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ኣባል ምኒስትሪ ዜና ጋዜጠኛ ወሃብ ምክኤል ስብሃቱ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ምብርሕራሕ ንግዝኡ ስማ ኣብ ዝዓቀብናዮ ሃገር ዑቕባ ሓቲቱ ፣፣

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Review overview
  • yeshaq baraki April 26, 2015

    The eritrean ditatorial regime is a member of the ISIS.The international community including CIA shoiuld investigate this case.IN thewestern part of eritrea ,35 k.m from keren there is a secret camp for ISISA militants.In this camp no eritrean citizen, whether from the military or the civil,is allowed to enter and approach the camp .But some arab men are seen around the camp wearing the traditional cloths of eritreans.
    Please assena .com try to inform the case to the international community!

    • AHMED SALEH April 26, 2015

      ISIS camp in Eritrea ! ! ! Hahahaha what a joke to make me laugh to thing we
      are stupid to take serious on stupid comments with suspicious motives .

  • ERITRAWIT April 26, 2015

    B selam enka Kabzom hargesaten atmanen HGDEFAWYAN tegelagelka.

  • rezen April 26, 2015

    “But the big question would be to which country a country that doesn’t have many Eritreans,” So asks Meharena.

    Indeed! “meharena”, please! I bet anyone, on a delicious berrad shahee, that if Issayas is to move TODAY to the Centre of Manhattan, New York, USA — next to thousands of Eritreans — NOTHING would happen to him. Before you bet, remember the flocking of thousands and thousands of Eritreans (a few years ago) eager to welcome and see the beloved and charming face of Issayas Afewerki Abraha in the middle of New York, not far from the United Nations Organization.

    Even the most learned and world-wide renowned Eritrean legal experts didn’t and wouldn’t attempt to a lay a legal “finger” on him. Eritreans are ….. well, Eritreans.

    p.s. Meharena, I also like your last warning >>>watch what you wish for’

  • Michael Tesfamariam April 26, 2015

    This is not a news to me, nor to many others I suspect. Who cares when one goes and come out of the hell country if he or she doesn’t have any significant influence to speed up the death of the regime. This man [journalist] has been serving the regime for long time, and now left the regime like any one who fled before and continue to flee in the future. Let alone this low ranking individual, those highest ranking officers like Mesfin Hagos, Adhanom who left the regime more than 10 years ago have virtually done nothing special let alone this little man we don’t know his motive in the first place.

    • AHMED SALEH April 26, 2015

      Are you saying every Eritrean who work inside the country is serving the regime ?

      • Michael April 27, 2015

        No, could you show me where I said that “everyone in Eritrea is serving for the regime”? I am talking specifically about this person who has now become headline at Assenna. According to your logic, everyone who has left the regime should be posted here as news.

  • sami April 26, 2015

    Owww great wahab am proud by ur decision . I know you and am listing your programs so we hope to do your best with assenna or erena .

  • AHMED SALEH April 26, 2015

    The country under this dubious leadership lost most of its prominent children who can
    make a difference to our expectation . Respected journalists work for common interest
    of the people to reveal corrupt wrong practices and to voice for the voiceless weak .
    Unfortunately Issayas was clever enough to convince the majority that these kind of
    nationals with intellect and principled stand are a threat to the country security .
    We can deny what witnessed repeatedly is the result of our failure to force the young
    generation choose deadly journey of escape .
    Wehab Michael abandoned the system for the sake of his consciousness in defiance
    not to be part of this Eritrean dark history . And for that purpose I commend his decision
    even though for sure our people will miss him .

    • rezen April 26, 2015

      Disturbing Development

      I am confused. A young man by the name of Wehab Michael left Eritrea, at his opportune time, in order to live (not just to exist)like any ordinary human being. Wehab, like any other human being, aspires to a life of freedom, liberty and opportunity to forge his life according to his inclination and ability without fear and intimidation. Isn’t that the dream of every soul on this Earth? Isn’t that why about two million Eritreans are spread around the Globe — enjoying the effort of others establishing freedom, liberty, tranquillity and the best education for themselves and their children? For heaven’s sake, why not Wehab Michael?

      It is unbelievable to read that some commentators seem to suggest that Wehab should have stayed in Eritrea and fight for freedom and liberty in Eritrea! Obviously, it is a cruel joke, to put it mildly. Anybody being serious about such a preposterous attitude must be prepared to be the first one with family to pack and go to Eritrea for the liberation of Eritrea. No, it is shameless, cruel, attitude, No matter how free we ALL are to express our opinions on any subject matter it is simply immoral to expect others to do and sacrifice their only and only precious life for our tranquillity!!! I refuse to believe that Eritrea has gone down that low.

      • Simon G. April 27, 2015

        እንታይ ድዩ መስለካ ረዘን ሓውና: ዘይስንኻስ ሑጻ ቆርጥመሉ ይብሉ ኣቦታት።
        ኣብዚ ዘለኹዎ ምዕቡል በይ-ኤርያ ዝቕመጡ ሓደ ሓደ ሰባት እንታይ ይብሉ መስለካ: ንውግእ ወያኔ ተሳቲፎም: ገለን ሰንኪሎም ገለን ከኣ ውሽጣዊ ስንክልና ተሸኪሞም ከም ገለ ኢሎም ኣብ በይ-ኤርያ ምስመጹ: “ሃገር ራሕርሒኩማ ክትመጹ? ከደዓት ይብልዎም።” ንሕና እንታይ ንገብር ኔርና ኢሎም ክንዲ ዝሓፍሩ። ኣይገርመካን? ወረ ገሊኣምሲ መዋእሎም ኣብትሕቲ ሓገዝ መንግስቲ ኣመሪካ ዝነብሩ ‘ዮም። ደቆም ብሓገዝ መንግስቲ ኣመሪካ ዓብዮም። መብዛሕቲኦም ድማ “መንእሰያት ህግደፍ” ተኸቲቦም። ናትና ነገር ዘገርም ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ: ዘስደምም ‘ዩ።

        • rezen April 27, 2015

          Indeed “ናትና ነገር ዘገርም ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ: ዘስደምም ‘ዩ።” But then “somebody” already summarized it right at the beginning of his admirable poetry:

          ኣታ: እንታይ ወሪዱና
          ሓዘና በዚሑ: ካብ ሓጎስና
          እንታይ መርገም ድዩ ኔሩና?

          Who can be that Poet? ha ha ha ….Greetings! Simon G. Keep it up, please >>> መጸናንዒ’ኳ እንተኾነና ።

          Have a pleasant week

  • Timnit April 27, 2015

    Simon G. and rezen, you two are great characters with great sense of humor and please keep it up always my beautiful brothers. As long as you don’t start to charge us for your skills, lets have more of the same high quality stories and satires from you two and last God bless you brothers.

    • rezen April 28, 2015

      Thank you, Timnit for your generous and kind words. I also appreciate your sense of gentle humour with respect to your warning about “charging for [our] skills”. That is a good one! Finally, with respect to the art of “satire”, let me say, in my opinion, it is a special art that requires special skill of writing (or saying), with humour and deep wisdom. It is a very difficult art. Speaking for myself, I am completely devoid of such literary art. Now to ……..

      CONFESSION: I have always been hungry for praise even though, I hasten to add, I give credit to my parents for their effort to satisfy my ‘ego’!!! It is a trait that we all have with varied intensity. That is why when some bloggers irresponsibly label or insult others cruelly, the consequential effect in the end is devastating to ALL of us – because, it creates divisiveness with hatred, instead of understanding and camaraderie. Now to….

      Let us consider the following items before answering the above question:
      1.Call for unity >>>It has been exhausted already;
      2.Call for ‘Independence’>>>It has been achieved against colossal sacrifice,for what it is worth;
      3.Call for Liberty>>> It is already exhausted;
      4.Call for justice >>>ditto , as above
      5.Call for democracy>>>It has already been addressed ad nausea;
      6.Call for bravery, determination, valour, superiority, መን ከማና >>>we have done that too;
      7.Call for Issayas & Co to vacate their posts >>>It has been exhausted (with savage polemics too, instead of direct action)

      Where do we go from here?
      Why do we waste so much energy writing articles and commentaries on the Internet (as I am doing now)?
      Now to ……

      We have plenty of time in our hands; or
      We need to occupy ourselves with something to do for pastime; or
      We need to feel good for writing and pasting our names on the Internet; or
      We are hungry for recognition of some sort (perhaps having failed to get it from our profession (occupation) in Life. Finally to …….

      Is it possible that we are after all incapable of defining our common goal? If so, we might as well call the ‘game’ off and revert back to our existence in tranquillity under external forces as we did for years…and years…and years. In any case, no one in this wide world will take away the glorious name ERITREA from us. Thus, we are happy.
      THE END

  • fysh April 27, 2015

    he left his country. That should sad news really. But the million $ question is why? and I answer,its been a while since DIA driving our country from bad to worse and this guy like many others before him have every right to seek a better life else where that suits him fine. It should not be a news though. I congrats him and wish all the best and be safe but it does not surprise me what he did. Frankly I am surprised what he was waiting for till now? We have been robbed of our country, identity, respect…hell we been robbed of ourselves because of these worse enemy of us (HIGDEF). So let us forget debating about who left the country. Lets work on how to get rid off Issayas and his gangs

    • Simon G. April 28, 2015

      የቐንየለይ ትምኒት። ብዘይ ገለ ነገር ‘ኳ ስድራኺ ትምኒት ኣይበልኹን? ለባም ሓፍቲ ምርካብና ድማ ኣዝዩ ዘሕጉስ ‘ዩ። ሎምስ ምስ ጫማይ ከይሓደርኩ ኣይተርፍን!
      ኣቶ ረዘን:
      ናትና ነገር ክዝክር: “ገንዘብ-ገንዘብ” ትብል ተዋስኦ ናይ መሃንዘል ተዘክረኒ። ንሱ ምስ ሃብተመ: መልኣከ ሞት መጺኡ: ተበገስ ይብሎ። ንዓዲ ኩሉና ማለት ‘ዩ። ሕጂ ምስ ሓለፈለይ? ናበይ? ድማ ይብ: መሃንዘል።
      ናትና ነገር ድማ: ሕጂ ናጽነት ረኺብና ኢልና ፌስታና ከይወዳእና: እዚ ኩሉ ተርእዮታት? ስጊንጥር ዶ ክብሎ መስተንክር? ንስኻ መስክር/ምስክር። ናይ ሓንቲ ዓባይ ገረብ ፍረ ወነንቲ ከይኮና ‘ኳ ደው ኮይኑ። እህምምምምምም…….

      • rezen April 29, 2015

        Greetings! Simon G,
        Let us start with humour–invaluable ingredient of Life. When I read your: “‘ ሎምስ ምስ ጫማይ ከይሓደርኩ ኣይተርፍን!” I burst into laughter because it triggered a memory of a story of a long, long time ago in a far, far away land. Here is just the skeleton version of the story. It happened in a boarding high school. A student bought new pair of shoes, for the first time–-a bit tight but would do. He literally went to bed wearing his new shoes,innocently heeding the advice of his naughty school mates!!! When the story is told with all the essential ingredients (ቕመም) added [from the beginning to the consequential agonizing pain on his feet the next morning; to the local lotion the naughty boys suggested as a result of the tightness…….] one can’t help rolling with uncontrollable laughter, resulting in stomach aches. I leave it to your imagination. OK, END of Humour

        Turning to the serious matter that you raised, it is fundamental and very complex subject. You pondered: “እዚ ኩሉ ተርእዮታት? ስጊንጥር ዶ ክብሎ መስተንክር? ንስኻ መስክር/ምስክር።” I prefer the expression “መስተንክር”. The term conjures a subject of complex nature that only a depth of research–involving historical, sociological and above all psychological make-up of the people of Eritrea–can do service to your question. Why is Eritrea its own enemy? Why is Eritrea unable to learn from history? Why is Eritrea seems to have the propensity to be against its own interest? We all have our own answers to these questions and more but alas they are based only on EMOTION rather than on indigenous accumulated wisdom, and/or upon sober educated research and analysis. Do we listen to our elders ኣቦታት? Does Eritrea have ‘modern’ scholars of depth? I prefer not answer those daring question

        So, Simon, I am sure you noted that after some 140 words above of going round and round (ሸንኮለል,) I admit, I wound-up saying absolutely NOTHING! So, your call for “መስክር/ምስክር” is still hanging for a credible witness (ምስክር). I am afraid you will have to wait for a little longer (in terms of years).

        Having said that, I would like to narrate a little story: A couple of years back, over twenty Eritrean scholars of the highest degree in various professions wrote a lengthy letter to President Issayas Afewerki, with a copy to each member of his cabinet. The polite message is to point out that things are not going well in Eritrea and that something should be done about it. That is the core idea of the respectful letter.

        Now, think about it! These are the most highly educated personalities that a country can be proud to have; who have gone through so many books of varied subjects; who are conversant of geopolitics and world affairs; who are conscious of, and able to decipher, the problems in their own country. And yet, they had no clue, what so ever, who Issayas Afewerki is! I don’t want to say the other possibility! In any case, what happened to their analytical minds? It is truly hard to believe that such highly educated scholars would THINK that a simple few-pages of a letter would turn Issayas Afewerk into a magnanimous little saint of a President. It is mind boggling!

        And so, Simon G, I come to the end with your insightful comment: “እትዝዓበየ ጌጋ …. እቲ ፈላጥ ነቲ ዘይፈላጥ ከም ፈላጥ ክቕበሎ ምስጀመረ ‘ዩ። እቲ ጠንቂ: ኢሳያስ ከም ፈላጥ ምቕራቡ ኣይኮነን። የግዳስ እቶም ልዕሊኡ ምኩራትን ፈላጣትን: ንዕኡ ከም ብጹእ ምውሳዶም ‘ዩ። ብድሕሪኡ ዝተረፈ የለን። “ Indeed!

        And if I may add: That is where your other expression fits very well: “ስግንጥር”. How else can one explain the BIZARRE way of addressing the problem of Eritrea by such highly educated scholars? Correct me, please, if I use the term incorrectly. It is never late to learn. That is how we learn our own language that we abandoned a long time ago with the arrival of modern “civilized” education and consequently insidious inferiority complex –though we prefer to camouflage it by pretentious ‘superiority’ complex!!!I pray assenna Monitor wouldn’t penalize me for the length of my commentary.
        THE END

        • Simon G. May 2, 2015

          Prof rezen,
          It is wonderful explanation, as usual!
          On that last item: “insidious inferiority complex –though we prefer to camouflage it by pretentious ‘superiority’ complex!!!” – may be we do this because “ዕውርቲ በልያ ከይቅደምትኪ ድዩ ዝበሃል ሓቀይ?”
          For instance; we know that America is much powerful than Eritrea (don’t laugh), but we believe this is not true. How absurd can it be? Sometimes I feel that we may be living in a parallel universe.

  • samrawit April 28, 2015

    ብሓቂ ብመጀመርየ እንቃዕ ብደሓን ገላገለካ ፣፣ እዞም ተስፋ ዘቁርጽ ርኢቶታት ዝህቡ ዘለዉ የእዱግ ዲያስፖራስ ከኣ እዝኒ ኣይተሃቦም ወሃብ ሓወይ ፣፣ ነዊሕ ዓመታት ከም ጋዜጠኛ ኣብ ትሕቲ ህግደፍ ምስራሕካ ዘሐዝን እካ እንተኾነ ፣፣ ንብድሕሪ ሕጂ ትቀዉም ናጻን ዲሞክራሳዊት ሃገርን ንምህናጽ እጃምካ ከተበርክት ጥራይ እየ ዝላበወካ ፣፣ ምኽንያቱ ንስኻ ከም ጋዜጠኛ መጠን ኩሉ ፖለቲካዊን ማሕበራዊን ኩነታት ትፈልጥ ሰብ ብሙኻንካ ፣፣

  • Teclay April 29, 2015


    You said “ብሓቂ ብመጀመርየ እንቃዕ ብደሓን ገላገለካ ፣፣ እዞም ተስፋ ዘቁርጽ ርኢቶታት ዝህቡ ዘለዉ የእዱግ ዲያስፖራስ ከኣ እዝኒ ኣይተሃቦም”

    Why did you decided to describe them as የእዱግ because they have different opinion on the news item.I my self do not congratulate for living his country and i do not criticize him either.
    Please do not use this adjective(የእዱግ).Do you now this adjective was used intensively by our Ghedli generation brothers ,to convince the mass that we Eritreans were advanced ppl if not for the back ward -የእዱግ Ethiopians…Yes i mean it.But the last few years i haven’t heard it .It seems the mass to have understood quietly.
    Please sister do not insult your brothers and tolerant.

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