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ናይ ሰብ ፍትሒ ኩቢ!

ኣቱም መጣቓዕቲ *ኣተና ዘይብልኩም   *ሓሳብ፡ ዕላማ ነዚ ውፉይ ዜጋ ኮማንዶ ሓርነትኩም በታ ክንቲት ደርሆ መሽረፈት ኣቢልኩም ምስራሕ ክትከልኡዎ ስሙ እናኣጸለምኩም ሰላም ዘይትቡዎ እንታይ እዩ ጌሩኩም!? [gview file=""]  

ኣቱም መጣቓዕቲ *ኣተና ዘይብልኩም   *ሓሳብ፡ ዕላማ

ነዚ ውፉይ ዜጋ ኮማንዶ ሓርነትኩም

በታ ክንቲት ደርሆ መሽረፈት ኣቢልኩም

ምስራሕ ክትከልኡዎ ስሙ እናኣጸለምኩም

ሰላም ዘይትቡዎ እንታይ እዩ ጌሩኩም!?

Review overview
  • love eritrean July 15, 2014

    I just checked the website, and it is not live? this is the sign of the death of the website and its followers. If meskerm is linked with the PFDJ, it is a died website with its followers and leaders. It won’t present any Eritrean. Unfortunately, we are not disrupted by the bad propage of PFDJ.

    PFDJ followers will always clap their hands while their dictator regime Isayas is killing their mum, brothers, sisters and home land. They dance and drink for their beloved sisters and brother death. They won’t regret it, because they are worst than crocodylia.

    We will stand with Assenna for every. It is one of the greatest website, which delivers professional news for the Eritrea. Additionally, it stands with its own people. Further, Assenna has brought one of the top 1 radio interview this year. For example, the interview with our hero Pilot Mr Dejen.

    Mr Dejen is telling you the truth, which is the correct message for every single Eritrean. We need to wake up to save Eritrea and our own Eritrean people. This is the biggest challenge that Eritrea is facing in the last 70 years. This is the right time to face the challenges and remove PFDJ from power with its cheapest followers.

    We need to fight to save Eritrea, because Eritrea is not a country without its own people, you are not Eritrean without your home land Eritrea.

    Long Live Eritrean
    Long Live Amanuel & Assenna
    Long Live Eritrean
    Long Live Amanuel & Assenna
    Long Live Eritrean
    Long Live Amanuel & Assenna
    Long Live Eritrean
    Long Live Amanuel & Assenna Long Live Amanuel & Assenna Long Live Amanuel & Assenna

  • Sorobeti July 15, 2014

    The unnamed writer used the usual language of frustrated PJDJ supporters that use few words of criticism to the regime and concentrate on attacking freedom fighters like Amanuel and mainly post their garbage on meskerem which is playing the dirty job of the stupid PFDJ boss “Divide and Rule”. It is obvious that the writer like Alem Goitom is very frustrated to realize the days of the mafia regime are counted and he depended on three issues to discredit Amanuel, the first point is the prevention of Andeberhan to give speech in the Demo and tried to make dubious signals to say the banning was induced by Amanuel without any evidence. The second point which is a blatant lie he said assenna asked Eritreans to make fundraising for the family of Martyr Wedi Ali and the Hero Dejen (The frustrated writer here used provocative language)and he added but Amanuel never announced the amount collected. We all know that the transparency followed by Amanuel was very high and unprecedented. The third point was the claims of the writer that Amanuel has exposed Dejen to risk by interviewing Dejen because according to his imagination after the interviews DIA came to sudan and the Sudanese authorities arrested many Eritreans in se
    arch of Dejen. The interviews were very professional that everybody was unable to assume where Dejen is.

  • mela July 15, 2014

    i am not shocked to see meshrefet involved in this kind of eseyas style accusations and stupidity. however, i am really shocked to see Anebrahan messing up big time. was he not a diplomat? that profession is something that should come in handy. by the way, why is he accusing Amanuel Eyasu? and why is he using meshrefet to vent his frustration, to claim he is innocent and accuse Amanuel and other justice seekers (he did not name others because he thinks they will come after him? but he singles the Assenna founder and editor out b/s he thinks he is alone with no organization to back him up? how sneaky is that!) of ‘creating confusion’? why does he not do it on medrek? oh but medrek has an aura of credibility and seriousness about it, does it not? this means he thinks medrek is more credible than Andebrahan himself and thus he goes to meshrefet with his accusations and lies. the most ignorant educated person Andebrahan has supporters because as they say they eat off his hand. then they turn around and make fun of him behind his back. so those people would say the most absurd of things just to justify his nonsense.

    • selamawit2 July 15, 2014

      Amnuel has no “organization” in the sense of political party but he has all justice seekers behind him.
      Everybody you trys to discredit him should be aware!!!

  • sina July 15, 2014

    ብዘለናዮ ንጽናዕ
    ከምተባህለ ኮነ ንበል። ግን ኣቶ ዓንደብርሃን መን እዩ?
    ዓንደብርሃን ማለት ሓንቲ ዓይኒ ኤሪትራ ዝነበረት ዩኒቨርሲትይ ዘዕነወ፡ ተስፋታት ኤርትራ ዝነበሩ ምሁራት ፋሕ ብትን ዝገበረ፡ ብጾቱ ኣሕሊፉ ዝሃበ ጂግና ናይ ኢሳያስ ዶ ኣይኮነን።
    ኣቶ ዓንደብርሃን ንኢሳያስ ጠሊሙ ካብዝበሃል ክንደይ ዓመታት ጌሩ። ጠሊሙ ተባሂሉ’ምበር ኣብ ደንበ ተቋወምቲ ኣትዩ ዝገበሮ ነገር ኣይረኣናን። ንኢሳያስ ምጥላሙ ብናይ ውልቁ ምኽንያት’ምበር ንህዝቢ ተቆርቁሩ ከምዝይኮነ እዩ ዘርኤካ። ንህዝቢ ኢሉ ንኢሳያስ ጠሊሙ ኔሩ እንተዝኸውን “ንዓይ ይጥዓመኒ ንህዝቢ ይጭነቆ” ኢሉ እዚ ኩሉ ዓመታት ኣይምተሓብአን ኔሩ። ሕጂውን ኩርኩር መልክተኛ ኢሳያስ እዩ ዘሎ ኢለየ ዝኣምን።
    ንሕበር ዝተባህለ ምስደንበ ተቋወምቲ’ምበር ምስ ኮራኩር ኢሳያስ ኣይኮነን። ንኢሳያስ ክነውድቕ ምስ ኣቶ ዓንደብርሃን፡ ኣቶ መስፍን፡ ኣቶ ዓብደላ ኣደም፡ ኣቶ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ምሕባር ኣየድልን እዩ። ሕሉፍ ታሪኩም ካብቶም ውሕውዋዊያን ስለዝኾነ። ውሕዳት፥ ሕቡኣት፥ ውልቀ መለክቲ፥ ውርደታውያን።

  • Gerimuna July 15, 2014

    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We said it several times for five or more years ago, “Meshrefet’s agenda is all alone to get along with the sadistic dictator led by HGDF. They are more dangerous than HGDF itself. Although it would look excessive, I would not even trust any one who associate with Meshrefet; as they drag neutrals to disguise and confuse.
    Amanuel is unique in our contemporary history with very few. He is a symbol of our resistance and guide to defend our very existence and freedom. That will not seat comfortable with Meshrefet. Because, the dictator is aching with sleepless nights, only sobering with Bisha’s whisky; as Meshreft is working hard to mitigate his pain.

  • Yohannes July 15, 2014

    We know Andebrhan and his way of living as well as his wacky behavior. We know him what he did in Asmara University when he was president and a messenger of Issaias. We know his divisive acts and treatments. We know his greediness and self-aggrandizement at the expenses of others.
    At this time, you need to ask how he got the money that he and his friends are using to pursue their objective or goal. Those of you who are emotionally expressing your views, I guess, you don’t know him very well. It might be okay if he is genuinely working against the evil system. He and his friends can contribute something as added up. He was of course part of the system a while ago. We support that if he is opposing genuinely. We hope we already visited my Village Gabir Deranto Holy Spring to straighten his personality. Let us just watch him as well as endorse him as part of the struggle to demolish the evil and malignant system. Eritrean has many important figures who can do many miracles leave alone those shaped by EPLF brain washing machine of DNA (Denial, Nostalgic and Arrogance). Look any person who was Tegadalay. The culture of DNA is stamped in his or her brain forever and never to be cleaned at any circumstance.
    Amanuel is a hero and one of those few Eritrean with exceptional quality and determination. The pen is sharper than the sword.

  • Yemane July 15, 2014

    Thank you for the tireless effort you are putting to educate, empower, and inform us. Our people hear you and our people appreciate you for exposing the criminal side of the Eritrean leadership – forget about those people who are trying to stop you. We’re inspired by your program and keep it up.
    Peace, freedom, independence, and justice are necessary for Eritreans and are not just privileges. These are intrinsic values for Eritreans, not just priorities. You are working hard to ensure these values and we praise you for doing that. Thank you
    Oakland, CA

  • awget July 15, 2014

    If andebrhan was the same like amanuel things will be different ,you know what i am trying to say.nlebam amtelu nasha derguhalu.Bissines is going alots of marketing.Well we will see haw things will go.Amanuel don’t be fool.

  • Benjamin July 15, 2014

    Yea ,every one knows now as Meskerem is part of the PFDJ or Isayas regime’s website…….

  • Tesfom Habrom July 15, 2014

    መልእክቲ ንኣለም ጎይቶም።

    ንኣለም ጎይቶም ብሰለስተ ጎዳያት ክገልጾ ክፍትን ኢየ፦ ቀዳማይ ኣብ ግዜ ተጋድሎ ንሓርነት ዝነበሮ መርገጺ ንጹር ዲቅ ዝበለ ጸላኢ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ዝነበረ ኣብ ከባቢ ዋሺንግቶን ዲሲ፡
    ካልኣይ. ብድሕሪ ሓርነት ኤርትራ ምስ ገለ ከምኡ ዝኣመሰሉ መርገጺ ዘሎዎም ሰባት ቡዙሕ ግዜ ኣንጻር መንግስቲ ኤርትራ / ህዝባዊ ግንባር ተቓውምኡ STATE DEPARTMENT ዝጽሕፍ ዝነበረ፡ ሳልሳይ. እቲ ዝገርም ዘይ ሃገራዊ ምኻኑ ኣብ ግዜ ረፈረንዶም ሓደ ካብቶም ዘየድመጹ ጥራሕ ዘኮነስ ናብቲ ምርጫ መዓልቲ ዘይ ሕጋዊ መድመጺ ንክዝርጉሑ ወጢኖም ዝገበሩ ስብ ኢዩ፡ ሕጂ ተግምጢሉ ደጋፋይ ናይ ህግደፍ ምኻኑ እዚ ናይ ብሓቂ ሐደ ጠላም መርገጺ ዘይብሉ ዕላም ዘይቡሉ ሕጂ ሃገራዊ ደጋፈይ ህግደፍ ኮይኑ ብዛዕባ ኣማናኤል ኢያሱ ኣንጻር ክጽሕፍ ብዝኮነ መከኪዒ ዓቅሚ የቡሉን ኣማንኤል ንህዝቢ ይጣበቅ ህሉው ኩነታት ናይ ሃገር የቃልሕ ብዛዕባ ዉልቁ ረብሓ ኣይኮነን ዝጋደል ዘሎ ብዛዕባ ዉጹዕ ህዝቢ ኣብ ባሕርን ኣብ ሲናይ ዝጠፍኡ ናዘሎዉ ኢዩ ዘቃልሕ ዘሎ። ኣለም ንስኻ ኣብ ኤርትራ ናይ መጨረስት ስብ ምኻንካ ካብ ህዝቢ ዉጉዝ ዘየድመጽካ ብዛዕባ ኤርትራ ክትጽሕፍ መሰል የብልካን ኣብ ግዜ ርፈረንዶም ስለ ዘየድመጽካ ጠላም ሕድሪ ስዉኣት ዝጠለካ፡፡ ሕጂ ምስ ህግደፍ ጸጊዒ ደልኻ ኣበይ ነርኻ ሕጂ ድኣ እንታይ ተፈጢሩ ኣለም ታሪኽካ ኣብ ዕዳጋ ዝበለየ ኢዩ። ዓወት ንዉጹዕ ህዝቢ ሞጎስን ዝኽሪ ንስዋኣትና።

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