are agitating and shaking in fear. Well done kibur Hawi. Don’t be destructed by their ugly campaigning. They are changing gear to character assassination you but the truth will prevail at the end. Loser are always losers they can not stand and argue but spread lies behind the back of the essences. They are good at that even though most people aware of their tactics.

    God bless you kibur Abo.

    • Nuredin March 4, 2014

      አቦና ወዲ ቫካሮ አላህ የሓግዝካ ኢንሻአላህ ክንዕወት ኢና።“ንሕና ኤርትራዊያን ሎሚ ንኽንሰማማዕ ተሰማሚዕና ኣለና ! ”። “ንሕና ኤርትራዊያን ሎሚ ንኽንሰማማዕ ተሰማሚዕና ኣለና ! ”። “ንሕና ኤርትራዊያን ሎሚ ንኽንሰማማዕ ተሰማሚዕና ኣለና ! ”።

  • Simerrr2012 March 4, 2014

    What can the so called political parties of Eritrean opposition learn from Wedi Vacaro? Stop for one minute and ask yourself why you are not successful all those years. The answer is simple you are prisoners of old mentality of EPLF and ELF. Both fronts were ruled by individuals who never allowed to entertain other opinion, without clear vision, without transparency, without any kind of democracy or rule of law. Emotionally , blindly, egoistically , narrow minded, extremely, regionalist, opportunist, apologist were leading us the whole half century and the result is we still bleeding. The so called politician from old school with old vision and mentality cannot easily approach the face book generation. The problem is instead of swallowing the medicine and keep quiet for ever you confuse the new generation with all kind of old , wrong type of politics. My advice for you is either you dismantle your old parties of old school and just help where you can help genuinely the young people or keep away from any kind of confused politics. Why people start to give their trust to wedi Vacaro..first he doesn’t look like a man who want to be a president at any cost, secondly he is not for the money because he has the money but you guys you want both and that is why you always dormant not active and paper tiger for higdef. Do not be angry .. take your coffee relax and ask yourself do anyone needs me? God Bless You wedi Vacaro

    • Genet-orginal March 6, 2014

      Well said! an ecellent comment. I have nothing to add.
      Thank you

  • ahmed saleh March 4, 2014

    Courageous one man mission to defeat the lost soul of Eritreans from HADE lIBI HADE HIZBI fake patriotism . Calling names do not hold water but ignoring the truth is the worst . To put
    politics over the people is an act of betrayal which we all resist not to follow .
    The efforts of such noble patriots will mark soon
    to the begining of Eritrean politics into where it supposed to be which respect the rule of law .
    I admire the men/women fearless dedication for the love of their people regardless its hectic conséquences . God bless you all and nice to have you around .

  • Zufana March 4, 2014

    Kubur Abo Wedi Vacarro,

    Eritrea is a country of patriot and our problem will one day in the near future be history. We can not choose our relatives or our neighbours, but in our tomorrow’s free & democratic Eritrea, we will definitely choose our leaders.

  • abdu March 4, 2014

    a man with a mission; i know a hunderd perchentoooo……. he will a complish the mission pretty soon with God well.
    Thank you Wedi Vacaro!

  • afro March 4, 2014

    አብ ዩቱብ ብህግደፍ ንፕሮፓጋንድዳን ካራክተር አሳሲነሽን ዝተዘርገሔ ወዲ ቫካሮ መን ኢዩ ዝብል ሃለዉለዉ ድሕሪ ሕጂ ከምዘይሰርሕ ነዞም ፓፓጋሎ ክንነግሮም አለና፡ ሽም እንዳአዉጻእካ ምክፋእ ዝአረገ ሽጣራ ናይ ህግደፍ ህዝቢ ስለዝረብረበሉ ስለዝኾነ ካልእ ቃና እንተ ቀየርኩም ይሕሸኩም። ህዝቢ ተላዒሉ ነዚ ዉልቀ መላኺ፥ደም ናይ ንፁሃት እንዳሰተየ ዝፈርዘመ ድያብሎስ በታ ንሱ ዝርደአ ቋንቋ ሓይሊ ክአልዮ ሙዃኑ ዘጠራጥር የለን። ነቶም አብ ናቱ ዓንኬል ኮይኖም ህዝቢ ዘበሳብሱን ዝአስሩን ዝቀትሉን ዘለዉ ከምኡ ፍርዶም ክቅበሉ ሙዃኖም ምፍላጥ ይግበኦም።

  • Alem Habte Nega March 5, 2014

    I don’t have any problem with Wedi Vacaro and I was really hoping to hear something big from him as he was one of the people I surely know who was helping the so called Issayas and his clique to do many things legal or illegal under the context of National Benefit although not quite clear to the Eritrean public to identify whether that was the Motive or it was the group’s ground rule to keep the secrets. And now, we are hearing wedi Vacaro confessing the past mistakes in front of his Eritrean compatriots, if it is really sincere and genuine it will be the centuries’ champion move.But I have three questions depending on what I read from the reportage I read on meskerem:

    1) why Wedi Vacaro is categorising the Eritrean leadership as Tegaru and yet he still wants to depend and get assistance of armament from the Tegaru/ current Ethiopian Leadership?
    2) Why wedi Vacaro is childishly threatening to assassinate Issayas with the help of the Italian Mafia and while he is saying it in public he underlined it’s atop secret doesn’t it degrade his credibility?
    3) While we are praying for bloodless reformation why wedi Vacaro is campaigning and motivating the attendants that his wish is to revenge on the children of those who made mistakes to the Eritrean Public, isn’t this dangerous and another point that makes people to denounce his campaign ?????

    • abdu March 5, 2014

      Alem Habte
      I am just wondering if the article you read from mess;( may be when he was writting that article he had a lot of mess and got drunk ) i mean; i’m sorry i meant from meskerem is credible or not. Because ; what you have read the article from meskerenm is been written by one begamendo sedi;who is a self hate and others; and also some one who is anti peace and justice. So ; if you heard him Dr. Vacro speech; he is infact preaching anti violence and looking peacful resolution.

  • windshield March 5, 2014

    Wedi Vacaro should be out of his mind. He should be confined into mental hospital!!!!

    • seelam kab amlak March 5, 2014

      There is something still cofuse me. Why do you not focus about essays’s evil actions instead of trying to down yourself in cheap propaganda. I think we smart enough to distinguish between the real worries and revenues. My only hope is from God, no chance for evil dreamers. We suffered enough.

  • windshield March 5, 2014

    Wedi Vacaro is suffering from insanity he should be locked in mental hospital!!!!!!

    • Nuredin March 5, 2014

      If an insane person calls you insane it shows that you are not insane. It is you who is insane mehret yewredelka.

  • afro March 5, 2014

    Windshield is sick, he needs help.the people of eritrea are tired of your likes.the rule of law must be respected.don’t clap your hands 24/7 for the ditator.

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