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ምኒስተር ምክልኻል ነበርን ኣባል ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኾነን ኣቶ መስፍን ሕጎስ ብዕለት 22 መጋቢት ኣብ ከተማ ፕሪቶሪያ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ክፉት ዝኾነ ሰሚናር ኣካይዱ።

"ዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጢ፡ ዘሎ ዕድላትን ብድሆታትን" መስፍን ሓጎስ ፕሪቶርያ: 22 መጋቢት 2014  ምኒስተር ምክልኻል ነበርን ኣባል ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኾነን ኣቶ መስፍን ሕጎስ ብዕለት 22 መጋቢት ኣብ ከተማ ፕሪቶሪያ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ክፉት ዝኾነ ሰሚናር ኣካይዱ። ኣቶ መስፍን ኣብ ኣስተምህሮኡ ፕለቲካዊ ናጽነት

ዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጢ፡ ዘሎ ዕድላትን ብድሆታትን

መስፍን ሓጎስ

ፕሪቶርያ: 22 መጋቢት 2014

 ምኒስተር ምክልኻል ነበርን ኣባል ሰልፊ ዲሞክራሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኾነን ኣቶ መስፍን ሕጎስ ብዕለት 22 መጋቢት ኣብ ከተማ ፕሪቶሪያ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ክፉት ዝኾነ ሰሚናር ኣካይዱ። ኣቶ መስፍን ኣብ ኣስተምህሮኡ ፕለቲካዊ ናጽነት ናይ መወዳእታ ዓላማ ገድሊ ኤርትራ ከመዘይነበረ እንታይ ድኣ ዲሞክራሲ ንምርግጋጽ ከምዝነበረ ሓቢሩ። ሕጂውን እንተኾነ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጢ ክረጋገጽ ልዑል ተክእሎ ኣሎ ብምባል ተስፋ ከይቆረጽና ምስ ኩሎም ደለይቲ ለውጢ ተሓባቢርና ክንሰርሕ ከምዘሎና ኣስሚርሉ፡፡ የግዳስ እዚ ቃልሲ ንዲሞክራሲያዊ ለውጢ ብድሆታት ከምዘለዎ ብምግንዛብ፡ ነዞም ብድሆታት ብኸመይ ንሰግሮም ኣብ ዝብል ሸውዓተ ነጥቢታት ዝሓዘ መፍትሒታቶም ዘርዚሩ። ጽሟቅ ትሕዝቶ ሰሚናር ኣቶ መስፍን ሓጎስ እንሆ።

Review overview
  • aus 17 March 27, 2014

    Apologists may try to appease and promote Mesfin Hagos. Though every person knows he was an idle, sitting duck, no one took his presence with respect, side-lefted,ignored and inneffective. Who would need this type of a leader? Some say frozen, so what? scared, frightened, paranoid simply lost his man-ness to face any except to bow? These are facts that descrive Mesfin Hagos’ past records…Is this the leader who wants a second chance to lead Eritrea? Are we so bankruptcy to such born to give-up/surrender persons?
    What he failed to do in his youth time, do you think can fix it in his down age? sick, hardly convincing talks?
    please don’t play with peoples intelligence but accept his recorded failed, fiascos narrated facts.
    Mesfin throughout the years, he learned Nothing and he forgot nothing. Came to follow and never to lead, and that’s where he should end.

    • Selamawi March 28, 2014

      Dear aus 17, I believe human beings can change at any time in their life. He is stuck in his remote past, but God willing Ato Mesfin Hagos has the potential to change and pleasantly surprise us all.

  • monicasalguero March 27, 2014

    ኣንታ ! እዚ ሰብ እዚስ ኢዱ ብደምን በፕልመትን ዝረስሐስ፡
    ናብ ሀዝቢ ከቅልቀል ከማን መሓፈረ.
    ወይስ ንሀዝቢ ደንቆሮ ቆጺርዎ ዩ?

  • ሻሎም March 28, 2014

    ንእሽተይ ሓሳብ ከካፍል ኣፍቅዱለይ

    መስፍን ሓጎስ ኣብ ሜዳ ዝገበሮ ገበን ክህሉ ይኽእል እዩ። እንተዀነ ግና ከም ደለይቲ ፍትሒ መጠን እዛ ፍትሒ ንኹሉ ሰብ ብማዕረ ትብጽሖ። ንጹህ ይኹን ገበነኛ ብዘየገድስ ማለት እዩ። እዚ ማለት ዝኾነ ይኹን ሰብ ኣብ ነጻ ዝኾነ ቤትፍርዲ ገበነኛ ኮይኑ ክሳብ ዘይተረኸብ ንጹሕ እዩ። ኣቶ መስፍን ሓጎስ ድማ ከም ኩሎም ኣብ ሓላፍነት ዝነበሩ ተጋደልቲ ጆብሃ ይኹኑ ሻዕብያ ብሓደ መለክዒ ክንመዝኖ ይግባእ። ኩላትና ንጂ 15፡ እንታይነቶም ብዘየገድስ እቲ ዝሓተትዎ ሕቶ ሕቶና ብምዃኑ ኢና ደጊፍናዮም። መስፍን ሓጎስ ድማ ምስኦም ደው ኢሉ ከይፈርሐ ነቲ ዘይሕጋዊ ኣካይዳ ደው ኢሉ ናብ ዲሞክራሲያዊን ቅዋማዊን መንግስቲ ንሰጋገር እዩ ዝበለ። እዞም ኩሉኹም ንመስፍን ሓጎስ ትጸርፉዎ ዘለኹም ሓንቲ ሕቶ ክሓተኩም፡ ኩሎም እቶም ካልኦት ኣብ ስልጣን ዘለዉ ነቲ ጂ15 ዝሓተትዎ ሕቶ እንተዝሓቱ ኣብ ኤርትራ እንታይ ምኾነ ኢልኹም ትሓስቡ? ኢሰያስ ክሳብ ሕጂዶ ኣብ ስልጣን ምሃለወ?

    • Selamawi March 29, 2014

      Dear Shalom, selam naakan nanan!

      Please try to differentiate between legal, political, and moral aspects when talking about the man, Ato Mesfin Hagos. If we want to hold him accountable of the alleged crimes, we need to go through the legal process.
      When many allegation have leveled against him, he has moral obligation to tell us his side of the story sincerely. He has to show us that he is man for uniting the Eritrean people not for dividing us. Not an extension of pfdj mission of destruction.

      Politically speaking, I do not want to be lead by a possible criminal. He has the obligation to convince us that he does not harbor the old secretive habits of ‘wishtawit selfi’ of which he said he was proud to have been one of the founding members. He does not even regret of the extra judicial arbitrary killings of Eritrean tegadelti! If we give him political power, do you think he would allow us to form a free justice system which he does not control? I doubt.

      Therefore, Ato Mesfin Hagos is no more a man for the future but to left behind t regurgitate his past.

      May God give him the wisdom he needs at this time.

      • shalom March 30, 2014

        Dear Selamawi,

        Still you are letting yourself to be influenced by the allegations leveled against him as if they are facts. The first thing G-15 said officially was to move to a constitutional government where there is accountability and transparency. They admitted the failures of the government in which they were part and parcel of. In order for him to be accounted for (explain himself) there should be a conducive environment which means a free and fair system in place. You and I are free not to accept him as our leader. But we should give credit where it is due. I give him and his colleagues of the G-15 credit because they dare to ask questions. For they admitted their failures and were ready to be accountable. They asked for the implementation of the constitution. Constitution for me is the core of every thing.
        Sometimes allegations can deceive us not to be objective. ዘረባ ክልተ ከይሰማዕካ ኣይትፍረድ አኳ ዝብሃል. ብዝከኣል መጠን ንኹሉ ዝበሃል ብሚዛናዊ ዓይኒ ክንመዝኖ ሓላፍነትና እዩ። ንመስፍን ሓጎስ ክትከሶ እንተዀንካ ብቤላቤለው ዘይኮነ ብጭብጢ ክኸውን ኣለዎ እብል ኣነ። ወድሓንካ። የቀንየለይ።

        • Selamawi March 30, 2014

          Selam Shalom, I have some questions for you.
          1.Why are you not influenced by the allegations against Ato Mesfin Hagos? You seem to defend him disregarding all evidence, but remember a Tigrigna adage: ab kindi butsuh wuludka aytimhal.

          2. You said ‘zereba kilte keysemaeka aytfred’ this is fantastic but that exactly what I said bout Ato Mesfin Hagos. He should communicate, he should explain, defend himself if he what is being said about him is untrue. Please read my entry again if you need to, because I have made distinction between legal, political and moral aspects. If I have not made myself clear, I will try for you, if you let me know.

          3. With regards to objectivity, I think you appear more subjective than I and I urge you to reconsider your views of yourself in this particular area. I will copy and paste my previous entry for your reference – in the hope to show you that I have considered a number of points.

          4. You give Ato Mesfin Hagos credit for being member of G-15… Yes indeed, But Ambassador Beraki, Ato Haile Woldetensae, Woyzoro Aster… returned to Eritrea knowing well that they would be jailed. Ato Mesfin Hagos left Eritrea at the same time.

          I wrote the following earlier and you might have not read it, so here it is for your reference dear compatriot, Shalom

          After the arrest of G-15 Ato Mesfin Hagos was touring Europe and America. He was then respected and many people flocked to listen to him. He was saying that he was planing to return to Eritrea to join his colleagues i.e. in prison. Many of believed him and pleaded that he did not put his life at risk for the sake of the Eritrean people. Unfortunately, he did not live up to our expectations and he chose to work with selected individuals (especially former tegadelti.) The wave of the masses did not gather pace the way it started and I have many regrets that Mesfin Hagos did not play exemplary role. Sharp individuals such as Dr Tesfay and Ambassador Hibret and other could not work with him, and left, disappointed I surmise. Ambassador Adhanom formally separated from him saying that he was going to repeat old mistakes presumably the shadowy sides of Sahil eara.
          Ato Mesfin’s reputation went down hill not only due his destabilizing role in the opposition camp but when many accused him of the sinister role he played in liquidating innocent Eritreans – he was one of the founding members of the infamous internal party, and some suspected him of being pfdj’s long arm with a purpose to paralyze the opposition camp and to subtly preach DIVISION amongst some sectors of our society.
          I am disappointed that the man we believed to be self-less and full of wisdom, and visionary did not satisfy me as a statesman for the following reasons:
          1. He did not defend his old comrades (G-15) when they have been accused, absurdly, of regionalism and treason. I have yet to see his counter arguments against the ugly divisiveness of pfdj – especially along the lines of awraja and tegadala/gebar and shabia/jebha… I have yet to hear his contribution to challenge and reverse the pfdj propaganda in disseminating regionalism and other excursionist lines.
          2. He has not shown any sense of urgency to address the core issues, giving the impression that he does not mean business or he does not have what it takes to be a leader/statesman. He did not use his contacts back in Eritrea efficiently in a timely fashion to bring about change.
          3. He did not reach out to other opposition groups to create a united front against pfdj. He could have worked with the likes of the late Ahmed Naser (RIP) but inclusiveness does not seem to come to him naturally. If my memory serves me well he was not in favor of National Conference when one was being proposed.
          4.I am almost offended when he failed to issues official statement responding to the accusations leveled against him. Dear deader refer to Tesfay Temnowo, Redee Mahari (Alena, the author of Tilmi Zei Kirdad), et al.
          5. He is in good position to tell us all how the pfdj operatives work but he has chosen to remain almost mute, sadly for us all. I am not being curios, but I believe that information is power and I know that the current pfdj regime is gaining from secrecy and deception. Information is power. If Ato Mesfin speak and expose the secretes of Ato Isaias, the Eritrean people are empowered.
          5. Surprisingly Ato Mesfin Hagos seems to think that he should remain in the leadership for the rest of his life. I am disappointed he is stuck in his past (which many have found to be dubious if not devious)and he cannot respond to the current political exigencies.
          I hope he will experience some kind of change in his heart and tell it all before journey ends. I suggest him play conciliatory and unifying role in the inevitable journey to victory by the Eritrean people. I mean all the citizens not just one faction or sub-faction – wereda awraja…(=political madness).
          May Ahmed Naser rest in peace, and may God grant us reconciliation and peace in harmony. Amen!

          • ሻሎም March 31, 2014

            Dear Selamawi,

            Based on Mr Mesfin’s experience, if you were expecting more of him, I totally understand your position. But bear in mind that a good army commander might not be a good politician.
            As far as I understand it, if there is any wrong doing he committed during the armed struggle, there should be a platform (court or some kind of body) set up for that purpose. You keep repeating that Mr Mesfin has a moral obligation to explain himself for the allegations. But I have never heard of any of the ex-fighters be it ELF or EPLF who did any explanation. Why should we ask only Mr Mesfin to do that?
            As far as I have heard, Mr Mesfin’s diplomatic passport was revoked when he was attempting to go back to Eritrea. That is why he couldn’t join his colleagues in prison. May be it was a calculated decision by Isaias for he was scared it will backfire if he arrested Mr Mesfin for he was very popular in the army. Just my personal analysis. But it seems the two of us have opposing versions of the truth about why Mr Mesfin didn’t go back home.
            By the way, neither you, I or anybody else have the authority to say who participates in the opposition or there after. If we believe in principles it is better for all of us to stick to principles. Let’s be governed by principles like democratic values, justice, fairness, equality, transparency, accountability, responsibility, respect, tolerance…
            No matter who he is any Eritrean, I repeat any Eritrean, should be allowed to take part in the political and social life of the country. Let’s work together for the better change first. Once we achieved that and created a constitutional government with fair and just system, then and only then we can ask for justice. Anybody will have the proper institutions to lay charges against Mr Mesfin or anybody else even the government itself and get justice. Let’s dream for that and work hard to make it a reality. Deal?

    • redae March 31, 2014

      Remember,if he was with G15 Isayaas will never let him go

      • Selamawi March 31, 2014

        Dear Shalom, I am a little bored at discussing Ato Mesfin Hagos this long. We were told he was a hero and I believed it was the case. When he was fresh in the West I was one of those who admired him (because I was told he was a hero). One Eritrean man with skeptical mind asked ‘you say he is a hero, what did he actually do?’ Neither I or my friends could give him an answer. We just accepted what had been said about him by the pfdj mouthpieces.
        Now we understand better the nature of pfdj internal activities and the notorious Halwa Sewra.

        I am puzzled by your response when you asked why we talk about Ato Mesfin Hagos but not others. The answer is simple: because it his his name and his picture that we are provided here. Secondly please remember the other prominent dissenters are locked – I do not know any former minister except him.

        Your other point is that I have no ‘authority to say who participates in the opposition or there after.’ This is not acceptable my friend. The man’s POLITICAL activities do affect me directly and I have full right, if not obligation, to ask him questions and to challenge him. if you want him to be protected altogether, he should recluse himself from political life. Sadly you are speaking on his behalf when he can do so. He is making himself politically irrelevant, by his falling short to speak, educate us, his compatriots, about the ugly practices of the internal activities of pfdj.

        I came across the following from Ato Redee Mahari in Tigrigna: መራሒ ህግደፍ ገበነኛ ኢሳይያስ ዕድመ ስልጣኑ ንምንዋሕ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምብትታን ዘይፈተኖ እከይ ተግባራት ከም ዘየለ ኮ ንፈልጥ ኢና። ሓደ ካብቲ ቀንዲ ጭፍራ ህግደፍ ዝነጥፈሉ ጉዳይ ምብትታን ደምበ ተቓውሞ ኢዩ። እዚ ስራሕ እዚ ከኣ ካብ ምእሳር ጉጅለ 15 ብናህሪ ይሰርሕ ነይሩን ኣሎን። ከምቲ ብተደጋጋሚ ንጽሕፎን ንዛረቦን ዝነበርና፤ ሎሚ እውን ዓው ኢልና እንደግሞ፣ ኣብ ደገ ካብ ዘሎ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብሓፈሻ፡ ደምበ ተቓውሞ ድማ ብፍላይ፣ እቲ ቀንዲ እሙን ሳተላይት ኢሳይያስ፡ መስፍን ሓጎስ ኢዩ።
        መስፍን ከምቲ ስጋ ዓሳ ከይሓረድካዮ ሕሩድ ዝበሃል፡ እሙን ኣገልጋሊ ህግደፍ ምዃኑ ካብታ ዝወጸላ መዓልቲ ኢዩ ተፈሊጡ። መስፍን ብዘይካ ኣብ ዘመነ-ኢሳይያስ ብድሕሪኡ ክነብር ኣይክእልን ኢዩ።

        If you are determined to defend Ato Mesfin Hagos, I will rest my case here have the last word. Good luck in supporting Ato Mesfin Hagos’ silence. Selam

        • ሻሎም April 1, 2014

          Merhaba Selamawi,

          By the way, I am not trying to defend Mr Mesfin. If your remember in my first post, I said he might have committed crimes. What I am trying to do here is direct your focus onto principles as opposed to individuals. If we are dreaming for a fair and just system in Eritrea, we have to be fair and just ourselves. If you are going to judge anybody, it should be based on facts not on allegations. We should question anything that is said and hear. The main thing is let’s not loose focus. Let’s stick to principles. If you are fair you have to be fair to anyone including the criminal. Let’s direct our energy to bring the change we want instead of petty things and name calling. Hope I am making sense. Thanks

  • burthie March 28, 2014

    kla gdefuna shehani foulkum gda aklu itom nay sudan itom nay adis kea tsebsakum aklu men kmotelkum
    no one is silly
    teredadiina knkewen tesfa igeber

  • Dala ksha March 28, 2014

    1. If there is any change coming it will come from inside. it or not if the former tegadelti do not join us we will not go anywhere please pointing fingers to eachother will benefit only to the dictator let us respect eachother.

  • Selamawi March 28, 2014

    I have written earlier but I would like to remind Ato Mesfin Hagos that he is being an obstacle, a liability and not an assess to the opposition – justice loving law abiding citizen’ aspirations and journey towards freedom (see my previous entry on my reasons)

    My message to him is, respectfully: either to change his attitude or change his job. Ato Mesfin Hagos has not caliber, no fire, no will, no plan to lead us to freedom. He could inform us but for some inexplicable reason he has chosen silence = ‘siq meritsna.’ When people are saying what you are reading, you have to explain or leave the stage. It is disrespectful not to do so.

    The general call for Ato Mesfin Hagos can be summarized as: tell us what you know and move on from the old habits which are the very causes of our predicament; please take side with the people, stop divisive and parochial messages (publicly and bwishtewshti.)

    May God give Ato Mesfin Hagos a good hear that connects him with the whole Eritrean people. Amen.

  • Mesinas March 29, 2014

    መጀመርያ ነፍሲ ወከፍና፡ ንነብስና ክንሓታ ዘለና ነገር እዚ ዚስዕብ ኮይኑ ይስማዓኒ፥ እዚ ሰብ’ዚ ካብ ፈለማ ክሳዕ መወዳእታ ናይዚ ንህዝብና ዘጥፍእ ዘሎ ገበል፡ ተመን ከም ዝነበረ ኩላትና ንፈልጦ ሓቂ’ዩ። ምኽንያቱ፡ ካብ ግዜ ሰብዓታት ኣትሒዙ ክሳዕ ሕጂ ሰባት ዝውሕጥ ዘሎ ገበል፡ ምስኡ መርዙ ምንዳፍ ዝጀመረ ተመን ከም ዚኾነ ኩልና እንፈልጦ ሓቂ’ዩ። ካብ ሰብዓታት ክሳዕ 2010 መስፍን ሓጐስ ዘይፈልጦን ዘይመረቖን እከይ ግብሪ ኢሳያስ ኔሩ ኢልካ ክትዛረብ ዝከኣል ኣይመስለንን። እዚ ሰብ’ዚ ኸኣ ልክዕ ከም ጎይታኡ ብህይወት እልፊ ኣእላፍ ደቂ ኤርትራ ዝሕተት ሰብ’ዩ! ሎሚ ምንም ገበን ከምዘይፈጸመ፡ ከም ጲላጦስ ኢዱ ተሓጺቡ ‘ንሓርነት ህዝቢ ይቃለስ ኣለኹ’ ኢሉ ብኸመይ ከታልለና ይኽእል? ንሕና’ኮ ሰባት ኢና፤ እንስሳታት ኣይኮነን። ብውሑዱ ከም ዶ/ር ተወልደ ቫካሮ ንህዝቡ ይቕሬታ ክሓትት ኔሩዎ። ሽዑ ህዝቢ እንታይ ይፈርዶ፡ ንሓፋሽ ምተገድፈ። ሕጂ ግን ዕቡይ ወዲ ዕቡይ፡ ይቕሬታ ከይሓተተ፡ ከም ኣባጊዕ ኣብ መጋባእያ ተዂላ ኢና ንእከብ ዘለና። ርግእ ኢልና ንሕሰብ። የቐንየለይ።

  • Truly Truly i say to you March 29, 2014

    ክቡር ሃዉ መሲናስ፣ ንስካ´ዃ ክንደይ ከይትስህቶ፣ ሃደ ንሕዝቢ ግልጺ ክኸውን ዘለዎ፣ ክቡር ዶክተር ተወልደ ተስፋማርያም ንሕዝቢ´ኮ እቅሬታ ከሃትት ከሎ፣ ከም ካልኦት ብደም ወይ ብካልእ ገበን ዝተጠላቀዩ ገበነኛታት ስልዝኾነ ደይኮነ፣ እንታይ´ድኣ ገበን እናራእኩ ከም ሕዝበይ ሱቕ ብምባለይን፣ ካብግዜ ናብ ግዜ እቲ መንግሥቲ ዝመሃየሽ መሲሉኒ ፣ምስ ወንጀለኛ መንግሥቲ ብምትህብባር ሃገሩ ንከልምእ ብዝወሰዶ ስጉምቲ ነዚ ከም ገበን ቆጸሩ ነፍሱ ብምትሃት ተጸጺቱ እንበር ካልእ ኣበሳ ስለዘለዎ ኣይነበረን። እዚ ድማ መርኣያን መመዘኒን ናይ ሃደ ለባምን ቅኑእን ሰብ እዩ።
    ብዛእባ መስፍን ሃጎስን መሰልቱን እንተኾይኑ ግን፣ ንስኻ ካባይ ሺህ ግዜ ቛንቛን ምስላን ትግርኛ ስለትፈልጥ፣ ነዚ “ጥራጥ ዘለዎ ክዘልል ኣይክእልን እዩ” ዝብል ናይ ኣምሃሩት ምስላን “ገበን ዘለዎ ሰብ ንካልእ ገበነኛ ተቢዑ ከቃልሆ ከምደይክእል ጠፊኡካ ኣይኮነን።” ገበነኛ ሰብ ንሃጥያቱ ከይተናሰኸ ንፍትሒ ክቃለስ እዩ ኢልካ ምእማን፣ “ካብ ተመን እንቛቚሆ፡ ርግቢት ከምጽባይ እዩ።” እዚ ከም ወዲ ቫካሮ ዝገበሮ ኡደትም፣ ኣብመወዳእታ ወዲ ቫካሮ ንገበን ኢሳያስ ኣብ ዓለም ገበነኛታት ቤት ፍርዲ ንከቕርቦ ይሸባሸብ ከምዘሎ ብምስምዑ፣ ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ “ካብ ግዜ ሰብዓታት ኣትሒዙ ክሳዕ ሕጂ ሰባት ዝውሕጥ ዘሎ ገበል፡ ምስኡ መርዙ ምንዳፍ ዝጀመረ ተመን ከም ዚኾነ ኩልና እንፈልጦ ሓቂ’ዩ። ” በዚ ናቱ ጉዳይም ንከይለኣል ተሰናቢዱ እንበር ካልእ ጧቃ ስለዘለዎ ኣይኮነን።
    እቲ ነጻ ዘውጽኦ መንገዲ ብደይምፍላጡ እንበር፣ ነታ ቀሊል መንገድ ካብ ወዲ ቫካሮ ምተማሃረን እቅሬታ ሃቲቱ፣ ንገበናት ኢሳያስ ኣብ ዓለም ቤት ፍርዲ መቅረበ ነሩ። እንተዋሃደ ነቲ ዝፈልጦ ምስክርነት ክቅርብ እንተዝዳልው ሕዝቢ ምኣመኖ ነሩ። ወይ´ከኣ ኣብ ግዜ ናደው እዝ እጃም ዝነበረኒ ጀግና እዬ ዝብለና እንተኾይኑ፣ ከመይ ገሩ´ድኣ ንሃደ ዲያብሎስ ሰብ ዝጠፍኣሉ ወትደራዊ ስትራቴጂ ክህንጽጽ ይጠፍኦ?

  • Mesinas March 29, 2014

    እንጌራ እዝጊ ብላዕ ሓው Truly Truly! ስለ’ቲ ልዑል ንቕሓትካን ርድኢትካን ብልቢ አመስግነካ። ኤርትራውያን ነቲ ሓቂ ከም ዘለዎ ብዘይእንተ ክንኣምኖን ክንቅበሎን ዘይምኽኣልና’ዩ እቲ ጸገም። ሓቂን ሓሶትን ንምፍላይ ከኣ ወድዓውነት እቲ ዘልዓልናዮ ዛዕባ’ዩ ዚውስኖ። ወድዓውነት ገበን መስፍን ሓጐስ ከኣ ከም ጸሓይ ቀትሪ ማእዘሩ ድሙቕ’ዩ።

  • solomon Eritrean March 31, 2014

    whether u believe or not he will lead Eritrea in post Isayas post isayas will be within 2014!!

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