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ኣባላት ጸጥታ ህግደፍ ካብ ገያሾ ገንዘብ ይልምኑ

ኣብ መዓርፎ ነፈርቲ ኣስመራ ተመዲቦም ዝሰርሑ ኣባላት ጸጥታ ህግደፍ ካብ ገያሾ ገንዘብ ከም ዝልምኑ ምንጭታት ካብ’ታ ከተማ ሓቢሮም፡፡ እቶም ኣባላት ጸጥታን ኢመግረሽንን ካብ ወጻኢ ናብ ኣስመራ ንዝኣትውን ካብ’ታ ከተማ ንዝወጽኡን ኣብ ተርሚናል ደው ብምባል “

ኣብ መዓርፎ ነፈርቲ ኣስመራ ተመዲቦም ዝሰርሑ ኣባላት ጸጥታ ህግደፍ ካብ ገያሾ ገንዘብ ከም ዝልምኑ ምንጭታት ካብ’ታ ከተማ ሓቢሮም፡፡ እቶም ኣባላት ጸጥታን ኢመግረሽንን ካብ ወጻኢ ናብ ኣስመራ ንዝኣትውን ካብ’ታ ከተማ ንዝወጽኡን ኣብ ተርሚናል ደው ብምባል “ እንታይ ደኣ ገለ’ባ በልና( በሉና)” ብምባል ውርዙይ ብዝመስል ልመና ንገያሾ ከም ዘሸግሩን ካብ ነፍስወከፍ ገያሻይ ዘጠራቐምዎ ገንዘብ ብሓባር ከም ዝማቐልዎን ምንጭታትና ብተወሳኺ ሓቢሮም፡፡ ጉጅለ ህግደፍ ነቲ ብኣባላት ግዱድ ኣገልግሎት ዝተዓብለለ ኣብያተ ጽሕፈት ውሱን ባጀትን ደሞዝን ስለዘይሰልዐን ንናብራኡ ዝመጣጠን ደሞዝ ስለዘይከፍልን፡  ህዝቢ ብክብሪ መነባብሮ ተጸጊሙ ከምዘሎን ብልሽውና ካብ’ቲ ዝለዓለ ሹመኛ ክሳብ’ቲ ዝተሓተ ኣገልጋሊ ኣስፋሕፊሑ ኣብ መንጎ ርኹባትን ስኡናትን ዘሎ ጋግ ገፊሑ ኣብ’ታ ሃገር ቁጠባውን ፖለቲካውን ቅልውላው ተፈጢሩ ኣሎ፡፡

Review overview
  • Nsane November 3, 2015

    Buzuh ayngerem;
    Eti tsgem eti zeykales n meselu eyu
    Mlman; mktital; kbretka mishat …..teafinka mnbar lomi leli kulu siratat geninu alo
    emo entay ygeber nhna nleflif
    Eseyas dima mot natum nay Eritrea motn hanti mealti kikonalu ytseir alo.
    nhna dima nleflif

  • abi November 3, 2015

    We all did our “SAWA” training Services and agelglot. I would like to suggest that, all the PFDJ members living abroad should do also the same.
    Please, PFDJ call all your members in Diaspora to do their “SAWA” training and for sometime their “Agelglot”!!!!??? This country belongs also to them.

    I hope, they will do this.

  • selam November 3, 2015

    No one knows the reason for asking the passengers for money?

    • Zeray November 3, 2015

      Selam- You said, “No one knows the reason for asking the passengers for money?” People beg because they don’t have enough.
      Haba Hibey yigebir- Eritrean proverb. English- Begging turns you into a monkey!! It is not within us to beg as Eritreans, but this government worked hard and made everyone one to work extra hard to achieve poverty for most, and achieve wealth for the top military juntas. Well done PFDJ!!!

  • ertra n ertrawyan November 3, 2015

    definitely they always ask money from passengers. This was heard long years ago.

  • yolan November 3, 2015

    Amanuel the day is coming…

  • mosa November 3, 2015

    እንታይ ድዩ እቲ ጸገም መሲሉኩም፡ ኣብ ምቹእ ሳሎን ኣራጢጥኩም፡ ጠጥዑሙ እንዳበላዕኩም መልሓስኩም እንዳወናጨፍኩም ሓለይቲ ሕዝቢ ክትመስሉ ነቲ ክኢልዎ ዘሎ ሓላፊ ስቅያት ነናሻዕ ከተገማድሕሉን ክትደጋግምሉንሲ እንታይ ኢዩ ዘርብሓኩም ? እንበር እኮ ብ ናይ ኤርትራውያን ዝመስል ኣስማት እንዳተጠቀምኩም ዝኾነን ዘይኮነን ነገራት ከተሳውሩ ትህቅኑ ዘለኹም ሲ እቲ ለባም ዝኾነ ሕዝብና በ ዋድቓ ጽሕፈትኩምን ቃላትኩምን እንበዓል ኣይተ….. ምዃንኩም ቆብ ስለ ዘበለኩም ሸለል ኢሉኩም ኣሎ። ኣናፍራ ቆቃሕ ዘይፈልጥሲ ኣይሃዳናይን፡፡፡

    • Merhawi November 3, 2015

      eti zereba’ha astemaquro emo, eti tsegem krda’aka eyu.

    • hp November 3, 2015

      ኩብር ሞሳ፡
      ኢኒ መዓል ኣይተ ማለትካ ወያንየ ማለትካ ድዩ? ወያንየ
      ዝሓዙ ሒዞም ሙሉኦ ሃገረ ኢትዮጲያ ዘማሓድሩ ዘለዉ ኢዮም።ድሓር ከኣ ንወያንየን ሻዕቢያን ብምንታይ ትፈልዮም
      ኢቲ ጉዕዞ ሰውራ ሓላሊኾም ከይእክል ናይ ይምሰል
      ውግእ ከፊቶም ሞያ ልማኖን ሹርሙጥናን ከም ዘንገሱ
      መን ኣሎ ዘይፈልጥ? ሕጂ’ሞከኣ ግደፎ ናብ ፍጹም
      ዕዳጋ ኾላሊት— ንስኻ’ውን ብቃላትካ ፈሊጠካ ስለ
      ዘለኽ ምሕረት የውርደልካ።

      • Wedibashai November 3, 2015

        Most of the time, I try to skip giving comment, but I found hp’s reply to most as a very interesting one. As mosa said, “anafira qoquah…” it belongs back to him, not to those who are voice of the voiceless. Good job hp.

    • Musa November 4, 2015

      ኤርትራውያን ዝመስል ኣስማት እንዳተጠቀምኩም
      እንበዓል ኣይተ….. ምዃንኩም ቆብ ስለ ዘበለኩም
      If you post your comments in tesfanews you will be a hero and genuine Eritrean, so don’t waste your time here.

      • hp November 4, 2015

        ወዲ ኣይተ! ከምንብል ኣይጠፋኣካን።ቅድሚ ኣይተታት
        ትግራይ ኣይተታት ኤርትራ ከም ዝነበሩ ዝዘንጋዕካ
        ትመስል።please ask your brain for

        • AHMED SALEH November 5, 2015

          hp said ;
          KIDMI aytetat Tigray aytetat Eritrea kem zineberu aytiresiE.
          I am an Eritrean and I have nothing that connect me with
          your assertion because my origin and ethnicity is pure Eritrean.
          So please speak for yourself without offending our identities .

          • hp November 5, 2015

            I am not offending your eritrean identity including
            Mine too.ግን መታን ክንሰማማዕ ቲግሪኛ
            ቅድሚ ናብ ትግራይ ኣብ ኤርትራ ከም ዝተዘርበ ኣይትፈልጥን ድኻ? ናትካ ethnicity as pure eritrean may be tigre ,saho,denkel ect
            Gin bezilomy ab tigray kem ቋንቃ ይዝረብ ኢዩሞ” እይተ” ፈቲኻ ጰሊኢካ ናትና ኢዩ።ያ! ኢብነ- ሓላል ብዕዘክ ከቲር።

  • winna November 3, 2015

    that is true

  • selamawit2 November 3, 2015

    cow face, shimka nabey keydu?

    teclay, shimka nabey keydu?

    kombishato, shimka nabey keydu?

    ummo “geshu” dey jihisheka kab “Mihret Woldu”, “Yitebrek S.” gele mele!

  • Gano November 3, 2015

    Eritrea is a new nation endowed with abundant natural resources and with the right leaders in charge
    it would soon rise to highly developed industrialized nation working in good cooperation and integration with
    all her African neighbors and also with the outside world. What’s happening is just a temporary set backs that
    every new and young nation goes through testing time but all will be over come soon and there won’t be any more dramas.

  • Kidane Canada November 3, 2015

    It is sad and unfortunate to see and learn that with the gedli generation taking over every imaginable position, everything has fallen apart in today’s Eritrea.
    Incompetence has become the normal trade mark of Higdefs. Now, they can’t even provide the most rudimentary kind of services such as water and electricity to Eritreans all over the country.
    Yet, this gedli generation had the audacity to refer to the Haile Selassie era as that of colonial oppression as it started it’s gedli journey. What should we call their brutal oppression on our people so far?
    In every aspect in the 50s and 60s under Haile Selassie reign the peasants were full owners of their land and its products, of their village and its institutions; of their families, of their religion, of their traditions, etc. The government’s invasive presence was as light as it could possibly get, with minimal taxation imposed on the peasants. And when it came to providing services, such as schools, police, malaria-prevention and roads, it would compete with the best of Africa at the time. What next for poor Eritrea?

    • selamawit2 November 4, 2015

      Geshu aka 100 names,
      – they “only”annected the whole country,
      – they “only” took away the power of eriteans in Eritrea,
      – they “only” did not want the people but loved the country,
      – they “only” killed people who were too educated,
      – they “only” wanted to avoid that we don’t speak amharegna
      – they only passed pregnant eritrean mothers to be used as guinea pig for russian medical/surgical experiments
      – they only killed eritrean people because they dared to demonstrate peacefully for justice.

      how can eritreans be so thankless to the “nice” former ethiopian oppressors???

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