ሰበስልጣን ህግደፍ ንፓይሎት ራህዋ ገብረክርስቶስ ናብ ኤርትራ ንምምላስ ዘካየዱዎ ፈተነ ፈሺሉ።
ሰበስልጣን ምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ነታ ኣብ ስዑዲዓረብ ዝነበረት ኣቐዲሞም ኢዶም ዝሃቡ ክልተ ኤርትራውያን ፓይሎት ናብ ስዑዲ ዝተሳገሩላ ነፋሪት ህግደፍ ንምምላስ ዝለኣኹዋ ፓይሎት ራህዋ ገብረክርስቶስ ንርእሳ ኢዳ ሂባ ምስ ራሕርሓቶም ናብ ኤርትራ ንሰበስልጣን ስዑዲ ንምትላል ዘካየዱዎ

ሰበስልጣን ምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ነታ ኣብ ስዑዲዓረብ ዝነበረት ኣቐዲሞም ኢዶም ዝሃቡ ክልተ ኤርትራውያን ፓይሎት ናብ ስዑዲ ዝተሳገሩላ ነፋሪት ህግደፍ ንምምላስ ዝለኣኹዋ ፓይሎት ራህዋ ገብረክርስቶስ ንርእሳ ኢዳ ሂባ ምስ ራሕርሓቶም ናብ ኤርትራ ንሰበስልጣን ስዑዲ ንምትላል ዘካየዱዎ ፈተነ ከምዝፈሸለ ምንጭታት ኣረጋጊጾም።
እቶም ነፋሪት ከምልሱ ዝሓሰቡዎ ፓይሎት ዝኸሰሩ መራሕቲ ህግደፍ፡ በቲ ናይ ፓይሎት ራህዋ ስጉምቲ ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ዓለምን ተዋሪዶም፡ እታ ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ካብ ምግልጋል ቆራጽ ስጉምቲ ምውሳድ ዝመረጸት ፓይሎት ራህዋ፡ ኣብ ስዑዲ ዓረብ ኣብ ውሑስ ቦታ ትርከብ ምህላዋ ክረጋገጽ ተኻኢሉ ኣሎ። እቲ ንኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ለውጢ ኣገዲሱ ዝቐነየ ናይ ህጹጽ ድሕነታ ሕቶ ተሰላሲሉ፡ ሕጂ ተሪፉዋ ዘሎ ጉዳይ፡ ንቡር መስርሕ ዑቕባ ምዃኑ ‘ውን እቶም ምንጭታት ኣገንዚቦም።
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ተጻወቲ ኩዕሶ ብጋንታታት፡ ኣትለታት ብጉጅለታት፡ ፓይሎታት በብጽምዲ፡ ሚኒስተራት ከይተረፉ በብዝኸዱዎ ብቐጻሊ ይርሕርሑዎ ምህላዎም እቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ብህዝቢ ተፈንፊኑ ከምዘሎ ዘረጋግጽ ተርእዮ እዩ።
ኤፍሬም April 10, 2013
ራህዋ እንካዕ ነጻ ወጻዕኪ ህዝቢ ኤርትራውን ከማኪ አብ ዝሃጸረ ግዜ ነጻ ክወዕእ ኢዩ ሚካኤል አደናይ አብ ሚዲያ ወጺኡ ክዛረብየ ኢሉ አሎ ኢቲ አሊ አብዱ ደአ እንታይ አፍረሆ አሊ በጃካ ተዛረብ ታሪክ ከይወቅሰካ
ab ab April 10, 2013
Michel adonay rahwa, kab gzat hgdef netsa entewetsu mulue hzbi Eritrea zhgoselu eyu. Mknyatu ezom selemawyan seb abi moya kulu endareayu lewti nkreyu nnewih gzie ztetsebeyu bmkuanom hji gn edlom tetekimom ayfal nmlki zblu sebat eyom medrek hizom ms zzarebu blbona ksmeu ygbom.
Ente ali abdu gn selamawi seb zeykone dem selemawyan zefsese eyu, moyawi zeykone nay hasot ksha hgdef eyu. Beal abi geben gebenu ab zbanu kem zelo yfelt sle zkone entay kbl. Bzaeba kab hgdef mhdamu nwdket hgdef sle zekelatf ember natsnetu delina aykonan nhgos. Kzareb entedelyu kea kemzlemodo khsu sle zkone hzbi Eritrea kem zfelton kem zeysemon yfelt eyu. Bdem Eritreawyan ztehatsbe gebenena ab dem Eritreawyan kwehat mkuanu knfelt alena. Ab zkone ykun seat kea mhret kem zeyblu yfelt eyu. Slezi nezi seb ezi kulu Eritreawi ngzieu resiena antsar etom terufom zelewu whudat gebenenatat nketsl.
Awet nlewah hzbi Eritrea n merietun.
Dawit April 10, 2013
Ali Ede dea entay kezareb beabiu Abu teasirom enkelewu equa esurat yebilnan zebele.
Aye eza Keren weladit geganu nskakas beynka eka.
Dawit wedi keren
Hawarya justice April 10, 2013
tawet tawet Assenna tawet.
Rahwa we are happy for you,
Amanuel, Dawit, Mebrahtu, Bereket Birmingham April 10, 2013
Well done Rahwa, we are proud of you. you did the right thing. You exposed issais regime in front of the world. we are supporting you. you are brave. you are brilliant. we will stand with you. you are welcome for any help.
Zeray April 10, 2013
Women fighter pilots are a rarity in the world. I am so glad PFDJ did not snatch this precious sister. If she was to be returned there was no doubt her death would have been a torturous death. Some one in Saudi must have a common sense.
Zerai April 10, 2013
i picked the name Zerai first, you might understand it means beside the weak…ect
when we write instead of Grmay, we say Grmai, that is what i did,
so you took advantage and replacing the I to Y,
but it was me the first to pick the name, can you ovoid copying and making confusions here,
About Rahwa good news, Rahwa need to leave Sudi Arabs, its not a safe place.
belay nega April 11, 2013
belay nega April 11, 2013
“About Rahwa good news, Rahwa need to leave Sudi Arabs, its not a safe place”
Zerai April 11, 2013
Belay Nega !!
she already have more than anyone of us is better skill and knowledge to fly anywhere, what i mean is Sudi Arabs are not good country.
however i am happy to help her if there is any fund raising in protecting to her.
fithawi April 11, 2013
belay nega!
Don’t worry. She doesn’t need wings from any one. She will be employed to fly the best jet planes in the world and will fly to anywhere as she can. Got it??
Blessing to you.
Zeray April 11, 2013
Zerai hawey,
I have no problem changing my name for the purpose of comments, but you are asking me to change my real name. Wouldn’t it be practical if you make the changes?
simon April 10, 2013
rahwa congura sis
rezen April 10, 2013
Pilot Rahwa Gebrekristo,
I don’t know you and it matters not even an iota. I only wish you the very best wherever you are and whatever you wanted to be in Life. You and others like you are trail blazers to be what they want to be free and proud. Again, good luck
Google_ERI April 10, 2013
we have over 100 Rahwa’s so what?
MightyEmbasoyra April 10, 2013
Unless you are counting including the people who left the country or any person by the name of Rahwa, your number need to be updated. It is very rare to find fine Rahwas these days inside the country.
Awet Keriba April 11, 2013
well said Embasoyra and I am glad you have come back to your senses, this is more like you a true Eritrean aith no fear. Power to the people.
Paradiso April 10, 2013
ኣልቦ እወ ! “ብህዝቢ ተፈንፊኑ ከምዘሎ ዘረጋግጽ ተርእዮ እዩ።”
fithi April 10, 2013
yes good news. Congratulation rahwa I wish your situation better than next time