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ካብ ተሞኩረይ ዘስተብሃልኩሉ ጉዳይ እንተሃልዩ፡ ኣብ ፖሎቲካ እንነጥፍ ኤርትራዉያን ዜጋታት መብዛሕትኡ ጊዝያት ኣብ ፍጻሜታትን
ሳዕቤናት ስለነተኩር፡ ብጎኒ ዝመጸና ሓደገኛ ፖሎቲካዊ ንጥፈታት ኣይነተኩረሉን ኢና። ኣብ ዚ እዋናት እዚ ኣዝዮም ዓበይቲ ንጥፈታት
ኣብ ፖሎቲካዊ ዳይነሚክስ ኤርትራ ይካየዱ እንዳሃለዉ፡ ኣቶኩረና ኣብዚ ሓድሽ ዓመት ኣብ ክልተ ጉዳያት ተጸሚዱና ኣሎ። ንሳተን
ጉዳይ ስደተ

Review overview
  • sarah January 26, 2014

    No Afar Eritrean wants to separate from Eritrea. They love Eritrea, they are led by Afar administrator and sultan of Rehaita. this so called exiled government is concocted by the woyane them selves. Eritrean and Ethiopian Afars hate Ethiopians Afarswhich they call them dirty habeshis.

    • Musa January 26, 2014

      geje your comment is loaded but be assured the Afar is not ashamed of his identity or history as some may think. you will never see an Afar abandoning his own sister to slavery or an Afar hating himself or any habesha nor would an Afar burn or trash his own Afar language so much to trash it.

      Geje on January 25, 2014 said:

      Thanks God the Afar is not a rootless Arabist who is ashamed to speak in his own language. Though the Afar had lived for generations only fifty kilometers from the Arab across the Red Sea, the proud Afar did not burn his own language, history or heritage.

      The proud Afar did not act stupid or retard like the idiot who went to Keren from Wukro – Tigray or the retard who went to Iraq and came back to Keren to burn the Bilen and Tigre languages to Hoodwink the Kerenites to speak in Arab language only.

      The Afar is not ashamed to be Eritrean or Ethiopian, he wants the respect of his own true identity and history. Thanks God the Afar has a pride in his identity. The Afar is very comfortable in his own African and Afar identity.

      • Khalighe January 26, 2014

        “Thanks God the Afar is not a rootless Arabist who is ashamed to speak in his own language. Though the Afar had lived for generations only fifty kilometers from the Arab across the Red Sea, the proud Afar did not burn his own language, history or heritage.”

        Musa, bokre … aka Ghebrehawariat

        Who told you that non-Afars in Eritrea are ashamed of their language ?.
        Do you speak any of these languages ?

        You are angry at Eritrean Muslims because Hailesellasie’s attempts to annihilate them from the face of earth failed.
        Thanks God the occupiers remained buried on the land they were burning with diabolic brutality. And those who justify their crimes, (you are one of them) and insult the victims are fighting a war they lost long ago. Although, many ‘tewlige’s’ have learned the local a language and integrated, I don’t know why you are still dreaming about “mama Ethiopia” ?

        • Tio January 27, 2014

          you are proudly happy that the Afar did not burn his own language. 🙂

    • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis January 27, 2014

      Anti sara, the Afar people are not like tigrigna speaking who insult thier brothers.
      what youare saying is wrong, I have always asked Afars they are one people and they ridpect each other.
      Don’t insult the Afar people they are not ignorant like some one who insult his Brother
      I am sure you are from kebessa

  • Tamrat Tamrat January 26, 2014

    Is that the reason they Draw a Colonial border and Call themselves ethiopians and eritreans and keep the border by 200,000 soldiers? Hoops! It is not them, it is you hgdef have done that! Looser!

  • zemat rzun January 26, 2014

    I dont think they are goin to do it

  • halengi January 26, 2014

    mighty men mukanka tegetemka weyane iti tidelyo thehefka weyal

    • MightyEmbasoyra January 26, 2014

      First you should spend some to time to learn how to write. Second, HGDF is weyane. How? It is lead by woyane. Since I am not HGDF member, I am not sure what your point is. This is a simple concept. What is preventing you from understanding it. Use your own brain and you will see how simple it is.

  • SAVING YOUNG ERITREANS January 26, 2014

    I am not primarily for land but for people,all Eritrean people & as a “main stream” Tigrinya ethnic ,I do not want to tell others how to live or to force my fake nation on them .But,and this is not a rhetorical question,”UNDER WHAT MANDATE DID SOUTH SUDAN SECEDE FROM THE MOTHERLAND” ???..I do not believe there is colony factor here, so could DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF AFAR also get it’s independence from the repressive Eritrean Tigrinya dominant state ??? People ,before you raise your spears & Kalashinkove’s towards me ,I am not making the case for Afar state nor am I arguing for it to secede ,I am just inquiring if the South Sudan case also applies to the massacred Afar State’s population or we ,the Tigrinya (the new Amharas)tell the Afars ,shut up & have the same solution like we do ??????

    Truimph to the Afar people & state whether they stay within our map or not !!!
    Down with the majority silence to the Afar massacre !!!

  • Tesfai Tekie January 26, 2014

    Dear Dawit Meconnen,

    So an intelligent person, but your assertions are regrettably filled with silly platitudes about Tigray and its people. In that respect, you sound no better than the illiterate Hgdef goons, who try to “defame” the Opposition to Isaias’ tyranny as “Agame” and Weyane-sponsored. Any Eritrean should be aware that Tgrawot are not only our neighbors but also our brethren in every aspect of human relationship. And thanks God, neither they nor we have inflicted upon one another any havoc of historical magnitude as to be portrayed inimical toward each other. “Libi Tigray twiyway, or Aasha Hamashienay”, etc. are just nuances and superficial stereotypes, and do not emanate from any meaningful historical animosity toward one another.

    We’re not going to solve any problem by labeling Isaias and his minions as Tgrawot or as sharing with Weyane one of the two sides of the same coin. That’s a conspiracy phantasy, a chimera, if you please. These people are indeed Eritreans, and to be fair, they have proven their Eritreanness with their soul, blood and sweat. I cannot understand what your description of Eritreanness is.

    What we’re against is their socio-political attitude that has diminished our beautiful country into an obscure kingship and subjected our patriotic people into mere bondage, devoid of the most elementary rights as human beings, not to speak of all the advantages the modern world has to offer. This, my friend, has nothing to do with being of Eritrean, Tigrayan, Ethiopian, Nigerian, Italian or German national or origin.

    As to the proclamation of an Affar government in exile, the writer has presented a thoroughly studied and timely piece. In my opinion, that doesn’t have to worry us much. The Eritrean people are basically a kinfolk and no ethnic group has neither the desire nor any interest in going its way seperately. Besides, there are norms and frameworks governed by international law and stipulated in UN Charters as well as in regional and supra-regional organisations. Claiming an “independent” Afar state by any group within sovereign Eritrean territory would amount to unprecedented provocation and would be tantamount to opening a pandora’s box throughout all of Africa, thus leading to endless chaos in international relations.

    • Khalighe January 26, 2014

      “Besides, there are norms and frameworks governed by international law and stipulated in UN Charters as well as in regional and supra-regional organisations. Claiming an “independent” Afar state by any group within sovereign Eritrean territory would amount to unprecedented provocation and would be tantamount to opening a pandora’s box throughout all of Africa, thus leading to endless chaos in international relations.”

      Tesfai Tekie

      Brother Tesfai,

      The UN Charter and international law may disapprove any infringements on territorial integrity of member States and use of force, but on the ground if you cannot protect yourself, a big neighbor may be a source of troubles to a small country while the world limits itself to condemnation. International interventions depend on political interests of big players, they may even look somewhere else if that is their interest. The world is full of many neglected cases, where the international community has either failed to intervene or just shelved the case. Who cares about Tibet, Kashmir, Palestine, Kurile Islands, Western Sahara …??
      The best way to defend your country is to take care of your people, listen to their grievances and take them out of poverty.
      The Afar like every other group in the country have suffered from Higdef’s dictatorship. The best way to solve their problem is to respect their basic rights.

      • Tamrat Tamrat January 27, 2014

        Bashir has almost missed his sanity when he lost S. sudan. Now he is more than sober after he becaem good friend of isaias. It was isaias who helped most the s.sudan to press Bashir but not all the way to suceed. That is how isaias like it. It doesnt matter how many dies. The important thing is the B a l a n c e. How vindictive Bashir is i have no idea. But this is his task now. To negotiate isaias to the Peace table. isaias now is in his lowst form. no Liberation front to havoc others and he is beaten to Death by his opposition. He is like a pregnant woman With six kids who is turning home to her abuisve father who in the first Place said to her houseband. What does she have as for her argument?

        But what is Bashir is getting out of this? Uniting part of Eritrea to Sudan or the Whole of Eritrea after what ever ethiopia draws where her border is or what? By now we have learnt even the civilized leaders dont do Things With out some interest for their land or their presidency to continue. What it is the Catch for Bashir? The two meters giraf of nakfa has no more tree leaves and the grass is too Law to bend. He would Accept what ever Haile Mariam or Bashir gives him.

        • Tamrat Tamrat January 27, 2014

          who in the first Place said NO to her houseband

  • Truly Truly i say to you January 26, 2014

    MightyEmbasoyra, you said,

    I hate saying that but you claim you are Jesus follower at the same time Ato Dawit M. admirer. Dawit has a huge hatred to the whole people of Tigray”

    Mighty, i do not understand what you mean. Do you mean Jesus hates brother Dawit for defending his motherland and for condemning the Woyanes unhealthy altitude that have towards Eritrea?
    Mr. Mighty, before I talking about Dawit´s reaction, what is your understanding about Jesus?
    Do you mean even though it is written in a book Almighty God Lord Jesus Christ is love, peace and merciful meant Jesus love lairs, killers, treacherous opportunists etc? Never! Who told you God is only the love of God? Indeed to whom continually doing evil, deceptive spirit has and to all God´s truth and widom all time rebelling or dispising , you have to know, ” God is a destroying fire as well.( Hebrews 12, 29)

    When Jesus say love your enemy, be merciful, follow which is peace love etc.. you have no right coruptedly to interpret.
    Indeed if you self be a victim by somone; may you self can give forgiveness to your enemies, but for your agony and wound no other person has right to forgive your enemies.
    That exactly is what Lord Jesus deed in cross. When his enemies betrayed agonized him in cross he gave them forgiveness. But when he found men in side God´s temple selling cattle, sheep and pigeons, and also moneychangers, what he shown was not mercy or love for doing evils , but instead “he made a whip from cords and drove all animals out of the temple, he overturned the tables of the money changers and scattered their coins, and he ordered the men who sold the pigeons, “Take them out of here! Stop making my Father´s house a marketplace!” because the devotion that have Jesus to God´s temple burns in him like fire!was. So you see when God shows love, be merciful; and when God be a destroying fire without mercy?
    But you demonizing brother Dawit for exposing and condemning woyane´s aggression political and economical threat that have policy towards our nation. Do you think in the name of so called border conflict for they had complain and disagreement in currency exchange for they both sides caused senseless war and at a result for perished over 130,000 innocent life both sides are not guilty and we should not to condemn them? Do you think Dawit´s disappointment and hatter is baseless since woyane occupied our sovereign territory, despite the internationally border commission decided final and binding solution?

    • Tamrat Tamrat January 26, 2014

      Hi hgdef jesus, please forgive woyanes! as you created the world and have the Power to do anything please, please, please forgive woyanes. As Your god hgdef created you to forgive Dawit maconin, please forgive woyane too. Amen. and i’m waiting eagerly when hgdef sacrifices the true son of his that is you and then all will be forgiven.

    • MightyEmbasoyra January 26, 2014

      I am not sure what to suggest to you: to completely drop reading the Holy Bible or to re-read it again. Jesus doesn’t preach to hate but to love. If you say otherwise, may be we are not reading the same book.
      You and Dawit M. need to separate Woyane from Tigray. How hard is to see the difference?
      You said about the border war, who started it? It is isayas – if you say otherwise, you are dead wrong. By the way, I have lost dear brothers among many many families. I am not sure if you do.
      I am not sure if you support or oppose HGDF – you are confusing me here. I have asked few questions to Dawit, I would like to see him answering them himself.
      From your writing, you seem to act more catholic than the pope, if you know what I mean.

  • Truly Truly i say to you January 26, 2014

    part 2
    Are you going to tell me woyanes like to see Eritreans in peace and prosperity to live? If that is true, for instance only one reason to mention, why is then atleast after that devastating war instead using Djibouti Ports to which is far and expensive, with whom they didn´t have nothing blood, social cultural relation with strange people by doing business when makeing them richer, why contrarily they making Eritrea economically weaker and why Woyane regime suppose to pay 1. 5 billion dollars for port tax, if you think we are brothers? Because i see when that happened for i writing in above my comment Ethiopians jealous Character are you dare making me lair? Ridiclous! without reason i never say that! And you mean be it I or Dawit are all Woyane haters? Never!
    Even Dawit in whatever form he expeses his diappointment, i do not think because he hate all Tigrians. I my self for instance in one of my comment because i expressed Arabs as are backward, one commentator called Nuredin because wrongly understand me, he rebuke me as if i hate all Arabs? But is that really was the case? Never! Because i very anger by evil did of Bedewein Raschaidas inhuman behavior, by passivity of the Egypt government when see that horrific crime happened inside their teritory because i disappointed was. So does it mean i hate all Arabs? never! I know many as are good Arabs. But that is a normal human being emotion expression. I do not think Dawit´s case also will be different. I am sure as respects and love when see Generous woyanes, there is no reson Dawit not to love them.
    So mighty, please do not make others evil and yourself angle! Finally far or closely who have no relatives with woyane so that we eternally hate Woyanes? But this is politic. In normal right condition if mine or dawit´s love or respect if it is less than yours have for woyanes; may that time you could judge or challenge us; but in this time where there is no peace, honesty and truth! to say there is peace and love halleluya! sorry i did not do that i think Dawit also. No one buys it your fake love preaching ! The reason I and Dawit from our direct Eritrean heart we blaming Woyane is if you understand like in the bible written;
    Insincere talk that hides what you are really thinking is like a fine glaze on a cheap clay pot. (Proverbs 26; 23)
    A hypocrite hides his hate behind flattering words.(Proverbs 26; 24)
    But attention! An open rebuke is better than hidden love (Prov.27; 5)
    because we have this not treacherous heart it is. Not because we have fan to condemn Woyane eternally, or we do not love them!

    • Tamrat Tamrat January 26, 2014

      if you occupy djbouti then 1.5 billions and more will be Your, the jesuss of hgdef. Oh you tried that one too and djbouti still has prisnors of war of eris.

    • Zmeroro January 28, 2014

      Hey guys,

      The topic here is about the “Afar Government in Exile”; it is prudent upon you to discuss what is on the topic and not talk ‘hatew ketew’! Just to contribute to the topic; sometime ago when conditions were OK in Eritrea (before the Ethio – Eritrean war)a group of professionals lead by a PHD holder where visiting the Afar region in Eritrea and when they reached the border area, they inquired about which mountain is in Ethiopia and which one is Eritrean to an Afar guy who was accompanying them. The Afar guy amazingly said to them “Eritrea belwo, Ethiopia belwo’; kulu nay Afar meriet iyu! What a blunt answer!

      Given the overall situation in Eritrea rendering it a failed state that can’t cater for the needs and safety of its people, what is wrong for the Afars in Eritrea to demand secession?

  • Musa January 26, 2014

    geje your comment is loaded but be assured the Afar is not ashamed of his identity or history. you will never see an Afar abandoning his own sister to slavery or an Afar hating himself or any habesha nor would an Afar burn or trash his own Afar language so much to trash it.

    Geje on January 25, 2014 said:

    Thanks God the Afar is not a rootless Arabist who is ashamed to speak in his own language. Though the Afar had lived for generations only fifty kilometers from the Arab across the Red Sea, the proud Afar did not burn his own language, history or heritage.

    The proud Afar did not act stupid or retard like the idiot who went to Keren from Wukro – Tigray or the retard who went to Iraq and came back to Keren to burn the Bilen and Tigre languages to Hoodwink the Kerenites to speak in Arab language only.

    The Afar is not ashamed to be Eritrean or Ethiopian, he wants the respect of his own true identity and history. Thanks God the Afar has a pride in his identity. The Afar is very comfortable in his own African and Afar identity.

  • Tio January 27, 2014

    We should be proud the Afar in the Horn of Africa who have great respect to himself and his values and language. The Afar is a king to himself never sees himself as a slave or Abid of anybody else.

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