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ስውር ስለያዊ ኩናት ( ካብ ኤርትራ ዝበጽሓና መልእኽቲ)

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Review overview
  • Lemlem Habte September 30, 2015

    I read the the document and understood that the person who sent the document tends to make the lower level leaders responsible for the whole failure. But it is the failure of isaiyas in appointing the right person to the right position and evaluating performances based on national interest. However, isaiyas is working hard to dismantle the country by seeding poisonous seeds among the leaders not to trust each other and challenge him. Who knows, he may be the one or his trusted inner circles who were dealing with mola and Ethiopian government since isaiyas is working to give Eritrea back to Ethiopia. I think, history is repeating itself. God bless Eritrea and Ethiopia the two sister countries.

  • lemlem September 30, 2015

    From whatI read you look oneconcerned about them.All PJDF,no matter the color of Wolf;they Origin from the whole evil and Eseyas is their Chief.You look interested in the conflict running among them.people suffered a lot from those savages.May be time will come when the evil to simplify its own Red devils?!

  • k.tewolde September 30, 2015

    Lawlessness and anarchy at it’s best. There is no legitimate and accountable owner of the country.The classified info is yet to be revealed.This is the tip of the iceberg.The dirty players seem to exist separately , but they are intertwined.The regime in Asmera is ready for self consumption, like a sick pancreas that is overwhelmed by its over productive digestive enzymes.The question is, are we ready to resurrect this beguiled nation?, do we have the necessary tools to clean the garbage these imbeciles left behind?

  • ታደሰ ኪዳነ September 30, 2015

    እዚ ቀሪቡ ዘሎ ጽሑፍ ምናልባት ንብዙሓት ሓድሽ መሲሉ ክረአ ይኽእል ይኸውን። ኣብ ጽባሕ 3ይ ወራር (ግምቦት 2000) ሓለፍቲ ስለያ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ከምዚ ክብሉ ጽሒፎም ነይሮም ኢዮም።
    “ንስለያዊ መርበባት ኤርትራ፡ ንሕና ብከባቢ ጾሮና ከም እነጥቅዕ ከም ዝኣምኑ ገርናዮም። ሽዑ ነቲ ኣብ ካልእ ግምባራት ዝነበረ ሓይልታቶም ኣርቂቆም። ምሉእ ሓይሎም ናብ ከባቢ ጾሮና ምስ ኣከብዎ፡ ንሕና ከኣ ብለይቲ፡ ንሶም ከይፈለጡ፡ ሓይልታትና ኣንቀሳቒስና፡ በቲ ዘርቀቅዎ ግምባር መረብ ሰቲት ኣጥቂዕና።”
    ክብል ሓደ ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ናይ ስለያ ኮሎነል ጽሒፉ ነይሩ ኢዩ።
    እቲ ኲናት ብዓንዳርእሱ`ውን መንእሰያትና ዝሃልቅሉ፡ ኢሰያስን መጫፍርቱን ዝዋናታቱ ምንባሩ ብዙሓት ሓለፍትና ተዛሪቦም ኢዮም`ሞ እዚ ናይ ትማሊ ፍጻሜ ድማ ንኩነታት ፖሊሲ መንግስትና ዝከታተል ሰብ ዘገርሞ ኣይኮነን። “ኣዝጊኣብሀር ንሃገርና ይምሓር” ኢልካ ጥራይ ስቕ ዝበሃለሉ እዋን ኢና ዘሎና።
    እቲ ዝርካቡ ናይ ሃገርና መንእሰይ`ውን ልክዕ ከምቶም ናይ ሃገርና ኣዛብእ፡ ኣብ ገንዘብን ስደትን ጥራይ ኣድሂቡ። እንታይ ይግበር!!!!!!

    • AHMED SALEH !!!. September 30, 2015

      The sad part at Badme war was when some idiots repeat Issayas claim by saying ;
      our humans lost is minimum only injuries comparing to them . And if somebody
      expressed his criticism at their stupid convictions , they were capable to
      punish the person with damaging rumors to blackmail his patriotism .
      Selfishness dominated Eritreans soul after we gain independence and forgotten
      poor people left behind endured to suffer . It is possible the word BETRAYER
      (KAHADI) might fits to majority including me .

  • AHMED SALEH !!!. September 30, 2015

    Issayas is responsible to allow first the army Generals
    then Colonels and other officers in engaging at every finnancial enterprise . That was his way to please his
    yes men . We heard such practices has been taken place
    for more than ten yrs .
    DEMHIT detect their weak side to outplay HGDF policy
    run by corrupted security intelligence officials .
    Issayas violated Ghedli principle against foreign
    armed forces inside our country to meddle in internal
    affair twice . Both times we paid price .
    To watch national army forces wait for dangers which
    can lead toward grave doesn’t make a sense at all .
    The country in deed does exist in suspension not easy
    to predict the future it brings ahead of us .
    Hayli REBI/FETARI nihizbina yewridelom imber
    kabanas tirfi nimirkab tieghisti tedakhima ala

  • Araya Berhe September 30, 2015

    Shaebia literally prevailed by eating its young during the liberation era, and now it is prevailing by devouring its young – tens of thousands dead and maimed and hundreds of thousands exiled.
    It didn’t know any other way then; and it doesn’t know any better now. But even more critically, it is hollowing out the whole nation in its quest for survival.
    Anyone who thinks that this Khmer Rouge of Africa knows how to take “calculated risk” either he is doing it to save it from itself or he ought to have his head examined.

  • Simon G. September 30, 2015

    This is the master piece of isayas himself. If I had to bet, the devil knew and orchestrated it with his buddy, Mola. Now, you will see he will use some of them as scapegoat. Isn’t that his usual trick. He used it for the last 40 yrs or so, why stop now.

  • Aster.R September 30, 2015

    Sadly, merkebna Eritreana tiTiHil ala really fast with diablos Isaias and his mafia servants in charge of Eritrea. Each day under diablos Isaias, Eritrea is being pushed closer to the abyss.

    How is it possible that after all the disasters and damages that diablos Isaias caused for Eritrea that he is still in charge and in power? Surely Eritrea out of her 5 million children must have a one brave strong man to take on this devil man and finish him off for once and for good!

  • kebary October 1, 2015

    bnay issayas antsarnet zawerkum eritrawian nhagerkumn hzbkumn 80% zhasi gudayat tehteftfu alekum abzi tsihf bzeyke nwlke sebat n hagerkumn awenjilkum ember zeberkto wala hade hasab yeblun adalawi medeb assena tsihufat kdmi mltsafka tmrmromdo eske eza tsihfty alutea do ybezh awentea bderega hager

    • kebary October 1, 2015

      halafnet zgodelo tsihuf nhzbtat ab kimta zeatu zkeberka tsehafi baelka meskary tkewn aleka etom ab 2000 bmengsty zteakebu tegaru zkone zmskro ab wishitsi adi koynom bawt badme hagosom zgeltsun festa zgebrun ms agatsemu hzbi bsyni kutsea kharmom kemzgemere mengsti kab hadega kemzegalagelim knsu mkhasi sieretu gerka tekrbo aleka

  • kilkul October 1, 2015

    Misraq guhila

    Eritrea n zelalem kebira kitnebir eya dhri mot HIGDEF-wedi Amokan hatinekan Iseyas. Silezi nbat hargexka dew abilo.

    Eseyas kwefir kelo eilameu siltan eyu. Eza siltan dima kesinu keyneberela edmieu nab miekalu gexu ykeyd silezelon b zkealo eza Eritreana adakimu reisa kemzeytkiel geyru ab mecheresha dekimna eina mo Ethiopia tmiebil silezela misa b Federetion do confederation kntsenih eilu kmdir dhir kemzeybil filut eyu. Amlak nezia tkewn gizie ayhabo.
    Tinfas 65,000 bluxat Eritrawyan n bilash kem zgebro ztefelte eyu.
    Nihna meneseyat kab nmewit newih koynu gina men yfelit kem za nay Mola bizhi seb keylekem ezir ybil ykewn nab hawebotatun hatnetatun.

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