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ባጊርነት! ክቡራትን ክቡራንን ኣንበብቲ፡ ኣቐድም ኣቢለ ማለት፡ ብዕለት 28-05-2013 ኣብ ትሕቲ “ግርማ ኣስመሮም” ዝብል ኣርእስቲ፡ እንታይነትን መንነትን ናይቲ ኣርፓፔ (ሊቀ ጳጳሳት) ዕሱባት መላኺ ብምዃን፡ ደበራ (ጽዩፍ ስራሕ) ዚፍጽም ዘሎ እልልድኩ (ሓኽሊ ድሙ) ኣምበሳደር ህግደፍ ኣቶ ግርማ

ክቡራትን ክቡራንን ኣንበብቲ፡ ኣቐድም ኣቢለ ማለት፡ ብዕለት 28-05-2013 ኣብ ትሕቲ “ግርማ ኣስመሮም” ዝብል ኣርእስቲ፡ እንታይነትን መንነትን ናይቲ ኣርፓፔ (ሊቀ ጳጳሳት) ዕሱባት መላኺ ብምዃን፡ ደበራ (ጽዩፍ ስራሕ) ዚፍጽም ዘሎ እልልድኩ (ሓኽሊ ድሙ) ኣምበሳደር ህግደፍ ኣቶ ግርማ ኣስመሮም ክንጸረለይ ሓቲተ ኔረ። ነዚ ሕቶ’ዚ ብእወታን ኣሉታን መልሲ ንዝሃብኩምንን ናይ ገዛእ ርእስኹም ዓለቕ (ርእይቶ) ንዝለገስኩሙለይን ግዱሳት ኣሓትን ኣሕዋትን ከመስግን እፈቱ።
ዝኸበርኩም ኣሕዋት፡ ካብ መልስታትኩም ከም ዝተረዳእኩዎ፡ መብዛሕትኹም ሕቶይ ክፈልጥ’ምበር ክፈላሊ ከም ዘይደለኹ ዝበራሃልኩም’ኳ እንተኾነ ገሌኹም ግን እንተ ብፍላጥ፡ እንተ ብዘይፍላጥ፡ ነቲ ሕቶ ባጊርነት ከተልብስዎ ከም ዝፈተንኩም ተገንዚበ። ዝኸበርኩም ኣሕዋት፡ ቅድም ቀዳድም ከነጽረልኩም ዝደሊ ነገር፡ ኣነ ብዕድል ካብቶም ዓይኒ ኣንቊሖምን ምስ ግዜ ተጓዒዞምን ድሕረት ዝቐበሩ፡ ኣብ ሓንቲ ኤርትራን ምልኣት ህዝባን ዝኣምኑን ዕላማ ስውኣት ብግቡእ ዝርድኡን ብዙሓት ዜጋታት’ዛ ሃገር ሓደ ምዃነይ እዩ። ንኣይ ከምቲ ገሌኹም ዝተረዳእኩሞ መንነት’ዚ ስቓይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ምንዋሕ ተራኡ ዝጻወት ዘሎ ጊላ ህግደፍ ኣይኮነን ኣገዲሱኒ! እንታይ ደኣ እቲ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ ዘሎዎ ሕሉፍ ጽልኢን ሕነ ናይ ምፍዳይ ስምዒትን ካብምንታይ ከም ዝነቐለ ንኽፈልጥ ስለ ዝደለኹ ጥራይ እዩ። ምኽንያቱ፡ እዚ ሰብ’ዚ ኩሉ ንጥፈታቱ እንተ ደኣ ኣስተብሂልኩሙሉ፡ ፍጹም ኣስሓኮ ዘይብሉ! ነዚ ለዋህ ህዝቢ’ዚ ንምጉዳእ፡ ሓለፋ ካልኦት ኣባባት (ሰብ ውዕለት) ደማሒ (መላኺ) ድልውነቱ ዘረጋገጸ ዕሉል ብዓል ጋራ (ተጻይ)  ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኮይኑ ስለ ዝተረኣየኒ’የ። ካልኦት ዕሉላት መጸይቲ ደም ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ማሕበር ህግደፍ የለውን ማለተይ ግን ኣይኮነን። ናይ ግርማ ኣስመሮም ዕሱብነት ግን ንእመት ስድሪ ኣላታ ብምዃኑ’የ እንታይነቱ ክሓትት ተገዲደ።
ቀደም ኣብ ሃገርና ብትሕተ ሃገራውነት ንዝሕመ ሰብ፡ ባጊር (ኣዝዩ ድሑር፡ ዘይስልጡን) እዩ ዝጽዋዕ ዝነበረ። ሎሚ፡ ብወገን፡ ብሃይማኖት፡ ብዓሌት፡ ብኣውራጃን ሃገሪትን (መበቈል ዓድን) ዚፈላሊ ሰብ ግን ባጊር ዘይኮነስ እንስሳ’ዩ ዚበሃል። እዚ ግን ንኣብ ውሽጢ ሓንቲ ሃገር፡ ኣብ ጽላል ሓንቲ ርያ (ባንዴራ) ዝማሓደሩ ኣህዛብ ጥራይ እዩ ዝምልከት’ምበር ሃገር ምስ ሃገር ኣይነጻጸላን’የን ማለት ኣይኮነን። ብርግጽ ዓለምና ሎሚ ኣይኮነንዶ ንከም ከማና ዝኣመሰሉ ደቂ ሓደ ዘርኢን እንዳን ማለት ደቂ ቤጃን ሴምን ዝኾንና ኣህዛብስ ይትረፍ፡ ነቶም ብዝኾነ ይኹን መራኸቢ ዘይብሎም፡ ዝተፈላለየ ዝንዳኦም ኣህዛብ ኣመሪካን ኤውሮጳንውን እንተኾነ ከም ሓደ ስድራቤት ጠርኒፋ፡ ኣብ ሓንቲ መኣዲ ቀሪባቶም ኣላ! እዚ ስምረት ወይ ሓድነት ዝብሃል ዘይክማህ ኣጽዋር’ዚ ከኣ ንኹሉ ዘርብሕን ዘሐይልን ጸዳል (ብርሃን) ምዃኑ ብዓይንና ንርእዮ ኣለና። ኣብዚ ሎሚ እዋን ብዓድን ዓውድን መኘኽ ዝብሉ ሰባት እንተልዮም ከኣ ከምቲ ኣቐዲምና ዝበልናዮ፡ ባጊራት ዘይኮኑስ ኣስዋር (ኣብዑር) እዮም ክጽውዑ ዘለዎም ማለት’ዩ።
ፍቑራት ኣሕዋት፡ ደጊመ ክብሎ ዝደሊ ነገር እንተሎ፡ ቃልስና፡ ፍቕሪ ሃገርን ህዝብን ዝሰረቱ፡ ሓድነት ዝዕጥቁ፡ ክብርን ምትሕልላይን ዝስንቁ ኮይኑ፡ መብራና (ዓላማና) ሓርነታዊት፡ ፍትሓዊት፡ ደሞክርያስያዊት፡ ማእገት (ፈታሽ፡ ኬላ) ዘይብላ፡ ብግብሪ ናጻ ዝኾነት፡ ብልጽግትን ክብርትን ኤርትራ ንምህናጽ ይኹን! እዚ ግን ንግዕዙይን ዘይሓላፍነታውን ምሕደራን ኣካይዳን ምልኪ እናወደስካ ዝርከብ ነገር ኣይኮነን። ጉጅለ ህግደፍ፡ ነዚ ኣቐዲሙ ዝተጠቕሰ ሓገራ (ራኢ፡ ትልሚ፡ ውጥን) ስውኣትና ክፍጽም ድሌትን ተወፋይነትን እንተርእዩ ክንድግፎ፡ በዚ ዝኸዶ ዘሎ ናይ ዕንወትን ጥፍኣትን መገዲ እንተ ቐጺሉ ኸኣ ዓገብ ክንብሎ ይግባእ። ምኽንያቱ፡ ቀውፍና (ተቓውሞና) ኣብቲ ንሃገርና ናብ ጥፍኣት ዚሸማ ዘሎ ፖሊሲኡ እምበር ኣብ ውልቀ ሰባት ስለ ዘይኮነ። ስለዚ፡ ውልቃዊ ጽልእን ቅርሕንትን ኣወጊድና፡ ብቕንዕና ገባር ኩፉእ እናወገዝና፡ ንገባር ጽቡቕ እናመጐስና፡ ንሰብ ልባብ (ፈረስ ንየማነ ጸጋም መታን ከይርኢ ኣብ ገጹ ዚውደ መጣምር) ኣስፊሖም ንኽርእዩ ዓቕምና እናበርከትና፡ ሃይዶ (መራሕ ዕውር) ብምዃን ክሳዕ ምሉእ ሓርነት ክንቃለስ ኣለና! ወዮ ደኣ ሰባት ብሙዃንና ብጹኡነት ይጐድለና ኮይኑ’ምበር ንዚተጋገየ ሰብ’ኮ ካብ ብምጽራፍን ብምድሃልንሲ ብሰደይ (ብጥዑም ዘረባ) ክንመኽሮ ከለና’ዩ ዝያዳ ዚርደኣና።
ሓላላት፡ ንእግረ መገደይ ከዘኻኽረኩም ዝደሊ ሓደ ነግርውን ኣሎ፡ ቃልስና ኪኖ ምእላይ ምልኪ ኪኸይድ ኣለዎ። ነቲ ውርዙይን ክቡርን ባህልና ዝብልል ዘሎ፡ ፋልሉነት ህግደፍ ክንኩንኖ ኣለና። ኣብዚ ሎሚ እዋን ኣብ ሃገርና ኣዝዩ ሳዕሪሩ ዘሎ ሕልያን (ብላዕ፡ ጉቦ)፣ ኣያ በያ፣ ግበረለይ ክገብረልካ፣ ስርቕን ምጥፍፋእን፣ ምድፋር ዓበይቲ ሰባት፡ ማለት ምዝንጣል፣ ብዓብይኡ ድማ ኣብ ምዕቃብ ጽፉፍ ባህልናን ቋንቋናን ዝጠመተ ኪኸውን ኣለዎ። ስለዚ፡ ኣብ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን ኣቲኹም ርእይቶኹም ክትህቡ ከለኹም፡ ብዝተኻእለ መጠን ጽሑፋትኩም ብቛንቋኹም ማለት፡ ብትግርኛ ከም ዚኸውን ግበሩ። ምኽንያቱ ቋንቋ፡ ብምዝራብ፡ ብምጽሓፍን ብምንባብን’ዩ ዚምዕብል። ምምዕባል ቋንቋ ኸኣ መሰረት ምምዕባል ሃገር ምዃኑ’ዮም ዝተፈላለዩ ምሁራት ዝገልጹ። እቶም ኣብ ቋንቋ ኣፍልጦ ዘሎዎም፡ ፍልጠቶም ንዘይፈልጡ ብምክፋል፡ እቶም ኣፍልጦ ዘይብሎም ድማ መሲናስ (ብሃብቱ ንስነ ጥበብ ዝድግፍ ለጋስ ሰብ) ብምዃን፡ ኩልና ቋንቋና ኣብ ምምዕባል እጃምና ከነበርክት ይግባእ። ስለዚ ብዝከኣለኩም መጠን ኣብ ክንዲ ቋንቋ እንግሊዝ ቋንቋኹም ተጠቐሙ። ኣብቲ ብእንግሊዝ ዝተጻሕፈ ዓንቀጻት፡ እንግሊዝኛ እንተተጠቐምኩም ግን ነውሪ የብሉን። ብትግርኛ ንዝጸሓፈ ጸሓፊ ብእንግሊዝኛ ክትምልሱሉ ግን ንቡር ኣይኮነን። ምኽንያቱ፡ ኣብ ክንዲ ቋንቋ ኣደኹም ቋንቋ ባዕዲ ተማዕብሉ ስለ ዘለኹም።
ህግደፍ ንቋንቋናን ባህልናን ካብቶም ብቕድሚኡ ዝሓለፉ ዘለምቲ (ረገጽቲ፡ ጨቆንቲ) ስርዓታት ንላዕሊ፡ ከመይ ጌሩ ይቐትሎ ከም ዘሎ፡ ነቶም ናይ ቋንቋ ኣምር ዘሎዎም ሰባት ከም ጸሓይ ቀትሪ ብሩህ’ዩ። እቶም ውድቀቱ ዘይበራሃልኩም ወይ ድማ ዘየስተውዓልኩሙሉ ሰባትውን ርሑቕ ከይከድኩም ነዚ ዘረድእ ክልተ ቀለልቲ ኣብነት ክጠቕሰልኩም ፍቐዱለይ፥ 1ይ፥ ነቶም ህግደፍ ኣብ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ጽንብላቱ ግዜ ናይ መጽናዕቶም ብምሽማው ብግዴታ፡ ዝተፈላለየ ኣልባሳት ከዲኑ፡ ኣብ መድረኽ ዘላህዮም ኣሓትናን ኣሕዋትናን ንሳዕስዒቶም ምዕዛብ፣ 2ይ፥ ነቶም ምስ ህዝቦም ንኽላለዩን ብቕዓቶም ከመስክሩን ኢሎም ምስኡ ሕግብግብ ዝብሉ ዝተፈላለዩ ድምጻውያን ሃገርና፡ ዝደርፍዎ ግጥምታት ብጽሞና ተኸታቲልካ ናይ ቋንቋ ብስለቱን ሰዋስዋዊ ኣሰራርዕኡን ብምስትውዓል፡ ሃስያ ቋንቋና ንምርዳእ ዚከኣል ይመስለኒ። ከምቲ ግቡእ ግን ድምጻዊ ዚደርፍ ወይ ናብ መድረኽ ዚድይብ ሰለስተ ነገራት ንምፍጻም’ዩ። ንሳተን ከኣ ቀዳማይ፥ ትምህርትን ማዕዳን ንምሃብ፣ ካልኣይ፥ ህዝቢ ንምዝንጋዕ፣ ሳልሳይ፥ ቋንቋን ባህልን ንምምዕባል’ዩ። ክቡራት ኣሕዋት፡ ኣብዚ ግን ክርሳዕ ዘይብሉ ነገር ኣሎ፡ ህ.ግ.ሓ.ኤ ኣብ ሜዳ ከሎ ዓቢ ተስፋ ዝተነበረሉ፡ ደሓን ዝኾነ ናይ ቋንቋ ኣንፈት ሒዙ ናብ ዓዲ ከም ዝኣተወ ዝከሓድ ከምዘይኮነ’ዩ። እቲ ብልሽት ቋንቋን ባህልን ድሕሪ ናጽነት’ዩ ጀሚሩ።
ገለ ሰባት ‘ሎሚ ከም ድላይና ብቋንቋና እናተዛረብናን እናጸሓፍናንሲ ከመይ ጌሩ’ዩ ቋንቋን ባህልን ተሃስዩ ዝብለና ዘሎ?’ ዝብሉ ኣይሰኣኑን ይኾኑ። ኣቐዲመ ግን ሓንቲ ነገር ክብሎም እደሊ፥ እተን ሓደ ደራሲ ልዑል ቆላሕታ ሂቡ ኪሰርሓለን ዘለዎ ነገራት ክልተ ምዃነን’ዩ። ንሳተን ከኣ ንዝተረስዑ ቃላት ምዝኽኻርን ንዘይፍለጡ ግን ከኣ ገለጽቲ ዚኾኑ ቃላት ምልላይን እየን። ስለዚ፡ ካብዘን ድሕሪ ናጽነት ተደሪሰን ትብሉወን ትዑላት (መጻሕፍቲ) ይኹና ግጥምታት ደርፊ፡ እታ ብብስለት ቃላታ ኮነ ስርዓተ ሰዋስው ኣጠቓቕማኣ ብልጽቲ’ያ ትብሉዋ’ሞ ጥቐሱለይ፡ ሽዑ ኣነ እቲ ዘሎዋ ናይ ቃላት ድኽነትን ናይ ስርዓተ ሰዋስውን ስርዓተ ነጥብን ዕርቃንን ዘርዚረ ክገልጸልኩም ክፍትን’የ። ሰላም።
ስቓይና ንኺድምደም፡ ውድቀት ንጉጅለ ሕሰም!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 31-05-2013

Review overview
  • Zaul June 1, 2013

    ብመንፅር ክብርን መሰልን ኩሎም ሰባት እንትውለዱ ነፃን ማዕሪን እዮም፡፡ ምስትውዓልን ሕልናን ዝተዓደሎም ብምዃኖም ንሕድሕዶም ብሕውነታዊ መንፈስ ክተሓላለዩ ኦለዎም፡፡

    • Salim June 1, 2013


      That is Agamegna. You are Ugum, right?

      • Zaul June 1, 2013


        If you enlighten the Eritrean people about the Woyane-agenda [Spread Regionalism and use Afar, Kunama and sometimes Saho and Jeberti to destabilize Eritrea], it would be more helpfull. The good people of Tigray do not deserve to be called stupid names.

        • Salim June 1, 2013

          “The good people of Tigray do not deserve to be called stupid names. ”

          “እንትውለዱ” is Agamegna and you are a Tigrayan. There is no point in denying the truth. I have used እንትውለዱ in order to demonstrate that it is wrong to present yourself as though you were Eritrean.

      • asghedom June 1, 2013

        Agamagna is amharic or tigrigna, are you egiptian to write like this or you are sudanes, please identify your identity. only God knows this garbege people to write like this

  • Zaul,
    Exactly! If we treat humans based on their Humanity first, we avoid this labeling “eritrawi, tigrawai, Ethiopiawi…” that is a sickness that consuming Diaspora Eritreans in particular. And Mesinas undersores that!

    The BIGGER problem that The Eritrean prople inside Eritrea has is NOT proving the world that they are Eritrean, their probelem is on how to get rid of PFDJ (PFDJ established & rooted by so many “pure” Eritreans, the like of Mesinas!

    In the eyes of the oppressed people of Erityrea, there is NO variation whether you are a “pure” or “not so pure” Eritrean as long as you are part of PFDJ is terrorizing & destructing them.

    The majoruity of Dispora Eritreans be it pro PFDJ or against, have one way or the other way, since 1991-may 1998, kept going home and helping PFDJ corrupting the culture, prostituting naive eritrean youngsters, and what not. NOW, after the evil system robbed & kicked them off, now they act like saints. The Diaspora Eritreans played the bigger portion in demolishing, destroying Eritrea’s culture. They ghetottized Eritrea. They prostitutized eritrea. Only if the landscape of Eritrea has tongues to tell it all! Facts on the ground do not lie!

  • Zaul June 1, 2013

    M.E.S(3,018 m)
    It’s not just a matter of negativity and fear. There are historical examples of how people who were not Arabs became arabized. The real Arabs, are only those from the Arabian Peninsula.
    A definition from Wikipedia.
    “Arabization or Arabisation (Arabic: تعريب‎ taʻrīb) describes a growing cultural influence on a non-Arab area that gradually changes into one that speaks Arabic and/or incorporates Arab culture and Arab identity. It was most prominently achieved during the 7th century Arabian Muslim conquests which spread the Arabic language, culture, and—having been carried out by Arabian Muslims as opposed to Arab Christians or Arabic speaking Jews—the religion of Islam to the lands they conquered. The result: some elements of Arabian origin combined in various forms and degrees with elements taken from conquered civilizations and ultimately denominated “Arab”, as opposed to “Arabian”.
    After the rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula, Arab culture and language spread through trade with African states, conquest, and intermarriage of the non-Arab local population with the Arabs, in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iraq and the Sudan. The peninsular Arabic language became common among these areas; dialects also formed. Also, though Yemen is traditionally held to be the homeland of Arabs, most[1] of the population did not speak Arabic (but instead South Semitic languages) prior to the spread of Islam.”
    There are counter-movements in North Africa:
    “Berberism (Berber: Timmuzɣa) or Amazighism[1] is a Berber political-cultural movement of ethnic, geographic, or cultural nationalism, started mainly in Kabylia, Algeria, and in Morocco and later spread to the rest of Berber countries in North Africa. A Berber group, the Tuaregs, are in rebellion against the West African country of Mali as of 2012, and have established a temporarily de facto independent state called Azawad and identifies itself as “Berber”.
    The Berberist movement in Algeria and Morocco is in opposition against cultural Arabization and the pan-Arabist political ideology, while in Azawad, it is in opposition to perceived discrimination against Berbers on the part of black African majority groups”
    “To a lesser extent, Saudi Arabia supported the Eritrean cause in the war of independence
    against Ethiopia (1962-1991) by financing the guerrillas but also by facilitating entry and
    residence for exiles and guerrilla fighters. Arab countries in general, and the Gulf countries and
    Saudi Arabia in particular, supported the Eritrean guerrillas from the 1960s to the 1990s on an
    ideological basis and allowed Eritrean refugees to enter and settle in the oil-rich countries using
    migration politics as an asylum policy by proxy. Eritrean refugees were considered as Arabs
    oppressed by a colonial Christian power (Ethiopia) supported by both Israel and the United
    States until the Marxist revolution led by Haile Mariam Mengestu in 1974. Their struggle was
    understood in a geopolitical context and was seen by the Arab states around the Red Sea as a key
    strategic move toward protecting the “Arab identity of the Red sea,” which they consider an
    “Arab lake.”
    lxi Rather than straightforward political support through explicit asylum rights, the
    stance of the Saudi government was to welcome Eritrean migrants; in turn, the financial flows of
    remittance from the kingdom became a crucial source of support for the freedom fighters.
    Even though the historiography remains controversial on the emergence of an Arab
    political culture of the guerrilla, the intellectual, financial, and political connections between the
    first political movements promoting independence and the Arab world is clearly established.
    Arabicized elites from Eritrea gathered within the Muslim league in 1946, the Harekat Tahrir
    Iritriya (Eritrean Liberation Movement) in 1958, and the Eritrean Liberation Front, and started to 15
    claim autonomy from the Ethiopian domination that was formally established over the former
    Italian colony after the British army withdrew in 1952.
    lxii The essence of the political culture of
    the guerrilla has drawn the attention of historians and political scientists up to now.lxiii Primary
    sources and historical accounts in Arabic strongly defend the idea of an Arab identity of the
    independence struggle based on the support granted to the guerrilla by neighboring Arab
    countries. The discourse produced by political leaders in the 1960s and the 1970s was strongly
    influenced by Arabism and by the ideological resources it provides for claiming independence.
    Therefore, the presentation of Eritrea as an Arab country and of Eritreans as Arabs was
    acknowledged as a regional political commonplace, which led to the blooming of propaganda
    and pseudo-historical literature on Eritrea’s “Arabness.”

    • ahmed saleh June 2, 2013

      Why the hell and what is your problem using various pen names try to force us on your stupid propaganda as
      your previous Ethiopian masters to portray us as Arab influenced political forces . Get lost man , we are
      proud Eritreans not stupid by nature .

  • Haben June 1, 2013

    @hawika. So being from Akele Xaeda is being from agame! I heard these words long time ago from Hamasienay Gerezgiher WUCHU! Good to know there are many followers of the ignorant general. Believe me, we deki Akele Xaeda are the ONLY people who know our neighbours tigrayans. And we are the only people who really know our boarders and boarder lines with ethiopia.

    • aba-chegora June 1, 2013

      Selam haben,
      When i heeard wuchu said what he said, i hated him for saying that thinking that. But what you wrote is similar to what wuchu had said. Isnt it a fact that akelguzay is nearer to tigray and many people from that area have relatives across the border? Inversly many people from awraja agame have relatives across the border. So what is the problem with that ? akel guzay is not Xaeda or blue. In Eritrea all awrajas are xaedas. Sop being ignorant and arrogant. Whether you like it or not akeleguzay is nearer to agame than hamasean, qeih bahri, barka or any other awraja in Eritrea.

      • MightyEmbasoyra June 1, 2013

        So, does Tijuana makes it USA because it is near San Diego?
        Does Seraye becomes Adwa? How about Asab becomes Dessie?
        In general (read history books), when someone is ignorant or poor, or somehow challenged, then they start naming the superior (in education, financial, etc.) group names.
        Why do you think a lot of places they hated the jews before? Let me answer you – they were highly educated & financially to do well.
        I hope this answers to some of those stupid comments.

      • Tes June 1, 2013

        Hi all,
        It is alrigh to find out about backgrounf og an offivial especially when some one like Girma. I don’t understand why some of those guys who try to divert the issue. The writer simple asked a qoustion if you have answer lets share it here otherwise rising qoustion doesn’t make him racist. Some of you like basic history of Eritrea may be to the level of wuchu. It make me sick to hear those idiots to insalt the land of Bahta Hagos, Raesi Tesema and others to be consider near that or this. Having said that have great respect of tegaru and bening they are ournighbors

      • Tes June 1, 2013

        Hi all,
        It is alrigh to find out about backgrounf og an offivial especially when some one like Girma. I don’t understand why some of those guys who try to divert the issue. The writer simple asked a qoustion if you have answer lets share it here otherwise rising qoustion doesn’t make him racist. Some of you like basic history of Eritrea may be to the level of wuchu. It make me sick to hear those idiots to insalt the land of Bahta Hagos, Raesi Tesema and others to be consider near that or this. Having said that have great respect of tegaru and bening they are ournighbors it doesn’t bother me. What i don’t undersatand is my own people who blame evey organisation on earth to all failed socio poletics and economy.they never learn from their mistakes or they never get tired of calling names. I really feel ashame of of them.

      • Salim June 1, 2013

        Don’t believe in biela-bielews. People who think you are credulous are trying to play with your mind.

        • MightyEmbasoyra June 1, 2013

          The source of Biela bielew is 03 and a lot of ignorant higdefs multiply them. As T. Temenwo’s mentioned it, higdef is built by idiots. Actually their result says it all.
          No electricity, running water, or enough food to feed this small nation. Can you believe that the red sea only can feed the entire eritrea but the country is at the mercy of these bunch of idiots?

          • Salim June 2, 2013


            I didn’t know that you were adgi. seldi ab gereb zboql dyu mesiluka? daHray ke’a may tesa’inu tbls ms rebi diKa kteba’sena deliKa?

            bqurmdna 2% mKfal abiKum – ertrawyan zKonkum – ‘nkeleKum abey alo ‘zi abey alo ‘ti mbal newri ‘yu::

      • Ali-lol June 1, 2013

        “many people from awraja agame have relatives across the boarder”??? I believe all the seraye boarder till adiQuala have relatives from agame.

        • Salim June 1, 2013

          ” I believe ”

          It is a belief without basis.

          • ahmed saleh June 3, 2013


      • Kalighe June 3, 2013

        “Whether you like it or not akeleguzay is nearer to agame than hamasean, qeih bahri, barka or any other awraja in Eritrea.”


        Whether you like it or not there is nothing which makes Hamasien a special region, nor there is any problem with Akele been Eritreans.
        All these nonsense is just in the mind of a few who want humiliate others with no reason. When I was a kid in Asmara, “tifozos” of Hama club used to shout at Ambasoira team ‘Ayzokhum nayna !!’.
        Back then, it was said that Ethiopia is playing a divisive role even in football. What about now ?. Eritrea is a small country, with a lot of problems, mostly created by some of it’s citizens (wrong attitudes). As for Tigreyans (agame or not) they have a better country to be proud of. Although our problems are mostly internal, there is also a hate monger among Tigreyans that visit our forums. Despite that we need to keep our mind and heart open and focus on our problems.

  • akal June 1, 2013

    Hello Zaul and others,

    This gentleman Mesinas, who is obviously rich in Tigrigna vocabulary and grammar, is talking about ” backwardness, principled, harmonious, honest and just relationship of people and, last but not least, about being proud of one’s language, careful & proper use of the language with participation in its development. I enjoyed the beauty of this article even though, with my limited Tigrigna linguistic knowledge, I found some words kind of redundant.

    However, you guys are talking about things unrelated to his article; especially, you, Zaul. Who cares about Arabs if they are from mars or the moon. And people are free to choose whatever language they want to communicate with.
    Anyhow, please, focus on what brother Mesinas wants to discuss about.
    Great article, brother Mesinas. I look forward to reading your articles. I apologize for not writing in Tigrigna for I do not have the proper Tigrigna software to write with.


    • Zaul June 2, 2013


      The remnants of ELF were never satisified that EPLF liberated Eritrea and continue their armed resistance to this day, because they want to implement their Pan-Arabist agenda that Egypt started in the mid 1800’s to control the source of the Nile and the control the entire red sea coast, to make the red sea an Arab Lake. The Arabic and Tigrinya as offical language will kill 7 Eritrean language first and finally enroach on Tigrinya with one Arab other one Arabic and one Arabic sentence there and kill it as a final “coup de gras”. And you people are talking about Hama, Akele, Seraye. While all your Habesha kin are suffering in the hands of Arabs and the undemocratic PFDJ (not only of Hama origin). you are trying to distance yourselves from the gallant Tigreans, who has always been on our side Stupid is what you are.

    • Zaul June 2, 2013

      The discussion started out with a question about the origin of Mr. Asmerom and in this Article it turned into a discussion about the use of the language Tigrinya and the rejection of tribalism.
      The participants let out their frustration about the different regions and accusations of being Tigreans, as if Tigreans came from the moon. They are our people and they speak a dialect of Tigrinya (just like we have our own dialect). It’s as if we have totally lost our focus. I don’t care if the whole government consists of this or that group, as long as they are competent and democratically elected and respect the rights of minorities.

      Why do I bring up Arabic?
      Because our history didn’t start with the Italian colonization, parts of the region were under the domain of Bahr Negash ruled by the Bahr Negus. The region was first referred to as Ma’ikele Bahr (“between the seas/rivers,” i.e. the land between the Red Sea and the Mereb river), renamed under EmperorZara Yaqob as the domain of the Bahr Negash, called Midri Bahri (Tigrinya: “Sea land,” though it included some areas like Shire on the other side of the Mereb, today in Ethiopia)[15] until the modern day, when its name was changed to Mereb Mellash (beyond the river Mereb) under the rule of Yohannes IV, the locals referred to this area as Midri Bahri. Medri Bahri was an area distinguished by a very weak feudal structure, with virtually no serfdom and a strong and democratic landowning peasantry unique for the entire region at this time.
      1832-1842: Egyptian raids toward the western lowlands of Eritrea, “conversion or death”.
      1846: Egypt takes over Massawa after nearly 300 years in the hands of the Ottoman turks.
      1868: The lord Napir against Emperor Tewodros of Ethiopia. The British expeditionary force passes through Eritrea.
      1869: Italian shipping company called “Societa di Navigazione Rubattino purchases a piece of land in Assab, to benefit from the newly constructed Suez canal.
      1875: The Egyptian invasion of the Eritrean Highlands; The battle of Gundet between the Egyptian forces and the army of Emperor Yohannes IV of Abyssinia. The Egyptian army faces complete defeat (November).
      1876: The second Egyptian invasion of the Eritrean highlands defeated by Yohannes IV of Ethiopia at the battle of Gura’e (March).
      1881-1882: Mahdist expansion from Sudan; the transfer of Assab to Italian state control.
      1885: The Italians continue their expansion along the Red sea coast, and they occupy Massawa in February. In the same year Alula defeats a Mahdist army at Kufit.
      1887: Ras Alula (commander in chief of the Ethiopian army) defeats the Italians at the battle of Dogali.
      1889: Italians continue their expansion toward the highlands of Eritrea, and they occupy Asmara in August.
      1890: Eritrea officially becomes an Italian colony (January).
      1891-1894: Italians start to implement policies of agricultural colonization and massive land confiscation in the highlands of Eritrea.
      1894: Italian colonialism faces a major mass-based local resistance in Eritrea led by Degiat Bahta Hagos (December 13-17). “Bahta, Bahta of Segeneiti, master of the Italians, master of Segeneiti. Could a lion be born to a woman?’’ This was part of a song which told the boldness of an Eritrean hero whose revolt in December 1894 brought on an independence struggle against early colonialism.
      1896: Italy attempts an invasion of Ethiopia, but it suffers a total military defeat by the foces of Emperor Menelik at the the Battle of Adwa (March)
      1897: Asmara is made the capital city of colonial Eritrea.
      1941: Italy suffers a total military defeat by the Allied Forces at various battles in Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia. Ethiopia reachieves its independence and Emperor Haile Selassie (who was granted refuge in Britain during World War II) comes back to his throne in Ethiopia.
      1941: Mahber Feqri Hager, the first popular political organization, is founded in Asmara (on may 5).
      1944-1950: Profileration of Eritrean political parties(the Liberal progressive party; Moslem League; Massawa National Party; and others)
      1952: The Federal act is implemented (September).
      1955: The chief Executive of the Eritrean government (Tedla Bairu) is replaced by Asfaha Woldemichael (an advocate of Eritrean union with Ethiopia).
      1958: The Eritrean Liberation movement (ELM) is founded in November, and starts a network of resistance against the Ethiopian violations of the principles of the federation. The Eritrean flag is lowered. Student strike in Asmara surpressed.
      1960: ELF formed in Cairo, Egypt. Heavily influence by Pan-arabism.
      1973: The PLF-Dankalia and PLF-Ala Group merge and form the EPLF.
      1991: Eritrea is Liberated by the EPLF army (May 24).
      1998-2000: Eritrea and Ethiopia fight bloody war in which hundreds of thousands of lives are lost from both sides.
      2001: The Eritrean government cracks down on some of the country’s renowned political figures, as the G-15, and bans private newspapers and imprisons independent journalists (September 18).

      • ahmed saleh June 2, 2013

        You sound a snake in sheep skin among these groups for political change .

        • Salim June 2, 2013

          a snake in sheep skin??

          qorbet begiE zlebese toKla men’netu k’Hab’ kem zftn gbre-‘key gierna nr’de’o, qorbet begiE zteKedne temen gn ‘ntay malet kon yKewn? fHyuK aybl, temenawi ( temnewo-awi maletey aykonkun) qrSu ayHab’ …..!!!

  • Genet June 1, 2013

    Finding out who are the leader of our country is the right thing to do.
    It is about our country and our people. No body should be offended by the profiling of our so called leader in Eritrea. We want to know who is killing our people and destroying our country and future.

    • Salim June 1, 2013

      Geneta ( I hope you are not Tigrayan)

      Ambassador Girma Asmerom hails from a village in Hamassien not far from Dekemhare.

      • Genet June 2, 2013

        My brother, Being from Hamassien not far from Dekemhare doesn’t mean that he is from Eritrea. Do you know how many Pure Tigrayn live around Asmara? No body can tell where they are from. Thy may have a grand father but if you dig deeper, they don’t have any root In Eritrea. The lack of deeper root is not the problem. But some of those people lack compassion for Eritrea and Eritrean. WHY? I DON’T KNOW. I believe the issue about Ambassador Girma is that He is not doing his duty as an Eritrean official. His duty should be protecting our people. Nevertheless, every Eritrean should be for the profiling of our leader in Eritrea. Since they came to power without our consent and the vetting process, let us do it now. Every one should know that if Ambassador Girma is Eritrean through and through, He will be held accountable for his action. As far as I am concern He should be treated harshly than if he is found to be Tigraya/Ethiopian.

        Salim and all please don’t be sensitive about the vetting or profiling process. It is legal. Profiling the current Eritrean leaders is not about blood line, but it is about getting to know them. It is natural for us to ask a leader who is harming our people, who are you? where did come from?. Since Ambassador Girma is profiling Eritrean in Ethiopia, then he should test his own medicine.

        • Salim June 2, 2013

          Geneta(Gual Tigray)

          You are talking rubbish. Girma Asmeron is be’Al meriet be’Al rsti. I located for you his ancestral village. If you looking for people of Tigrayan origin or whose dad is Tigrayn then you have got General Tekeste.

  • haw June 1, 2013


    Thank you for the great article and for dedicating your precious time in explaining at length the burning issues, while at same time sharing your priceless knowledge with everyone,even those who are not willing to accept the truth!
    Keep it up Eritrean brother! And dont be detered by venomous and ignorant contributors of this forum!
    We eagerly await your future articles! Rest assured, Eritrea needs people like you!


  • Fessaha June 1, 2013

    If someone shows so much enmity towards Eritrea and Eritreans, tells (diplomatic) lies,such as that of Girma Asmerom, it is natural to ask why Girma Asmerom is so evil and speaks blatant lies about Eritreans. Girma Asmerom is a crude and nude diplomat, good to tell lies.
    Mesinas is asking this simple question as is customary “WHY IS G.ASMEROM DOING THIS IF HE IS A REAL ERITREAN”.

    • Salim June 1, 2013

      “If someone shows so much enmity towards Eritrea and Eritreans,”

      You have a fertile imagination!! kkkkkkkkk!!

  • Fesseha,
    The question is NOT whether Mesinas is asking the Question that we all are asking. The bottomline is, as is the sickness of many Eritreans, why selectively targeting one evil from the other? But why?
    a) Ali Abdu is not a lesser evil when he, for years, saturated our people with floods of disinformation, often by creatively hatching things to please his boss.
    b) That notorious Naizghi Kiflu is No lesser evil what he did to our people. But, many who so-called oppostions “the” tried to mortalize and made him a hero. Do Eritreans protect Awraja at the expense of the entire population & humanity?
    is Awarajawnet bigger than the nation itself? I strongly disagree so!
    c) Araya Desta is sitting at the UN, lifeless, telling lies. why question Girma Asmerom’s Eritranism instead of his deeds? Question his deeds, and rightly so.
    But, rid yourself from this sick mentality “oh if anyone is born in Ethiopia” s/he is not Eritrean enough and must be questioned. This mindest is sickness.
    d) Wedi Gerahtu leaves no stone unturned to disinform & subdue the diaspora and usning his diplomatic tag, running arpund Europe spreading lies.

    so tell me where the denominator variation is between Girma Asmerom & the rest of those I mentioned a thru d.

    now tell me in all sinecrity! are you seeing the glass half empty when it comes to people who were born in ethiopia? That is the sickness I see in many Eritreans. And that is the fear I have for the oppressed people of Eritrea, as to what sick mind awaits them post PFDJ.

    • MightyEmbasoyra June 1, 2013

      I don’t think Mesinas singled out Girma because he was born in Ethiopia. If he did that is WRONG. I assumed he just started with him, but this is my assumption.
      Yes, I hear sometimes ignorant people keep saying “Amiche” in a mean way. That’s wrong. Do you know how many Eritreans (born and raised in Ethiopia) joined the struggle and contributed the same way as the people who were born and raised in Eritrea.
      If that is the case, anyone born outside of Eritrea (other African countries, Americas, Europe, Middle east, etc.) need to be treated equally as non-Eritreans – which is ridiculous.
      We Eritreans think we are the smartest people in the world – think again. Our result tells the other way.
      Let’s admit our weakness and work hard to be treated first class world citizen. AS of now, none sees us that way. Yes, the truth hurts.

  • Fessaha June 1, 2013

    I totally agree with you, but I also hope you will take my point, which is the customary question: If you are my brother, why do you hurt me? If you are an Eritrean, why do you do these evil things to me? That is the point I would like to defend Mesinas on.

    • Salim June 2, 2013


      You sound like a reasonable person but I don’t know why you blame Ambassador Girma Asmerom for representing our country. The guy from DmSi Hafash is a hero of our liberation struggle.

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