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  • Nebiat Habte April 12, 2012

    Well I am not sure how much the PFDJ mafia will clear after paying expenses. They may end up with a couple hundred dollars. While no small change it is a drop in the the bucket. It’s main goal may have been to keep these young men and women under their spell with empty patriotism and and lies. Which they seem to be doing a great job. What the Shifta thugs fail to realize many Eritreans have seen it with their own eyes and have horror stories after another It is now just a matter of time before this nasty dictatorship licks the dust. He is after all human and he will follow the foot steps of his former friends in crime. Most Horn Countries now outperform Eritrea in economy. Isn’t it the reason he has his thugs all over Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan etc.. The Weyane will soon either invade and topple him or something will give. But Eritrea is done. It will take another 30 to 40 years to undo the damages this criminal has caused. Sadly there is too much of blood blood for people to move on. He has poisoned and divided the people. People can not trust each other. Nothing can be done unless you know someone or bribe your way. There will be settlements of counts. So Eritrea will become just like the rest of failed African states.

  • Elssa April 12, 2012

    ክቡራት አዳለውቲ አሰና
    እተቅርብዎ አጽሑፋት ኮነ ድንጺ አሰና ቅድሚ ሕጂ ብቀሊሉ ይንበብን ይስማዕን ነይሩ። ሕጂ ግን ዘማሓየሽኩም መሲሉኩም ‘ቲ ጽሑፍ አይንበብ (አብ ካልአይ ገጽ ንምኻድ የሽግር) ቲ ድመጺ ድማ የቆራረጽ። ስለ’ዚ ናይ ቀደምኩም የሓይሽ ” ንፍዕቲ እንተበልዋስ መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ ሓጸበት” ድዮም ዝበሉ ‘ቶም ጎረባበትና!

    • Asmeret April 13, 2012

      Anti haftna xegemki bsnesrat ab kindi tinegryomsi akachach dma wesiklom, ab kndi msgana. mesakin btirayu nay zegelgeluki haxebti mexhaf dawit gierkyom. Eritrawit malet, kidmna zilemede mechem misgana ayfeltin iyu wala melhasu nay kedami iyu koynu iyu ziterf. ymharena

      • Elssa April 13, 2012

        “netekerebo kegage kello tegage aloka enteilkayo fetawiu ikka ember zelaeu aykonkan keyaremkayo suke enteilka gen zelaiu ikka”. slzefetwom eye dema amehayeshu zebelkewom. amehayesh tegage aloka malet tserfi aykonen.
        Beruk mealti nekulena

        • SINGAPO - ERITREAN April 14, 2012

          I agree ,but ,it sounded like you were throwing a bomb on a bee. There is civilized way of saying it.

          Beruk mealti nekulena

  • Cambo April 12, 2012

    ዘኸበርካ ምክኤል፤
    ዘቕረብካዮ ኣሃዛዊ ገንዘባዊ ጸብጻብ ኣኼባ ህግደፍ ኣብ ሽወደን ዝነኣድ እዩ። እዚ ድማ ዘርእዮ፣ እዞም ተለኣኽቲ ህግደፍ ምስቶም ብጥሜት ሃሩርን ቁርን ዝሳቐዩ ዘለዉ መንእሰያት ኤርትራ ዘይራኸቡ ምዃኖም እዩ።
    ብቐንዱ፣ ከምዚ ዓይነት ኣኼባታት ዝካየድ ንስምን ዝናን የማነ ማንኪ ኣብ ልዕሊ ካለኦት ክብ ንምባል ተባሂሉ እዩ። እምበር፣ እዚ ኹሉ ገንዘብ ወጺኡ፣ ምስሊ ኤርትራ ኣብ ኣውሮጳ ዘመሓይሽ ኣይኮነን፤ ኮይኑ ከማን፣ ነቲ ክፉእ ምስሊ ኤርትራን ስርዓት ኣስመራን ዘዘክር እዩ። ንኣቶ ዳዊት ይሳቕን መሓዙትን ን 12 ዓመታት ኣሲራ፤ ኤርትራ ነቲ ገኒኑ ዘሎ ክፉእ ምስላ ክትቅይሮ ዘይሕሰብ እዩ።

    • Cambo April 12, 2012

      እቲ ሕቶ፣ ካብ ብሂል ኣባሓጎታትና ተለቂሕካ ከምዚ ምዃኑ እዩ፤
      “ሽወደን ቀኒኻ፤ እንታይ ኣምጻእካ?”

      • Zeray April 12, 2012

        Are you kidding, they have completed their eighth successful meeting. PFDJ loves the country but hates the people. They have strengthened their position how to deny people freedom of speech, freedom of assembly. They say, they have a belief in the PFDJ cult. They are never wrong and their master never makes any mistakes.

        Whereas, Ethiopia is playing the best winning game I have ever seen. They are actively welcoming any Eritrean who wants to be part of their society. The youth, who are supposed to be the strength of Eritrea especially are welcome any time. This kindness and smart politics is similar to the break through Meles did in 1999 through Barentu.

        PFDJ will continue to be vindictive, disrespectful, atrocious towards their own people, neighbors and the world. For this is their politics. This hard line heartless attitude towards their own people and the world will result in their demise.

  • April 12, 2012

    You have a good idea for bring this to here but you have miss the point. Why are you against the leadership of Eritrea? If you are picking fight for everything what HGDF is doing you are going to lose. You need to make your political stand clearly to the people of Eritrea inside the country and in diaspora. There is good, bad and ugly side of HGDF that we need to talk about to bring change in Eritrea. Having YPDJF is one of the best thing this leadership have done for our young people. what we have to do is to involve in this kind meeting and have our voice heard. These young kids have strong connection with their country and with the country they reside. These are the people who can bring change to the country but we should be part of their organization to bring change in Eritrea. I think this is one of the organization that we can bring change in Eritrea.

    • April 13, 2012

      Haha…you are being dumb smart. How does anybody talk to Isayas without being imprisoned or killed ? There is no venue .The last thing any dictator want is to be dictated after all he is the dictator.

      • Hagos April 13, 2012

        jonas-1923 AGAME SAHSAH. KONDAF.KOMAL.

        • M I April 13, 2012

          Weskhelu, whhidwo’lo.

        • April 13, 2012

          I don’t know why you use the A word when the topic has nothing to do with them, I am very happy you are angry, that means I am doing my job.

          • Hagos April 13, 2012

            because you are AGAME who dinning and wining with our Enemies as simple as that!!!. We Eritreans are in the transition of making History.

          • April 13, 2012

            You sure are making history, you kuku , you will make history by creating one big real estate (Eritrea)owned by one man called Isayas. I know your English is poor, get somebody to read this for you. And you call yourself Eritrean, you are Sheabia first and Eritrean second,

        • Zeray April 13, 2012

          Hagos,- I am not sure you deserve a reply. But let me tell you, to be “KONDAF” to be “KOMAL” can be cured with medication and cleaned with soap and water. The problem is when your brain is like it is, it is very hard to cure and clean.

          • aman April 13, 2012

            zeray ,try with Clorox it may clean the rust brain.

    • Amanuel April 13, 2012

      YOu have good point, unfortunately PFDJ is gathering the young for his image not for the country. For start they have to change the name from YPFDJ if they want others to be involve. If PFDJ cares about youth and their future they would have treated the youth back home the same they are treating the diaspora. You recommended to be involve in their meeting, for your information..some of Eritrean youth in Sweden try to attended the meeting but they were rejected because the youth are not in PFDJ good list.

      • April 14, 2012

        We are Eritrean first. We should not label any indivisual Eritrean with his political believes. These young kids went to this meeting because they love their country. These is the organization that will connect them to their people it does not matter what the name of the organization is. They go there because this is the only positive organization that connect them with their friends and people. If we want to bring change to Eritrea we have to go to their meeting as an Eritreans and have debate about our views because we all live in free country that has democracy and we all have some kind understanding of democracy in the west. We can bring talking point to the meeting but if we do not involve ourselves we will not make any change.

  • Mr. T April 13, 2012

    aye Ertrawian meguhayti. I rarely visit the website, and when I do, it is only because the rotten opposition supporter are somehow making the most disgusting and morally corrupted comments about the Eritrean youth are on the side of the PFDJ regime. Today, I had my first visit in a long time, and I could not believe my eyes what I saw. If those who oppose the regime had the guts to emulate the organizational efficiency of the regime’s supporters, the situation in Eritrea would have changed a long time ago. I am sure many of the skunks commenting on this site are going to call me many names for telling the bitter truth, but that is expected because that all they know.

    Eritrea’s chronic illness is not solely due to the PFDJ regime. It has a lot to do with the incurable disease of the aimless opposition groups and their myopic supporters. Sadly, PFDJ will rule Eritrea until the rotten opposition groups become history and a new generation of Eritreans take over. The world has never seen a dictatorial regime being changed simply by a bunch of useless and ineffective opposition groups. It requires dedication, integrity and respect to your own people even if they happen to support the regime.

    • April 13, 2012

      You are right, the rigime is so sufficent ,it exports 1000 refugees to next door countries every month, if success is measured by how many people are fleeing the country( including you by the way) then Isayas has been very successful,

      • M I April 13, 2012

        may I invite you to see by your own eyes.
        Well, I admit, including you, hundreds of xahxahti are against the incredible government of Eritrea. Out of this hundreds, I assure you, none of you is willing to give his life to what you believe. Just writing on the key board of a computer.

        Do you think the Eritrean people with the leader ship of Hizbawi gnbar get the independence being in an office or by writing on the key board. Its dream.

        Anyway, its now 20 years since you guys saying hizbawi gibar is at its last stage. Well, there is no one live for ever in this world. And our leaders are now thanks to GOD they are almost at their pension age. I don’t understand for how long you guys are going to say the “last stage”? Now it is up to us, the new generation, to defend Eritrea kabkhum kabzom xahxahti kede’at.

        • Amanuel April 13, 2012

          The difference between you (the supporters) & us is that you believe what ever PFJD say. In other word you are being brainwashed. In other hand we think with our brain not Yemane or Isias’ brains. Stop living in the past..thing has changed..the real Hizbawi Ginbar (who most of them are languishing in prison for over 11 years) liberated Eritrea. Eritrea is now a playing ground for yemane & likes no wonder Weyane is deep inside 18K. If the real Hizbawi Ginbar is still there weynae will not have stepped in Eritrea land. What now is Yemane & Like to save eritrea

        • weldu April 13, 2012

          Arkey atahasasiba nay 80`s eyu zelo emo update gibero. Eritrea is under dictator ayte issayas afeworki agame.

    • Tef April 14, 2012

      We Eritreans, we do not have oppositions, we have only enemy (woyane)

      • April 14, 2012

        Did you mean to say we Eritreans have only one enemy whose name is Isayas.

    • SINGAPO - ERITREAN April 14, 2012

      Mr T
      Generally speaking ,your analysis scores “A”,…when it comes to organized opposition. I said it before…One has to have more love for the people than more resentment /hatred towards Isaias or his click.
      People will always go to the efficient one ,As much as I abhor EPLF/PFDJ/MUDADA,
      …you can not compare it´s efficient & organized manner of doing things ,with the toothless opposition.,,the opposition can not even administer a LEMONADE STAND ,let alone a country .The PFDJ´s efficiency reminds me of the Mexican Cartels…except the cartels not snatch a poor mother´s kid for aimless & useless border much as I find the cartels disgusting ….they go after competetion & successful people.which is not good ,but ,one can not compare the crimes of MUDADA ,however ,I agree with you ,We are more responsible ,more than PFDJ ,for the plight of Eritrean people.

  • April 13, 2012

    How is YPFDJ financing the 500000 USD? From their concerts, from donations of higdef parents, from their own pockets, but but but mainly from the EU. THE EU gives YPFDJ about half a million every year. this is untill EU finds out what YPFDJ is all about.

  • Baraee April 13, 2012

    This reminds me when the desperate derge dictator Mengistu made this big festival to commemorate his party leadership while people were dying of hunger in Ethiopia.

    It is a sign of desperation. Hizbawigenbar was so frugal you accounted for a needle ab meda….now it is madness and out of control behaviour….It is intended to distract the youth movement.

  • Cambo April 13, 2012

    No matter how hard Yemane Monkey works, he can not change the tarnished image of Hgdef’s Eritrea. Eritrea is still the largest generator of political refugees. Eritrea has the largest number official and non official prisons.
    Eritrea is still home to the largest number of journalist prisoners in this planet, including ato Dawit Issaak, the Swedish Eritrean publisher jailed since 2001.
    Eritrea is also home of the largest number of elslaved prisoners and asylum seekers overseas in Sudan, Yemen, Dijibouti, Libya, Egypt, Tunisian Saudi …

  • bhabla April 13, 2012

    aye halayat denakur this was the meeting of eritreans by eritreans and by the eritreans fund to unite and save the country .
    natatkum ( BAYTO AWASSA) ENTAY KBEHAL EYU a meeting of weyanane and eritreans ORGANAIZED by the WEYANE AND WEYANE FUND to disintegrate the country. it is surprising

    • ahmed saleh April 13, 2012

      You are a little confused in here, people of BAYTO AWASSA are trying to fight for
      their people’s right to live free inside their country and you guys are fighting to
      protect the land only. If Weyane propose to take the people in exchange of land
      and Issayas agreed, it does not surprise me if you support him.

    • weldu April 13, 2012

      “Save the country”? from what? when? where? how? Are you willing to give your blood for Eritrea? ahahaa tsaHtsaHi….kedem bi nay europe passport gerka hadimka aleka….amaedika alen alena tiblu…..tog ms belet dima nibretka hizka hidma….we have seen with our EYES WHEN ASMARA WAS BOMBED BY ETHIOPIA in first werar….

  • Amanuel April 13, 2012

    There is to many conflicts between the oppositions & Isias is taking advantage of it. For example Eritrean Youth reported they have successfully called over 10K inside Eritrea using Rob call. In my opinion this is a big accomplishment. Many of the opposition websites including assenna didn’t report about the news. I found the news in Ethiopia Forum (in the forum the Ethiopians were admiring the method used). The same Youth are scheduling to have conference in DC, again you don’t see any advertisement in opposition websites. Imagine if the conference was for PFDJ youth, the supporters websites would have flush advertisement everywhere. The opposition should help each other if they have to get rid of Isias other wise..the dictator will not go anywhere anytime soon if they continue the same path.