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ብምኽንያት ‘ቲ ብ21 ጥሪ 2013 ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝተኻየደ ምንቅስቓስ (ስርሒት ፎርቶ) ዝተኣሰሩ ሓለፍትን ደገፍትን ኣብ ቪላጆ (ኣስመራ) ተኣሲሮም ከምዘለዉ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።

ብምኽንያት ናይቲ ብ21 ጥሪ 2013 ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝተኻየደ ምንቅስቓስ ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ንዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ (ስርሒት ፎርቶ) ዝተኣሰሩ መራሕትን ደገፍትን ኣብ ቪላጆ (ኣስመራ)፡ መቓብር እንዳ ምኪኤል ተደኵኑሉ ዝነበረ፡ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ መንበሪ ኣባይቲ ኣባላት ሃገራዊ ድሕነት (ጸጥታ)

ብምኽንያት ናይቲ ብ21 ጥሪ 2013 ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝተኻየደ ምንቅስቓስ ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ንዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ (ስርሒት ፎርቶ) ዝተኣሰሩ መራሕትን ደገፍትን ኣብ ቪላጆ (ኣስመራ)፡ መቓብር እንዳ ምኪኤል ተደኵኑሉ ዝነበረ፡ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ መንበሪ ኣባይቲ ኣባላት ሃገራዊ ድሕነት (ጸጥታ) ዝርከበሉ ቦታ፡ ተኣሲሮም ከምዘለዉ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።

ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፡ ነቲ ኩነታት ናይ ሓደ መዓልቲ “ጽውጽዋይን ፊልምን” ኣምሲሉ ከነኣእሶ ኳ እንተፈተነ፡ ጽልዋኡን ተቐባልነቱን ህዝብን ሰራዊትን  መመሊሱ እናዓበየ ብምኻዱ ሻቕሎቱ ካብ መዓልቲ ናብ መዓልቲ እናኸፍአ ይመጽእ ኣሎ።

ዛጊት ንሓላፊ ውድባዊ ጉዳያት ኣቶ ዓብደላ ጃብርን ኣመሓዳሪ ዞባ ደቡብ ኣቶ ምስጦፋ ኑርሕሸንን ሓዊስካ ኣስታት 60 ዜጋታት ተኣሲሮም ኣለዉ።

ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፡ ብፍላይ ነቲ ኣብ ሰራዊት ሰፊኑ ዘሎ ፍናን ናይ ለውጢ ንምፍኳስ፡ ንሓደ ካብ ተሳተፍቲ ናይቲ ምንቅስቓስ ብሪጋደር ጀነራል ሳልሕ ዑስማን ካብ ማእሰርቲ ኣውጺኡ ኣብ ቅድሚ ኣሃዱኡ ክናሳሕ ጸቕጢ ኳ እንተገበረሉ፡ ንኻልኦት ዝጠርጠሮም ወገናት ምጽንጻንን ማእሰርትን ግን ኣየቋረጸን።

ነዚ ናይ ሎሚ ዘመተ ማእሰርቲ ካብቲ ቅድሚ ሎሚ ዝፈልዩ ነገር እንተልዩ፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ስጉምቱ ነግፈረግን ምጥርጣርን ዝበዝሖ (indecisive) ኮይኑ ምህላዉ እዩ። ሎሚ ንዝኣሰሮ ንጽባሓይቱ ይፈትሖ፡ መሊሱ ድማ ይኣስሮ…። እዚ ድማ፡ እቲ ተዳኺሙ ዘሉ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ነቲ ኩነታትን፡ እቲ ኩነታት ክፈጥሮ ዝኽእል ግብረመልስን ምጭባጥ ስኢኑዎ፡ ተዋጢሩ ምህላዉ ዘንጸባርቕ እዩ።

Review overview
  • nur February 16, 2013

    ምንቅስቃስ 21ጥሪ
    ጀግና ወይ ጀጋኑ 21ጥሪ ስላም ሰላም ካብ ውሽጥን ደገን ዘሎ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ፡ ክርስቲያናይ ምስ ኣስላማይ: ነእሽቶ ምስ ዓቢ ፡፡ምንቅስቃስኩም ንህዝቢ ስምረት ፈጢራ ናብ ሓድንት ደፊእኩሞ ፡ ነቶም ገዛእቲ ጥሮሖም ኣውጺእኩሞም ፡ እንታይ ከም ዝወረደ ውን ጠፊኡዎም ፡ እዞም ፎርቶ ዝኣተዉ ሓደ ዲዩ ክልተ ኣቢልኩሞም ። ድሕሪ ሕጂ ህዝቢ ውን እዝኑ ከህቦም ኣይኮነን ፡ ብሓባር ኮይኑ ኒወልቂ መልካዊያን ገዛእቲን ኮራኩሮምን ክፍንቅሎም ኢዩ ። እዛ ብርኽቲ 21ጥሪ መዓልቲ ንዓቢይን ንንእሽቶን ዘንቀሳቀሰት ፡ ንበዓል ማንኪን ብጾቱን ከኣ ዝበላዕኩሞ ምለሱ ዝበለት ኢያ ። ኣቶ ኢሳያስ እዛ ፎርቶ ብሕደ ሰብ ኢያ ቆይማ ፡ ኣቶ ማንኪ 21 ጥሪ ብኣስላም ቆይማ ኣስላማኢቲ ሰመያ ፡፡ መልሲ 21ጥሪ ከኣ ” መህደሚ ሲኣኢንኩም ዕውንውን ኢልኩም ኣብ ኩርናዕ ናይ ዒራዒሮ ክቅርቀር ኢኹም ። ኣቶ ማንኪን ብጾቱን ፈቲኹም ጸሊእኩም 21ጥሪ መንጠሪትኩም ከም ምኻና ርግጽ ኢዩ ፡ ኢምነትና ከኣ ወሰን የይብሉን። ኣቶ ማንኪ ኣመሪካ ዪጸልእ ትብለና ፡ ግዳ ግብሪ ናይ ሓለፍቶም ግብሪኻ ኢዩ ። ጉጅለ21ጥሪ ክረስትያነይቲ እንተ ትኸውንከ ወዲ ማንኪ ምኣመነላዶ? ኣይመስለኒን ።

  • Haben Shet Manta February 16, 2013

    Hi Dear Abdela Abdu.
    Keep it up your perfect comment. we love PIA ,
    we love our people and We love our country Eritrea. Zimese yimsa hasawi ab ed hafash Harari. “nerna -alena- kinihiliw ena”. like this type stressful many times attempt like 1973 ,1988 after independent 1993, 2001 but all useless just wast of time. dekitekalit ka giday Nazi hadegena yikonu.

    • SABA February 17, 2013

      Why do PFDJ slaves always talk about “WE” as if they would represent even half of the people´s opinion inside Eritrea. PFDJ is not even liked by max. 5% of the population inside Eritrea. PFDJ has only supporters in western COUNTRY aka KEDAAT.. Majority when knowing them are either benefitors or dont want to accept and see the mess they caused in Eritrea. They cant even be called nationalists. A nationalist is fighting for his country by all means. But living in the West and receiving Welfare from “ADE AMETE” and going for GUAYLA is not a JIGNA at all…fucking retarded KEDAATS…

      Keep your slogal NIHNA NISU , NISU NIHNA for you guys. Dont refer to the Eritrean population nor for any eritrean in diaspora.

  • Thomas February 16, 2013

    Assessan great job, Cheers for your up to date information.

    We are very sure that the dictator is at his weakst time in power. And there will be no back tracking, we will finish him soon.

    Dictatorship will end soon and freedom and democracy will prevail in its place.


  • Petros Haile February 16, 2013

    Dear Friends,

    It is time to think strategy, the back and forth name callings would not move the dictator a bit… in fact, that is exactly where PIA wants us to be .”Shankolel”. Today every Eritrean has to think how to shorten the life of this dictator, and bring about a system that is inclusive, democratic and lawful … As we can see the FORTO incident is giving us one more chance to rally and unify our people behind a powerful potential ally, who happens to demand democratic reform as well (EDF) … This can be a game changer, if We know how to play it right? We also need to reform the diaspora movements as well, This urgent call requires a bold initiatives taken by all peace loving Eritreans … Excluding those preoccupied with vengeance and single issue concerns … that is the violent overthrow of the government, without asking what comes next ? We all should learn from history, and our interest is not to replace one dictator by another … that is why a military with civic demands can be the most powerful ally to all activists who are advocates of peace and stability – during the transitional stage … We don’t want another Damascus to be repeated in Eritrea … However this does not mean we just have to sit and wait for another FORTO to happen …We know we need to work hard in connecting with the Eritrean army which happens to be one of the most exploited segment of the population, that is exactly why I would say not to borrow foreign Generals to liberate Eritrea, why Eritrean Generals are sitting idle and waiting for our support & encouragement … This is my rough suggestion, hopefully those with better experience and more knowledge needs to embolden and refine it to a better strategies:

    1. All Civic diaspora movements / Civic societies develop a minimum demands that goes hand in hand with the FORTO rebellion, its up to us to change it to a popular movement.

    2. Seize the moment of the FORTO rebellion, and focus the social media campaign targeting
    the EDF, particularly the rank & file … Good job for initiating “Arbi Harnet”,

    3. Publish a monthly magazine (hard copy/Online) under the title of “FORTO 21”, I like the logo Assena used to the above article … and accessible for EDF rank and file to use it as their outlet … so to speak.

    4. While keeping the momentum going, I would strongly recommend the diaspora civic movements have to engage in deep rooted soul searching in forming a loose yet accountable coalition groups that will speak as one voice, that will have legitimate recognition by the international community.

    5. As it is the PFDJ rule, its closest ally (Sudan), which is the life line for PFDJ government is in difficult position, A concerted effort in dealing with all Eritrea’s neighbors has the utmost importance … After the coalition becomes stronger and formidable, we should address our concerns and worries with all our neighbors and reach a common understanding, on issues pertains to the tactical & strategical relations …

    6.Our goal is to seek for a democratic, stable & peaceful Eritrea, and that is the only precondition the EDF who paid dearly to preserve our sovereignty & territorial integrity expects from the diaspora …

    As I said, This is just what I think while I was reading the above article, I hope those with a better understanding develop it to the higher level …

    • Halafi Mengedi February 16, 2013

      There is no guarantee that EDF would bring about democratic change. Once a soldier always a soldier. A soldier often solves national problems by force (gun). No logic is invaluable for a soldier who usurps power by force. Derg is a prime example. Derg (a group of soldiers in Hailesselaie time) violently toppled “haillesselasie” yet brought misery and suffering to Ethiopians as well as Eritreans.

    • MacMan February 16, 2013

      Selam petros Haile and all,

      Petros, I think time has come for Eritreans to start doing things national differently if they are to change failure to victory. You have put some fine ideas forward and keep up the good job. To what seems similar to your ideas on the way forward in Eritrean politics, I wrote a few things earlier and for what they are wroth, here they follow:

      {Eritreans talk much about how good or bad DIA is for Eritrea and its people whom he rules like slaves and animals. Eritreans talk much about how good or bad Kidan and its affiliates are for Eritrea and its people. Eritreans go around the world and protest before the halls of DIA’s and Weyane’s Luciferian masters calling for the rule of law to rule in their land. However, it is hypocritical that the Diaspora Eritrean opposition to DIA’s bestial rule in Eritrea says little or nothing about the need for the rule of international law to rule as agreed upon by all parties concerned and demarcate the Eritrean-Ethiopian borders. It is time for Eritreans to start thinking as civic citizens instead of as the citizens of political organizations and their failed leaders. It is clear for all who care to see that DIA and his regime of savages are starving, jailing, defiling, selling, and killing Eritreans in broad daylight. Eritreans who support or serve DIA and his demonic PFDJ regime will either have to be on the side of the Eritrean people and stand up for the rule of law to rule or will face the music till they expire and go to hell.

      In this dangerous times, Eritreans should strive to rise above their partisan politics as civic citizens in order to establish their own government under the rule of law without DIA and Weyane political contamination. For the most part, the Diaspora Eritrean opposition remains disconnected from the Eritrean people inside and outside their country. Instead of addressing the issues that concern the sovereignty of the Eritrean people and their homeland, the exiled Eritrean opposition does nothing but keep doing the same thing year in and year out without going anywhere. Repeating the same thing that has failed to work over and over again to get a different result is a sign of mass delusion. Most of the Diaspora Eritrean opposition to DIA’s barbaric rule in Eritrea lives in a delusional world created by useless political organizations and their failed leaders. Things will not change until Eritreans start thinking and acting as civic citizens of their homeland instead of as the citizens of political organizations and their leaders.

      It is time for those in the Eritrea-4-Eritreans camp to first organize themselves as a third block to that of the PFDJ regime and its EDA/Kidan or ENCDC opposition around a transitional Eritrean national vision that embrace all of its members. This camp should form a third block to that of the PFJD and the ENDC in Eritrean politics and offer a third alternative to Eritreans who do not want to deal with the DIA and his Weyane cousins. This Eritrea-4-Eritreans camp as a third block in Eritrean organized politics has to then move on from the talking stage to applying things on the ground. When its properly organized and lead, the Eritrea-4-Eritreans camp as a third block in Eritrean politics, can then rally its forces and resources and wage a unified popular struggle to end DIA’s rule of the jungle in Eritrea and replace it with the rule of law.

      The Eritrea-4-Eritreans camp has the potential to stir the struggle for constitutional and democratic governance in Eritrea in the right direction. It is about time for all Eritreans to stand up and defend both the sovereignty of their people and their homeland based on the rule of national and international laws. It is about time for all concerned in the ongoing Eritrean-Ethiopian crisis to recognize that the only peaceful way forward for both the peoples of Eritrea and Ethiopia is for all concerned to let the rule of international law rule. In order to bring about the change they seek, Eritreans must strive to mount a unified popular struggle to challenge both DIA and the Weyane regime in Ethiopia as well as their New World Order Luciferian masters to let the rule of national and international law rule and leave the Eritrean people free to establish their own government.}

      Cheers and Peace!

      • Petros Haile February 16, 2013

        Selam MacMan,

        I completely agree with you, the third force is vital to bring about a healthy and balanced political change in Eritrea … and I also agree we need to come out of the PFDJ / Woyane political intrigues once and for all …

        Thank you for your open and insightful analysis,

        • ahmed saleh February 17, 2013

          keep it going your arguments , it is learning experience .

      • A.A Yassin February 17, 2013

        ” In order to bring about the change they seek, Eritreans must strive to mount a unified popular struggle to challenge both DIA and the Weyane regime in Ethiopia as well as their New World Order Luciferian masters to let the rule of national and international law rule and leave the Eritrean people free to establish their own government.”

        That would mean fighting three wars at the same time.

        • MacMan February 18, 2013

          Selam AA Yassin and everybody,

          AA Yassin, I like the positive spirit that you display with interactions that go on here. As to fighting three wars at the same time, it was always like that. I have directly and in directly being involved in Eritrean politics for the last forty years and nothing changes except the tricks and the actors that come and go.

          The powers of the west sold Eritrea to Ethiopia for their own strategic interest and they have not changed much except in the tactical approach they take when dealing with the same issue while the strategic interest remains the same: Eritrea and Ethiopia have to remain joined in one way or another. Remember what DIA said when he and his Weyane cousins were lip-locking friends: The boarder between Eritrea and Ethiopia is evolving into being meaningless or something to that effects. That is besides what he said in other occasions more clearly toward that effect in the 1990s.

          Anyways, Eritreans don’t have to wage any hot war with Ethiopia for there is no reason for it as the rule of international law has ruled. All Eritreans have to do is challenge the international community to uphold its laws and help the two lawless regimes demarcate the Eritrean and Ethiopian borders. The dictator has to be challenge by all means necessary and the Diaspora opposition should focus on what it can do and not in what it has failed to do and challenge both DIA and his Weyane cousins to let the rule of national and and international law rule. The trick is how to rouse the Eritrean people inside and outside Eritrea to awaken to meet the challenges that are facing them as a nation in the making.

          Eritreans need legal citizenship and not political citizenship of organizations and their failed leaders who are the very source of the problems that are bedeviling the Eritrean people and ruining their God given life to live in peace under the rule of law. The era of civic citizenship has come and the era of the citizenship of organizations and their failed leaders has come. The Eritrean individual has to be empowered to shape the future of a constitutional, democratic, and sovereign Eritrea. The independent Eritrean citizen has to be build from the ground up to stand up both as a free human being worth his or her salt and as a useful member of his community as well as a member of mankind who has lost most of its touch with god and has gone in the way of the devil with its Luciferian New World Order masters ruling and ruining it till God brings their reign to an end and sends them all to hell.

          Cheers and Peace!

          • MacMan February 18, 2013

            correct reading in the last paragraph: “The era of civic citizenship has come and the era of the citizenship of organizations and their failed leaders has gone.”

      • Bisrat Amare February 17, 2013

        The third force should be a movement that works to rectify the mistakes made in the last 50 years. It should be a Federalist movement which brings to the table again the possibility of Federation with Ethiopia. Federation with Ethiopia is a win win case for both the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea and would solve all the problems and herald peace to the whole East African Zone.

    • mona February 18, 2013

      i see you call the dictator PIA! you also say,
      “Excluding those preoccupied with vengeance and single issue concerns … that is the violent overthrow of the government, without asking what comes next ?” so you don’t want a regime change? what do you want petros? you want eseyas to go on oppressing our people and for our people to suffer in Sinai? i am sure you know that eseyas can not change. you are so unrealistic.

      • A.A Yassin February 18, 2013


        Sini is a very dangerous place. Our brothers and sisters should never have ventured a journey through that place. You can not blame everything on PIA.

        • mona February 18, 2013

          pia? he is simply a dictator to me.

          • A.A Yassin February 18, 2013

            You are angry. Something bad must have happened to either you or your family. I am sorry, if that is the case.

  • ahmed saleh February 16, 2013

    In the last twenty years their concentration was to build
    prisons in every corner of the country . That tells the
    volume of their ambition to destroy the active members
    of the society I do not see hope for future Erritrea unless
    this kind of nonsense stopped . Meanwhile the way of the politicians run the country it is completly disasterous for
    next generation .

  • gimy February 16, 2013

    ich find es schade so ein internet sender mis braucht wird man daef da gegen sein doch nicht gegen der Erwartung der Bevölkerung Eritrea es ist gut das man veränderung will aber bitte nicht volks belügen warum sagen sie uns nicht die Wahrheit seit ihr gegen die Regirung oder für Äthiopien es ist keine Oppesitions Haltung wenn man Lügt ich Wünsche mir Veränderung in Eritrea ich habe Viele Fragen über Eritrea doch ich will nicht Lügen beriche hören belügt uns nicht Wir Eritreas brauchen keinen Krieg weder Psychlogeiche noch andres wo es gibt noch kene Beispiel wie ihr berichtet wenn es doch so weiter geht nicht einmal wird Äthiopien an euch glauben geschweige von eigne zuhörer ich sage nocheinmal ihr seid eine schande für die Bevölkerung Eritrea in unsre Name einen Bericht mit Lügen ich finde besert euch wir werden euch zuhören Vielen dank schönmal das ihr euch entschuldigt bei Allen Eritreas die von euren bericht profetiren wollten

    • Mz February 18, 2013

      you think we don’t understand German? kkkkk du bist dumm mein Freund! und du verstehst aber auch gar nichts. also es waere gut waerst du aufgewacht. denn du shlaefst noch! dein Deutsch ist auch nicht so gut. so study harder and in the meantime try English or Tigrigna…. you do have the nerve to accuse Assenna of bringing shame to the Eritrean people when all it is doing is serving its people and exposing the lunatic dictator! Assenna is the voice of us the oppressed people of Eritrea whether you like it or not. you are the one who needs to beg the people of Eritrea for mercy because you are siding with dictator not Assenna! you are a coward, too.

  • freselam February 16, 2013

    I think it’s fare to say Sibhat Efrem is DIA’s bitch for big time? We been heard for years that he & DIA didnt get along.Not only we the common people believe it so as G15. And now wedi Ali & his friends. If I am not mistaken, N’general Amman Andom deyom shim zayblu general ziblewo nerom? shim zayblus Sibhat da.

  • danny February 16, 2013

    I just don’t get Eritreans anymore. The so called coup detat planners actually thought that they could get away with occupying the MOI building while Isaias was roaming free? What kind of plan is that? Don’t they understand the nature of the dictator after 50 years of his rule? I told my friend who first broke the news to me of the incident that they were better off occupying the barber shop where Isayas goes for a hair cut than what they had done. The whole thing is just a puzle.

    • Daniel February 16, 2013

      first read the full article about “an in depth analysis the forto 21 January ” that explains a lot.

    • A.A Yassin February 17, 2013

      What kind of plan is that? It is not a plan. Even if the president were abroad still the non-plan plan wouldn’t have worked. The days of coup d’etat are gone forever.

  • Kalighe February 16, 2013

    ” Excluding those preoccupied with vengeance and single issue concerns … that is the violent overthrow of the government, without asking what comes next ? ”

    Petros Haile

    I agree with most of what you said except with the statement above. Unfortunately, many of our people either do not know or ignore the fact that DIA and his group will fight to the bitter end to remain in power. They are ready for anything including unleashing a civil war along religious and ethnic lines. The latest news from Eritrea is about the regime targeting mainly Muslims officials in his regime to create mistrust and mutual suspicion among the people. DIA and his group believe only in military power, and no amount of popular pressure will let them go.
    I know the risks involved in military confrontation with the regime but it won’t be easy to remove them by peaceful means, if not impossible.

    • Petros Haile February 17, 2013

      Selam Kalighe,
      You are right I should have been a little more clear, What I wanted to say is for a very long time the opposition camp neglected the home grown factor, which is the Eritrean Defense Force … although thousands of EDF members were showing us in so many ways their frustration and disappointment of the status qua, mainly through their feet, by defecting the army and accepting sanctuary both in Ethiopia and Sudan, The opposition failed to read and understand the trend, and failed to exploit the situation, rather they choose to rely on foreign forces, in which their motives supporting the opposition were questionable by many Eritreans, including the deserting army … not to forget the fiasco of EDA, ENCDC and other Mini conferences and gatherings sponsored by Ethiopia, that proves to be highly exclusionary to the civic groups and individuals … imagine a coalition of groups who deliberately exclude Eritrean civic and other political forces takes power with the help of foreign Generals … That is why I said those who preoccupied with vengeance and single issue concerns, that translates into taking over power by any means, even if it means being a surrogate to foreign elements … In short, There is a neglected force inside Eritrea that can be highly instrumental not only to bring down the tyrant, but it raises a civic issues / demands due to the hardship that itself subjected for over a decade, EDF is the force that can be an ally with the people and other opposition groups who would like to see a smooth transition to democratic and stable Eritrea … As Bishop TUTU said, “I am all for peaceful change, but I am not a pacifist !” … Yes, The PFDJ government is proving all of us that the peaceful engagement is hard to come by, however there is an ample indication where its options are closing on him … The military rebellion is one of the many challenges PFDJ is facing these days, not to mention the number defections, the youth participation and much more … All I am saying is The opposition camp ought to be ready when the inevitable comes, and we should be protective of our future before other opportunists and evil figures hi-jack our emancipation after the demise of the current dictator !!! I hope it is a bit clear …

      • MacMan February 17, 2013

        Selam Petros Haile and everyone,

        Petros, very well said and kudos to your well delivered message. Take care and keep the good work up!

        Cheers and Peace!

  • toulouse February 17, 2013

    Amanuel….Your poster shows wrong image of Eritrea, remember there are mosques in Asmara as well.

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